// import cs201j.*; - cut for now because of problem with ITC file locations import java.io.*; public class AverageLength { public static void main (/*@non_null@*/ String args[]) throws RuntimeException { String filename = args[0]; try { FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream (filename); StringTable names = new StringTable (infile); int numnames = names.size (); int totallength = 0; // Calculate the average length of all the names in the file. for (int index = 0; index <= numnames; index++) { String name = names.getNthLowest (index); totallength = totallength + name.length (); } System.out.println ("The average name length is: " + (double) totallength / numnames); // The double cast is necessary to produce a precise (non-integer result) } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println ("Cannot fine file: " + filename); System.exit (1); } } }