import cs201j.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class Phylogeny { public static void main (/*@non_null@*/ String [] args) { // EFFECTS: If args has one element that is the name of a file // containing one or more lines of the form // (where the same species does not appear more than once) // prints out a tree with the first species in the file as the // root such that all other species in the file are in the tree, // and this tree has the lowest possible parsimony score (as // defined in the PS4 handout). // // If there is not exactly one element in the args array, or // the element does not name a correctly formatted file, prints // a warning and exits. // if (args.length != 1) { System.err.println ("Usage: java Phylogeny "); System.exit (1); } SpeciesSet s = new SpeciesSet (); Species root = null; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (args[0])); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (line); if (st.hasMoreTokens ()) { String speciesname = st.nextToken (); if (st.hasMoreTokens ()) { String genome = st.nextToken (); if (root == null) { root = new Species (speciesname, new Genome (genome)); } else { if (s.isIn (speciesname) || root.getName ().equals (speciesname)) { System.err.println ("Duplicate species in file: " + speciesname); System.exit (1); } else { s.insert (new Species (speciesname, new Genome (genome))); } } if (st.hasMoreTokens ()) { System.err.println ("Badly formatted line (extra text after genome): " + line); System.exit (1); } } else { System.err.println ("Badly formatted line (no genome): " + line); System.exit (1); } } else { ; } } if (root == null) { System.err.println ("No root species (empty file)"); System.exit (1); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println ("Cannot open file: " + args[0]); System.exit (1); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println ("Error reading file: " + ioe); System.exit (1); } // System.err.println ("Loaded " + s.size () + " species: " + s); SpeciesTreeSet alltrees = AllTrees.allTreesRoot (s, root); SpeciesTree besttree = null; int bestresult = -1; // System.err.println ("Trying all trees: " + alltrees.size ()); Enumeration treeiter = alltrees.elements (); //@set treeiter.elementType = \type (SpeciesTree) ; //@set treeiter.returnsNull = false ; while (treeiter.hasMoreElements ()) { SpeciesTree btree = (SpeciesTree) treeiter.nextElement (); int pvalue = btree.parsimonyValue (); if (besttree == null) { besttree = btree; bestresult = pvalue; } else if (pvalue < bestresult) { besttree = btree; bestresult = pvalue; } else { // keep the old best tree } } System.out.println ("Best tree: \n" + besttree); System.out.println ("Parsimony value: " + bestresult); } }