University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
CS551: Security and Privacy on the Internet, Fall 2000

Course-Specific Evaulation Survey

Please return this survey before you leave for Winter break. Your comments are much appreciated and will help me improve future classes I teach. This is a quite long and specific survey; answer as much or as little as you want.

You may return the survey anonymously by printing it out and sliding it under my door.

Alternately, you may download the HTML and type in your answers, and send them to me using an anonymous remailer (such as If you use an anonymous remailer, I will be able to respond to you without your identity being revealed. Indicate in your survey if there is anything you want me to respond to.


What was the lamest thing about this course?

What was the most useful thing about this course?

What (if anything) from this course do you expect to use a year from now?

What (if anything) from this course do you expect to remember 10 years from now?

Special Classes

For each of the "special" classes, please indicate whether or not you thought it was worthwhile by checking one of the choices. (Leave blank if you missed that class.)

Paco Hope's guest lecture:
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.

Watching "Sneakers":
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth doing in future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.

Chenxi Wang's guest lecture:
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.

Gary McGraw's guest lecture:
____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth inviting to speak to future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.

____ One of the highlights of my education here.
____ Definitely worth doing in future classes.
____ Okay, but only because I don't want to hear anymore of Dave talking.
____ A waste of time.


During most of the lectures, I am: (check all that apply)
____ Confused most of the time
____ Confused about half of the time
____ Only occasionally confused
____ Hardly ever confused

____ Bored most of the time
____ Bored about half of the time
____ Only occasionally bored
____ Hardly ever bored
____ Never bored (but I'm playing video games on my Palm)
____ Sleeping comfortably

How annoying is it when classes go over the scheduled time?
___ Extremely annoying    ___ Somewhat annoying    ___ Not a problem

Of the regular lectures, indicate which three were the worst (using a -) and which three were the best (using a +):


Was the forced random partner collaboration policy for PS4 a good idea?
____ Yes, do all assignments that way
____ Yes, but only for PS4
____ No, I'd rather pick my parther
____ No, I'd rather work alone

How many problem sets should there be? (assume the total work will stay about the same)
____ 0
____ 3
____ 4
____ 5
____ 7
____ 14 (weekly)

Should the encrypted midterm be handed out?
____ Yes, like it was
____ Yes, but make it more clear what it is
____ No

Should the final be:
____ Take-home
____ In class
____ Oral
____ No final

Any other comments on the assignments?


What is "Computer Science"?

How many cryptographers does it take to change a light bulb?

CS 655 University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science
CS 551: Security and Privacy on the Internet
David Evans