Policy-Directed Code Safety
                       David E. Evans
      S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1994)
      S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1994)
  Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and
                      Computer Science
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
                    Doctor of Philosophy
                           at the
            Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                        February 2000
  (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1999.  All rights
                                                 David Evans
   Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
                                            October 19, 1999
Certified by................................................
                                              John V. Guttag
                                 Professor, Computer Science
                                           Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by.................................................
                                             Arthur C. Smith
       Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students
                 Policy-Directed Code Safety
                       David E. Evans
  Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and
 Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements
           for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Executing code can be dangerous.  This thesis describes a
scheme for protecting the user by constraining the behavior
of an executing program.  We introduce Naccio, a general
architecture for constraining the behavior of program
executions.  Naccio consists of languages for defining
safety policies in a platform-independent way and a system
architecture for enforcing those policies on executions by
transforming programs.  Prototype implementations of Naccio
have been built that enforce policies on JavaVM classes and
Win32 executables.

Naccio addresses two weaknesses of current code safety
systems.  One problem is that current systems cannot enforce
policies with sufficient precision.  For example, a system
such as the Java sandbox cannot enforce a policy that limits
the rate at which data is sent over the network without
denying network use altogether since there are no safety
checks associated with sending data.  The problem is more
fundamental than simply the choices about which safety
checks to provide.  The system designers were hamstrung into
providing only a limited number of checks by a design that
incurs the cost of a safety check regardless of whether it
matters to the policy in effect.  Because Naccio statically
analyzes and compiles a policy, it can support safety checks
associated with any resource manipulation, yet the costs of
a safety check are incurred only when the check is relevant.

Another problem with current code safety systems is that
policies are defined in ad hoc and platform-specific ways.
The author of a safety policy needs to know low-level
details about a particular platform and once a safety policy
has been developed and tested it cannot easily be
transferred to a different platform.  Naccio provides a
platform-independent way of defining safety policies in
terms of abstract resources.  Safety policies are described
by writing code fragments that account for and constrain
resource manipulations.  Resources are described using
abstract objects with operations that correspond to
manipulations of the corresponding system resource.  A
platform interface provides an operational specification of
how system calls affect resources.  This enables safety
policies to be described in a platform-independent way and
isolates most of the complexity of the system.

This thesis motivates and describes the design of Naccio,
demonstrates how a large class of safety policies can be
defined, and evaluates results from our experience with the
prototype implementations.

Thesis Supervisor: John V. Guttag
Title: Professor, Computer Science


John Guttag is that rare advisor who has the ability to
direct you to see the big picture when you are mired details
and to get you to focus when you are distracted by
irrelevancies.  John has been my mentor throughout my
graduate career, and there is no doubt that I wouldn't be
finishing this thesis this millennium without his guidance.

As my readers, John Chapin and Daniel Jackson were helpful
from the early proposal stages until the final revisions.
Both clarified important technical issues, gave me ideas
about how to improve the presentation, and provided copious
comments on drafts of this thesis.

Andrew Twyman designed and implemented Naccio/Win32.  His
experience building Naccio/Win32 helped clarify and develop
many of the ideas in this thesis, and his insights were a
significant contribution to this thesis.

During my time at MIT, I've at the good fortune to work with
many interesting and creative people.  The MIT Laboratory
for Computer Science and the Software Devices and Systems
group provided a pleasant and dynamic research environment.
Much of what I learned as a grad student was through
spontaneous discussions with William Adjie-Winoto, John
Ankcorn, Anna Chefter, Dorothy Curtis, Stephen Garland,
Angelika Leeb, Ulana Legedza, Li-wei Lehman, Victor
Luchangco, Andrew Myers, Anna Pogosyants, Bodhi Priyantha,
Hariharan Rahul, Michael Saginaw, Raymie Stata, Yang Meng
Tan, Van Van, David Wetherall, and Charles Yang.  This work
has also benefited from discussions with Ulfar Erlingsson
and Fred Schneider from Cornell, Raju Pandey from UC Davis,
Dan Wallach from Rice University, Mike Reiter from Lucent
Bell Laboratories, and David Bantz from IBM Research.

Geoff Cohen wrote the JOIE toolkit used as Naccio/JavaVM's
transformation engine and made its source code available to
the research community.  He provided quick answers to all my
questions about using and modifying JOIE.

Finally, I thank my parents for their constant encouragement
and support.  I couldn't ask for two better role models.

                      Table of Contents

1 Introduction                                            9
 1.1 Threats and Countermeasures                        10
 1.2 Background                                         13
 1.3 Design Goals                                       14
   1.3.1 Security                                       16
   1.3.2 Versatility                                    16
   1.3.3 Ease of Use                                    17
   1.3.4 Ease of Implementation                         17
   1.3.5 Efficiency                                     18
 1.4 Contributions                                      18
 1.5 Overview of Thesis                                 19

2 Naccio Architecture                                    21
 2.1 Overview                                           21
 2.2 Policy Compiler                                    23
 2.3 Program Transformer                                24
 2.4 Walkthrough Example                                26

3 Defining Safety Policies                               29
 3.1 Resource Descriptions                              29
   3.1.1 Resource Operations                            30
   3.1.2 Resource Groups                                32
 3.2 Safety Properties                                  33
   3.2.1 Adding State                                   33
   3.2.2 Use Limits                                     34
   3.2.3 Composing Properties                           35
 3.3 Standard Resource Library                          36
 3.4 Policy Expressiveness                              39

4 Describing Platforms                                   41
 4.1 Platform Interfaces                                41
 4.2 Java API Platform Interface                        43
   4.2.1 Platform Interface Level                       43
   4.2.2 File Classes                                   45
   4.2.3 Network Classes                                48
   4.2.4 Extended Safety Policies                       49
 4.3 Win32 Platform Interface                           52
   4.3.1 Platform Interface Level                       53
   4.3.2 Prototype Platform Interface                   54
 4.4 Expressiveness                                     55

5 Compiling Policies                                     57
 5.1 Processing the Resource Use Policy                 57
 5.2 Processing the Platform Interface                  59
 5.3 Generating Resource Implementations                60
   5.3.1 Naccio/JavaVM                                  61
   5.3.2 Naccio/Win32                                   62
 5.4 Generating Platform Interface Wrappers             65
   5.4.1 Naccio/JavaVM                                  65
   5.4.2 Naccio/Win32                                   71
 5.5 Integrated Optimizations                           71
 5.6 Policy Description File                            73

6 Transforming Programs                                  75
 6.1 Replacing System Calls                             75
   6.1.1 Naccio/JavaVM                                  75
   6.1.2 Naccio/Win32                                   77
   6.1.3 Other Platforms                                78
 6.2 Guaranteeing Integrity                             78
   6.2.1 Naccio/JavaVM                                  79
   6.2.2 Naccio/Win32                                   81

7 Related Work                                           85
 7.1 Low-Level Code Safety                              85
 7.2 Language-Based Code Safety Systems                 86
 7.3 Reference Monitors                                 89
   7.3.1 Java Security Manager                          89
   7.3.2 Interposition Systems                          90
   7.3.3 Transformation-based Systems                   93
 7.4 Code Transformation Engines                        94
   7.4.1 Java Transformation Tools                      94
   7.4.2 Win32 Transformation Tools                     95

8 Evaluation                                             97
 8.1 Security                                           97
 8.2 Versatility                                        99
   8.2.1 Theoretical Limitations                       100
   8.2.2 Policy Expressiveness                         100
 8.3 Ease of Use                                       105
 8.4 Ease of Implementation                            106
 8.5 Efficiency                                        108
   8.5.1 Test Policies                                 108
   8.5.2 Policy Compilation                            109
   8.5.3 Application Transformation                    112
   8.5.4 Execution                                     112

9 Future Work                                           121
 9.1 Improving Implementations                         121
   9.1.1 Assurance                                     121
   9.1.2 Complete Implementations                      122
   9.1.3 Performance Improvements                      123
 9.2 Extensions                                        124
 9.3 Deployment                                        126
 9.4 Other Applications                                128

10 Summary and Conclusion                               131
 10.1 Summary                                          131
 10.2 Conclusion                                       132

References                                              133

                       List of Figures

Figure 1.  Naccio Architecture.                          22
Figure 2.  Wrapped system call sequence.                 25
Figure 3.  Interaction diagram for enforcing LimitWrite. 27
Figure 4.  File System Resources.                        31
Figure 5.  NoBashingFiles property.                      34
Figure 6.  LimitBytesWritten Safety Property.            35
Figure 7.  LimitWrite resource use policy.               36
Figure 8.  Network Resources.                            38
Figure 9.  Platform interface wrapper for java.io.File
   class.                                               46
Figure 10.  RFileMap helper class.                       46
Figure 11.  Platform Interface wrapper for
   java.io.FileOutputStream class.                      47
Figure 12.  Platform interface for java.net.Socket.      48
Figure 13.  NCheckedNetworkOutputStream helper class.    49
Figure 14.  Policy that limits network send rate by delaying
   transmissions.                                       50
Figure 15.  Policy that limits bandwidth by splitting up and
   delaying network sends.                              51
Figure 16.  RegulatedSendSocket wrapper modification code.51
Figure 17.  NRegulatedOutputStream helper class (excerpted).
Figure 18.  Naccio/Win32 platform interface wrapper for
   DeleteFileA.                                         54
Figure 19.  Resource class generated by Naccio/JavaVM.   62
Figure 20.  Resource headers file generated by Naccio/Win32.
Figure 21.  Implementation resource.c generated by
   Naccio/Win32 for LimitWrite.                         64
Figure 22.  Pass-through semantics.                      68
Figure 23.  Generated policy-enforcing library class for
   java.io.FileOutputStream.                            70
Figure 24.  Results for jlex benchmark.                 116
Figure 25.  Results for tar execution benchmark.        117
Figure 26.  Results for ftpmirror execution benchmark.  118

                       List of Tables

Table 1.  Policy compilation costs.                     110
Table 2.  Program transformer results.                  112
Table 3.  Micro-benchmark performance.                  114
Table 4.  Benchmark checking.                           115


Chapter 1

Traditional computer security has focused on assuring
confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Confidentiality means hiding information from unauthorized
users; integrity means preventing unauthorized modifications
of data; and availability means preventing an attacker from
making a resource unavailable to legitimate users.  Military
and large commercial systems operators are (or at least
should be) willing to spend large amounts of effort and
money as well as to risk inconveniencing their users in
order to provide satisfactory confidentiality, integrity and
availability assurances.

The security concerns for typical home and non-critical
business users are very different.  In the past, these users
had limited security concerns.  Since they were typically
not connected to a network, their primary concern was
viruses on software distributed on floppy disks.  Although
viruses could be a considerable annoyance, users who stuck
to shrink wrapped software were unlikely to encounter
viruses, and the damage was limited to destroying files (or
occasionally hardware) on a single machine.

Today, nearly all computers are connected to the public
Internet much of the time.  Although the benefits of
connectivity are unquestioned, being on a network introduces
significant new security risks.  The damage a program can do
is no longer limited to damaging local data or hardware --- it
can send personal information through the global Internet,
damaging the operator's reputation or finances.
Furthermore, the likelihood of executing an untrustworthy
program is dramatically increased.  The ease of distributing
code on the Internet means users often have little or no
knowledge about the origin of the code they choose to run.
In addition, it is becoming hard to distinguish the
``programs'' from the ``data'' --- Java applets embedded in web
pages can run unbeknownst to the user; documents can contain
macros that access the file system and network; and email
messages can contain attachments that are arbitrary

The solution in high security environments is to turn off
all mobile code and only run validated programs from trusted
sources.  This can be done by configuring browsers and other
applications to disallow active contents such as Java
applets and macros, or by installing a firewall that
monitors all network traffic and drops packets that may
contain untrustworthy code.  This solution sacrifices the
convenience and utility of the network, and would be
unacceptable in many environments.  Instead, solutions
should allow possibly untrustworthy programs to run, but
allow the user to place precise limits on what they may do.
In such an environment, security mechanisms must be
inexpensive and unobtrusive.  Anecdotal evidence suggests
that any code safety system that places a burden on its
users will be quickly disabled, since its benefits are only
apparent in the extraordinary cases in which a program is
behaving dangerously.

A code safety system provides confidence that a program
execution will not do certain undesirable things.  Although
much progress has been made toward this goal in the last few
years, current systems are still unsatisfactory.  This work
seeks to address two important weaknesses of existing code
safety systems:

1.   They cannot enforce sufficiently precise policies.
     This means either a program is allowed to do harmful things,
     or users are unable to run some useful programs.  For
     example, a system like the Java sandbox cannot enforce a
     policy that limits the number of bytes that may be written
     to the file system without preventing writing completely.
     This is a result of the limited locations where safety
     checking can be done.  The designers were forced to select a
     small number of security-relevant operations that can have
     safety checking since the overhead of a safety check is
     always suffered even if the policy in effect places no
     constraints on the security-relevant operation.

2.   The mechanisms they provide for defining safety
     policies are ad hoc and platform-specific.  Ad hoc policy
     definition mechanisms limit the policies that can be defined
     to the class of policies considered by the system designers.
     It is impossible to anticipate all possible attacks or
     security requirements, so ad hoc policy definition
     mechanisms are inevitably vulnerable to new attacks.  Tying
     policy definition to a particular execution platform means
     that policy authors need to know intimate details about that
     platform, and there is no opportunity to reuse policies on
     different execution platforms.  This is a problem for policy
     authors, but also limits what policies are available to
     users.  Further, it increases the gap between those people
     capable of writing and understanding policies and those who
     must trust a provided definition.

This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to produce a
code safety system that does not suffer from these
weaknesses without sacrificing convenience or efficiency.
We describe Naccio1, an architecture for code safety, and
report on two prototype implementations: Naccio/JavaVM that
enforces policies on JavaVM classes, and Naccio/Win32 that
enforces policies on Win32 executables.  Naccio defines
policies by associating checking code with abstract resource
manipulations.  A Naccio implementation includes an
operational specification of an execution platform in terms
of those abstract resource manipulations.  Naccio enforces
policies by transforming programs to interpose checking code
around security-critical operations.

1.1  Threats and Countermeasures

No security system can prevent all types of threats.  Our
focus is on threats stemming from executing programs.  We
ignore threats that do not result from a legitimate user
running a program including compromised authentications and
physical security breeches.

Different kinds of threats call for different
countermeasures.  Countermeasures for threats related to
program executions come in two basic forms: restrictions on
which programs may run, and constraints on what executions
may do.  Restrictions on which programs may run can be based
on trust and cryptography (only run programs that are
cryptographically signed by someone I trust), or based on
static analysis that proves a program does not have certain
undesired properties (only run programs that a virus
detector checks do not contain instruction sequences
matching known viruses).  Constraints on what executions may
do can be expressed as a policy.2  The policy that should be
enforced on an execution depends on how much trust the user
has in the program and how much knowledge is available about
its expected behavior.  Ideally, all executions would run
with a policy that limits them to exactly the behavior
deemed acceptable for that program.  This is not possible,
however, since users cannot be expected to research and
encode the limits of expected behavior for every program
before running it.  Instead, we should use different
policies as countermeasures to different types of threats.
Threats where code safety is an important countermeasure
include viruses, Trojan horses, faulty programs and user

Viruses are code fragments that propagate themselves
automatically.  The damage they cause ranges from causing a
minor annoyance to destroying hard drives and distributing
confidential information.  Every few weeks a new virus
attack is reported widely in the mainstream media
[NYTimes99a, NYTimes99b, NYTimes99c].

Although early computer viruses spread by attaching
themselves to programs, extensibility features in modern
email programs and web browsers make creating and spreading
viruses much easier.  A recent example is the Melissa Word
macro virus [Pethia99].  It propagates using an infected
Word document contained in an email message.  When a user
opens the infected document, the macro executes
automatically (unless Word macros are disabled).  The macro
then lowers the macro security settings to permit all macros
to run when future documents are opened and propagates
itself by sending infected email messages to addresses found
in the user's Microsoft Outlook address books.  The macro
also infects the standard document template file that is
loaded by default by all Word documents.  If the user opens
another Word document, that document will be mailed along
with the virus to addresses in the user's address books.

The most common virus countermeasures are virus detection
programs such as McAfee VirusScan [McAfee99] and Symantec
Norton AntiVirus [Symantec98].  Nearly every new PC comes
with virus detection software installed.  Most virus
detectors scan files for signatures matching a database of
known viruses.  Commercial products for detecting viruses
recognize tens of thousands of known viruses, and their
vendors employ large staffs to identify new viruses.

The problem with this approach is that it depends on
recognizing a known virus, so it offers no protection
against new viruses.  Because viruses like the Melissa macro
virus can spread remarkably quickly over the Internet, they
can do considerable damage before they are identified and
virus detection databases can be updated.  The damage
inflicted by Melissa was limited to propagating itself and
sending possibly confidential files to known addresses.  A
terrorist motivated to cause as much damage as possible
could fairly easily create a variant of Melissa that
inflicts far more harm.

To detect or prevent damage from previously unidentified
viruses requires an approach that does not depend on
recognizing a known sequence of instructions.  Some
commercial virus detection products include heuristics for
identifying likely viruses based on static properties of the
code or dynamic properties of an execution [Symantec99].
These approaches lead to an arms race between virus creators
and virus detectors, as virus creators go to greater lengths
to make their viruses hard to detect.  Although heuristic
detection techniques show some promise, it is unlikely that
they will ever be able to correctly distinguish all viruses
from legitimate programs.

A different approach is to limit the damage viruses can
cause and their ability to propagate by observing and
constraining program behavior.  For example, the damage done
by macro viruses could be limited by enforcing a policy on
Microsoft Word executions.  We would want to enforce
different policies on Word executions depending on whether
they were started to read a document embedded in an email
message or web page, or started to edit a trusted document.
When Word is used to edit a local document, perhaps a policy
that prohibits any network transmission would be adequate.
For documents from untrustworthy sources, a reasonable
policy would require explicit permission from the user
before Word transmits anything over the Internet, reads
sensitive files, alters the registry, or modifies the
standard document templates.

     Trojan horses
A Trojan horse is an apparently useful program that also
does some things the user considers undesirable.  There have
been many instances where an attacker has distributed a
deliberately malicious program in the guise of a useful one.
For example, someone distributed a version of linux-util
that contained a login program that would allow unauthorized
users to execute arbitrary commands [CERT99b].

In addition, there are programs a user may consider
malicious even if the author did not intend to produce a
malicious attack.  For example, an early version of the
Microsoft Network client would read and transmit the user's
directory structure [Risks95].  While most users would be
unaware that this is occurring, and would not be overtly
damaged by it (other than losing bandwidth that could have
been used for transmitting useful data), many would consider
it a privacy violation.

Countermeasures for Trojan horses are similar to those for
viruses, except that more precise policies may be needed.
Although it would be difficult to monitor the information
sent over the network by the Microsoft Network client, it
would be possible to detect suspicious transmissions and
alert the user.  A more reasonable policy would ignore the
actual transmitted data but place restrictions on which
files, directories and registry entries could be examined,
thereby limiting the information available to the program.

     Faulty programs
Program bugs pose two different kinds of security threats ---
an attacker may deliberately exploit them or they may
accidentally cause harm directly.  The security advisories
recorded by CERT [CERT99a] are rife with examples of buggy
programs leading to exploitable security vulnerabilities.
Of the 71 advisories posted between January 1996 and May
1999, 60 are directly attributable to specific program bugs
(of these, 13 are the direct result of buffer overflows).  A
particularly vulnerable program is sendmail.  Attackers have
exploited various bugs in sendmail to gain root access
[CERT96a, CERT96b], execute programs with group permissions
of another user [CERT96c], and to execute arbitrary commands
with root privileges [CERT97].

Other program bugs cause harm unintentionally.  One
notorious example is the Therac-25, a device for
administering radiation to cancer patients [Leveson93].
Because of software bugs, it would occasionally administer a
lethal dose of radiation and several patients died as a
result.  Although the system software had ad hoc safety
checks, they were obviously not sufficient.3  Because they
were ad hoc, operators and doctors could not examine them
and decide if the device was trustworthy.

The best way to obtain protection from exploitable or
harmful program bugs would be to produce bug-free programs.
Despite progress in software development and validation
techniques, it is inconceivable that this will be
accomplished in the foreseeable future.  Since programs will
inevitably contain bugs, code safety systems should be used
to limit the damage resulting from buggy programs.

As with Trojan horses, the expected behavior of the program
is known so it is reasonable to enforce a precise policy
that limits what it can do.  The difference is that the
software vendor should be an ally in protecting the user
from bugs, unlike a malicious attack.  Security-conscious
software vendors could include policies with their software
distributions or even distribute their software with an
integrated safety policy enforced.  Reputable vendors should
be motivated to protect their users from damaging bugs and
might be expected to devote some effort towards producing a
suitable policy.  By separating the policy enforcement
mechanisms from the application, they can have more
confidence that the policy is enforced correctly.  In
addition, publishing an application's safety policy in a
standard, easily understood format would give potential
customers a chance to decide if the application is

     User mistakes
Perhaps the most common way programs cause harm is
unintentional mistakes by users.  Because of poor interfaces
or ignorance, users may inadvertently destroy valuable data
or unknowingly transmit private information.  One example is
when an unsuspecting user issues the command tar cf * to
create a new directory archive.  This command will replace
the contents of the first file in the directory with an
archive of all other files, destroying whatever happened to
be the first file.  Although the program is behaving
correctly according to its documentation, this is probably
not the behavior the user indented.  A well-designed
interface lessens the risk of harmful user mistakes, but
combining this with a user-selected and independently
enforced policy is a more robust solution.

1.2  Background

Researchers have been working on limiting what programs can
do since the early days of computing.  Early work on
computer security focused on multi-user operating systems
built around a privileged kernel.  The kernel is the only
part of the system that manipulates resources directly.
User programs must call functions in the operating system
kernel to manipulate resources.  The operating system limits
what user programs can do to system resources by exposing a
narrow interface and putting checks in the system calls to
disallow unsafe resource use.  Each application process runs
in a separate address space, enforced by hardware support
for virtual memory.  A process cannot see or modify memory
used by another process since it is not part of its virtual
address space.

The problem with using separate processes to protect memory
is that the cost of creating and maintaining a process is
high, as is the cost of communicating and sharing data
between processes.  Switching between different processes
involves a context switch, which is usually expensive.
Several systems have attempted to provide the isolation
offered by separate processes within a single process by
using software mechanisms.  We use low-level code safety to
refer to security designed to isolate programs and require
that all resource manipulations go through well-defined
interfaces.  It includes the control flow safety, memory
safety, and stack safety needed to prevent programs from
accessing arbitrary memory segments [Kozen98].  There are
several ways to provide low-level code safety.  Approaches
such as the Java byte code verifier and proof-carrying code
techniques statically verify that the necessary properties
are satisfied.  Software fault isolation provides the
necessary guarantees by inserting masking or checking
instructions to limit the targets of jumps and memory
instructions.  Section 7.1 describes work in low-level code

Although Naccio depends on low-level code safety for the
integrity of its policy enforcement mechanisms, the focus of
this thesis is on policy-directed code safety.  Policy-
directed code safety seeks to enforce different policies on
different executions.  This can be done either by statically
verifying the desired properties always hold, or by
enforcing properties using run-time checking.  Since it is
infeasible to verify most interesting properties on
arbitrary programs, most work has focused on run-time

Most run-time constraint mechanisms, including Naccio, can
be viewed as reference monitors [Lampson71, Anderson72].  A
reference monitor is a system component that enforces
constraints on access and manipulation of a resource.  It
should be invoked whenever the monitored resource
manipulation occurs, and it should be protected from program
code in a way that prevents bypassing or tampering.
Reference monitor systems differ in how the monitors are
invoked.  They could be called explicitly by the operating
system kernel, called by a separate watchdog process, or
integrated directly into program code.  Naccio integrates
reference monitors directly into code, but takes advantage
of system library interfaces to limit the code that must be

Reference monitors also differ in how checking code is
defined.  Some possibilities include access matrices, finite
automata, or general code.  In a reference monitor security
system, policies are limited by where reference monitor
calls can be placed and what system state they may observe.
There is usually a tradeoff between supporting a large class
of policies and the performance and complexity of the
system.  Naccio security is based on reference monitors that
can be flexibly introduced into programs at different
points.  This allows for a large class of policies to be
enforced, but avoids the overhead necessary to support many
reference monitors when a simple policy is enforced.

One example of a reference monitor is the SecurityManager
used for high-level code safety in the Java virtual machine.
API functions limit what programs can do by using the
SecurityManager class.  It acts as a reference monitor,
enforcing a particular security policy by controlling access
to system calls.  The Java approach limits the policies that
can be enforced since the only places reference monitors can
be invoked are those defined as check methods in the
SecurityManager.  Developers can write a SecurityManager
subclass that performs the desired checking for the given
check methods, but cannot change the places where the API
routines call check methods.   For instance, the constructor
for FileOutputStream calls the SecurityManager.checkWrite
method before opening a file, but the write method that
writes bytes to an open file does not check any
SecurityManager method.  Hence, one can implement an
arbitrary security policy on what files may be written by
writing code for the checkWrite method, but can place no
constraints on the amount of data that may be written to a
file once it has been opened.  Other reference monitor
systems are described in Section 7.3.

1.3  Design Goals

Naccio is intended to be a code safety system suitable for
users in low and medium security environments.  Although its
mechanisms should be reliable enough for use in a high
security environment, users in high-security environments
should avoid untrustworthy code and rely on redundant
mechanisms to avoid disasters.  Further, high security users
are willing to accept more obtrusive code safety mechanisms
than would be acceptable in a less security-critical
environment.  Naccio could be useful as one of the pieces in
a security system for a high-security environment, but would
not be sufficient on its own.

We consider a low security user to be someone who is
unsophisticated in security matters and who uses the
Internet for web browsing and email.  Low security users
occasionally conduct transactions using the Internet and
send and receive business-related email, but are not using
their computer as a critical part of a business.  The vast
majority of current Internet users fit into this category.
Medium security users are somewhat more sophisticated
regarding security and have more to lose if there is a
security breach.  This category includes people running
servers for small businesses and those with a substantial
stake in their on-line reputation.

Some contexts where Naccio should be useful include:

-o-     Executing remote code such as Java applets or ActiveX
	controls in a web browser.  Typical low-security users allow
	their browser to run ActiveX controls with no constraints
	and Java applets with default constraints on what files may
	be read and written and what network connections may be
	made.  This is reasonably acceptable today, since the damage
	an attacker could inflict on a typical user is low.  This is
	changing though, and will continue to worsen as even typical
	users increasingly have a substantial stake in their on-line
	identity and store financial and personal information on
	their computer.  Most medium-security users today configure
	their browser to disable ActiveX controls and either disable
	Java applets or allow them to run but worry that existing
	security measures are inadequate.  While disabling remote
	code addresses the security issues, it sacrifices some of
	the richness of the web.  More precise policies that can
	constrain a greater range of behavior should allow medium-
	security users to comfortably run remote code with
	assurances that it will not exhibit harmful behavior.

-o-     Executing code in mail attachments.  Most modern email
	programs support attachments that may be data files
	containing executable code (such as a Microsoft Word
	document) or a plain executable file.  Two well-publicized
	recent attacks propagated using email attachments --- the
	Melissa macro virus [Pethia99] propagates using a Word
	document attached to an email message and the
	Worm.ExploreZip virus [Cnet99a] propagates by attaching an
	executable file to an email message.  Until these scares
	were widely publicized, typical low-security users would run
	mail attachments without reservations.  Today, most are at
	least aware of the risks and will be reluctant to run
	attachments in messages coming from untrusted sources.
	Since the viruses mentioned above appear to be sent by
	people the user knows, however, this is not sufficient
	protection.  A code safety system could solve the problem by
	allowing attachments to run, but enforce a policy that
	places constraints on their behavior.

-o-     Uploadable code.  Consider an auction site operator who
	wants to support programs submitted by clients that can
	access the server database, do some computation, place bids
	on behalf of its owner, and send messages to its owner.  The
	site operator needs to limit the behavior of the client
	program including what files it can access and what network
	connections it may open, as well as place bounds on the
	server resources it may consume such as network bandwidth
	and database connections.  Support for uploadable code is
	one of the largely unsatisfied promises of the web.  The
	security concerns of site operators is part of the reason so
	few sites support uploadable code.

-o-	Stand-alone applications.  Today a user installing a
	stand-alone application (usually distributed on CD-ROMs or
	as Internet download) either chooses to trust the
	application completely or chooses not to install the
	application.  Security conscious users decide whether an
	application is trustworthy enough to be installed and
	executed based on the reputation of its provider.  Large
	companies are more likely to be trustworthy than individuals
	or small companies.  Today, most applications are shipped in
	forms (e.g., Windows executables) that are not supported by
	most code safety systems.  Efforts to convince program
	vendors to ship programs in a form that is more amenable to
	current code safety systems (e.g., source code or Java byte
	codes) are unlikely to be successful.  Instead, we need code
	safety systems that can efficiently and conveniently enforce
	policies on applications as they are commonly distributed.

-o-     Constraining security-critical programs.  A system
	administrator installing security-critical programs such as
	a remote login shell, an ftp server, a mail server, or a web
	server should be able to enforce specific constraints on
	their behavior.  Although many of these programs do provide
	security configuration options (for example, a web server
	can be configured to allow access only to certain types of
	files), it would be useful to have an independent system
	that enforces these constraints as well as additional
	constraints.  Using a separate code safety tool would have
	the advantage that the system administrator can use the same
	system to configure security constraints on different
	programs and to configure global constraints that apply to
	all programs.  In addition, a code safety system independent
	of an application is not vulnerable to application bugs.
	There may be bugs in the code safety system, but if it is
	simple and extensively used, it is likely to have fewer
	security vulnerabilities than an application-specific

In order to be useful in these contexts, Naccio
implementations should securely enforce safety policies, and
should be versatile enough to support a wide range of
precise policies encompassing useful constraints on program
behavior.  Those policies should be defined in a way that
makes them easy to define, understand and modify.  It should
be possible to produce Naccio implementations with a
reasonable amount of effort.  Finally, Naccio must be
efficient enough so that even users without critical
security needs will be willing to use it.  These goals are
often conflicting.  Naccio seeks to expand the scope and
precision of policies that can be enforced, as well as
improve the policy-definition mechanisms, without
substantially compromising security or efficiency and

1.3.1     Security

Security is an essential property of any code safety system.
A secure code safety system correctly enforces the selected
policy, even in the presence of motivated and knowledgeable
attackers.  Every system has vulnerabilities, but security
systems should strive to eliminate known vulnerabilities and
reduce the likelihood that attackers can find and exploit
unknown vulnerabilities.

While proving a system is secure is generally infeasible for
any non-trivial system, there are design approaches that are
more likely to lead to secure systems.  A simple design is
more likely to be secure than a complex one, since flaws in
a simple design are more likely to be detected and
corrected.  Further, it is more likely that a simple design
can be implemented correctly than a complex design.  A
corollary to the simplicity goal is to have a small trusted
computing base.  If the security-critical part of the system
can be isolated and kept small, it may be possible to verify
its correctness or at least to carefully review the code.

1.3.2     Versatility

To be useful, a code safety system must be able to enforce
useful policies.  The ideal policy would prevent every
behavior the user considers harmful but never issue a
violation for behavior the user considers desirable.  No
such universal policy exists since it is impossible to
perfectly distinguish harmful and desirable behavior.
Indeed, behavior that is desirable for one program (such as
rm deleting a file) would be considered harmful for other

Supporting a wide range of policies means that policies can
be defined to constrain many different program behaviors.
For example, a system that does not provide any way to
constrain thread creation cannot prevent denial-of-service
attacks that create a huge number of threads.4  A system
that allows constraints on what files may be opened for
reading or writing, but does not support any way of
constraining what may be done with those files after they
are opened must either prohibit writing entirely or allow
attacks that fill up the local disk.

The other aspect of policy precision is the generality of
the policy definition mechanisms.  Some systems support
policy checking based on setting a fixed set of parameters
such as a list of readable and writeable files or an upper
bound on network usage.  This excludes a wide class of
useful policies where the constraints are more dynamic or
depend on other factors.  For example, a useful policy might
constrain what files may be written based on the command
line or the history of user interactions; another policy
might make the network usage bound a function of the number
of keystrokes pressed by the user.

A completely general system would support policy checking
using a universal programming language and with access to
the entire state and history of the program execution.  Such
generality leads to complication in both policy definition
and enforcement, and is probably not necessary for most
practical policies.  Instead, successful systems will make
compromises based on providing sufficient generality to
define most useful policies but enough limitations to make
efficient and reliable enforcement feasible.

1.3.3     Ease of Use

A code safety system is useful only if it can enforce
policies that place useful constraints on program behavior.
In addition, there must be a way to define those policies.
If it is too difficult or cumbersome to define policies,
only predefined policies will be available to typical users.
Only the most sophisticated experts will be able to create
new policies, and obtaining a customized policy will be an
expensive and time-consuming proposition.

Defining a policy requires good understanding of security
requirements, but should not require extensive understanding
of the execution platform.  A policy definition mechanism
that defines policies in terms of system calls on a
particular platform can only be used by an elite group of
platform experts.  It is easy for even experts to forget
about obscure system calls that can be used to manipulate
resources leading to exploitable vulnerabilities.  Naccio
seeks to simplify policy definition by expressing policies
in terms of manipulations of abstract resources that are not
tied to a particular platform implementation, but correspond
to things users understand like files and network

1.3.4     Ease of Implementation

Since we hope that many implementations of Naccio will be
developed, it is important that a Naccio implementation for
a new platform can be produced with a reasonable amount of
effort.  Although some work will inevitably be required to
support a new platform, Naccio's design should maximize
reusability across platforms.  It should also be clear what
needs to be done to produce a Naccio implementation for a
new platform, once the relevant properties of that platform
are understood.

1.3.5     Efficiency

The normal behavior of a code safety system is to do nothing
noticeable to the user.  A code safety system should be
apparent only in the unusual situation where a program is
about to violate the policy.  This means the time and effort
required to prepare a program to run with a selected policy
enforced should be minimal.  Most users will not even select
the policy themselves, but rely on predefined policy
settings established by their operating system or system

A code safety mechanism should also be transparent when a
program runs, unless the policy is violated.  It should not
unduly affect the performance of the execution.  The costs
of enforcing a policy should be directly related to the
complexity and ubiquity of the policy.  It is reasonable
that there be a significant overhead associated with
enforcing a policy that monitors every byte written to
files, but unreasonable for there to be any noticeable
overhead for a policy that limits what directories can be
read.  Typical access control policies should be enforced
with negligible overhead.

1.4  Contributions

This thesis presents a novel solution to the problem of
constraining the behavior of program executions.  We focus
on addressing the limited class of policies supported by
traditional code safety systems and the inadequate
mechanisms they provide for defining policies.

Several other recent research projects have also attempted
to expand the class of policies that a code safety system
can enforce, most notably Ariel [Pandey98] and SASI
[Erlingsson99].  Like Naccio, Ariel and SASI enforce
policies by transforming programs.  Naccio, Ariel and SASI
can all enforce similar classes of policies.  The key
differences between Naccio and these and other projects are:

  -o-   Naccio is the first code safety system that defines
	safety policies in terms of abstract resource manipulations.
	This makes safety policies easier to write and understand,
	and means the same policy can be enforced on different

  -o-   Naccio is the first code safety system to use a two-
	stage process where policy compilation is separate from
	program transformation.  This allows time-consuming
	optimizations that improve execution performance to be
	performed at policy compilation time, while allowing a
	policy to be enforced on an execution of a new program with
	low overhead.

Section 7.3 describes Ariel and SASI in more detail and
clarifies the subtle differences in the classes of policies
they can define.

Much was learned by building two Naccio prototype
implementations and using them to define policies and
enforce them on executions.  Some specific contributions
resulting from this experience include:
  -o-   We showed that it is possible to obtain the benefits of
	a large class of enforceable policies without sacrificing
	run-time performance when simple policies are enforced.
  -o-   We devised a specialization of dead code elimination
	that can be used to eliminate unnecessary checking code in
	code safety systems.  This helps achieve our goal of only
	paying overhead for security checking when useful checking
	is being done.
  -o-   We gained an understanding of the tradeoffs involved in
	enforcing policies at different levels (for example, at the
	level of system calls or the level of machine instructions).
	The Naccio architecture provides a clear framework for
	understanding what is lost or gained by selecting a
	particular level where policies are enforced.
  -o-   We clarified what properties must be guaranteed to
	ensure the integrity of wrapper-based checking mechanisms
	and designed mechanisms that provide these guarantees on the
	JavaVM and Win32 platforms.
  -o-   We introduced language features for creating groups of
	related resource operations.  These groups can be used to
	define safety policies more easily and robustly.
  -o-   We introduced new mechanisms for combining safety
	properties based on intersection and weakening.  These
	mechanisms are sufficiently powerful to enable easy
	expression of a wide class of policies, but simple enough to
	be readily understood and efficiently implemented.
  -o-   We developed a framework that can be reused to produce
	Naccio implementations for additional platforms with reduced

Although the policy enforcement architecture is designed
with the policy definition mechanisms in mind, they are
separable.  It would be reasonable to use different
enforcement mechanisms to enforce policies defined using
Naccio's definition mechanisms.  Conversely, Naccio's
enforcement architecture could be used to enforce policies
defined in some other way.

1.5  Overview of Thesis

Chapter 2 introduces the Naccio architecture, describes its
components and presents an example that shows how a policy
is defined, compiled and enforced on a program execution.
Chapter 3 describes how safety policies are defined.
Chapter 4 describes how a platform is described in terms of
its resource manipulations and how the platform interface
can be altered to expand the class of policies that can be

The next two chapters describe issues relating to enforcing
policies in general as well as implementation issues
involved in the two prototype implementations.  Chapter 5
discusses what is done to compile a policy irrespective of
the target application.  Chapter 6 explains what is done to
enforce a policy on a particular program execution.

Chapter 7 describes related work in code safety and program
transformation.  Chapter 8 evaluates Naccio's potential and
examines vulnerabilities in the architecture generally, and
in the prototype implementations specifically.  Chapter 9
suggests future work and Chapter 10 summarizes the thesis
and draws conclusions.
               This Software is not designed or intended for
                     use in on-line control of aircraft, air
                    traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft
                           communications; or in the design,
               construction, operation or maintenance of any
                 nuclear facility. Licensee warrants that it
               will not use or redistribute the Software for
                                              such purposes.
                           Sun JDK Noncommercial Use License

Chapter 2
Naccio Architecture5

Naccio is a system architecture for defining safety policies
and enforcing those policies on executions.  Conceptually,
Naccio takes a program and a description of a safety policy,
and produces a new program that behaves like the original
program except that it is constrained by the safety policy.
The Naccio architecture includes platform-independent
languages for describing resources, general languages for
specifying a safety policy in terms of constraints on those
resources, and a family of platform-dependent languages for
describing system calls in terms of how they manipulate
resources.  It also provides a framework for implementing
policy enforcement mechanisms by transforming programs.
This chapter provides an overview of the architecture.
Chapters 3 and 4 describe how safety policies are defined.
Chapters 5 and 6 describe issues involved in implementing
the architecture and relate experience from building the two
prototype implementations.

2.1  Overview

Suppose we wish to enforce a policy that limits the total
number of bytes an execution may write to files.  An
implementation will need to maintain a state variable that
keeps track of the total number of bytes written so far.
Before every operation that writes to a file, we need to
check that the limit will not be exceeded.  One way to
enforce such a property would be to rewrite the system
libraries to maintain the necessary state and do the
required checking.  This would require access to the source
code of the system libraries, and we would need to rewrite
them each time we wanted to enforce a different policy.  If
the operating system were upgraded, the policy would need to
be rewritten.

Instead, we could write wrapper functions that perform the
necessary checks and then call the original system
functions.  To enforce the policy, we would modify target
programs to call the wrapper functions instead of the
protected system calls.  Though wrappers are a reasonable
implementation technique, they are not an appropriate way to
describe safety policies since creating or understanding
them requires intimate knowledge of the underlying system.
To implement a policy that places a limit on the total
number of bytes that may be written to files, one would need
to identify and understand every system call that may write
to a file.  For even a supposedly simple platform like the
Java API, this involves dozens of different routines.
Changing the policy would require editing the wrappers, and
there would be no way to use the same policy on other

Naccio's solution is to express safety policies at a more
abstract level and to provide a tool that compiles these
policies into the wrappers needed to enforce a policy on a
particular platform.  Safety policies are defined by
associating checking code with abstract resource
manipulations.  A platform is characterized by how its
system calls manipulate resources.

Figure 1 shows the Naccio system architecture.  It is
divided into a policy compiler and a program transformer.
The policy compiler is run once per policy-platform pair.
The policy compiler takes a definition of a resource use
policy and a platform interface that describe an execution
platform and produces a policy-enforcing platform library
and a policy description file that encodes the
transformations the program transformed must do to produce a
program altered to enforce the policy.  Since policy
compilation is a relatively infrequent task, we trade off
execution time of the policy compiler to make program
transformation fast and to reduce the run-time overhead
associated with safety checks.  Once a policy has been
compiled, the resulting policy-enforcing platform library
and policy description file can be reused for each
application on which we want to enforce the policy.  Section
2.2 discusses the inputs and outputs of the policy compiler,
and Chapter 5 provides details on how the policy compiler

The program transformer is run for each application-policy
pair.  It reads the policy description file produced by the
policy compiler to determine what transformations need to be
done to enforce the policy on an execution, and rewrites the
program accordingly.  The transformations typically include
replacing calls to a platform library with calls to a policy-
enforcing platform library produced by the policy compiler.
In addition, the program transformer must ensure the
necessary low-level code safety properties to prevent
malicious programs from being able to tamper with the safety
checking.  Once the transformed program has been produced,
it can be run normally and the policy will be enforced on
the resulting execution.  Section 2.3 discusses what the
program transformer must do to enforce a policy, and Chapter
6 provides details on how this is done.

	< Figure not available in plain text. >
               Figure 1.  Naccio Architecture.
       The left side of the figure depicts what a
       policy author does to generate a new policy.
       The right side shows what happens the first
       time a user elects to execute a given program
       enforcing that policy.  The program
       transformer is run with an argument that
       identifies the policy description file to use.

An implementation of Naccio is characterized by the kind of
program it transforms; the format and content of the
platform libraries it uses; and the level of its platform
interface, which determines the level at which it must
transform the platform libraries and programs.  We have
built two Naccio prototype implementations: Naccio/JavaVM
that enforces safety policies on JavaVM classes and
Naccio/Win32 that enforces safety policies on Win32
executables.  Although the design is intended to be general
enough to apply to most modern platforms, the details and
results in this thesis are derived from experience with
these prototype implementations.

2.2  Policy Compiler

The policy compiler takes files describing a safety policy
and an execution platform, and produces what is needed to
enforce the policy.  The input files consist of resource
descriptions that provide a way to refer to resource
manipulations abstractly; a platform interface that
describes a particular execution platform in terms of those
resource descriptions; a platform library, the unaltered
code provided by the platform implementation (for example
the Java API classes or Win32 system DLLs), and a resource
use policy that specifies the constraints on program
behavior to be enforced.  For most policies, the resource
descriptions and platform interface are treated as a fixed
part of the implementation and the policy author writes a
resource use policy.

A resource description defines a resource object and a list
of resource operations that identify different ways of
manipulating that resource object.  For example, a resource
description for a file system has a resource operation
corresponding to writing bytes to a file.  A resource use
policy defines a safety policy by attaching checking code to
these resource operations.  Safety policies can be written
and understood by looking solely at the resource
descriptions and resource use policy.  Naccio defines a
standard set of resources that must be provided by any
Naccio implementation.  Policies defined in terms of those
resources are portable and can be enforced without any extra
effort on any platform for which a Naccio implementation is
available.  Policies defined in terms of the standard
resources are known as standard safety polices.  A challenge
in designing Naccio is to choose a set of standard resource
descriptions that can be used to define most typical safety
policies, but that correspond precisely to the way actual
resources are manipulated on different platforms.  Chapter 3
describes how safety policies are defined, summarizes the
contents of the standard resource library, and discusses the
range of policies that may be expressed as standard safety

A platform interface provides an operation specification of
an execution platform in terms of a set of resource
descriptions.  The platform interface is a collection of
wrappers that map concrete operations in a particular
platform to the abstract resource manipulations described by
the resource descriptions.  The platform interface hides
platform details from a policy author who need only look at
the resource descriptions.  A platform interface may be
defined at different levels ranging from hardware traps to
machine instructions to the system API to an application-
specific library.  For the most part, we focus on platform
interfaces at the level of the system API since it is
usually a well-defined interface and it provides a
convenient place to interpose checking code.  Platform
interfaces at lower levels would be necessary to support
policies that involve resource manipulations that are not
visible through API calls.  Platform interfaces at higher
levels may be useful if we wish to support policies that
apply to library or application level resources.  If a
policy author wishes to express a policy that cannot be
defined in terms of the available resource descriptions, new
resource operations can be defined by altering the platform
interface.  Chapter 4 describes the platform interface, and
illustrates how the platform interface can be altered to
define safety policies that cannot be expressed using the
standard resource descriptions.

The policy compiler analyzes the resource use policy,
resource descriptions and platform interface and produces a
policy-enforcing platform library.  If the platform
interface is at the level of a system API, the policy
compiler may also read and analyze the platform library
object code, such as the Win32 API DLLs or the Java API
classes.  This is used to produce a new version of the
platform library that includes checking code necessary to
enforce the policy but otherwise behaves identically to the
original platform library.

The policy-enforcing platform library makes calls to
resource implementations, routines that correspond to the
resource operations.  The resource implementations do
checking as directed by the resource use policy.  The
resource use policy defines checking code associated with
resource operations.  The policy compiler translates the
code from the resource use policy and turns these resource
operations into routines that can be called by the policy-
enforcing platform library.  Much of the work of the policy
compiler is platform-independent.  It parses the resource
descriptions and resource use policy into intermediate
languages and weaves the checking code into the appropriate
resource operations.  The resource operations are then
implemented using a platform-specific back end that
translates the intermediate language into executable code
that performs the necessary checking.

The platform interface specifies how system calls need to be
wrapped to call the appropriate resource operations.  If run-
time performance were not a concern, Naccio could generate
the platform interface wrappers once and switch which
resource implementations are used to enforce different
policies.  However, this would mean the overhead of going
through a wrapper for a system call that manipulates
constrainable resources would always be required regardless
of whether or not the policy in effect constrains those
resource manipulations.  Instead, the policy compiler
generates a new wrapped platform library for every policy.
This means wrappers need only be generated for system calls
that manipulate constrained resources.  Generating a policy-
specific version of the platform interface wrappers also
allows for other optimizations to be performed, as described
in Section 5.5.

The other output of the policy compiler is a policy
description file that contains a compact representation of
the transformations the program transformer must carry out
to enforce the policy.  The policy description file
identifies the location of the policy-enforcing platform
library so the application transformer can make the
necessary changes.  In addition, it may include rules to
rename routines to call wrappers in place of system calls.
This may be necessary in certain cases (such as wrapping
native methods in Java) where the policy compiler cannot
replace the routine in the policy-enforcing library.  Other
rules list resource operations that must be called at the
beginning of execution (initializers) and resource
operations must be called immediately before execution
completes (terminators).

2.3  Program Transformer

The program transformer is run when a user elects to enforce
a particular policy on an application for the first time.
In a typical deployment, a web browser or application
installer would run it transparently before a new program is
executed based on a user's security settings. The program
transformer reads a policy description file and a target
program and performs the directed transformations to produce
a version of the program that is guaranteed to satisfy the
safety policy.  For each program and selected policy, we
need to run the program transformer once.  Afterwards, the
resulting program can be executed normally.  The type of
program transformed depends on the particular Naccio
implementation.  It could be source code or object code,
although implementations of Naccio that support object code
are more likely to be useful since many vendors are
unwilling to ship source code.  The prototype
implementations handle programs that are JavaVM classes and
Win32 executables.

The program transformer makes two main changes to the
program: it replaces the standard platform library with the
policy-enforcing platform library produced by the policy
compiler, and it modifies the program to ensure that the
resulting program satisfies the low-level code safety
properties necessary to prevent malicious programs from
circumventing or altering the policy checking mechanisms.
Both changes are platform-dependent, and as a result not
much of the program transformer can be reused across
different Naccio implementations.  In addition, if the
policy requires calls to initializers or terminators, the
program transformer inserts these calls.

Switching the library is usually fairly simple on most
modern platforms in which the platform library is linked
dynamically.  For Naccio/JavaVM it involves changing the
CLASSPATH or replacing class names; for Naccio/Win32 it
involves replacing file names in the import table.
Guaranteeing the integrity of policy checks is more
complicated.  Naccio implementations must prevent programs
from writing to storage or code used in safety checking or
manipulating resources without going through the policy-
enforcing platform library.  Useful techniques for doing
this include statically verifying that the necessary
properties hold, performing low-level transformations on the
application code to guarantee the necessary properties, and
using platform interface wrappers so that the necessary
properties are enforced by all policies.  Section 6.2
discusses what must be protected and how this is done in
Naccio implementations.

Figure 2 shows a sample wrapped system call sequence in a
transformed program.  Instead of calling the system call in
the platform library directly, the transformed program calls
the wrapped version of the system call in the policy-
enforcing platform library that was produced by the policy
compiler.  This routine calls resource operations as
directed by the platform interface.  It may also need to do
some bookkeeping to determine the correct arguments to pass
to the resource operations.  For the example, the wrapper
for WriteFile must convert the file handle into an abstract
resource object that identifies the corresponding file.  The
resource operations implement the checking specified by the
resource use policy.  If the policy would be violated by the
system call, the resource implementation calls a Naccio
library routine that reports the policy violation and gives
the user the option to terminate or alter the execution.  If
not, the original system call in the platform library is 
called and the execution continues normally.  Additional 
resource operations may be called after the system call returns.  
Depending on the Naccio implementation, the wrapper code may 
be embedded directly in the policy-enforcing platform library or 
kept as a separate library.

	  < Figure not available in plain text. >

          Figure 2.  Wrapped system call sequence.

2.4  Walkthrough Example

This section walks through all the steps necessary to define
and enforce a policy.  It is not intended to be
comprehensive, but to give the reader an idea of how all the
pieces fit together.  Chapters 3 through 6 describe each
step in more detail.  For this example, we consider using
Naccio/JavaVM to enforce the LimitBytesWritten policy, which
sets a limit of one million on the number of bytes that may
be written to the file system on an execution of an
application comprised of a set of Java class files.  These
steps would be substantially similar for Naccio/Win32 and
implementations of Naccio for other platforms, but for
simplicity this example is limited to Naccio/JavaVM.

This policy is expressed formally using Naccio's policy
definition languages.  We maintain a state variable that
keeps track of the number of bytes written to the file
system.  We do this by declaring a new field named
bytes_written that is associated with the RFileSystem
resource object that represents the file system.  This
resource object is global over an execution, so the value of
RFileSystem.bytes_written is maintained across the
execution.  This value needs to be incremented every time
bytes are written to the file systems.  The
RFileSystem.postWrite resource operation corresponds to the
point immediately after bytes were written to the file
system, and we can maintain the value by attaching code that
increments bytes_written to this resource operation.  The
bytes_written field declaration and updating code are
encapsulated in a state block that can be reused by other
safety policies.

To enforce the limit, we need to check that the limit will
not be exceeded before allowing a write to proceed.  We do
this by attaching checking code to the RFileSystem.preWrite
resource operation that corresponds to the point immediately
before bytes will be written to the file system.  This
checking code compares the sum of the number of bytes
already written (as recorded in the
RFileSystem.bytes_written state variable) and the number of
bytes about to be written to the limit enforced by the
policy.  If the limit would be exceeded, it issues a
violation and gives the user an opportunity to terminate the
execution.  The code used to define this policy is shown in
Figure 6 in Section 3.2.

The policy must be compiled before it can be enforced on an
application execution.  To compile a policy, we need an
operation specification of the execution platform known as a
platform interface.  The platform interface describes
concrete events in terms of the abstract resource
descriptions used to define the policy.  Naccio/JavaVM uses
a platform interface at the level of the Java API (the java.
classes).  The Java API platform interface describes each
method in the Java API by calling resource operations at the
execution points defined by the resource descriptions.  For
example, the description of the RFileSystem.preWrite
operation documents that it should be called before every
write to the file system with a parameter that gives an
upper bound on the number of bytes about to be written.  The
platform interface wrapper for the
java.io.FileOutputStream.write(byte[]) method indicates that
RFileSystem.preWrite should be called before the write
method is called, and RFileSystem.postWrite should be called
after the write method returns.  The policy compiler
produces a new version of the java.io.FileOutputStream class
that replaces the write method with a wrapper that calls the
resource operations as described by the platform interface
around the original method.  The Naccio/JavaVM platform
interface wrapper for the java.io.FileOutputStream class is
shown in Figure 11 and discussed in Section 4.2.

The policy compiler also generates implementations
corresponding to the abstract resource operations that are
called by the generated wrapper classes.  Naccio/JavaVM
implements each resource using a Java class with a method
that corresponds to each resource operation.  Code from the
resource use policy is woven into the resource
implementations and translated to Java code.  Section 5.3
explains how the policy compiler generates a resource
implementation class.

A policy author or system administrator runs the policy
compiler, and its output can be used to enforce the policy
on any JavaVM program.  The generated wrapper classes and
resource implementations are stored in a protected directory
and the policy compiler generates a policy description file
that encodes the transformations needed to enforce the
policy on an execution.  When a user elects to enforce the
policy on a program execution, the application classes are
transformed according to the rules in the policy description
file.  For Naccio/JavaVM, this can involve simply setting
the CLASSPATH so that the generated wrapper classes are
found before the standard Java API classes.  After this has
been done, the application can be executed normally with the
safety policy enforced on its execution.  Chapter 6
describes the program transformer.

Figure 3 shows what happens at run-time to enforce the
LimitBytesWritten policy on an application that creates a
java.io.FileOutputStream and writes an array of bytes to it.
The original FileOutputStream class is replaced with a
policy-enforcing wrapper version of the class, shown in the
figure as lbw.FileOutputStream.  The constructor for this
class constructs an RFile object that is an abstract
resource corresponding to the file associated with this
output stream.  This object is stored in an instance
variable of the lbw.FileOutputStream object, and will be
passed to resource operations like RFileSystem.preWrite.
After constructing this object, the original constructor
executes normally and stores the RFile object in a new
instance variable.  Unlike the RFile object, the RFileSystem
is a global resource so there is only one RFileSystem object
for the entire execution.  When the execution calls
java.io.FileOutputStream.write(byte[]), the wrapper for this
method will call the resource operation
RFileSystem.preWrite, passing in the RFile object associated
with this FileOutputStream and the size of the array.  The
RFileSystem.preWrite implementation contains the checking
code from the policy, and will issue a violation if the
policy would be violated by the write method call.
Otherwise, it returns and the original write method is
executed.  After it completes, RFileSystem.postWrite is
called.  This method contains the code that increments

	< Figure not available in plain text. >

        Figure 3.  Interaction diagram for enforcing
     For an explanation of the interaction diagram notation
     see [Gamma95].  The gray objects are classes modified
     by Naccio.  The black objects are classes generated by

Chapter 3
Defining Safety Policies

This chapter describes how Naccio is used to define safety
policies.  For standard policies, we consider the resource
descriptions and platform interface to be a fixed part of
the system and express a policy only in terms of resource
use constraints.  Standard polices are portable across
Naccio implementation platforms.  The standard resources are
chosen so that many useful safety policies can be defined as
standard safety policies.  This includes policies that place
access constraints on system resources such as reading and
writing files and opening network connections, and policies
that place limits on consumption such as the number of files
that may be touched or the number of bytes that may be
written to the file system.  This chapter discusses resource
descriptions, specifying safety policies that constraint
resource manipulations, the contents of the standard
resource library and the limits on expressiveness for
standard safety policies.  In the next chapter, we discuss
how a platform interface is used to specify a platform in
terms of how it manipulates resources and consider policies
that can be expressed by changing the platform interface.

3.1  Resource Descriptions

A program runs by executing a sequence of instructions.
Those instructions modify the state of the processor and may
affect devices attached to the machine such as its hard
drive, network connection and display.  We can view
everything a program can manipulate as a resource.  A safety
policy imposes constraints on how a program manipulates
resources.  In order to define a safety policy, we need a
precise way of referring to resource manipulations.

Resource descriptions provide a way to identify resources
and describe ways they are manipulated.  Examples of
resources include files, network connections, threads and
displays; examples of manipulations are writing ten bytes to
a file, opening a network connection to port 80 on
naccio.lcs.mit.edu, increasing the priority of a thread, or
opening a window.  Resource descriptions are written in a
platform-independent language, but they may describe
platform-specific resources such as the Windows registry.
Naccio includes a set of standard resource descriptions that
encompass the resource manipulations that are common on
nearly all platforms and are relevant for many security

We describe resources by listing their operations.  Typical
resource descriptions have no state or implementation.  They
are merely hooks for use in defining safety policies.
Resource descriptions may use primitive types including int,
float and immutable Strings.  These types are defined by
Naccio to have the expected semantics.  The meaning of a
resource operation is indicated by informal documentation.
This documentation should be clear and precise to the policy
author, but is not sufficiently formal to be processed by a

Policy authors read resource descriptions, but do not need
to modify them for typical policies.  A policy is expressed
by associating checking code with resource operations.  The
essential promise is that a transformed program will invoke
the related resource operation with the correct arguments
whenever a particular event occurs. It is up to the policy
compiler and platform interface to ensure that this is the

Figure 4 shows two resource descriptions related to the file
system.  It declares the RFileSystem resource object that
represents to the file system as a whole, and the RFile
resource object that identifies a single file or directory.
The RFileSystem resource has operations that correspond to
manipulating files and directories.  The RFile resource only
contains a constructor for creating a resource object that
identifies a particular file.  The global modifier indicates
that only one RFileSystem instance exists for an execution6.
Resources declared without a global modifier are associated
with a particular run-time object.  Most of the RFileSystem
operations take an RFile parameter to identify a particular
file.  Dividing a resource into a global resource for the
actual manipulations and instance resources for identifying
resources is a common paradigm.  This division makes it easy
to write policies that constrain system-wide resource use
(for example, the total number of files that are opened),
but provides an abstract way to identify specific objects
such as files.

3.1.1     Resource Operations

The body of a resource description is a list of operations
and groups.  Each operation corresponds to a particular way
of manipulating a resource.  For example, the openRead
operation corresponds to opening a particular file for
reading.  Its documentation prescribes that openRead is
called before a file is opened for reading.  It takes a
parameter of type RFile that represents the file being

The documentation associated with each resource operation
must be precise enough so that policy authors can write
policies that behave as expected.  However, it should not be
over specified in ways that prevent it from being applicable
on different platforms.  For example, what it means to open
a file is a platform-specific notion.  The essence of the
open operations is given by the documentation for the read
and write operations that indicate the relevant open
operation must be called first.  Platform-specific
documentation may be necessary in some cases to clarify what
resource operations mean.  Given reasonable choices,
however, policies can be reused across platforms with their
intended meaning.

Resource manipulations may be split into more than one
resource operation.  For example, reading is split into the
preRead and postRead operations.  This division allows more
precise safety policies to be expressed.  Pre-operations
allow necessary safety checks to be performed before the
action takes place, while post-operations can be used to
maintain state and perform additional checks after the
action has been completed and more information is available.
For this example, the actual number of bytes read may not be
known until after the system call that does the read has

global resource RFileSystem
	initialize ()  
                Called when execution starts.
	terminate ()                    
		Called immediately before execution ends.
	openRead (file: RFile)   
		Called before file is opened for reading.
	openAppend (file: RFile)               
		Called before file is opened for appending.
	openCreate (file: RFile) 
		Called before file is created for writing.  
		At this point in the execution, file must 
		not exist.
	openOverwrite (file: RFile) 
		Called before file is opened for writing.
		At this point in the execution, file exists.

	close (file: RFile)         
		Called before file is closed.
	preDelete (file: RFile) 
                Called before file is deleted.
	postDelete (file: RFile)          
		Called after file is deleted.
	renameNew (file: RFile, newfile: RFile)
		Called before file is renamed to new file newfile.  At
		this point in the exection, newfile must not exist.
	renameReplace (file: RFile, newfile: RFile)     
		Called before file is renamed to existing file newfile.
	makeDirectory (file: RFile)                    
		Called before creating new directory file.
	preWrite (file: RFile, n: int)
		Called before up to n bytes are written to file; file must
		have previously been passed to openCreate, openOverwrite
		or openAppend.
	postWrite (file: RFile, n: int)                  
		Called after exactly n bytes were written to file.
	preRead (file: RFile, n: int)
		Called before up to n bytes are read from file; file must
		have previously been passed to openRead.
	postRead (file: RFile, n: int)                   
		Called after exactly n bytes were read from file.

	 observeExists (file: RFile)                 
		Called before revealing if file exists.
	observeWriteable (file: RFile)                   
		Called before revealing if file is writeable.
	observeCreationTime (file: RFile)                
		Called before revealing creation time of file.
	observeList (file: RFile)                      
		Called before revealing files in directory file.
        ... // other similar observe operations elided

	setCreationTime (file: RFile)               Called before
		changing creation time of file.
	... // other similar set operations elided

 group modifyExistingFile (file: RFile)
Called before contents of any existing file are modified.
   openOverwrite, openAppend, preDelete,
   renameNew (file: RFile, newfile: RFile):
modifyExistingFile (file),
   renameReplace (file: RFile, newfile: RFile):
modifyExistingFile (file),
   renameReplace (file: RFile, newfile: RFile):
modifyExistingFile (newfile);

 group modifyFile (file: RFile)                   Called
before any file is altered or created.
   modifyExistingFile, openCreate,
   renameNew (file: RFile, newfile: RFile): modifyFile
 group observeProperty (file: RFile)              Called
before any property of file is revealed.
   observeExists, observeWriteable, observeCreationTime, ...;
 ... // Other groups elided.

resource RFile
      RFile (pathname: String)               Constructs
object corresponding to pathname.  Pathname
                            is a canonical string that
identifies a file.

              Figure 4.  File System Resources.

The RFile resource has only one operation, a constructor.
It takes a string parameter that identifies a file in some
platform-dependent way.  The RFile resource objects have no
state or operations provided to obtain information about
what actual file a particular RFile object represents.
Policies can add the necessary state and operations to
determine properties of an RFile.  Section 3.2.1 illustrates
how this is done.

Two special resource operations are not associated with
resource manipulations but represent the beginning and
ending of executions.  The initialize operation is called at
the beginning of execution, before any program-directed file
manipulation is done (file manipulations done by system
initialization code may occur before initialize is called).
The terminate operation is called after all program-directed
file manipulations have completed.  Most global resources
provide initialize and terminate operations.  They provide
useful places to attach checking code or to initialize state
associated with checking.

3.1.2     Resource Groups

Resource operations may also be grouped to make it easier to
write safety policies.  A resource group is a set of
resource operations and other resource groups that
correspond to similar manipulations.  Grouping operations
makes it easier to define policies that do not depend on
specific manipulations.  For example, the observeProperty
group encompasses all resource operations that correspond to
observing properties of a file.  It includes the
observeExists operation that is called before revealing if
the given file exists and several other operations
associated with observing properties of a file.  Since some
policies need to distinguish between observing whether a
file exists and observing the size of a file, the
RFileSystem resource description should have separate
operations corresponding to each manipulation.  Since many
policies do not need to distinguish between the different
ways of observing file properties, it is also useful to
define a group that encompasses all the file observation

A resource group is defined by listing the operations and
groups it contains.  All members in a resource group must
map to the parameters of the group.  The mapping is given by
a function-call like syntax that calls the group name.
Conceptually, the resource operation calls the group in the
way given by the function call.  For example, in the
modifyExistingFile group list we use
        renameNew (file: RFile, newfile: RFile) :
    modifyExistingFile (file),

to map rename, which takes two parameters, into the
modifyExistingFile group, which takes a single RFile
parameter.  Since the only existing file modified by
renameNew is the file corresponding to its first parameter,
the group mapping passes this parameter to
modifyExistingFile.  For renameReplace, both the file and
newfile already exist so two existing files are modified by
the corresponding resource manipulation.  The group
definition for modifyExistingFile lists renameReplace twice
with different mappings corresponding to each file

If the group parameters and the member parameters match
exactly, listing the operation name assumes the implicit
mapping where the parameters correspond directly.  For
example, the observeExists resource operation and
observeFile resource group both take one parameter of type
RFile, so listing observeExists is sufficient.

3.2  Safety Properties

A safety property attaches checking code to resource
operations or groups.  The simplest safety property
specifies that a particular resource manipulation is not
permitted.  For example,

    property NoDeleting {
     check RFileSystem.preDelete (file: RFile) {
      violation (``File deletion prohibited.'');

defines a property that issues a violation before an
application would delete a file.  The documentation given in
the RFileSystem resource description shown in Figure 4
indicates that the preDelete operation is called before a
file is deleted.  The body of the check clause calls the
violation function provided by the Naccio library.  It will
display a dialog box containing the text of the violation
and information on the safety property that is about to be
violated.  The user is presented with the option to
terminate the execution, or to ignore the violation and
allow execution to continue.

As it is defined, the NoDeleting property is probably not
satisfactory.  It prevents explicit deletion of existing
files, but does not prevent deleting a file by overwriting
its contents or renaming another file to its name.  A more
comprehensive property that prevents any modification of
existing files could be defined as:
    property NoBashingFiles {
     check  RFileSystem.openOverwrite (file: RFile),
         RFileSystem.openAppend (file: RFile),
         RFileSystem.preDelete (file: RFile),
          RFileSystem.renameNew (file: RFile, newfile:
         RFileSystem.renameReplace (file: RFile,
    newfile: RFile) {
       violation (``Destructive file manipulation

A simpler definition would use the modifyExistingFile group
that groups all resource operations that alter the contents
of existing files:
    property NoBashingFiles {
     check RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile (file:
    RFile) {
      violation (``Destructive file manipulation

Using resource groups makes the property more concise and
easier to understand.  It also means the property will not
need to be changed if new resource operations are added as
long as the modifyExistingFile group is appropriately

3.2.1     Adding State

One problem with these properties is that the violation text
provides no useful information about what file is being
manipulated.  The user cannot tell the difference between an
execution that is about to alter a junk file and one that is
about to alter an important file.  As is, it is impossible
to do this by modifying only the check action since the
RFile object passed to the resource operations does not
contain any information about the file it corresponds to.

In order to track this information, state must be added to
the RFile resource.  Naccio supports this using a state
    stateblock FileNames augments RFile {
     addfield name: String;
      precode RFile (pathname: String) {
        name = pathname;
     helper getName () returns String {
      return name;

This augments the RFile object with name, a String field
representing the name of the file.  The precode block
associated with the RFile constructor sets name to the value
of its parameter, a String that canonically identifies a
particular file.  This constructor is called to create an
RFile object before any operation that requires it is
called.  Since all RFile objects are created using this
constructor, the name is available wherever an RFile object
is used.  Safety properties can refer to the name of an
RFile object rfile, using rfile.name or by calling the
helper method getName.  It is useful to keep the state
maintenance and safety property checking code separate,
since many safety properties use the same state.

Figure 5 shows the NoBashingFiles property modified to use
the file name information to produce a more helpful
violation message.  The requires clause identifies the state
block that defined RFile.getName.  The state block is
defined in a separate file that is found using a naming
convention.  Properties can include multiple state blocks as
long as multiple state blocks do not use the same field or
helper routine name.
    property NoBashingFiles {
     requires FileNames;
     check RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile (file:
    RFile) {
      violation (``Destructive manipulation of file:'' +
    file.getName ());
             Figure 5.  NoBashingFiles property.

3.2.2     Use Limits
State can be also be used to make policies more precise.
For example, a property based on NoBashingFiles could do a
test on the file name to allow modification of files in the
/tmp/ directory but prohibit all other modifications of
existing files.  State can also be used to define policies
that place limits on the amount of a resource that may be
used over the course of an execution.  For example, the
LimitBytesWritten property shown in Figure 6 places a limit
on the total number of bytes that may be written to the file

To enforce a limit on the number of bytes that may be
written, the property must keep track of the total number of
bytes written.  The TrackBytesWritten state block does this
by adding a field to the RFileSystem resource and defining a
postcode action for the write operation.  The body of the
postcode action will happen after all checking code
associated with the resource operation.  Hence, when
bytes_written is used in the check action of
LimitBytesWritten, its value is the total number of bytes
written already not including the upcoming call.  After all
the checking code has executed, the value is updated to
account for the upcoming write.

    stateblock TrackBytesWritten augments RFileSystem {
     addfield bytes_written: int = 0;
     postcode postWrite (file: RFile, n: int) {
      bytes_written += n;
    property LimitBytesWritten (limit: int) {
     requires TrackBytesWritten, FileNames;
     check RFileSystem.preWrite (file: RFile, n: int)
      if (bytes_written + n > limit)
        violation ("Attempt to write more than " +
    limit + " bytes. Already written " +
         bytes_written + " bytes, writing up to " + n
    + " more to " + file.getName () + ".");
        Figure 6.  LimitBytesWritten Safety Property.

3.2.3     Composing Properties

This simplest way to combine properties is to intersect them
using the & operator.  The intersection of two safety
policies allows an execution only if both policies allow the
execution.  That is to say, the intersection of one or more
safety properties issues a violation whenever any of the
individual properties would issue a violation.  If more than
one of the properties would issue a violation for the same
resource operation, the violation reported by the first
property appears first.  Intersecting safety properties is
equivalent to merging all the check clauses into one
property in the same order they were intersected.

Another way to combine two safety properties is to weaken a
property with permissions that override violations.  All the
previous properties have been expressed negatively, in terms
of issuing violations before a prohibited manipulation is
about to happen and implicitly allowing everything else.  An
alternative way of defining properties is to assume nothing
is allowed unless it is explicitly permitted.  This has the
advantage that is it less likely for a policy author to
accidentally allow something dangerous.  Conversely, it is
more likely that a policy author will forget to allow
something that is needed by a harmless program.  To avoid
arguments about which approach is preferable, Naccio
supports both and provides rich enough property combination
mechanisms to allow both positive and negative properties to
be used.

A permission uses allow to indicate that the given resource
manipulation is permitted.  For example,
    permission AllowModifyDir (path: String) {
     requires FileNames;
     check RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile (file:
    RFile) {
      if (NCheck.inDirectory (file.getName (), path))
    allow ();

allows files in the directory identified by path to be
modified.  The inDirectory library function does a
comparison to determine if the file is contained within the
directory identified by path.  A property cannot use both
allow and violation.

By default, Naccio policies assume everything is allowed.
Hence, a permission only makes sense when it is combined
with a negative property.  The universal negative policy
would associate a check clause with every resource operation
that simply issues a violation (this is what the DisallowAll
policy used in Section 8.4 does).  Defining policies in
terms of permissions that override the universal negative
policy would satisfy the principle of fail safety that
recommends disallowing all security-relevant behavior that
is not explicitly allowed [Saltzer75].  This approach makes
sense when there is a small, fixed set of security-relevant
behavior, but becomes cumbersome when the class of behavior
considered to be security-relevant is large and flexible.
It would be undesirable if all policies had to be rewritten
when a new resource is added.  Since this is expected to be
fairly common with Naccio, Naccio's default is to allow
everything that is not explicitly prohibited.

Hence, permissions are only useful in a context where some
manipulations are already prohibited.  When a property is
weakened by a permission, violations in the property are
overridden by allowances in the permission.  For example,
    property NoBashingExceptTmp {
     (NoBashingFiles weaken AllowModifyDir (``/tmp/''))
    weaken AllowModifyDir (``/u/evs/tmp/'')
defines a property that issues a violation whenever a file
not in the /tmp/ or /u/evs/tmp/ directories is modified.
The allowances in a positive property override violations in
a negative property.  If the weakening property calls allow
on a particular invocation of a resource operation, no
violations will be issued from that resource operation.
Another way to express the same property would be to compose
the positive properties first:
    property NoBashingExceptTmp {
     NoBashingFiles weaken (AllowModifyDir (``/tmp/'') &
    AllowModifyDir (``/u/evs/tmp/''))
Weakening is useful for combining new policies with standard
policies that describe commonly allowed behavior.  For
example, JDKFilePermissions is a standard set of permissions
that allow files loaded by the JDK initializations and AWT
to be read.  A new safety policy that prevents reading files
except those loaded by the JDK initializations can be
expressed easily by writing a no reading property that
disallows all file reading and weakening it with

In order to enforce a policy on an execution, all parameters
must be bound to real values.  This is done by instantiating
all parameterized properties with parameters.  We call a
property in which all parameters are bound a resource use
policy.  All parameters must be manifest constants.  Figure
7 shows the LimitWrite resource use policy that disallows
modification of any existing file or writing more than one
million bytes to the file system.  Properties that have no
parameters can also be used directly as resource use
    policy LimitWrite {
     NoBashingFiles & LimitBytesWritten (1000000)
         Figure 7.  LimitWrite resource use policy.

3.3  Standard Resource Library

The standard resource library is a set of resource
descriptions that correspond to the security-relevant
resource manipulations that are common to most modern
platforms.  The standard resource library does not attempt
to exhaustively cover all possible ways of manipulating
resources, but instead is designed to include the
manipulations commonly used in security policies that are
universal enough to apply to most platforms.  Since all
Naccio implementations provide the same standard resource
library, policies written in terms of these resources are
portable across different platforms.

The standard resource library includes the RFile and
RFileSystem resources introduced in Section 3.1, as well as
resources corresponding to the network, the display, system
threads, audio devices, and the system environment.  It
contains a total of 122 resource operations in thirteen
resource descriptions.  Additional resources may be needed
as new devices are attached to the system.  For example, if
a camera is used a corresponding resource should provide
operations that correspond to taking and transmitting
pictures.  There may also be resources that are unique to a
particular platform.  For example, Naccio/Win32 includes a
resource representing the Windows registry.

In most modern operating systems, the network can be used in
three distinct ways:  a persistent connection can be created
to a remote host, and data sent and received through it; a
server socket can be created to listen for incoming
connections; and individual datagram packets may be sent or
received without a persistent connection.  Since policies
should be able to distinguish between each type of network
use, we provide different resource objects for identifying
them.  Conversely, the network operations should make it
easy to write network use policies that place restrictions
on the remote hosts that may be contacted and limits on the
number of bytes transmitted.  To support easy definition of
both kinds of policies, the network resources provide
operations corresponding to the different types of network
connections, but also groups operations so policies that do
not depend on the type of network connection can be defined

The network resources are shown in Figure 8.  Unlike the
file system resources, the RNetConnection resource maintains
some state and provides an observer.  An observer is a
routine that reveals some information about a resource but
does not modify anything.  The RNetConnection stores the
local and remote addresses of the connection in state
variables when an RNetConnection is constructed.  The
observers make these values available through a function

The observers can be used in resource group member lists to
map members to the group operation.  This is done in the
definition of the connectRemoteAddress resource group that
takes an RNetAddress parameter representing the remote
address.  To make the preOpenConnection resource operation
match the parameter types of the connectionRemoteAddress
group, we need to convert its RNetConnection parameter into
the appropriate RNetAddress object corresponding to the
remote address.  We do this by calling the getRemoteAddress
observer defined by the RNetConnection resource.

The display is represented by the RDisplay global resource,
and RWindow resource objects identify individual windows.
The main security threats involving the display are denial
of service annoyance attacks that take over the screen with
superfluous windows.  A more serious threat is attacks that
create rogue windows that appear to be part of a legitimate
application and trick the user into providing trusted
information (such as a password) to a malicious program.
This threat can be mitigated by a policy that requires that
all windows created from untrusted programs have a
distinctive appearance that distinguishes them from
trustworthy windows.

The RDisplay resource includes operations for creating new
windows and for setting properties of windows or
manipulating existing windows.  It also contains operations
that correspond to enabling a window to receive events from
the mouse or keyboard and receiving those events.  These
could instead be treated as separate resources, but since
events are usually directed at a window it is convenient to
include them with the display.  By using a state block to
track user input events, policies can determine if a
resource manipulation is permitted based on the history of
user activity.  Since windowing systems are likely to vary
more across platforms than other
global resource RNetwork
  initialize ()                    Called at the beginning
 of an execution. terminate ()
 Called immediately before execution terminates.

   preOpenConnection (connection: RNetConnection)
Called before opening connection.
   postOpenConnection (connection: RNetConnection)
Called after opening connection.
   closeConnection (connection: RNetConnection)
Called after closing connection.
   preOpenListener (listener: RNetListener)  Called before
opening listener for server connections.
   postOpenListener (listener: RNetListener) Called after
opening listener for server connections.
   preAccept (listener: RNetListener)             Called
before accepting a connection using listener.
   postAccept (listener: RNetListener, connection:
                           Called after accepting connection
using listener.
   closeListener (listener: RNetListener)
Called after closing listener.
   openDatagramPort (port: RNetListener)     Called before
opening port for datagrams.
   closeDatagramPort (port: RNetListener)         Called
before closing port.

   preSendDatagram (local: RNetAddress, remote: RNetAddress,
nbytes: int)
    Called before up to nbytes are sent from local to remote
using a datagram.
     preSendConnection (connection: RNetConnection, nbytes:
         Called before up to nbytes are sent through
   preReceiveDatagram (local: RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
    Called before a datagram may be received at local.
   postReceiveDatagram (local: RNetAddress, remote:
RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
    Called after nbytes are received from remote to local.
   ... // other operations for postSend, preReceive and
postReceive for datagrams and connections elided
   group connectRemoteAddress (address: RNetAddress)
Called before any contact with address.
    preOpenConnection (connection: RNetConnection)
      : connectRemoteAddress (connection.getRemoteAddress
    postAccept (listener: RNetListener, connection:
      : connectRemoteAddress (connection.getRemoteAddress
    preSendDatagram (local: RNetAddress, remote:
RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
      : connectRemoteAddress (remote),
    postReceiveDatagram (local: RNetAddress, remote:
RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
      : connectRemoteAddress (remote);  // can't know remote
before receive, must check after

   group preSend (remote: RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
          preSendDatagram (local: RNetAddress, remote:
RNetAddress, nbytes: int)
      : preSend (remote, nbytes),
    preSendConnection (connection: RNetConnection, nbytes:
      : preSend (connection.getRemoteAddress (), nbytes);

   ... // similar groups for postSend, preReceive and
postReceive elided
   ... // operations related to multicasting and revealing
hostnames elided.

resource RNetConnection
 state local, remote: RNetAddress; // Identfy the local and
remote addresses for this connection.
     RNetConnection (l: RNetAddress, r: RNetAddress)
    Constructs an RNetConnection object for communication
    between l and r.
    { local = l; remote = r; }
   getLocalAddress () returns RNetAddress         { return
local; }
   getRemoteAddress () returns RNetAddress   { return
remote; }
// RNetAddress and RNetListener not shown.
                Figure 8.  Network Resources.

resources, it is likely that Naccio implementations will add
additional operations to the RDisplay resource to include
platform-specific operations that provide more precise ways
of constraining display use.

The RSystemThreads global resource provides operations
corresponding to manipulating threads.  It includes
operations for creating new threads or thread groups,
starting and destroying threads, suspending and resuming
threads, changing the priority of a thread, and revealing
information about a thread or thread group.  The RThread and
RThreadGroup resources are used to identify threads and
groups of related threads.Audio
The speaker can be used in an annoyance attack.  To support
policies that constrain its use, the RAudio global resource
contains operations corresponding to ringing the system bell
and playing audio files.

System Environment
The RSystem resource is used to collect operations that do
not correspond well to a conceptual resource.  It includes
operations for observing and setting environment variables,
and is often extended with platform-specific system

The RSystem resource also includes special initialize and
terminate operations that are called at the beginning of an
execution.  The RSystem initializer is called before any
other global resource initializers.  The RSystem terminator
is called after every other global resource terminator.  The
RSystem initializer is also unique in that it has an
argument that passes in the command-line arguments.  A
policy can use a state block that attaches checking code to
RSystem.initialize to record these values, and then use the
value of the command-line arguments to determine if a
resource manipulation is permitted.

3.4  Policy Expressiveness

In standard safety policies, the effects of checking code
are limited to raising violations, modifying internal state,
and doing computations that are invisible to the user.  The
policy has no noticeable effect on an execution (other than
a performance penalty) unless a violation is detected.  We
can view a Naccio standard safety policy as a predicate on
an execution --- it is true if no violation is issued, and
false if a violation is issued.

Schneider defines Class EM, a class of enforcement
mechanisms that work by monitoring a target system and
terminating any execution that is about to violate the
policy [Schneider98].  Security kernels, reference monitors,
and nearly all run-time based enforcement mechanisms are in
Class EM.  The set of policies that can be enforced by
mechanisms in Class EM is defined as those policies that can
be expressed as predicates on execution prefixes.

A security policy is defined as a predicate on a set of
executions.  A program satisfies a security policy if the
predicate is satisfied by the set of all possible executions
it can produce.  Policies like information flow require
knowledge of more than one execution, since it is not clear
whether a particular execution of a program reveals
information without knowing what other executions do.
Hence, these policies cannot be enforced by mechanisms in
Class EM.  Enforcing these policies requires static analysis
of the program text.

Those security policies that can be defined as a predicate
on a single execution are known as security properties.  Not
all security properties, however, are in Class EM, since
they may depend on knowing the future.  For example,
liveness properties depend on knowing something must happen
at some future point in an execution.  Class EM mechanisms
cannot enforce liveness properties since they can only probe
what has already happened.

The subset of security properties that can be defined by
looking only at the past and present are defined to be
safety properties.  A safety property is a predicate on an
execution prefix.  If it is false at some point in an
execution, it is false for all following execution points.

The policies that can be enforced using an enforcement
mechanism in Class EM are a subset of safety properties.
The subset is defined by how much information the
enforcement mechanism can probe.  An enforcement mechanism
that can probe all system information after every
instruction could enforce all safety properties.

To satisfy the requirements of class EM, the probe should
have no effect on the system and should be completely
unnoticeable by the executing program.  This is not possible
if the probe is implemented in software running on the same
machine as the program it is probing.  At a minimum, it uses
CPU cycles that would otherwise be available to the
execution.  In some cases, it may need to manipulate
resource also.  For example, to enforce the NoBashingFiles
property introduced in Section 3.2 using Naccio/JavaVM, it
may be necessary to examine the file system to determine if
a file already exists (Section 4.2.2 shows how the platform
interface is written to do this).  We consider resource
manipulations done by the checking code to be separate from
the behavior of the program.  These manipulations are done
without any checking enforced.  This means policy authors
must be wary that an attacker cannot exploit code introduced
to do checking.

Aside from the side effects introduced by probing, Naccio
standard safety policies are in Class EM.  They observe the
behavior of an execution through resource operations and
issue a violation to terminate execution when a policy
violation is about to occur.  The subset of safety
properties that can be defined as Naccio standard safety
properties is defined by the resource operations defined by
the standard resource library.  Naccio can detect violations
and observe and modify state only at execution points
corresponding to resource operations, and can only observe
system information available through parameters to resource
operations (as well as some global system information that
can be observed through calls to Naccio library functions).

Certain safety properties cannot be defined using the
standard resources.  For example, since RFileSystem.preWrite
takes an integer parameter revealing the number of bytes to
be written but does not have a parameter corresponding to
the actual data written, we cannot write a policy that
constrains the actual values of bytes that may be written.
In the next chapter, we describe how resource operations are
given meaning using a platform interface and how new
resource operations and safety policies can be defined by
altering the platform interface.  In addition, by removing
some of the restrictions placed on standard safety policies,
Naccio can be used to define and enforce policies that alter
program behavior.  Because these policies do not simply
probe system information and decide to terminate an
execution, they do not fit Schneider's definition of a
security policy.  As a result, Naccio is not strictly in
Class EM.

Chapter 4
Describing Platforms

The previous chapter showed how a safety policy is defined
in terms of resource descriptions.  To have meaning, there
must be a way of viewing the way a particular platform
manipulates actual resources in terms of those abstract
resource descriptions.  This is done using a platform
interface, an operational specification of a platform in
terms of its resource manipulations.  Naccio implementations
include a platform interface that describes the platform in
terms of the standard resource library.  Changing the
platform interface allows new resource operations to be
defined and more safety policies to be described and
enforced.  We call policies that are defined by altering the
platform interface extended safety policies.

4.1  Platform Interfaces

In order to enforce a policy defined in terms of abstract
resources, we need a way to model an execution in terms of
those resources.  The platform interface provides an
operational specification of a concrete execution platform
in terms of a set of resource descriptions.  A different
platform interface is needed for each execution platform and
each set of resource descriptions.  The platform interface
provides a way to map events during a program execution to
abstract resource manipulations.  Since the specification is
operational, it is easy for the policy compiler to convert
it to code that calls the resource operations in the
appropriate way.

We can view the platform interface as a probe that can see
certain system events.  Based on those events, it can
execute bookkeeping code and call abstract resource
operations that perform the checking necessary to enforce a
policy.  A Naccio implementation determines what events are
visible to the probe, and where in the execution chain it
sees them.  The events visible determine what resource
operations can be defined and this limits the class of
policies that can be expressed and enforced.  For example,
if the platform interface can only see manipulations of the
file system then resource operations relating to
manipulating the network cannot be defined.  If the platform
interface can see the entire state of the machine before and
after every instruction, then all policies in class EM can
be enforced.  Policies defined using a platform interface
that can see all system events, however, are likely to be
cumbersome and expensive to enforce.  Instead, the platform
interface is defined at a level that allows only certain
events to be seen.  For example, a platform interface might
be defined in terms of calls in the system API.  This would
make the platform interface easier to create and understand,
and would simplify the work of the policy compiler and
program transformer.  It would not support the definition or
enforcement of policies that constrain resources that can be
manipulated without going through system API calls, such as
referencing a memory location.

A Naccio implementation must also determine where in the
execution chain the platform interface probe is done.  This
level determines the trust boundary between what is
described by the platform interface and what is considered
part of the program.  Operations below the level described
by the platform interface execute without safety checking
and are assumed to manipulate resources in the way specified
by the platform interface.  Operations above the level
described by the platform interface are transformed to
perform the safety checking defined by the resource use
policy.  The lowest conceivable place for the platform
interface is at the level of physical hardware devices.  For
example, a disk drive controller could be designed to call a
resource operation before writing a bit to the disk or a
firewall could monitor network traffic and call appropriate
resource operations.  This would require hardware support
not readily available today.  If it were available, however,
this would allow safety policies to be enforced without
trusting anything other than the hardware controllers.  The
difficulty would be mapping these events to resource
operations.  The disk controller can provide information
about which segment on the disk is being written, but
probably cannot convert that to a meaningful pathname.  This
requires operating system support, and would expand the
trusted computing base to include the relevant system code.
Another difficulty with a hardware-level platform interface
is the problem of associating a particular manipulation with
the program that caused it.  Again, the hardware traps will
need to rely on operating system level code to map requested
actions to the program instigating them and the appropriate
safety policy.  This would require substantial run-time
overhead.  Since the effective policy is not known until the
application is determined, the overhead is required even for
simple policies or unconstrained executions.  For most
situations, hardware-level safety checking is not practical
or appropriate.  There are situations, however, where safety
is crucial enough that it is desirable to place the safety
checking at as low a level as possible so that bugs in the
system library do not lead to policy violations.  For
example, it would be appropriate for medical devices (such
as the Therac-25 mentioned in Section 1.1) with custom
hardware and control software.

The next level to consider for the platform interface is at
the level of machine instructions.  A platform interface at
this level would allow any instruction to be mapped to
resource operations.  Trust would be confined to the
behavior of individual machine instructions, although as
with the hardware-level checking, it is likely that some
information provided by the operating system would be
necessary in mapping instructions to meaningful objects.
The main problem with defining a platform interface at the
level of machine instructions is that it would be hard to
produce and understand.  Recognizing all sequences of
instructions that represent a function call, and defining a
platform interface in terms of those instruction sequences
is likely to be a cumbersome and error-prone task.

Above the individual machine instructions, we can consider a
platform interface at the level of the system API.  Typical
modern operating systems have a protected kernel, and allow
programs to manipulate most resources only through calls to
routines provided by that kernel.  The system API provides a
convenient place for the platform interface since it is
usually well documented and structured to provide an
abstract way to manipulate resources.  Placing the platform
interface at this level has other advantages in implementing
the policy enforcement mechanisms.  Unlike lower-level
platform interfaces that would require correspondingly low-
level transformations of both the program code and system
API code to enforce a policy, a policy defined at the level
of the system API can be enforced by interposing checking
code at system call boundaries.  This requires that the
execution platform provides a clear distinction between the
system API and application code, and that this interface be
maintained securely.  One disadvantage of placing the
platform interface at this level are that certain resource
manipulations, such as allocating or referencing memory, may
not be visible through calls to the system API.  Another
problem is that we must trust to system API implementation
to manipulate resources in the way described by the platform
interface.  This makes the system API part of the trusted
computing base and means attackers can exploit bugs in the
system API to circumvent the safety policy.  The other issue
with a platform interface at the level of the system API is
that it is necessary to ensure that programs cannot
manipulate constrained resources without using the standard
system API.  Despite these disadvantages, the system API
seems to be the best place for the platform interface for
most Naccio implementations.  Both of our prototype
implementations use platform interfaces at the level of a
system API.  Naccio/JavaVM uses a platform interface that
describes the Java API (classes in the java. packages) and
Naccio/Win32 uses a platform interface at the level of the
Win32 API.  Sections 4.2 and 4.3 describe these platform

We can also consider platform interfaces at a higher level.
A platform interface could describe a commonly used library
such as Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) that is
implemented using the Win32 API.  This would support more
higher-level distinctions (and hence, more precise policies)
than could be written with a platform interface at a lower
level.  For example, we could use a platform interface at
the level of MFC to define different resource operations
corresponding to opening a file selected by the user using a
standard dialog box and opening a file without user
prompting.  Providing a similar distinction at a lower level
would be possible, but very awkward.  It would be necessary
to examine the properties of the window to see if it looks
like a standard file request dialog and the input from the
user to determine what file was selected.  Another option
would be to write a platform interface that describes
application level events.  This would allow policies to be
defined in terms of objects that are meaningful at the
application level but not at the system such as application
data structures.  The problem with higher-level platform
interfaces is that they only work for a subset of programs
that use those higher-level libraries.  Programs that
manipulate constrained resources in other ways must be
disallowed.  This could be done by a static analysis that
the code never uses system API calls directly.  It would
summarily reject many harmless programs, however, simply
because they were not written using the higher-level

4.2  Java API Platform Interface

Naccio/JavaVM enforces safety policies on executions of Java
programs that are collections of JavaVM classes.  To enforce
Naccio policies on Java classes, we need a platform
interface that maps a Java execution to a sequence of
abstract resource operations.

4.2.1     Platform Interface Level

Naccio/JavaVM uses a platform interface at the level of the
Java API.  Another reasonable option would be to put the
platform interface at the level of individual byte code
instructions.  This would allow for resources to be
described that correspond to manipulations done below the
level of the Java API, such as memory references.  All high-
level system resources including the file system, network,
and display are accessible to Java programs only through
native methods.  If an untrusted program is not permitted to
install its own native methods or call native methods
installed by other programs, the only way it can manipulate
these resources is through calls to the Java API.  Placing
the platform interface at the level of the Java API allows
nearly all security-relevant manipulations to be constrained
and allows the platform interface to be described at a well-
documented and well-defined level.  Further, a platform
interface at the level of the Java API provides a convenient
place to introduce wrappers.

To define the platform interface, we could examine the API
specification and write a wrapper for each API routine that
describes its resource usage.  This would involve
substantial work, and depend on the API specification being
correct and describing resource usage of all routines in
sufficient detail.  We can simplify the task of writing a
Java API platform interface, however, by noting that all
relevant resource manipulations must eventually be done by
native methods.  This means a platform interface for the
Java API could describe the resource manipulations done by
native methods explicitly, and determine the resource
manipulations done by other routines based on their code
(either statically or at run-time).  This would limit the
amount of work necessary to write the platform interface to
describing the native methods in a particular Java API
library implementation.7

A problem with this approach is that it ties the platform
interface closely to a particular API implementation,
instead of to the specification of the Java API.  Since we
must describe private native methods, the same platform
interface could not be reused with a different
implementation of the Java API.  The other problem with
specifying the platform interface at the level of native
methods is that it may be difficult to determine enough
information about the context of a call to pass appropriate
information to the resource operations.

Instead, the Naccio/JavaVM platform interface describes only
the specified parts of the Java API. It does not describe
any private API methods since the Java API does not specify
these.  It does, however, support a pass-through semantics
so that not every API routine needs to be described
explicitly.  For routines that are not explicitly described,
the routines they call are checked as if they were called
directly by the untrusted program.  We can use implicit
specifications only for routines that do not directly or
indirectly call any native methods whose behavior is not
explicitly described.  Hence, the platform interface must
explicitly describe any API routine that has a native
implementation, that calls a private native method directly,
or that calls a private native method indirectly through
calls to other routines that are not explicitly specified
(these routines must be private, otherwise they would have
be explicitly specified).  Other API routines may be
described implicitly by passing checking through to the
routines they call.  This limits the size of the platform
interface since most routines can be described implicitly.
It does, unfortunately, tie our platform interface to a
particular implementation of the API.  It should be easy to
adapt it to a different implementation, however.  All that
is required is to write wrappers for any routines that are
specified implicitly in the old implementation but
implemented using native methods or indirect calls to
unspecified native methods in the new implementation.  This
is preferable to requiring that the platform interface
explicitly describe every routine of the Java API.

The code body of member wrappers is written in a simple Java-
like language.  This code may call resource operations, call
Naccio library routines, use and set wrapper state, and do
computation using that state, parameters, and local
variables.  It may use if-else statements to control flow,
but not while or for loops.  When a wrapper calls a resource
operation, the necessary safety checking is performed.  If
the policy would be violated, the user has the opportunity
to terminate execution.  The hash token (#) marks the
execution point where the original routine is called.
Hence, resource operations that correspond to events that
occur before the described resource manipulation must be
called before the hash mark and resource operations that
correspond to events that occur after the described resource
manipulation must be called after the hash mark.  The return
value of the call to the original routine is stored in a
local variable named result and may be used in the remainder
of the wrapper body.  For example, the wrapper for
java.io.File.delete is defined by:
     wrapper boolean delete () {
      RFileSystem.preDelete (rfile);
      if (result) { RFileSystem.postDelete (rfile); }

It calls preDelete before the delete method executes.  The
rfile argument is an instance variable of type RFile
introduced by the platform interface.  If the checking code
associated with preDelete issues a violation and the user
chooses to terminate the execution, the actual delete method
is never executed.  Otherwise, the delete method is executed
and its boolean return value is identified by the local
variable result.  If the call returned true (meaning the
deletion completed successfully), the postDelete operation
is called.  If this completes without issuing a violation,
the result is returned and execution continues normally
after the call.

4.2.2     File Classes

Figure 9 shows the platform interface wrapper for the
java.io.File class.  For each visible routine defined by
java.io.File, the class wrapper either provides a wrapper
that describes the behavior of the member in terms of its
effects on abstract resources, or declares the member to be
a passwrapper.  The resource use of the passwrapper routines
is accounted for implicitly by the routines their
implementation calls.  Checking is done for these routines
as though they were called from the application directly.

The java.io.File wrapper adds a state variable, rfile, of
type RFile that will be associated with each java.io.File
object.  This state is used to map a java.io.File object to
a resource object that identifies the corresponding actual
file.  It is up to the member wrappers to maintain this
state.  Hence, each constructor initializes it to an RFile
object.  Instead of constructing a new object directly,
RFile objects are maintained using the RFileMap helper class
(shown in Figure 10).  This ensures that the same RFile
object is used for all manipulations on the same concrete
file even if there are multiple java.io.File or
java.io.FileDescriptor objects that refer to that file.
Storing the rfile state is not strictly necessary, since the
wrappers could use the file map to obtain the appropriate
RFile object every time it is needed.  Keeping the rfile in
an instance variable, however, is likely to have better
performance that repeatedly looking it up in the file map.

Routines that are implemented without calling native methods
are declared as passwrappers.  This avoids the need to
understand the behavior of these members in detail, but
means the platform interface is tied to a particular Java
API implementation (in this case, Sun's JDK 1.1.6).  If
another implementation used a native method to implement
getAbsolutePath or called an unwrapped native method in its
implementation, the platform interface would need to be
modified to explicitly describe how it manipulates
resources.  When Naccio/JavaVM processes a platform
interface, it issues warnings if a passwrapper member relies
on an unwrapped native method (either by calling it
directly, or by calling unwrapped non-native methods that
indirectly call an unwrapped native method).  Since all
visible native methods must have wrappers, this is only
possible if the implementation of a passwrapper member calls
a private native method directly or through calls to other
unwrapped routines.

The declaration of the java.io.File wrapper uses requiredif
clauses.  These clauses are not necessary for correctness
but are used by the policy compiler to eliminate unnecessary
wrappers to reduce run-time checking overhead.  The clause
requiredif RFile, RFileSystem in the declaration of the
java.io.File wrapper indicates that the wrapper is only
necessary if either the RFile or RFileSystem resources have
meaningful checking.  Without this clause, the policy
compiler would not be able to determine this automatically
and would generate a policy-enforcing library that requires
more run-time overhead than should be necessary.  Section
5.2 describes how the policy compiler analyzes the platform
interface in conjunction with the resource use policy to
determine which wrappers are necessary.

wrapper java.io.File             }
      requiredif RFile,          wrapper boolean
RFileSystem {                   isDirectory () {
 requires RFileMap;             
 state RFile rfile;             RFileSystem.observeIsFile
 wrapper File (String path)     (rfile); #;
{                                }
   #; rfile =                   
RFileMap.lookupAdd (this);      wrapper long lastModified
 }                              () {
 wrapper File (String path,     
String name) {                  RFileSystem.observeLastModi
   #; rfile =                   fiedTime (rfile);
RFileMap.lookupAdd (this);       #;
 }                              }
 wrapper File (java.io.File     wrapper long length () {
dir, String name) {              RFileSystem.observeLength
   #; rfile =                   (rfile); #;
RFileMap.lookupAdd (this);      }
 }                              wrapper boolean mkdir () {
 passwrapper String             (rfile); #;
getAbsolutePath();              }
 passwrapper String             passwrapper boolean mkdirs
getCanonicalPath();             ();
 passwrapper String             wrapper boolean renameTo
getParent();                    (java.io.File dest) {
 wrapper boolean exists ()       if (dest.exists ())
RFileSystem.observeExists           (rfile, dest.rfile);
(rfile); #;                      else
 }                                 RFileSystem.renameNew
 wrapper boolean canWrite           (rfile, dest.rfile);
() {                             #;
RFileSystem.observeWriteabl     wrapper String[] list() {
e (rfile); #;                    RFileSystem.observeList
 }                              (rfile); #;
 wrapper boolean canRead ()     }
{                               passwrapper String[]
RFileSystem.observeReadable     (java.io.FilenameFilter
(rfile); #;                     filter);
 }                              wrapper boolean delete () {
 wrapper boolean isFile ()         RFileSystem.preDelete
{                               (rfile); #;
                                 if (result)
RFileSystem.observeIsFile       RFileSystem.postDelete
(rfile); #;                     (rfile);
   Figure 9.  Platform interface wrapper for java.io.File
helper class RFileMap { // Mapping between java.io.File and
java.io.FileDescriptor objects and RFile
 static private Hashtable fmap = new Hashtable ();

 public static RFile add (java.io.File f) {
   RFile rf = new RFile (path);
   fmap.put (f.getAbsolutePath (), rf);
   return rf;
 public static void addReference (java.io.FileDescriptor d,
RFile f) { fmap.put (d, f); }
 public static RFile lookup (Object f) { return (RFile)
fmap.get (f); }
 public static RFile lookupAdd (Object f) {
   RFile rf = lookup (f);
   if (rf == null)
    if (f instanceof java.io.File) rf = add ((java.io.File)
    else if (f instanceof java.io.FileDescriptor)
      ... // Treat file descriptors specially (standard
streams are null)
   return rf;
             Figure 10.  RFileMap helper class.

wrapper java.io.FileOutputStream requiredif RFile,
RFileSystem {
 requires java.io.RFileMap;
 state RFile rfile;

 helper void doOpen (java.io.File file) {
   rfile = RFileMap.lookupAdd (file);
   if (file.exists ()) RFileSystem.openOverwrite (rfile);
   else RFileSystem.openCreate (rfile);

 wrapper FileOutputStream (java.io.File file)     { doOpen
(file); #; }
 wrapper FileOutputStream (String file)           { doOpen
(new java.io.File (file)); #; }

 wrapper FileOutputStream (java.io.FileDescriptor file) {
        rfile = RFileMap.lookup (file);
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.openOverwrite (rfile); //
File must already exist since its a descriptor

 wrapper FileOutputStream (String file, boolean append) {
   File tmp = new File (file);
   if (append) {
    rflile = RFileMap.lookupAdd (tmp);
    RFileSystem.openAppend (rfile);
   } else
    doOpen (tmp);

 wrapper void write (int b) {
   // Although Java int's are four bytes, write only writes
the low order byte.
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.preWrite (rfile, 1);
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.postWrite (rfile, 1);

 wrapper void write (byte data[]) {
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.preWrite (rfile,
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.postWrite (rfile,

 wrapper void write (byte b[], int off, int len) {
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.preWrite (rfile, len);
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.postWrite (rfile, len);

 wrapper void close () {
   if (rfile != null) RFileSystem.close (rfile);  #;

 wrapper java.io.FileDescriptor getFD () {
   #; RFileMap.addReference (result, rfile);
         Figure 11.  Platform Interface wrapper for
               java.io.FileOutputStream class.

Other Java API classes that manipulate files have wrappers
that describe their behavior in terms of the RFileSystem
resource.  One example is the java.io.FileOutputStream
class, shown in Figure 11.  As with java.io.File, the
wrapper for java.io.FileOutputStream maintains an RFile
object representing the actual file corresponding to this
output stream.  This state can be null, if the
FileOutputStream does not correspond to a file (for example,
if it is the standard output stream).

Because the RFileSystem resource provides different resource
operations for overwriting an existing file and creating a
new file, the FileOutputStream constructors must distinguish
between opening existing and new files.  This is done by the
doOpen helper method.  It calls java.io.File.exists to deter
mine whether to call the openOverwrite or openCreate
resource operation.  Internal routine calls in platform
interface wrappers always call the unwrapped versions of
routines.  Hence, the call to exists bypasses the wrapper
and does no safety checking.

4.2.3     Network Classes

The platform interface for the network classes is less
straightforward than it was for the file classes, since the
network resource is manipulated in several different ways
and socket transmissions are done using generic input and
output stream classes.

wrapper java.net.Socket {
 requires NRegulatedNetworkInputStream,
NRegulatedNetworkOutputStream, SocketHelp;
 state RNetConnection rnc;

 wrapper Socket (String host, int port) {
   rnc = new RNetConnection (new RNetAddress
(SocketHelp.getLocalAddress (),
                    new RNetAddress (SocketHelp.absoluteName
(host), port));
   rnc.getLocalAddress ().setPort (getLocalPort ());   //
Local port is not known until after constructor.
   RNetwork.postOpenConnection (rnc);

 ... // Other constructors similar.

   wrapper InputStream getInputStream()
   // Only necessary if preReceive or postReceive does
   requiredif  RNetwork.preReceive (RNetAddress,
RNetAddress, int),
         RNetwork.preReceive (RNetConnection, int),
         RNetwork.postReceive (RNetAddress, RNetAddress,
         RNetwork.postReceive (RNetConnection, int)    {
   result = new NCheckedNetworkInputStream (result, rnc);

   wrapper OutputStream getOutputStream ()
   requiredif  RNetwork.preSend (RNetAddress, RNetAddress,
         RNetwork.preSend (RNetConnection, int),
         RNetwork.postSend (RNetAddress, RNetAddress, int),
         RNetwork.postSend (RNetConnection, int) {
       result = new NCheckedNetworkOutputStream (result,

 ... // other methods elided
     Figure 12.  Platform interface for java.net.Socket.

helper class NCheckedNetworkOutputStream extends
java.io.FilterOutputStream {
 RNetConnection rnc;

 public NCheckedNetworkOutputStream (OutputStream os,
RNetConnection r) {
   super (os);
   rnc = r;

 public void write (int b) throws IOException {
   RNetwork.preSend (rnc,1);
    super.write (b);
       RNetwork.postSend (rnc, 1);

 // Other write methods overrided similarly.
    Figure 13.  NCheckedNetworkOutputStream helper class.

Figure 12 shows the java.net.Socket platform interface.  The
getInputStream and getOutputStream methods return stream
objects used for sending and receiving data through a
socket.  Since the RNetwork resource provides operations
corresponding to sending or receiving bits over the network,
the platform interface must ensure that the appropriate
resource operations are invoked when these streams are used.
The wrappers for the get stream methods accomplish this by
returning a subclass of InputStream or OutputStream
constructed using the result of the original method and the
RNetConnection object.  These subclasses call resource
operations when data is received or sent through a network
connection.  Figure 13 shows excerpts from the
NCheckedNetworkOutputStream helper class;
NCheckedNetworkInputStream is similar.

In addition to the persistent stream used by
java.net.Socket, the network may be manipulated by sending
or receiving datagram packets and by using server sockets
that listen for incoming connections.  The platform
interfaces for java.net.DatagramSocket and
java.net.ServerSocket describe the Java API classes
corresponding to these manipulations.  Other classes such as
java.net.URLConnection also provide routines that can be
used to manipulate network connections, and are described
appropriately by the platform interface.

4.2.4     Extended Safety Policies

This section demonstrates how a policy that cannot be
defined using the standard resources can be defined by using
an altered platform interface.  First, we introduce a
standard policy that places a limit on the rate of network
usage.  This policy is then improved by modifying the
platform interface.

A safety property that limits the total amount of data sent
or received over the network can be written similarly to the
LimitBytesWritten property introduced in Figure 6.  Instead
of tracking bytes written to files, this policy would track
bytes sent over the network using the RNetwork preSend and
postSend operations.  Such a policy would be useful in
detecting obviously bad behavior from programs that are
permitted to use the network but not expected to send or
receive a large amount of data.  A more generally useful
policy would allow for a limit to be placed on the rate of
network usage instead of the total amount.  Writing such a
policy depends on dividing time into quanta and keeping
track of the number of bytes sent during the current time
quantum.  Figure 14 shows a policy that limits the rate of
network transmissions by delaying sending.  It prevents the
application from sending more than maxBytes bytes over the
network in an ms millisecond time period.8

Although this policy constrains network bandwidth as
desired, it is far from satisfactory.  If the preSend
operation is called with a higher number of bytes than
maxBytes, it leads to a violation since there is no way to
alter the send to conform to the rate.  Further, if the
number of bytes doesn't exceed the quantum limit but is
slightly higher than the number allowed in the remaining
time quantum, it stalls until the current time quantum
completes instead of sending part of the transmission right
away.  Without changing the platform interface, there is no
way to fix these problems since the resource operation has
no control over the system call it is constraining.  By
modifying the platform interface, however, and integrating
it with the policy information, we can change the way
network transmissions are done to improve the policy.

stateblock TrackSendRate (timeQuantum: int) augments
RNetwork {
 addfield bytesSent: int = 0;
 addfield timeStart: int;
 helper updateTimer () {
   if (naccio.library.Time.getCurrentTime () - timeStart >
timeQuantum) {
    // The current time quantum is finished, reset. Ignores
numeric wrap around.
    bytesSent = 0; timeStart =
naccio.library.Time.getCurrentTime ();
 helper waitForQuantum () {
   if (naccio.library.Time.getCurrentTime () - timeStart <
timeQuantum) {
            naccio.library.Time.sleep (timeQuantum -
(naccio.library.Time.getCurrentTime () - timeStart));
   updateTimer ();
   assert (bytesSent == 0); // check a new quantum was
 precode postSend (connection: RNetConnection, nbytes: int)
   updateTimer (); bytesSent += nbytes;
property NetLimitSendRate (maxBytes: int, ms: int) {
 // Send up to maxBytes in time ms
 requires TrackSendRate (ms);
 precheck RNetwork.preSend (connection: RNetConnection,
nbytes: int) {
   updateTimer ();
   if (bytesSent + nbytes > maxBytes) {
            if (nbytes <= maxBytes) waitForQuantum ();
                violation ("Network send rate exceeded.
Maximum of " + maxBytes + " bytes per " + ms
            + "ms. Already sent " + bytesSent + " this
quantum; attempting to send "
            +  nbytes + " bytes.");
     Figure 14.  Policy that limits network send rate by
                   delaying transmissions.

Figure 15 shows a policy that splits and delays network
sends to conform to a requested bandwidth usage.9  The
SoftSendLimit property includes an alterinterface clause
that modifies the platform interface using the alternate
wrapper for java.net.Socket shown in Figure 16 (a similar
wrapper for java.net.DatagramSocket is not shown).  It
replaces the wrapper for getOutputStream to construct and
return an NRegulatedOutputStream object instead of the
NCheckedNetworkOutputStream returned by the standard

Excerpts from the definition of NRegulatedOutputStream are
shown in Figure 17.  It loops until the entire array of
bytes is transmitted.  Each iteration calls
RNetwork.quantumSendAvailable (defined by the
SoftSendCounter state block) to find out how much bandwidth
is remaining in the current time quantum.  Since
quantumSendAvailable is defined to stall until the end of
the time quantum if no more bandwidth use is allowed, it
always returns a positive value.  It then calls the
RNetwork.preSend resource operation for the actual send,
calls write to send the data, and then calls the
RNetwork.postSend resource operation.

stateblock SoftSendCounter (sendLimit: int, timeQuantum:
int) augments RNetwork {
 requires TrackSendRate (timeQuantum);

 helper quantumSendAvailable () returns int { // Number of
bytes more that can be sent this quantum
   updateTimer ();
   if (bytesSent >= sendLimit) waitForQuantum ();
   return (sendLimit - bytesSent);

property SoftSendLimit (limit: int, tq: int) {
 requires SoftSendCounter (limit, tq);
 alterinterface java.net.Socket: RegulatedSendSocket,

 precode RNetwork.preSend (connection: RNetConnection,
nbytes: int) {
   // No checking necessary, but use assertion to make sure
platform interface is doing the right thing.
   assert (nbytes + bytesSent <= sendLimit);
  Figure 15.  Policy that limits bandwidth by splitting up
                 and delaying network sends.

alter wrapper java.net.Socket {
 requires java.net.NRegulatedOutputStream;

 replace wrapper OutputStream getOutputStream () {
   result = new NRegulatedOutputStream (result, rnc);
 Figure 16.  RegulatedSendSocket wrapper modification code.

helper class NRegulatedOutputStream extends
java.io.FilterOutputStream {
 RNetConnection rnc;

 public void write (byte b[]) throws IOException {
   long offset = 0;

   do {
       long avail = RNetwork.quantumSendAvailable ();
    if (avail + offset > b.length) avail = b.length -
offset; // Can send the rest

    // Assumes no other threads send since call to
    RNetwork.preSend (rnc, avail);
    out.write (b, offset, avail);
    RNetwork.postSend (rnc, avail);

    offset += avail;
   } while (offset < b.length);

 ... // Other methods elided.
       Figure 17.  NRegulatedOutputStream helper class

For simplicity, this implementation assumes there are no
other program threads that may send data over the network
between the call to quantumSendAvailable and the call to
postSend.  If this were to happen, two threads could attempt
to use the same available bandwidth leading to a failure of
the assertion defined in the check body for RNetwork.preSend
in the SoftSendLimit property.  To prevent this, an
implementation could use a semaphore to lock the RNetwork
resource when quantumSendAvailable is called and release it
after calling postSend. While locked, future calls to
quantumSendAvailable would stall until the lock is released.

In addition to altering existing wrappers, policy authors
can replace wrappers completely, remove existing wrappers,
or add new wrappers.  This can be done to provide fine
control over behavior in ways that is not possible in
checking code itself.  It can also be done to define new
resource operations that can be used like standard resource
operations in defining safety policies.

4.3  Win32 Platform Interface10

Naccio/Win32 is intended to provide code safety on a variety
of Windows operating system platforms.  The Win32 API is
used by many Windows-based operating systems including
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows CE and Windows
2000.  Although Naccio/Win32 is intended to support many
Win32-based operating systems, this discussion focuses on
Windows NT (which is believed to be the basis for all future
Windows operating systems including Windows 2000).

Like most modern operating systems, Windows NT has a
protected kernel that provides system calls that can be used
to manipulate the hardware and control basic operating
system functions.  Application processes are confined to
their own virtual address space but can make calls to kernel
code by executing a trap instruction.  On top of the kernel,
NT provides several OS environments including Win32, Posix
and MS-DOS.  Each OS environment is implemented by a
protected subsystem --- a user-level process that receives
requests from client process using Local Procedure Call
(LPC) messages.  All OS environments in Windows NT are
implemented using the Win32 subsystem, which makes direct
calls to the kernel.  Since programming using LPC messages
would be tedious, the Win32 subsystem provides an
application program interface (API) that allows programs to
access the Win32 subsystem using function calls.  All
Windows implementations implement this API using a dynamic
link library (DLL).  DLLs are linked when a program is
loaded or during execution, but are not statically linked
into an executable.

4.3.1     Platform Interface Level

There are several options for the level of the Naccio/Win32
platform interface.  The lowest level would be at the level
of machine instructions for a particular machine
architecture, such as Intel x86.  This would mean alternate
machine architectures (such as the DEC Alpha) could not be
supported without writing a new platform interface.
Further, enforcing policies at that level would require
modifying the NT kernel and involve substantial complexity.
Since using a different version of the kernel for programs
that enforce different policies is not readily possible
within the Windows architecture, it would be necessary to
integrate the checking hooks into the standard kernel and
determine at run-time which policy should be enforced.  As a
result, most of the overhead of the most expensive safety
policy needs to be incurred for even trusted programs
running with no policy constraints.

The next possible level for the platform interface is the NT
kernel.  The platform interface could describe calls
provided by the NT kernel and enforce policies by
interposing checking code around calls to the kernel.  This
would require modifying the protected subsystems.  Since
Windows 95/98 does not use protected subsystems, one
disadvantage of this approach is that it would only work for
Windows NT.  Another problem with trying to write a platform
interface at the level of the NT kernel is that there is no
definitive documentation available for the kernel calls, and
platform interface authors would need to rely on guesswork
to describe their behavior correctly.

The most appropriate choice is to put the platform interface
at the level of the Win32 API.  This is the lowest level
that is standardized and well documented.  It is shared
across Windows operating systems and machine architectures.
Selecting a platform interface at the level of the Win32 API
restricts the target programs to those written to the Win32
API, so programs written for the Win16, MS-DOS or Posix
subsystems are not supported.  Importantly, though, it means
that a single platform interface can be used across all
Win32 systems, and as a result, much of the policy compiler
and program transformer can be reused across all Win32
systems.  Placing the platform interface at the level of the
Win32 API offers several advantages in the ease of creating
an implementation and its efficiency at both transformation
and execution time.  The Win32 API is encapsulated entirely
in DLLs.  This provides a clear interface where the platform
interface wrappers can be interposed.  A disadvantage of
placing the platform interface at this level is that
Naccio/Win32 must ensure that programs cannot circumvent
safety checking by manipulating resources without using the
Win32 API, for example, by making direct kernel calls.
Section 6.2.2 discusses what must be done to provide the
necessary assurances.

Placing the platform interface at a higher level would be
likely to exclude too many programs.  One option would be
writing a platform interface for the Microsoft Foundation
Classes (MFC).  Many Win32 programs are written using MFC, a
C++ library that provides object-oriented abstractions of
the Win32 API.  A platform interface at this level would
support policies that could take advantage of information
that is readily available in MFC calls but harder to extract
from Win32 API calls.  For example, it could treat opening a
file selected by the user from a standard dialog box
differently from normal file opening.  If the only platform
interface available describes MFC, it would be necessary to
prevent the application from making direct calls to the
Win32 API.  Another problem is that MFC may be linked either
statically or dynamically.  If it is linked statically, the
MFC calls cannot easily be securely detected and replaced
with wrappers.  On the other hand, combining a Win32 API
platform interface with an MFC platform interface would be a
viable option.  This would allow polices to be enforced on
programs that call the Win32 API directly, but allow more
permissive policies to allow additional resource
manipulations from programs that use MFC.  The Naccio
prototypes do not support multiple level platform
interfaces, although it is a clear extension of the
architecture.  Section 9.2 discusses extensions to Naccio
that would be necessary to support this.

4.3.2     Prototype Platform Interface

Several compromises were made to make creating the platform
interface for the Naccio/Win32 prototype manageable.
Because of the size and complexity of the Win32 API, the
Win32 platform interface only describes a small subset of
the API, focusing on the simple file manipulation calls.
Hence, only policies defined using only the RFile and
RFileSystem resources can be enforced.

The other major compromise taken to make Naccio/Win32
manageable is to express the platform interface using
stylized C code that can be compiled directly using the
macro definitions generated for the resource
implementations.  This eliminates the need for the policy
compiler to parse and analyze the platform interface.  It
also removes the possibility to optimize out unnecessary
wrappers, and means that the overhead required for simple
policies is substantially more than would be the case if
some simple optimizations were done.  This was viewed as
acceptable considering the proof-of-concept nature of the
Naccio/Win32 prototype.

Figure 18 shows an excerpt from the Naccio/Win32 platform
interface for the DeleteFileA system call.  Since the
platform interface is designed to be C code that can be
compiled directly, it uses a naming convention to invoke
resource operations.  A resource operation is called by the
resource type name followed by an underscore and the
resource operation name.  The policy compiler will define
macros corresponding to these names that do the actual
resource invocation.  The wrapper calls
RFileMap_addRFileByName to obtain an RFile object
corresponding to the pathname.  Since Win32 programs are not
garbage collected, we use reference counting to manage
object memory.  When the returned RFile is no longer needed,
the wrapper code calls RFile_release to indicate that the
object reference is no longer needed.

BOOL wrapper__DeleteFileA (LPCTSTR pathname) {
 BOOL result;
 RFile rf = RFileMap_addRFileByName (pathname);

 RFileSystem_preDelete (rf);
 RFileSystem_observeExists (rf);
 result = DeleteFileA (pathname);

 if (result) RFileSystem_postDelete (rf);
 RFile_release (rf);

 return result;
   Figure 18.  Naccio/Win32 platform interface wrapper for

4.4  Expressiveness

The platform interface defines a set of resource operations
by providing an operational specification for a system in
terms of those resource operations.  Altering the platform
interface allows new resource operations to be defined.
Hence, the range and precision of policies that can be
defined is no longer limited by a standard set of resource
descriptions.  We can define new resource operations that
correspond to any manipulation visible to the platform
interface.  The level of the platform interface limits what
manipulations are visible, and thus the scope of policies
that can be defined.

If the platform interface is at the level of a system API,
we can define resource operations that correspond to any
manipulation done through API calls.  In the case of
Naccio/JavaVM, the platform interface is at the level of the
Java API.  This means we can define a resource operation
corresponding to any routine in the Java API.  Since all
manipulations of files, the network, display, threads, and
the system environment are done through calls to the Java
API, this supports a large class of policies.  Some
resources, however, are not manipulated through Java API
routines, and cannot be defined using a platform interface
at this level.  For example, memory use is not done using
the Java API.  Some memory use is visible through Java API
constructor calls, but memory use resulting from allocating
arrays and constructing objects without using Java API
constructors is not visible through Java API calls.  If we
wish to support policies defined using a memory resource, a
lower level platform interface is required.  This could be
done either using callbacks from a modified virtual machine
or by inserting resource operation calls that represent
memory use into the application.

The platform interface also places fewer constraints on what
can be done around a constrained event.  In both the
Naccio/JavaVM and Naccio/Win32 platform interface languages,
there are no restrictions on the code that may be used in a
wrapper.  This means the behavior of the program may be
changed in radical ways at any execution point visible to
the platform interface.  For example, we could write a
wrapper for the java.net.Socket constructors that opens a
window that plays Tetris and requires the user to accumulate
a certain number of points before a socket is opened.  More
practical policies that take advantage of the extensibility
of the platform interface might log all network
transmissions to a secure audit file or make all windows
created by an untrusted program appear with a red title bar.

Chapter 5
Compiling Policies

All policies that can be defined using the Naccio definition
mechanisms can be enforced on executions.  Policy
enforcement mechanisms are divided into two phases --- policy
compilation prepares what is needed to enforce a policy on
any program, and program transformation prepares a modified
version of a target program that is constrained by a policy.
This chapter discusses the policy compilation phase.

The policy compiler takes a policy description consisting of
resource descriptions, a platform interface, and a resource
use policy, and produces a policy description file that
compactly specifies what transformations are needed to
enforce the policy, as well as supplementary files used in
those transformations.  Those supplementary files include
implementations of the resource operations that perform the
checking specified by the policy.  For platform interfaces
at the level of a system API, they also include a modified
system library that calls the relevant resource operations
as directed by the platform interface.

Policy compilation is divided into three steps:
  1.   Processing the resource use policy to weave checking
     code into an intermediate representation of the resource
     operations (described in Section 5.1),
2.   Reading the platform interface and analyzing it in
conjunction with the resource operations (described in
Section 5.2), and
3.   Generating output files from the intermediate
representations.  For platform interface at the level of a
system library, the output files comprise a policy-enforcing
library that can be used in place of the standard system
library to enforce a safety policy on an execution.  The
policy-enforcing library consists of implementations of the
resources that incorporate checking code defined by the
policy (described in Section 5.3), and a wrapped version of
the standard library that calls routines that correspond to
the abstract resource operations (described in Section 5.4).
Section 5.5 discusses some opportunities for optimizations
involving both the resource implementations and library
wrappers. The final output of the policy compiler is a
policy description file that encodes the transformations
needed to enforce the policy on a particular program
(described in Section 5.6).

5.1  Processing the Resource Use Policy

The first step in compiling a policy is to parse the
resource descriptions and resource use policy and produce an
intermediate language representation of the checking code.
This step is independent of the target platform and platform
interface level.  Hence, it can be reused by all Naccio

For the prototype implementations, the intermediate language
is an abstract syntax tree similar to the Java programming
language.  This makes parsing the resource descriptions and
resource use policy straightforward, and makes it easy to
generate Java implementations from the intermediate
representation.  The disadvantage of using such a high level
intermediate representation is that it may be harder to do
certain optimizations at this level.  For an industrial
implementation, it may be better to use a lower-level
intermediate representation or run an optimizer on the
generated code.

Once the resource descriptions and resource use policy have
been parsed, each safety property is instantiated with the
constant arguments given in the resource use policy.  These
values are bound in the code by textually replacing
instances of the parameter in the code with the actual
parameter.  If the same safety property is instantiated more
than once in the policy with different arguments, multiple
copies of the property will exist for each with different
values bound to the parameters.  Once the properties have
been instantiated, the checking code associated with each
safety property and required state block is integrated into
the appropriate resource operations.  State block helpers
are merged into the resource class as methods.  A copy of
the checking code is inserted into the code body of each
resource operation or group listed in the check clause.  The
code must be located in the body according to its type: all
precode blocks in state blocks must be executed before any
other checking code; all check clauses in permissions must
be before safety property check classes since the allowance
must overrides a violation by calling allow before the
violation is reached; and all postcode blocks in state
blocks must be executed after all checking code.  To support
this, the policy compiler maintains four separate code
blocks for each resource operations corresponding to code
from precode blocks, code from permission check clauses,
code from safety property check clauses, and code from
postcode blocks.  Once all the safety properties have been
processed, the code from each of these blocks is merged into
a single block. Checking code preserves information about
the property it came from.  This information is used in the
code generation phase so that violation messages can be
produced that include information about the property that
produced a violation.

Next, a relaxation algorithm is use to determine which
resource operations, helpers and groups do meaningful work.
Since a policy may require generic state blocks, but not use
all state maintained by the block in checking, it is
possible that some resource operations do not need to be
implemented.  This analysis is also a useful test that the
policy means what the policy author intends as Naccio
provides information on what resource operations are
implemented.  For example, if a policy is designed to
restrict access to files but the policy compiler reports
that it does not need to implement RFileSystem.openRead, the
policy author should suspect something is wrong with the
policy definition.

The policy compiler determines which resource operations are
unnecessary using a specialization of standard compiler
optimization for dead code elimination [Aho86, p. 595].
Because the definition of useful code in a safety policy is
narrow, we can eliminate more code then could be eliminated
by a generic compiler.  A resource member does meaningful
work if any of the following are true:
  1.   It could issue a violation.  This is assumed to be the
     case if its body calls the violation command or calls a
     helper method that could issue a violation.  A more involved
     analysis could attempt to determine if the violation could
     ever in fact be issued by analyzing the code logic more
     deeply.  Resource operations and constructors that only call
     the allow command do not need to be implemented, since this
     is only meaningful if a violation could be issued.  Resource
     helpers that call the allow command need to be implemented
     if they are called by a resource operation that could issue
     a violation.
2.   It sets the value of some resource state that is
meaningful.  State is meaningful if its value is used in a
meaningful resource member.
3.   It is contained in the group list of a meaningful
resource group.
The relaxation works by first assuming all resource state
and members are meaningless, and iterating the definition of
meaningful work through each resource member.  The iteration
continues until no new meaningful resource members are
marked.  It is guaranteed to terminate since each iteration
either marks no new resource members as meaningful and leads
to termination or marks a previously meaningless resource
member as meaningful.  The number of resource members is an
upper bound on the number of iterations.  In practice, only
a few iterations are needed for most policies.

5.2  Processing the Platform Interface

The platform interface is defined using a platform-specific
variant of the platform interface specification language.
Hence, each Naccio implementation must provide a platform-
specific parser that converts the platform interface to an
intermediate representation.  The platform interface
intermediate representation is similar to that used for
resource implementations.  This allows much of the analysis
code to be reused.  Each platform interface wrapper is
associated with some concrete system event and contains
wrapper code for that event.  For platform interfaces at the
level of a system API, each wrapper is associated with a
call to a system API routine.

A wrapper is considered to be a normal form wrapper if it
always invokes the original wrapped operation exactly once
and all wrapper code is limited to calling resource
operations, setting wrapper state, doing side-effect free
computation that is guaranteed to terminate, and calling
helper functions and Naccio library routines that satisfy
these properties.  It is likely that there are many
unnecessary platform interface wrappers, since the platform
interface is written to support a large class of policies.

As with resource operations, the policy compiler uses a
specialization of the standard compiler optimization for
dead-code elimination to eliminate unnecessary normal form
wrappers.  A normal form wrapper is necessary if it either:
  1.   Calls a meaningful resource operation (as was
     determined by processing the resource use policy), or
2.   Sets some meaningful wrapper state.  Wrapper state is
meaningful if it is read in a necessary wrapper.
Which wrappers are necessary is determined by a relaxation
analysis similar to that used to determine which resource
members are meaningful.  Within a necessary wrapper, calls
to resource operations that are not meaningful are removed.

In addition to what can be determined by the analysis, the
policy compiler uses requiredif clauses to eliminate
wrappers that could not otherwise be determined to be
unnecessary.  The policy compiler trusts the requiredif
clause, and will eliminate a wrapper that has a requiredif
clause if none of the resource operations listed do
meaningful work.  This also allows wrappers that are not
expressed in normal form to be eliminated.  Naccio cannot
eliminate wrappers that are not normal form wrappers since
determining that they use no meaningful resource operation
and set no meaningful state is not sufficient.  Non-normal
form wrappers can also change the return value, call
routines that alter the behavior of the program, or prevent
the original routine call from occurring.  Hence, wrappers
that are not normal form are never eliminated except when
permitted by an explicit requiredif clause.

One example is the checked stream classes used in the Java
API platform interface for java.net.Socket.  The wrapper for
getOutputStream creates a new NCheckedNetworkOutputStream
object that extends the result from the original method and
overrides the write methods to perform checking code before
calling the superclass method.  All this work is unnecessary
unless the RNetwork.preSend or RNetwork.postSend operation
does meaningful work.  Because the wrapper has a requiredif
clause that indicates this, Naccio/JavaVM can eliminate the
wrapper and the helper class if the RNetwork.preSend and
RNetwork.postSend operations are not meaningful.

5.3  Generating Resource Implementations

The intermediate representations of the processed resource
operations need to be converted to implementations that
perform the actual checking.  A resource implementation must
be produced for every resource that contains a meaningful
resource member.  The code produced depends on the target
platform, but some platform-independent transformations can
be done on the intermediate representation first.

The violation and allow commands in safety policy bodies are
replaced with calls to Naccio library routines.  The library
routines take extra arguments giving the names of the policy
and property that issued the violation and information on
where it is defined.  For certain policies, the violation
and allow library routines also need an extra argument that
encodes the violation status code.  This is necessary if the
policy uses weaken to combine permissions and negative
properties since violation codes are used by allow command
to override future violation commands.  If violation codes
are necessary, a parameter of type ViolationCode is added to
all resource members that call the violation or allow
command.  The Naccio library defines the ViolationCode type.
It encodes whether an allow command was issued that should
suppress violations detected in this resource operation.  A
ViolationCode object is created in the wrapper routing and
passed to resource operations.  The policy compiler adds
parameters to declarations and inserts them at call sites as
necessary.  The ViolationCode object is passed to the allow
and violation library methods.  The allow method sets it to
record a permission, and the violation method uses it to
suppress violations that have been overridden by

The other preparation step is to handle resource groups.
For each resource group, there are two implementation
options: we can implement it as a method helper and add
calls from the group members, or we can inline the checking
code directly into group members.  We must pay attention,
however, to the appropriate ordering of checking code.  In
the worst case, this means a resource group implementation
is divided into four separate helper routines corresponding
to the precode actions, the permission (allow) bodies, the
negative check bodies, and the postcode actions.  Group
members must call each of these at the corresponding point
in their own check body.  Fortunately, for most resource
groups only one or two of the routines are necessary.
Implementing resource groups as methods saves code
duplication, but involves the overhead of up to four
additional method calls for each group member.  The group
member list gives the arguments necessary to call the
resource group.  This is converted into the intermediate
representation of the equivalent method call.  An
alternative is to inline the group code directly into the
member bodies.  For simplicity, this is only done for
resource members that match the group parameters exactly.
It could be done for other members, but this would require
binding the group parameters to new local variables.

A further improvement is possible if the individual group
member has no checking code other than that given by the
resource group.  For group members that have no checking
code other than that done by the resource group, we can
directly replace the member with the group and avoid the
overhead of either extra implementation or method calls.  We
simply implement the resource group as if it were an
operation, and replace calls to the resource operation in
the platform interface with calls to the group.

Finally, a platform-specific implementation of the resources
is generated.  The actual implementation depends on the
particular target platform, but generating resource
implementations from the intermediate representation should
be relatively straightforward for most platforms.  The next
two subsections discuss how each prototype implementation
generates resource implementations.

5.3.1     Naccio/JavaVM

Naccio/JavaVM generates a Java class corresponding to each
resource.  Java source code is produced and compiled using a
standard Java compiler.  Since the intermediate
representation is similar to Java source code, producing
source code for the corresponding Java class is

Figure 19 shows the resource class for the RFileSystem
resource description from Figure 4 that was generated by
Naccio/JavaVM to enforce the LimitWrite policy introduced in
Figure 7.  This file is placed in a newly created output
directory corresponding to a new package holding all the
resource implementations for this policy.  Because
RFileSystem is declared as a global resource, all class
variables and routines are static.  The bytes_written field
introduced by TrackBytesWritten is implemented by adding a
class variable to RFileSystem.11

The modifyExistingFile method corresponds to the group with
the same name and contains code from the NoBashingFiles
property.  The violation command has been converted to a
call to the NCheck.policyViolation library method, and
additional arguments are passed so a helpful error message
can be produced.  Since none of the members of the
modifyExistingFile group have their own checking code,
modifyExistingFile can be implemented as a method if calls
to group members in the platform interface are replaced in
the generated platform interface wrappers with calls to
modifyExistingFile.  The preWrite and postWrite methods
contain code from the LimitBytesWritten safety property.
The limit parameter of LimitBytesWritten has been bound to
the value of 1000000 passed in by the LimitWrite property.

The implementation shown does not pass violation codes since
the policy did not use permissions.  If violation codes were
necessary, each resource routine would have an additional
parameter of type naccio.library.ViolationCode and would
pass this parameter on to the policyViolation library method
and a similar method corresponding to allow.

package lw; // Note: actually a longer, unique package name
is used.  For readability we shorten it here.
import naccio.library.*;

public class RFileSystem {
 static long bytes_written = 0; // from TrackBytesWritten
 final public static void modifyExistingFile (lw.RFile file)
   naccio.library.NCheck.policyViolation (``LimitWrite'',
                         "Destructive manipulation of file:
`` + file.getName ());

 final public static void preWrite (lw.RFile file, long n) {
   if (bytes_written + n > 1000000)
    naccio.library.NCheck.policyViolation (``LimitWrite'',
      "Attempt to write more than " + 1000000 + " bytes.
Already written " + bytes_written +
      " bytes, writing " + n + " more to " + file.getName ()
+ ".");

 final public static void postWrite (lw.RFile file, long n)
   bytes_written += n;
   Figure 19.  Resource class generated by Naccio/JavaVM.

The generated Java source files are compiled by running a
standard Java compiler.  The resulting class files are then
transformed to replace calls to wrapped API routines with
calls to the corresponding unwrapped API routines.  This is
done using the same transformation engine and similar
transformations as is used to produce the platform interface
(see Section 5.4).  The calls to wrapped API routines are
rewritten so that checking is not done for API calls made in
the resource implementations.

5.3.2     Naccio/Win3212

Naccio/Win32 generates resource operations as ANSI C source
code that is compiled into a DLL.  ANSI C is chosen as the
implementation language instead of C++ because of
portability issues and simplicity, and over other languages
because of efficiency and the ease with which a DLL can be
produced from C source code.  Since C is not object-
oriented, a naming convention is used to group routines
associated with a particular resource and the associated
resource object is passed explicitly.  Macros are used to
hide these implementation details from the platform

Naccio/Win32 produces both a header file and source file
containing all the resource implementations.  The header
file contains type definitions, variable and function
declarations, and macro definitions that are used in the
platform interface implementation.  Both the resource source
file and the platform interface implementation source file
include this header file.

The resource header generated by Naccio/Win32 for the
LimitWrite policy is shown in Figure 20.  The types for
RFileSystem and RFile are defined as pointers to structures
containing fields that correspond to the resource state.
Since RFileSystem is a global resource, the resource header
file also declares the variable RFileSystem_state of type
RFileSystem to represent the global RFileSystem object.
This simplifies the implementation of resource operations,
since it allows global and non-global resource operations to
be implemented identically except the global state object is
passed instead of the this object.  For an industrial
implementation, it would make more sense to put the state
associated with global resources in stand-alone variables
instead of structure types would save the overhead of
passing an extra pointer and performing an extra

The header file defines empty macros for the resource
operations that do no useful work.  Since macros are
expanded at compilation time, this means the resource calls
can be left in the platform interface with no run-time
overhead.  The header file also defines macros for the
modifyExistingFile group member operations that call
RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile with the appropriate
argument.  For resource operations that do useful work, the
resource header file includes macro definitions that
automatically pass the global state to the actual resource
operation implementation.


typedef struct _RFileSystem { long bytes_written;}
typedef struct _RFile { String name; } *RFile;

NACCIO_RESOURCE extern RFileSystem RFileSystem_state;
NACCIO_RESOURCE RFileSystem RFileSystem_new();

#define RFileSystem_initialize()         /* empty macro body
#define RFileSystem_terminate()     /* empty macro body */
#define RFileSystem_openRead(p_a0)  /* empty macro body */
... /* Similar no-op's for other resource operations elided */

#define RFileSystem_openOverwrite(p_a0)
RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile (p_a0)
#define RFileSystem_openAppend(p_a0)
RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile (p_a0)
#define RFileSystem_preDelete(p_a0)
RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile (p_a0)
#define RFileSystem_rename(p_a0,p_a1)
RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile (p_a0)

NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFileSystem_op_preWrite(RFileSystem
p_this, RFile p_file, long p_n);
#define RFileSystem_preWrite(p_a0,p_a1) \
      RFileSystem_op_preWrite (RFileSystem_state, p_a0,

NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFileSystem_op_postWrite(RFileSystem
p_this, RFile p_file, long p_n);
#define RFileSystem_postWrite(p_a0,p_a1) \
      RFileSystem_op_postWrite (RFileSystem_state, p_a0,

RFileSystem_op_modifyExistingFile(RFileSystem p_this, RFile
#define RFileSystem_modifyExistingFile(p_a0) \
      RFileSystem_op_modifyExistingFile (RFileSystem_state,

NACCIO_RESOURCE RFile RFile_new(String p_pathname);
NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFile_delete(RFile p_this);
NACCIO_RESOURCE String RFile_getName(RFile p_this);
       Figure 20.  Resource headers file generated by

#include "resource.h"
NACCIO_RESOURCE  RFileSystem RFileSystem_state;
NACCIO_RESOURCE RFileSystem RFileSystem_new () {
 RFileSystem p_this = nAlloc (sizeof (struct _RFileSystem));
 p_this->bytes_written = 0;
    return (p_this);
NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFileSystem_op_modifyExistingFile
(RFileSystem p_this, RFile file) {
   String tempstr_0 = NULL, tempstr_1 = NULL, tempstr_2 =
NULL, tempstr_3 = NULL;
   Check_policyViolation (String_fromlit (&tempstr_0,
   String_fromlit (&tempstr_1, "NoBashingFiles"),
   String_concat (String_concat (String_empty (&tempstr_2),
                    String_fromlit (&tempstr_3, "Destructive
manipulation of file:")),
 String_delete(tempstr_0); String_delete(tempstr_1);
String_delete(tempstr_2); String_delete(tempstr_3);
NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFileSystem_op_preWrite (RFileSystem
p_this, RFile file,  long n) {
 if (RFileSystem_state->bytes_written + n > 1000000) {
   Check_policyViolation (...); // Lots of ugly string
manipulation code elided
NACCIO_RESOURCE void RFileSystem_op_postWrite (RFileSystem
p_this, RFile file, long n) {
 RFileSystem_state->bytes_written += n;
... // Construction and destruction functions for RFile
ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpRes) {
 switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
   case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:   RFileSystem_state =
RFileSystem_new ();
                      RFileSystem_initialize (); break;
   case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:   RFileSystem_terminate ();
 return (TRUE);
     Figure 21.  Implementation resource.c generated by
                Naccio/Win32 for LimitWrite.

The policy compiler produces implementations in a source
file, resource.c, shown in Figure 21.  This file includes
the resource.h header file.  Implementations of resource
operations are generated from the intermediate
representations.  The main complication is dealing with the
library String type, since C does not provide a useful
string datatype.  The generated code declares temporary
string variables for use in concatenating strings.  The
strings must be passed to String_delete before the function
returns to reclaim memory used by the string.

This file also defines the DllMain function, which is called
when the DLL is attached or detached from a process.  Since
the resource DLL is implicitly linked by the API wrapper
DLL, this function will be called at the beginning of
execution.  When the DLL is attached, it initializes
RFileSystem_state to a new RFileSystem object and calls the
RFileSystem_initialize operation.  When the program shuts
down, it calls detach for each implicitly linked DLL.  This
will call the terminators in the DLL_PROCESS_DETACH case of

5.4  Generating Platform Interface Wrappers

In addition to the resource implementations, the policy
compiler must produce an implementation of the platform
interface.  What is involved depends on the level of the
platform interface.  For a hardware-level platform
interface, it would involve building traps into the hardware
device's system software and writing support code necessary
to obtain enough information to call the appropriate
resource operation.  For a platform-interface at the level
of machine instructions it involves performing low-level
transformations on the object files to introduce platform
interface wrapper code where appropriate.  A different
approach would be to write an interpreter that executes the
program and runs the relevant wrapper before interpreting a
wrapped instruction.  Our focus is on platform interfaces at
the level of a system API, and for the remainder of this
section we assume the platform interface is at that level.

Most of the platform interface generation is platform
specific, but some work is done processing the intermediate
representation first.  If the policy needs violation codes,
the intermediate representations are modified to introduce
them.  A single ViolationCode object should be maintained
throughout the wrapper body and passed to each resource
operation.  A local variable declaration is inserted at the
beginning of the wrapper to store this object, and it is
assigned to the result of a library creation routine.  This
object is inserted at the beginning of the parameter list
for calls to resource operations.  Between resource
operations, its value is reset since allowances do not carry
over resource operations.  At the end of the wrapper
routine, the library ViolationCode.release routine is
called.  This supports the possibility for handling
ViolationCode objects on a platform that does not support
garbage collection, such as Naccio/Win32.  It is also useful
since in conjunction with the creation routines it allows
ViolationCode objects to be reused and avoids the costs
associated with creating many objects with short lifetimes.

Once the intermediate representations of the wrappers have
been produced the next step is to convert them to a form
that can be easily integrated into a program to enforce the
policy.  There are two approaches: modifying the system API
itself or interposing wrapper code between the program and
the system API.  The first approach offers more flexibility
in controlling the interactions between wrapper and system
code but requires lower-level manipulations of object files.
Naccio/JavaVM modifies system API code while Naccio/Win32
uses an interposition layer that performs the necessary

5.4.1     Naccio/JavaVM

Platform interface wrappers for Naccio/JavaVM are
implemented by rewriting Java API class files.  For each
policy, Naccio/JavaVM creates a (possibly partial) copy of
the Java API classes that are altered to implement the
platform interface wrappers.  The transformation engine is
based on JOIE, a toolkit for manipulating Java class files
[Cohen98].  Information on JOIE and other transformation
engines is found in Section 7.4.

     Java binary compatibility

Rewriting classes depends on being able to run the original
program with modified library classes without recompiling.
The Java Language Specification [Gosling96, Chapter 13]
describes changes that can be made to class files without
breaking link compatibility in conforming Java virtual
machines.  Compatible changes include adding new fields,
methods or constructors to an existing class or interface
and changing the implementation of existing methods,
constructors and initializers.  All the class modifications
done by Naccio/JavaVM are designed to preserve binary

 Java binary compatibility is not guaranteed in the presence
of native methods and Java implementations are expected to
describe binary compatibility of native methods.13  This
poses a problem for Naccio/JavaVM, since it may need to
modify classes used by native methods and does not
necessarily have access to the source code for the native
method.  As a result, supporting binary compatibility across
native methods depends on a particular JavaVM
implementation.  The prototype Naccio/JavaVM implementation
assumes that binary compatibility holds for inserting
fields, methods and constructors and replacing routine
implementations even in the presence of native methods.
This is in fact not the case for Sun's JDK 1.1 Java
implementations, since adding new fields can interfere with
field referencing.14  It is believed that JDK 1.2 and future
implementations will not have this problem, although no
formal claims about binary compatibility across native
methods are made by the JDK 1.2 documentation [Kramer99].

     Wrapping classes

To produce a wrapped version of an API class, the policy
compiler alters the class byte codes to reflect the state
and wrappers defined by the platform interface.  State
defined in the platform interface wrapper is implemented by
adding fields to the class.  These fields are declared
private, since they may only be used in the platform
interface wrappers.

To wrap a method, the wrapper code from the platform
interface is translated from the intermediate representation
into Java byte codes and inserted into the class file in
place of the original method.  The original method is
renamed by adding a prefix (o_) to the method name.  Since
no methods in the Java API start with o_, this always
produces a unique name.  Renaming the original method
implementation allows the wrapped version of the method and
other routines in the class library to call the original

The hash marker in the platform interface wrapper is
replaced with a call to the original method.  If it has a
return value, the result is stored in a new frame location
that corresponds to the result local variable in the
platform interface wrapper.  At exit points of the wrapper,
this result is returned.  Note that exceptions produced in
the original method call will propagate directly through the
wrapper code.  This means the checking code after the hash
marker will not execute if the original method call throws
an exception.  For most of the Java API, this is probably
the correct semantics since the resource manipulation does
not occur if the API method throws an exception.  In some
cases, some API methods will do partial resource
manipulations before throwing an exception.  Platform
interface authors can use a catch statement around the hash
mark to implement appropriate resource calls after the
exception, and then re-throw the exception.

Constructors and native methods introduce a few
complications.  Since the class determines the names of
constructors, we cannot rename them.  Instead, we add an
extra argument to distinguish the original constructor from
any other constructors.  This means when Naccio transforms
wrapped routines to call the unwrapped version of a wrapped
constructor, it must push an extra argument on the stack and
change the type descriptor of the constructor it calls.
Adding the extra argument to distinguish the original
constructor simplifies the work that will be needed to
transform an application to call the wrapped constructors.
The type of the extra argument is chosen so that the new
constructor does not conflict with any existing constructor.
Since application code always calls the wrapped constructor,
there is no need for the program transformer to alter
constructor calls in application classes.

For native methods, we cannot change the method name since
the JavaVM will not be able to find the corresponding native
method implementation.  Instead, we introduce a new method
(named w_method) that implements the wrapper and calls the
original native method.  This means the program transformer
will need to replace calls to wrapped native methods in the
application with calls to the corresponding w_method.  An
alternative would be to rename the native method and modify
the VM so that it can still map the new name to the correct
native method.  This would eliminate the need to change
wrapped native method names in application classes, but
would not be portable across different VM implementations.
Using a new name for wrappers for native methods means we
need to replace calls to the native method in application
and unwrapped library code with calls to the new wrapped
method instead.  We could handle all methods this way and
rename non-native methods also.  This would make the policy
compilation and transformation process simpler and more
consistent.  This is not done, however, since it would
involve extra work at transformation time since applications
must be modified to call the w_methods instead of the
unwrapped methods.  Since program transformation is done
much more frequently than policy compilation, we prefer to
add a little complexity to the policy compiler to reduce the
time required to transform an application.

     Pass-through checking

The tricky part of rewriting the library classes is
supporting the pass-through semantics correctly.  The
semantics required by the Naccio/JavaVM platform interface
  -o-    Calls to Java API routines in the bodies of pass-
     through routines should call the wrapped versions of those
-o-    Calls to Java API routines in the bodies of regular
wrapped routines should call the unwrapped versions of those
Wrappers must pass through recursively --- if a wrapped
routine calls an API routine that has no explicit platform
interface wrapper, but that calls a wrapped API routine we
must ensure that it calls the unwrapped version.

Consider the simple dependency graph shown in Figure 22a.
The body of method M1 calls method M2 and the body of M2
calls M3.  Figure 22b depicts the situation where M1 has a
regular wrapper.  Naccio/JavaVM produces a copy of M1 named
o_M1 that is the original implementation of M1 and replaces
M1 with a new M1 method that implements the wrapper code and
calls o_M1.

Figure 22c shows the scenario where M2 has a wrapper also.
As before, Naccio/JavaVM produces o_M2 as the unwrapped
version of M2.  Since the regular wrapper for M1 is intended
to account for all meaningful resource manipulations done by
M1, it should call the unwrapped version of M2.  After
wrapper generation, the transformation engine replaces the
call to M2 in the body of o_M1 with a call to o_M2.

     M1             M1             M1             M1
                    o_M1           o_M1           o_M1

     M2             M2             M2             M2
                                   o_M2           o_M2

     M3             M3             M3             M3

  a) No wrappers    b) M1 wrapped       c) M1 and M2 wrapped
d) M1 and M3 wrapped
             Figure 22.  Pass-through semantics.
   Wrapped methods are shown in italics, original methods
                      are renamed o_M.

In Figure 22d, M1 and M3 have wrappers but M2 does not.  We
need to ensure that the indirect call to M3 from the wrapped
M1 calls the unwrapped o_M3 instead of the wrapped M3.
Otherwise, the wrapper checking code associated with M3
would be executed when o_M1 calls M2, which then calls M3.
To provide the necessary semantics, an internal version of
M2, o_M2, is introduced for M2.  It contains a copy of the
M2 code, but calls to M3 are replaced with calls to o_M3.
This allows implementations of wrapped routines to call the
unwrapped versions of nested routines.  An internal version
of a routine is necessary if it calls a wrapped routine and
it is called by a wrapped routine.  Direct calls to M2 pass
through checking normally, since it calls the wrapped M3
method normally.

Superclass methods
Another situation Naccio/JavaVM must deal with is where a
platform interface wrapper is provided for a subclass method
that overrides a (possibly abstract) method in a superclass.
For example, consider the situation if there is a wrapper
for java.io.FileOutputStream.write.  The class
FileOutputStream is a subclass of OutputStream, and
OutputStream declares write as an abstract method.  We must
ensure that application calls to OutputStream.write on
objects that are FileOutputStream types call the wrapped
version of write, but calls on objects that are not of type
FileOutputStream call the appropriate unwrapped write
method.  Since FileOutputStream.write is a native method,
the wrapper method w_write is added to FileOutputStream.  We
need to provide a w_write method for OutputStream also, so
application classes can be rewritten to call w_write on
OutputStream objects that are not necessarily
FileOutputStream objects.  The policy compiler inserts the
w_write method into OutputStream.  Its body simply calls
write with the same arguments.  If the w_write is called on
a FileOutputStream object, it will dispatch to the subclass
method that is the wrapped version of write.  If it is
called on an OutputStream object of a type that does not
wrap write, the w_write method added to OutputStream will
call the regular write method.

Similarly, if a non-native subclass method overrides an
unwrapped method and renames the original method o_method,
Naccio/JavaVM adds an o_method to the superclass.  Its
implementation calls method with the original arguments.
This allows calls in wrapped API methods that should call
the unwrapped version of the method, to call o_method
regardless of the subtype.

Renaming classes
There are two different ways to generate the policy-
enforcing wrapper classes.  The simplest way is to write the
modified class files in a new directory and use the Java
CLASSPATH to select the policy-enforcing library when an
application constrained by the policy runs.  If we wish to
support multiple policies in the same Java VM, we need a way
to identify the API classes of each policy-enforcing library
at run-time.  This is done by globally renaming all classes
in the policy-enforcing version of the API to include a
unique package name so that they can be identified (e.g.,
java.io.File becomes policy_lw.java.io.File).  To rename
classes consistently, all classes in the API must be
renamed.  All references to the API classes are replaced
with the policy-enforcing class names.

     Stripping SecurityManager calls
In addition to inserting the Naccio checking calls, the
policy compiler can be used to remove calls to the JDK
SecurityManager.  Note that this is done only because the
JDK security mechanisms are built into the Java API.  To
remove the run-time overhead associated with them to enable
the performance analysis in Section 8.4 the policy compiler
can be directed to strip these calls from the API classes.
In the Sun JDK 1.1 implementation, all security manager
calls involve either calling System.getSecurityManager
method to obtain the security manager or using the private
security instance variable in the java.lang.System class.
This is followed by a comparison to null with a branch that
calls a security manager check method.  The policy compiler
can recognize the sequence and remove the code associated
with obtaining a security manager, testing if it is null,
and calling a check method.

Figure 23 shows the policy-enforcing library class generated
for java.io.FileOutputStream by Naccio/JavaVM to enforce the
LimitWrite policy.  The actual contents of the class files
are simplified for readability, but are essentially what is
shown here.

The top of each class file shows the visible declarations in
the class.  The policy-enforcing version contains an extra
field declaration corresponding to the rfile state defined
in the platform interface for java.io.FileOutputStream (see
Figure 11).  The rewritten class defines several methods and
constructors not defined in the original class.  Because the
LimitWrite policy attaches checking code to the resource
operation associated with overwriting an existing file, and
every constructor in FileOutputStream may open a file for
overwriting, every constructor needs a wrapper.  Hence, for
every constructor there is a new constructor declaration
with a dummy argument added to distinguish it from the
original.  This argument can be any type that does not lead
to a conflict with an existing constructor.  In this case,
none of the constructors have arguments of type short and
Naccio/JavaVM uses short for the type of the dummy argument.

The code for the constructor taking a java.io.File object is
shown.  In the original class, it calls the constructor
taking a String, passing in the absolute path of the file
object.  In the rewritten class, there are two versions of
the constructor.  The unwrapped version takes an extra
parameter of type short to distinguish it from the wrapper
version.  Its body is copied from the body of the original
constructor, except that the call to the String constructor
is replaced with a call to its unwrapped version by adding a
dummy argument.  Otherwise, the wrapper would call the
wrapped version of the constructor and execute inappropriate
checking code.  The wrapped version of the constructor
incorporates the code from the platform interface.  It calls
the doOpen helper method, then calls the unwrapped version
of the constructor, and finally stores the RFile object in
the rfile instance variable.  The implementation of doOpen
is based on its code in the platform interface.  The call to
RFileSystem.openOverwrite has been replaced with a call to
the resource group method RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile.
This can be done since openOverwrite has no checking
associated with it except for what is done by the
modifyExistingFile group.  The

public class FileOutputStream   
       extends OutputStream {   
    public FileOutputStream     
                                // no code for native void
    public                      write (int);


    public native void

    public void

    public void write(byte[],
int, int);

    public native void
    public final
FileDescriptor getFD();

    protected void

Method FileOutputStream(File)

Method void write(byte[])
 writeBytes (, 0,

public class FileOutputStream     :=
       extends OutputStream {   lw.RFileMap.lookupAdd ()
    public                       if o_exists()
    public                      lw.RFileSystem.modifyExisting
FileOutputStream(String,short   File ()
);                               areturn 
FileOutputStream(String,boole   Method FileOutputStream(File)
an);                              := doOpen()
    public                       FileOutputStream(, 0)
FileOutputStream(String,boole    rfile := 
    public                      Method void o_write(byte[])
FileOutputStream(File);          writeBytes (, 0,
    public                      .length)
    public                      Method void write(byte[])
FileOutputStream(FileDescript    if rfile != null
or);                              lw.RFileSystem.preWrite
    public                      (rfile, .length)
FileOutputStream(FileDescript    o_write ()
or,short);                       if rfile != null
    public native void            lw.RFileSystem.postWrite
write(int);                     (rfile, .length)
    public void w_write(int);   
    public void                 
write(byte[]);                  Method void w_write(int)
    public void                  if rfile != null
o_write(byte[]);                  lw.RFileSystem.preWrite
    public void write(byte[],   (rfile, 1)
int, int);                       write()
 public void o_write(byte[],     if rfile != null
int, int);                        lw.RFileSystem.postWrite
    public native void          (rfile, 1)
    public FileDescriptor
    public final
FileDescriptor o_getFD();
    protected void
    public static lw.RFile

 FileOutputStream (getPath
, 0)

static Method lw.RFile
  Figure 23.  Generated policy-enforcing library class for
     Left side shows the original API class.  Right
     side shows the rewritten class file using the
     LimitWrite safety policy.  Classes are simplified
     and excerpted for clarity.  Renamed original
     routine declarations are shown in italics,
     wrappers are shown in bold.

call to RFileSystem.openCreate in the branch for creating a
new file has been removed since there is no checking
associated with the openCreate operation for the LimitWrite

The figure also shows two write methods, one that writes an
array of bytes and one that writes a single byte.  The array
of bytes method illustrates what is done for a normal
wrapper.  The rewritten class contains a method
o_write(byte[]) that contains the original method body.  The
wrapped version uses the unmodified name and contains a body
compiled from the platform interface.  Its body calls
o_write where the original method call marker was.  Since
the write(int) method is a native method, the original class
contains no implementation for it.  Renaming native methods
is not possible, so the wrapper for write is named w_write.
It body calls the unwrapped native write method.
Application classes will be modified to call w_write(int)
instead of write(int).

5.4.2     Naccio/Win32

Generating the platform interface wrappers for Naccio/Win32
is simpler than for Naccio/JavaVM since pass-through
semantics are not supported.  Further, the Win32 platform
interface is written as a stylized C file that can be
compiled directly.  Once the resource header file has been
generated, all that is necessary it to compile the platform
interface file in a directory containing this header file.
The compiler is run with the appropriate linker directives
to forward references to null wrappers to the system DLL.
The resulting DLL is renamed with a different extension so
it can be distinguished from the system DLL by the loader.

In addition to compiling the platform interface file,
Naccio/Win32 must generate a definition (.DEF) file that
lists every function exported by the wrapper DLL.  For a
wrapped function, the export table contains an entry that
maps the original function name to the name of the wrapper.
For the wrapper for DeleteFileA shown in Figure 18, the
corresponding export table entry is:
DeleteFileA=wrapper__DeleteFileA.  This makes calls to
DeleteFileA in programs linked with the wrapper DLL call the
wrapper__DeleteFileA function defined by the platform
interface wrapper instead.  Functions in the original DLL
that are not wrapped can be listed as indirections in the
import table.  These will be replaced with calls to the
original DLL at load time.  Section 6.1.2 explains how the
program transformer modifies an application to use the
generated wrapper DLL.

5.5  Integrated Optimizations

All the optimizations discussed so far are done
independently on either the resource implementations or
platform interface wrappers.  Information about which
resource operations are meaningful is used to remove
unnecessary resource operation calls from the platform
interface, but otherwise all optimizations are done
independently.  Breaking the barrier between resources and
platform interface wrappers offers the potential for
additional optimizations.  The prototype implementations do
not perform any of the integrated optimizations discussed
here, however they could be done by an industrial
implementation that is concerned with the run-time
performance of the transformed code.

Without integrated optimizations, users suffer the run-time
overhead associated with policies being expressed at an
abstract level.  This includes the overhead associated with
creating abstract resource objects and carrying out extra
routine calls.  The solution is to inline both routines and
state.  Inlining routines is a standard compiler
optimization and can be done straightforwardly.  Code from
the resource operation can be moved into the wrapper.  Since
the resource code is usually small and most resource
operations are only called a few times in the platform
interface, inlining resource operations is almost always
worth doing.

Inlining state is less traditional, since it depends on the
limited semantics supported by the resource use policy.  In
certain situations that are quite common in typical platform
interfaces, we can move resource state into the platform
interface.  This eliminates the need for resource objects
and saves the overhead required to create, store and garbage
collect resource objects as well as the overhead necessary
to reference object fields.  Inlining state can be done only
if the identity of resource objects is irrelevant.  If the
resource objects are shared or compared as objects, inlining
state would change the meaning of the platform interface.
As it happens, most state fields in resource objects are
immutable objects used only to store values.  These fields
can be safely inlined into the platform interface class that
uses the resource object.  Inlining resource objects would
involve removing the resource objects and moving their
instance variables directly into the associated application
level object.

Further opportunities for integrated optimizations are
possible if the application is analyzed also.  Since this is
likely to take a long time, it only makes sense for
performance-critical applications that will be run
frequently.  Static analysis of the program text in
conjunction with the safety policy analyses can be used to
remove safety checking that is determined to never lead to a
violation.  For example, if the policy prohibits network
connections except to hosts in a particular trusted domain,
a static analysis could attempt to determine the remote
address of all network connections opened by the program.
If all addresses can be determined statically, and all are
in the trusted domain, the checking code associated with
opening network connections can be removed.  After this is
done, the relaxation analysis of the resource operations
should be repeated since removing the checking code may have
rendered more resource operations and state unnecessary.

The other optimization that can be done through static
analysis of the program text is batching checking.  For
example, if there is checking code associated with the
RNetwork.preSend operation and the program contains a loop
that sends one byte at a time, then each send requires the
overhead of calling a wrapper routine, calling the preSend
operation, and executing its body code which does some
checking and increments a state value.  If the number of
loop executions can be determined, the checking code can be
moved out of the loop and preSend called once with a
parameter that accounts for all network sends that will be
done in the loop.  If this call issues no violations, the
entire loop can be executed without checking the send calls.
This kind of optimization depends on knowing that calling
preSend (connection, n1) and preSend (connection, n2) is the
same as calling preSend (connection, n1 + n2).  This depends
on the policy code associated with preSend.  While it is
unlikely that the policy compiler could determine this
automatically, if Naccio were extended to support
descriptive annotations a policy author could add
annotations to document that this is the case and thereby
enable the optimization.

It is expected that in most situations the run-time benefits
of application-integrated policy optimization would not
outweigh the substantial analysis time necessary to analyze
an application and perform application-integrated policy
optimizations.  These optimizations are also complex and the
potential for flaws in the analyses introduces new
vulnerabilities.  They may be more useful in conjunction
with a proof-carrying code system (see Section 7.1) where
the code distributor does the optimizations.  The
distributor would ship an optimized version of the program
constrained by a published policy along with a condensed
proof that the distributed program satisfies the policy, and
the receiver would use a (hopefully) small and simple system
to verify that the policy is satisfied.  This only works if
the receiver agrees to a standard policy used by the
distributor, although the receiver could enforce additional
properties on the code.

5.6  Policy Description File

The final output of the policy generator is the policy
description file.  This file contains transformation rules
that compactly describe the changes the program transformer
must perform.  It contains a rule that identifies the
location of the policy-enforcing library.  Rules may also
direct the program transformer to rename specific system
calls (for example, Naccio/JavaVM must rename wrapped native
methods), and to modify the application to call resource
initializers before execution begins and to call terminators
before execution terminates.  The format of the policy
description file is platform-independent, although its
contents are likely to be highly dependent on the particular
platform and Naccio implementation.


Chapter 6
Transforming Programs

The program transformer takes a policy description file and
a program and produces a new program that behaves like the
original program except it is guaranteed to satisfy the
safety policy used to produce the policy description file.
The level of the platform interface establishes the extent
of the program that is handled by the program transformer.
The policy compiler is responsible for parts of the program
described by the platform interface; the program transformer
handles everything that is not described by the platform
interface.  For this chapter, we assume the platform
interface is at the level of a system API.

In the modified program, calls to system API functions are
replaced by calls to the appropriate policy-enforcing
wrappers.  For platforms where the system API is linked
dynamically, it is often possible to do this by making some
simple changes to the program executable or by setting
parameters to the execution environment.  Section 6.1
describes how Naccio/JavaVM and Naccio/Win32 replace system
calls with calls to policy-enforcing wrappers.

In addition, the program transformer must ensure the
integrity of the checking code either by modifying the
program or by verifying that the necessary properties are
satisfied.  What actually must be done depends on the
execution platform and on how the platform interface
wrappers and resource implementations are implemented.  At a
minimum, the program transformer must ensure that hostile
programs cannot circumvent safety checking by manipulating
resources without going through the appropriate platform
interface wrapper or by modifying checking code or data.
Section 6.2 discusses what is necessary to guarantee the
integrity of the checking for the JavaVM and Win32

6.1  Replacing System Calls

Replacing system calls involves determining what code is
part of the application program and altering the system
calls it makes so the policy-enforcing wrappers are called
instead.  This can be done by renaming libraries, classes or
routines, or by changing the execution environment.  Since
the system API is accessed differently depending on the
execution platform, the solutions for Naccio/JavaVM and
Naccio/Win32 are different.  Both involve switching which
API implementations are linked with the program.

6.1.1     Naccio/JavaVM

Naccio/JavaVM provides two different alternatives for
replacing Java API classes.  One option is to leave the
application unchanged and set the CLASSPATH so that the
modified classes are found before the standard Java API.  An
application request for an API class will transparently load
the policy-enforcing version of that class.  This approach
works only if all applications running in a VM are using the
same policy.

If multiple policies must be enforced, we need a way of
distinguishing between versions of the API that enforce
different policies.  Naccio/JavaVM does this by statically
renaming classes.  The Java class file format makes renaming
classes simple and efficient.  All class names are given in
the constant table found at the beginning of the class file.
We replace class names of library files with the
corresponding policy-enforcing library class name.  The
Naccio/JavaVM program transformer examines an application
class to determine which classes it uses, and recursively
examines those classes to determine all class dependencies.
Classes that are not part of the Java API (that is, they are
not described by the platform interface) are added to the
classes to be transformed.  The transformed classes are
renamed and written into a new directory, preserving the
original classes.

An alternative approach would be to select the API library
classes at run-time.  Wallach et al. describe how the Java
ClassLoader could be modified to use namespace management to
hide system classes or interpose implementations with extra
security checking [Wallach97].  A similar approach could be
used to select the appropriate policy-enforcing API class.
The class loader would need to be written so that a request
to load an API class would return a different policy-
enforcing version of that class depending on the application
calling the loader.  This information is available by
examining the class loader associated with the calling
context.  The static class renaming approach used by
Naccio/JavaVM has the advantage that once the application
has been modified it can be run repeatedly without further
modification.  Also, it means we are not tied to a
particular Java environment.  If applications that enforce
different policies share objects that are instances of API
classes, a type error will result.  The problem of sharing
objects between applications enforcing different policies is
a complex one and is not addressed by the current design.
Section 9.2 suggests some possible ways to support sharing
objects across policies.

The other transformations that may be required in a policy
description file are renaming native methods and inserting
calls to initializers and terminators.  For wrapped native
methods, Naccio/JavaVM must replace the name of the method
call with the wrapper name (e.g., w_write replaces write).
JavaVM classes call methods by using a constant pool entry
of type MethodRef that contains a reference to the class (an
index to a ClassRef constant) and a reference to the name
and type of the method (an index to a NameAndType constant).
The NameAndType constant contains references to a name
constant and a type descriptor, both represented by plain
strings.  To replace all calls to the method
java.io.FileOutputStream.write with calls to
java.io.FileOutputStream.w_write, the application
transformer finds the constant pool entry that references
this method and replaces its NameAndType constant with a new
NameAndType constant that has the same type descriptor as
the original but whose name identifies a (possibly new)
string constant with value w_write.  We cannot just replace
the name in the old NameAndType constant, since constants
that reference methods with the same name in other classes
may reuse this constant.  If there are no other references
to the old NameAndType constant, it should be removed from
the constant pool.

A special situation arises when an application class extends
an API class with a wrapped native method.  The situation is
analogous to what is done for superclasses in the API by the
policy compiler (as described in Section 5.4.1).  If the
subclass overrides the method, calls to the method for
objects of the subclass type should call the subclass
method.  However, if those calls were rewritten to call the
wrapped method (named w_method), then they call the
superclass method instead and the incorrect behavior
results.  To ensure the correct behavior, the subclass must
override w_method also.  The application transformer inserts
a new method named w_method into the subclass.  Its
implementation calls method with the original arguments.

If the policy requires initializers or terminators, the
application transformer must modify the static main method
of the class that will be used to start execution to call
them.  Java executions begin by calling the main method of
the application class.  This method should call each
initializer at the beginning of execution, and each
terminator before execution completes.  This involves
inserting instructions into the code body of the main
method.  If the policy requires violation codes,
Naccio/JavaVM adds a new local variable of type
naccio.library.ViolationCode and assigns it to the result of
the newViolationCode static method.  If the RSystem
initializer is required, a call to it (passing the command
line arguments as an array of strings) is inserted.  After
this, calls to the other initializers are appended.  The
violation code value is reset between each initializer call.
Calling terminators is similar except it must be done
immediately before each exit point.  Exit points are the end
of the code body and any return statements in the code body.
The other way execution can terminate is by calling the
java.lang.System.exit method.  The policy compiler inserts
calls to the necessary terminators in the wrapper for this

The other complication is that the main method may be called
directly by the application.  We must insure that the
initializers and terminators are only called in the top-
level main call.  This is done by adding a static field
named in_inner_call to the application class of type boolean
that is initialized to false.  Code inserted at the
beginning of main assigns a new local variable to the value
of in_inner_call and then sets in_inner_call to true.  Code
around the initializer and terminator calls tests this
variable and skips the calls if it is true.

Java applets do not use a main method to control execution,
but override the start and stop methods of the
java.applet.Applet class.  The start method is called to
begin executing the applet, and the stop method is called
when the applet should stop executing.15  When an applet is
transformed, the transformer treats the start and stop
methods similarly to the main method of an application
class.  Initializers are called at the beginning of start
and terminators are called before return points in stop.

If the policy requires no initializers or terminators, no
wrapped native methods, and the CLASSPATH is used to select
the policy-enforcing library classes, then there are no
changes necessary to the application classes.  It is not
necessary to read or rewrite the application classes to
enforce such policies.  This means there is no load time
cost associated with enforcing the policy other than setting
the CLASSPATH appropriately.  Many typical policies,
including any policy that can be enforced using a JDK
security manager, have this property.

6.1.2     Naccio/Win32

For Naccio/Win32, we need to alter the application
executable so calls to API functions go to the appropriate
wrapper DLL instead of the standard Windows DLL.  There are
two different ways a DLL can be attached to a process:
listing the DLL in the import address table (IAT) in the
executable image (called implicit linking), or calling the
LoadLibrary API function to load the DLL at run-time (called
explicit linking).

For implicitly linked DLLs, Naccio/Win32 can simply replace
the DLL names in the IAT with those of the corresponding
policy-enforcing DLL.  Since the policy-enforcing DLL names
differ only in their three-letter extension, this
replacement can be done by replacing bits in the IAT and
does not require any code relocation.  After the changes are
made, the rewritten file must be rebound to ensure that
function entry point addresses are updated to point to the
policy-enforcing DLL.  This can be done using the BindImage
Win32 API function.

A wrapper for the LoadLibrary routine can be used to replace
explicitly linked DLLs.  Based on the name of the requested
DLL, the LoadLibrary wrapper either loads the policy-
enforcing version of the DLL or transforms the application
DLL according to the policy.  The policy description file
includes a list of files used by the application transformer
to determine how to handle a particular explicitly linked

6.1.3     Other Platforms

Although our experience is limited to the two prototype
platforms, there are some general properties of the target
platform and platform interface level that make it easy to
interpose checking code.  The system calls described by the
platform interface must be easily distinguished from user
code.  In cases where they are linked dynamically, it should
be fairly easy to change the library that is linked to
interpose checking code.  The approach used by Naccio/Win32
would work on any platform where the system API is linked
dynamically and there is a way to replace which file is
linked. Many modern platforms use some form of dynamic
linking for system code.  Some platforms, provide even
better facilities for interposing checking code.  For
example, Solaris supports tracing of system calls using a
user-defined function in a separate process.  Janus (see
Section 7.3.2) takes advantage of these features to
interpose checking code on Solaris applications, and Naccio
could readily be implemented on Solaris using a similar

6.2  Guaranteeing Integrity

In a non-hostile environment, replacing the system libraries
might be enough to enforce a safety policy on an execution.
It is unlikely that a program would accidentally do
something that circumvents or alters the checking done by
the policy-enforcing library.  Hostile attackers, however,
may be motivated to take advantage of low-level
manipulations to alter or avoid the policy checking.  To
guarantee the integrity of policy checking in these
situations, Naccio implementations must ensure that it is
not possible for hostile attackers to circumvent or alter
the safety policy.  They must ensure malicious applications
  1.   Manipulate resources in ways specified by the resource
     descriptions without going through a platform interface
     wrapper, for example, by jumping directly to API calls or
     using kernel traps.
2.   Modify any checking code in resource implementations or
platform interface wrappers.  If the attacker can modify
checking code, violations or resource operation calls can be
removed to eliminate policy checking.
3.   Modify the value of resource state or platform
interface wrapper state.  For example, if a malicious
attacker could change the value of RFileSystem.bytes_written
the LimitBytesWritten property could be circumvented.  Being
able to read this state is not considered a serious threat.
Although clever attackers may be able to get some benefit
from reading this information, it is not likely to be
dangerous unless it is used in conjunction with some other
vulnerability.  Implementations that can prevent reading
this state easily should do so, but it is not considered
The measures taken to guarantee these properties lead to new
properties that must be guaranteed.  For instance, if any of
the guarantees depend on static analysis or modification of
the application code, Naccio must also ensure that the
application cannot modify its own code during its execution.

What must be done to provide the necessary guarantees
depends on the platform.  Providing the necessary guarantees
for Win32 is more challenging than for JavaVM, a simpler
environment where security was considered in the design.  In
some cases, it may be necessary to disallow some harmless
programs to provide the necessary guarantees.  For instance,
it is probably not feasible to distinguish between self-
modifying code that circumvents safety checking and harmless
self-modifying code so providing the necessary guarantees
will involve disallowing programs that legitimately modify
their own code.

6.2.1     Naccio/JavaVM

Naccio/JavaVM can take advantage of the properties ensured
by the Java byte code verifier to limit the additional work
that must be done.  The Java byte code verifier [Yellin95]
is designed to verify the low-level code safety properties
required by Java.  Before loading a class, the verifier
performs data-flow analysis on the class implementation to
verify that it is type safe, stack safe and that all control-
flow instructions jump to valid locations.  The class loader
rejects classes that cannot be verified.  All Java source
code programs satisfy the low-level code safety properties,
and it is up to compilers to generate code that can be
verified by byte code verifiers.  Naccio/JavaVM runs the
byte code verifier before transforming a class to ensure it
satisfies the standard low-level code safety properties.16

     Hiding unwrapped methods
The Java byte code verifier is sufficient to guarantee that
all jumps are either within a method, or method calls and
returns, but not enough to guarantee that malicious programs
cannot bypass checking code or manipulate state associated
with a safety policy.  We also need to ensure that the
program cannot call the unwrapped versions of methods.  The
modified API class contains the o_methods that are copies of
the original method as well as originally named methods that
are unwrapped versions of native methods.  The Java byte
code verifier ensures the unwrapped o_methods are not called
directly, since the application classes are verified using
the original Java API libraries that do not define these
methods.  The program transformer replaces names of
unwrapped versions of wrapped native methods with the name
of the corresponding wrapped method (w_method) to ensure
that unwrapped versions of native methods cannot be accessed
directly by the application.

A malicious application could, however, attempt to access
unwrapped versions of methods using the Java reflection
classes.  The class java.lang.Class provides methods that
return the methods and constructors declared by a class.
These can be used on any loaded classes, including the
modified API classes.  The methods are returned as objects
of type java.lang.reflect.Method.  The invoke method of this
class can be used to call the returned method with chosen
arguments.  The implementation of invoke will throw an
exception if the called method violates Java access rules,
so reflection cannot be used to access private or protected
methods inappropriately.  Unwrapped routines, however, are
declared with the same access modifier as the original
routine since other API classes must be able to call them.
If no efforts are taken to prevent it, an attacker could use
reflection to call the unwrapped version of a routine
directly and thereby bypass all policy checking.

There are several feasible ways to prevent attackers from
using reflection to call unwrapped routines.  All involve
using platform interface wrappers to restrict or alter the
behavior of the relevant reflection methods.  The simplest
approach would be to disallow all the java.lang.Class
methods that return method or constructor reflection
objects.  This would involve writing platform interface
wrappers that issue violations for getMethods and the seven
other similar methods that return method and constructor
reflection objects.  This would be an easy way to eliminate
the threat, but it would also disallow useful programs that
use reflection in a way that does not circumvent safety
checking.  A variation would instead use wrappers for the
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke and
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance methods that issue
violations before the method would be called.  This would
allow programs to view the unwrapped routines, but not allow
any reflection object to be invoked.  This provides the
necessary protection but prevents less harmless programs
that disallowing the reflection methods.

The next option is to write more complicated wrappers for
the java.lang.Class methods that return method or
constructor reflection objects.  Instead of disallowing
these methods completely, they would call the original
method and examine the result.  For non-API classes, the
result should be returned.  For API classes, the wrapper
code checks if the result contains any unwrapped versions of
wrapped routines (identifiable by their name starting with
o_, by their name matching the name of another method
starting with w_ for wrapped native methods, or by the dummy
parameters added to constructors), these reflection objects
would be removed from the result array before it is
returned.  This would allow programs to use reflection but
prevent access to routines that would allow it to be used to
circumvent safety checking.  The risk is that the added
complexity leads to more opportunities for bugs in the
wrapper code that can be exploited by a dedicated attacker.

Naccio/JavaVM uses the first approach, using platform
interface wrappers to disallow calls to the class reflection
methods that reveal the methods and constructors.  We
believe that not enough Java programs use reflection non-
maliciously to be worth the added risk of the more
complicated solutions.  Since reflection is a relatively new
language feature, it remains to be seen if this solution
would be adequate in an industrial implementation.

     Hiding checking code and state
In addition to hiding the unwrapped versions of routines,
Naccio/JavaVM must ensure that malicious attackers cannot
manipulate state introduced by platform interface wrappers.
State is implemented using instance and class fields added
to the wrapped API classes, so Naccio/JavaVM must ensure
programs cannot modify these fields.  Since the state fields
are declared private, application classes are not able to
access these fields.

A similar situation arises with the generated resource
classes.  Programs must be prevented from either modifying
resource state or calling resource methods.  The most
reasonable way to do this is to prevent application code
from ever getting access to a resource object or class.  As
before, the Java byte code verifier prevents any explicit
use of resource classes since they are not visible in the
standard environment seen by the byte code verifier.  The
reflection methods can be wrapped to prevent access to
resource implementation fields and routines.  Another
approach would be to use a platform interface wrapper to
prevent java.lang.Class objects corresponding to resource
classes from being created.

     Dynamic class loading
The final thing Naccio/JavaVM must prevent applications from
doing is dynamically loading classes that have not been
transformed.  If the application could load versions of the
Java API classes that were not transformed to enforce the
policy, routines from these classes could be called to
manipulate resources without policy checking.  Further, if
the application could load classes from outside the Java API
that were not transformed according to the policy, those
classes could call API routines that manipulate resources
without policy checking.

To prevent this, Naccio/JavaVM uses platform interface
wrappers on the API routines (java.lang.Class.forName and
several methods in java.lang.ClassLoader) that can be used
to load a class dynamically.  The simplest thing to do would
be to prevent dynamic class loading completely by issuing a
violation when these methods are called.  This is likely to
prevent too many harmless applications.  Instead, the
wrapper can load the appropriate transformed class instead.
If the class to be loaded is a Java API class, the wrapper
loads the renamed version of the class that enforces the
policy.  Otherwise, it needs to either locate a transformed
version of the class or run the program transformer to
create one.  The other method that can be used to create a
new class object is java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass.  This
method creates a class object from an array of bytes
representing the class file.  Naccio/JavaVM could analyze
the bytes to check if they enforce a policy, or transform
the bytes directly.  This was viewed as too complicated and
risky to be worth supporting in the prototype
implementation, and instead the wrapper for defineClass
issues a violation for all calls.

6.2.2     Naccio/Win3217

Providing the necessary guarantees for Naccio/Win32 involves
substantially more work than for JavaVM since Win32 provides
none of the low-level code safety guarantees provided by the
Java byte code verifier.  Naccio/Win32 must perform
protective transformations to provide the necessary
guarantees.  The prototype implementation does not implement
these protective transformations.  As a result, it could not
be relied upon to provide code safety in a hostile
environment.  This section presents design ideas that could
be used in an industrial implementation to provide the
necessary low-level code safety guarantees.  The program
behaviors that must be constrained can be grouped into the
three categories introduced earlier in this section:
manipulating resources without going through platform
interface wrappers, modifying code associated with policy
checking, and modifying state associated with checking.

     Protecting resource manipulations
There are several possible ways an attacker could attempt to
circumvent platform interface wrappers.  One vulnerability
is that applications could manipulate resources without
using Win32 API calls either by making direct kernel calls
or by sending LPC messages to the Win32 subsystem.  If the
application can do either of these, it can manipulate
constrained resources without any policy checking code being
invoked.  To prevent this, a static analysis detects all
kernel and LPC calls in the program.  Kernel calls are
easily detected since they use special instructions to make
a trap to the system kernel.  LPC calls are more difficult
to detect, but can be detected statically.  Some calls can
be determined to not manipulate a constrained resource.  All
other LPC calls are replaced with instructions that produce
a violation.  This leads to violations for some harmless
programs, but it is uncommon for programs to use these
techniques legitimately.  Hence, it seems acceptable for
Naccio/Win32 to disallow suspicious kernel traps and LPC
calls completely.  An ambitious implementation could attempt
to write a platform interface for the kernel and LPC calls
and insert calls to the necessary resource operations around
the call.  This would require substantial effort both in
writing a platform interface at a lower level and
transforming a program to insert the necessary code.

Another way an attacker could circumvent wrapper code is to
jump to the unmodified DLL code directly.  Since the policy-
enforcing DLLs need to call the original API functions, the
original DLLs must be loaded into the application's address
space.  Since Win32 binaries can use arbitrary values as
addresses and jump to them, Naccio/Win32 must ensure that it
is not possible to jump to an address that is in the
original DLL or in the middle of the wrapper code.  One
technique for limiting the targets of jump instructions is
software-based fault isolation (SFI) [Wahbe93].  SFI
constrains the target address of jump instructions by
inserting masking or checking instructions before the jump.
The Naccio/Win32 design uses a variant of SFI to ensure that
jumps in the application code can only jump within the
application's code segment.  In order to be able to make
external calls to the wrapped DLL routines, stubs that make
those jumps in a controlled way are added to the application
code segment.  Although SFI is well understood, actually
implementing SFI on a Win32 platform involves a fair bit of
complexity.  Issues involved in adapting SFI to Naccio/Win32
are discussed in [Twyman99].  The prototype implementation
does not implement SFI, so it unsuitable for use in
adversarial situations.

     Preventing code modifications
Naccio/Win32 must ensure that a malicious application cannot
modify the checking code.  Since we also depend on the
static analysis and SFI transformations to prevent
application code from making kernel or LPC calls or
circumventing the wrapper code, the application must not be
able to modify its own code or create new code.  One
approach would be to use SFI to prevent writes to the code
segment to disallow any code modifications.  The problem
with this approach is doing SFI on every write is expensive
and cumbersome.

Instead, we can take advantage of the virtual memory
protection features provided by Windows NT and the Naccio
wrapper mechanisms.  The Win32 API provides functions for
making regions of memory read-only or read/write.  At the
beginning of the initialization code, the code segments are
marked read-only.  This alone would offer no protection,
since the application could call the Win32 API function to
make the region read/write.  However, we can use a platform
interface wrapper to prevent this.  The wrapper for the API
function checks if the region that is being set to
read/write is in the code segment.  If it is, a violation is

     Protecting checking state
Naccio/Win32 must also protect state associated with
checking.  This includes state associated with resources and
platform interface wrappers.  We can protect this state from
modification by application code by keeping it in a region
of memory that is marked as read-only using the same
technique as was use to prevent code modifications.  The
difference is the checking code may need to write to this
state.  To allow this, Naccio/Win32 must insert calls to the
API routines to make the region writeable before the
checking code and return it to the read-only state before
returning to application code.

This works fine for single-threaded applications, but
presents a vulnerability if the application has multiple
threads.  While the memory region is writeable to allow
trusted checking code to modify the state, another thread
that may be running malicious application code can modify
the state without any violation being detected.  This could
happen either because the program is running on a
multiprocessor machine, or because the operating system
switches threads while the region is writeable.

In addition to the checking state, multiple threads also
pose a threat to the local stack data for other threads.  In
particular, the local stack of a thread running checking
code may contain temporary values that will be used in
checking such as the absolute pathname corresponding to the
file about to be opened.  If a malicious thread is able to
alter that stack data, it can disrupt the checking and
prevent policy violations from being detected.

Protecting memory in the context of multiple threads is a
difficult problem and no completely satisfactory solution is
known.  Twyman suggests some possible solutions [Twyman99].
Perhaps the most likely solution is to use SFI to protect
memory writes.  Since we can control where checking state is
stored, using SFI to prevent writes in application code from
modifying this state should be straightforward.  Protecting
local storage associated with checking code is more
difficult since the regions that must be protected change
throughout the execution.  One solution would be to have a
table in protected storage that records the regions that
currently contain local checking storage.  Checking code
would write addresses into this table at the beginning of a
routine, and remove them at the end.  The inserted SFI
instructions would need to check the write address against
the regions in this table before allowing the write to


Chapter 7
Related Work

This chapter surveys work related to Naccio.  The first
three sections describe related work in code safety ---
Section 7.1 describes work in low-level code safety, Section
7.2 describes work in language-based code safety systems,
and Section 7.3 describes work involving reference monitors.
Section 7.4 describes other work involving program
transformations.  While most of this work was not directed
towards security, the mechanisms used are similar enough to
Naccio's to be worth including.

7.1  Low-Level Code Safety

Low-level code safety comprises the universal code safety
required to isolate programs.  It is primarily intended to
protect memory references by prohibiting programs from
reading, writing or jumping to certain segments in memory.

Early operating systems provided the necessary isolation
using processes and virtual memory.  The Multics operating
system pioneered the use of virtual memory [Saltzer75,
Denning80].  Virtual memory prevents processes from
interfering with one another or the kernel by giving each
process a separate view of the memory system.  Instead of
directly accessing physical addresses, a process uses
virtual addresses that are mapped to physical addresses by a
page table.  The page table is in protected space and can
only be modified by the kernel and the mapping is done by
hardware on each memory reference, so there is no
possibility of it being circumvented by a malicious program.
The operating-system kernel is the only process that can see
all of physical memory.

The problem with using processes for low-level code safety
is that processes are expensive.  A context-switch that may
require substantial processor time is needed to switch
between processes.  Further, sharing data between different
processes involves special mechanisms.  As a result,
researchers have sought to provide the same protections
offered by hardware-level virtual memory by using software
protections within a single process.

     Verification systems
One way to provide code safety is to prove that the
necessary properties are true about a program before it is
allowed to run.  One advantage of static verification is
that after the properties have been verified, the code can
run normally without any run-time overhead.  The
disadvantage is the properties that can be proved are
limited by theorem proving technology and proving non-
trivial properties typically involves substantial
computation time.  In theory, verification can be used to
prove general code safety properties.  In practice, it has
been most successfully used to verify low-level code safety.

Java uses a byte-code verifier [Yellin95] to provide low-
level security.  Before loading a new class, the verifier
performs data-flow analysis on the class implementation to
verify that it is type safe and that all control-flow
instructions jump to valid locations.  Naccio/JavaVM relies
on the Java byte-code verifier to guarantee low-level code
safety.  Although the verifications done are relatively
simple, the byte-code verifier is still complex enough to
contain bugs and the bugs are likely to be security

Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) [Necula96] is a more ambitions
verification effort.  PCC combines a program with a proof
that the program satisfies certain properties.  Before
installing the program, a certifier verifies the proof.
Proof generation may be complex and time-consuming, but
verification is simple and efficient.

In theory, proof-carrying code techniques can be used to
verify arbitrary properties about code.  In practice, they
are limited by automatic proof-generation technology, and
only simple properties have been verified to date.
[Necula98] presents a certifying compiler that takes source
code in a type safe subset of C and generates optimized
assembly language along with a proof that verifies its
memory and type safety.  Since all programs in the input
language are guaranteed to have the desired properties,
constructing the proof requires only that information
present in the source code is not lost when it is compiled.
Typed assembly language is used in a proof-carrying code
system to verify type safety [Morrisett98].  A compiler can
automatically generate type safety proofs for arbitrary
programs in System F, a language supporting polymorphic
types and first-class functions.  Efficient Code
Certification [Kozen98] seeks to verify low-level code
safety using more compact and simpler certificates than
those used in typed assembly language.

Proof-carrying code systems are limited since the producer
of the code chooses the policy.  The proof contains
information needed to verify particular properties of the
program, but provides no easy way to verify a different
property.  They may be useful for situations like operating
system extensions when all that is required is memory and
type safety, but are not able to offer sufficient
flexibility to be useful in enforcing high-level safety
policies.  Another concern with proof-carrying code systems
is the load-time overhead associated with verifying the

The possibilities for combining verification with
transformation-based run-time security are encouraging.
Future hybrid systems will prove what they can about the
original program, and then alter the program to make proving
the additional properties easier.

     Software Fault Isolation

Software Fault Isolation (SFI) [Wahbe93, TLLW96] enables a
distrusted application to run in a shared address space
without the possibility that it will interfere with memory
outside its data segment.  It works by altering memory
access operations and jump addresses with bit masks to
ensure that only the correct memory range is accessed.  SFI
was explained in more detail, along with the SFI-based
mechanisms used by Naccio/Win32 in Section 6.2.2.

7.2  Language-Based Code Safety Systems

Static language-based approaches to code safety attempt to
limit the damage a program may do by requiring that only
programs written in a specific language be executed, and
designing that language to have limited expressiveness.
This can be done either by designing a new safe programming
language or adding static checking to an existing language.
The (unattainable) ideal safe programming language would be
able to express all interesting safe programs and no unsafe
programs.  Actual safe programming languages either permit
some unsafe programs to be expressed or prevent interesting
safe programs from being expressed; most do both.

This work is relevant to Naccio, in that it presents an
alternative way to safely execute code from untrustworthy
sources.  While language-based approaches has some appealing
properties, the restrictions or demands they place on
programmers limit their practical usefulness.

     Type safety
A type safe programming language restricts a program's
ability to convert values between different types.
Providing type safety at compile time makes programs easier
to understand and debug. Several type safe programming
languages have been designed including Algol60 [Nauer63],
CLU [Liskov81], ML [Milner90], Modula-3 [Nelson91] and Java
[Sun96].  Type safety is generally a good trade off between
increased reliability of programs and decreased language
expressiveness, but it does limit the programs that can be

Type safety can be used to provide the low-level code safety
necessary to isolate programs by preventing programs from
referencing invalid memory addresses.  A language can
provide this by checking types statically, preventing
conversions between incompatible types, and limiting how
particular types may be used.  Combining this with forced
initialization, automatic storage management and array
bounds checking prevents a program from referencing
arbitrary memory addresses and from manipulating memory in a
way that does not correspond to its type.  Type safe
languages also limit what instructions a program may
execute; all control flow is through language control
structures and calls to well-defined procedure interfaces.

     Restrictive programming languages
Other programming languages have been designed that provide
more severe restrictions on programs.  These languages are
usually geared to a special purpose, and some are not Turing

This approach was used in [Mogul87] to provide a safe way of
allowing user code to implement packet filters that run in
the kernel.  A simple stack-based assembly language is used
to encode a packet filter, and this is interpreted in the
kernel.  Since the packet filter language lacks any control
flow operations, all programs are guaranteed to terminate.

PLAN [Hicks97] is a restrictive programming language
designed for expressing programs that execute at the nodes
of an active network.  PLAN provides strong safety
guarantees.  PLAN programs are guaranteed to use a bounded
amount of memory, processor and network bandwidth.  PLAN
does not support recursive function calls or unbounded
iteration, hence, programs are guaranteed to terminate.

Both the packet filter language and PLAN place severe
constraints on the programs that may be expressed.  While
they may be well suited for the particular application for
which they were designed, they are not Turing complete
languages and are not capable of expressing most useful

     Static checking
Another way to create a safer programming language is to add
more static checking to an existing language.  The most
ambitious system using this approach to date is ESC
[Detlefs96].  ESC attempts to prove at compile-time that
certain errors (such as derefencing a null value, indexing
an array out of bounds, or race conditions) will not occur.
While ESC shows much promise as a debugging tool, it is
unlikely that it could be used to enforce the kinds of high-
level safety properties we are addressing.  Many of these
properties could not be checked statically since they depend
on values that are not known at compile time (for example, a
user enters a file name).  Further, proving a property such
as a constraint on the maximum number of bytes that may be
written to a file is well beyond current and foreseeable
automatic proving techniques.

     Execution environment
Once a safe programming language is designed, a system can
provide security only if the execution environment has some
way of verifying that the program was created using the safe

The simplest solution is to use the source code in the safe
programming language directly in the execution environment
(PLAN uses this approach).  The code can then be run in an
interpreter, or compiled and executed.  This approach has
two main flaws:
-o-    Performance --- there is some performance penalty
  incurred by either having to interpret code or compile it
  every time it is executed.  Just-in-time compilers offer
  some potential to reduce this performance cost.
-o-    Code disclosure --- most commercial software vendors view
  proprietary source code as the cornerstone or their
  business, and would be unwilling to develop programs for a
  platform that requires them to reveal their source code.
An alternative is to supply object code to the execution
environment, but have some way for the execution environment
to validate the object code.  This can be done either by
verifying that the object code was generated from a program
in the safe language by a trusted compiler, or by verifying
that the object code satisfies the safety properties of the
safe programming language.  SPIN and Java illustrate the two

SPIN [Bershad95] uses extensions written in Modula-3 as a
safe way of extending an operating system kernel.  They
suggest having a trusted compiler cryptographically sign the
object files it produces.  The execution environment
validates an object file's signature before loading the
code, to ensure that only unaltered code written in the safe
programming language and compiled using the trusted compiler
may be loaded.  This approach depends on expensive
cryptographic techniques, and prevents innovation or
competition in producing compilers, since only the trusted
compiler is able to sign code.

The other approach is for the execution environment to
verify that the object code satisfies the safety properties
guaranteed by the source language.  In order to make the
verification easier, it may be helpful for the compiler to
include extra information in the object file.  However, it
is important that the verifier does not trust this
information.  The Java byte-code verifier and PCC (see
Section 7.1) use this approach.

7.3  Reference Monitors

This section looks at other systems that use reference
monitors to enforce security policies.  The concept of a
reference monitor originated in the early 1970s [Lampson71,
Anderson72], and is described in Section 1.2.  Here we look
at a few reference monitor systems that are most closely
related to Naccio.  The diversity of systems represented
illustrates the usefulness of reference monitors.

7.3.1     Java Security Manager

The only way a Java program may manipulate system resources
is by calling provided Java API library functions or by
calling native methods.  Untrusted code is prevented from
installing native methods, so security can be provided by
placing limits on how the Java API routines are called.  The
API is implemented so that before an unsafe system call is
executed, the relevant SecurityManager method is called.  In
theory, this guarantees that the reference monitor for a
particular manipulation is always called before the
manipulation is allowed.  If the security policy disallows
the call, a security exception is raised before the unsafe
system call can be executed.

The SecurityManager is a Java class, so flexible security
policies may be implemented.  The scope and precision of
policies, however, is limited by where the system libraries
call SecurityManager check methods.  The check methods are
fixed by the API specification, and cannot be extended
without changing the API specification and implementation.

A common paradigm in Java security policies is to use
information on the call stack to determine what policy
should be enforced.  Every class and object at run-time has
an associated class loader (a subclass of the
java.lang.ClassLoader type) and the class loader reveals the
source of the class.  A typical SecurityManager policy uses
this information to determine if the class was loaded
locally or remotely, and enforces different constraints on
different classes.  The JDK 1.0 security model supported two
types of code.  Local code would run with no restrictions,
and all remote code would run with severe restrictions
imposed by a single SecurityManager implementation.  JDK 1.1
extended this model to support signed applets that are
treated as local code, but otherwise did not change the
security model.  To distinguish between types of code,
authors of SecurityManagers must explicitly examine the
ClassLoader stack.

JDK 1.2 (also marketed as Java 2 SDK) introduced a new
security architecture that addressed many of the limitations
of the earlier JDK versions [Gong97].  Unlike earlier JDK
versions, where code was either trusted or untrusted, using
JDK1.2 different code can run with different permissions.  A
system security policy defines a mapping between a
protection domain and a set of access permissions granted to
the code.  Particular code is mapped to a protection domain
based on its origin (URL location) and cryptographic

JDK 1.2 also introduced mechanisms to make it easier to
define a security policy in terms of setting permissions (as
opposed to earlier releases where it was necessary to
subclass the SecurityManager to change the policy).
Permissions are defined as subclasses of the root
java.securityPermission class.  Typical permissions contain
a target and an action.  For example, the
java.io.FilePermission class controls file system access.
The target is a pathname (which may contain wildcards), and
the action is one or more of read, write, execute and
delete.  Permission classes define a method implies that
takes a Permission object and returns true if this
permission implies the argument permission.  Programmers can
define new permissions associated with their application by
creating a Permission subclass.  When the permission should
be checked, the code explicitly calls the security manager
with a Permission object that represents the new permission.
This is useful extensibility, but it is up to the
application programmers to define new permissions not the
users or independent parties.

Instead of calling specific SecurityManager check methods,
the JDK 1.2 uses the more general
AccessController.checkPermission method that takes a
Permission object.  It will throw a security exception
unless all classes on the call stack belong to protection
domains that have been granted the requested permission.
The normal semantics is that the permissions granted at a
particular execution point are the intersection of the
permissions granted by all protection domains in the call

In exceptional cases, privileged code can call the
AccessController.beginPrivileged to explicitly enable (and
endPrivileged to disable) a particular privilege regardless
of the protection domain of its callers.  This is necessary
to allow system API routines to manipulate resources even
when they are called from an untrusted protection domain.
Between the call to beginPrivileged and endPrivileged, all
permission checks will ignore the permissions of callers
further up the call stack and allow all permissions of the
protection domain of the code that enabled privileges.

The method AccessController.checkPermission checks whether a
particular permission is enabled checking.  It can be
implemented either by eagerly constructing the intersection
of permissions when a code from a different protection
domain is called, or by lazily looking up the execution
stack when a permission needs to be checked.  Sun's JDK 1.2
implementation uses the lazy evaluation approach [Gong98].
The other approach is used by the security-passing style
[Wallach98].  Instead of searching the stack for protection
domains, the stack information is encoded into a security
context parameter that is passed as a parameter.  This
requires modifying Java classes to add and pass the extra
parameter.  The security-passing style has some advantages
over the JDK 1.2 implementation since it is not tied to a
particular JavaVM implementation and does not prevent
certain compiler optimizations (such as inlining) that are
not permitted using the stack searching approach.  For
typical programs, it is likely to perform worse than the
lazy evaluation technique since passing explicit security
contexts is more expensive then searching stacks when a
permission needs to be checked [Wallach99].

Naccio avoids many of the complications associated with
protection domains by making policy decisions at
transformation time.  There is no need to examine the
execution stack to determine the protection domain of
particular code, since that code has already been
transformed to reflect the policy that applies to it.  This
eliminates the complexity and run-time overhead associated
with stack inspection.  It means, however, that certain
policies that can be easily enforced using the JDK 1.2
mechanisms cannot be reasonably defined using Naccio.  The
relative expressiveness of Naccio in comparison to different
code safety systems is discussed in Section 8.1.

7.3.2     Interposition Systems

Several systems have provided security by interposing
checking code directly into the operating system.  This can
be done either by modifying the kernel or taking advantage
of operating system features such as a tracing facility that

Although Naccio enforces policies at the application level,
much of the work could also be applied to an interposition
approach.  The difference is that instead of modifying
applications to use different policy-enforcing libraries the
operating system library would be modified to call all
standard resource operations.  The resource operations would
dispatch based on the policy in effect, which the operating
system kernel can determine from the application running and
a secure process-policy mapping.  This has the advantage of
eliminating the need to rely on low-level code safety of the
application, assuming the operating system kernel is
protected, as is the case in most modern operating systems.
The other advantage is that no modification or analysis of
applications is necessary; all that is required to enforce a
policy on an execution is to select the desired policy.
There are however, two substantial drawbacks to this
approach.  First, it requires access to the operating system
kernel.  Modifying an operating system kernel is usually a
cumbersome and risky undertaking.  Much of the modification,
though, could be done automatically by the existing Naccio
mechanisms.  The other problem is performance.  For every
system call that can be constrained, it is necessary to
check what policy is in effect and determine what if any
checking code should be executed.  This means that even
unconstrained programs that are trusted completely will
suffer substantial checking overhead.

     Program-specific access controls
Several projects have sought to extend traditional operating
systems with access controls that depend on the program
executing.  [Wichers90] suggests protecting a system from
malicious programs by associating an access control list
with each file that explicitly specifies which programs can
modify the file.  The access controls can be implemented
through an extension to the UNIX kernel.

Cybermedia's Guard Dog [Cyber97a, Cyber97b] is a commercial
product incorporating a similar idea to protect critical
files in Windows.  It includes a File Guardian that uses
operating system hooks to monitor all access to critical
files, and warns the user if a program not permitted to
access the file does so.  The user decides what programs are
allowed to access particular files or communicate using the

TRON [Berman95] is a process-specific file protection system
for the UNIX operating system.  TRON allows users to create
shells with specific access permissions that apply to all
processes executed in the shell.  A modified UNIX kernel
enforces the permissions by placing wrappers around system

Program-specific access controls have the advantage that
safety checking is placed inside the operating system.  This
makes it harder for programs to circumvent the safety
checking since the checking is conceptually close to the
resource.19   These systems have significant performance
advantages over run-time approaches using a virtual machine,
since untrusted programs are executed directly.  The main
disadvantage is lack of flexibility --- checking is limited to
a fixed set of predefined system calls.  We could imagine
support for checking a large number of system calls, but
this has detrimental performance consequences.  For each
system call that is checked, all programs (both trusted and
untrusted) incur the additional overhead of the safety check
(although on some systems dynamically linking with a
specialized library can minimize this cost).  We have found
no data that quantifies this performance cost well, but
since it applies to trusted programs even a small penalty
may be unacceptable to many users.

Janus is a system designed to limit the damage caused by
untrusted helper applications used to process remote data
[Goldberg96].  Non-malicious helper applications such as the
PostScript viewer ghostview are complex enough that they are
likely to have bugs that can be exploited by data files
constructed by malicious attackers.  Janus limits what these
helper applications can do by restricting their access to
the operating system.  Janus takes advantage of debugging
features of the Solaris operating system that support
tracing the system calls performed by an application.  The
tracing mechanism can be set to call a user-defined function
in a separate process whenever a particular system call is
issued.  Since the checking code is in a separate process
and the kernel provides the debugging features, no low-level
code safety guarantees are needed to prevent the helper
application from tampering with the checking code or data.
This approach works well for Solaris, but could not be used
on other operating systems that do not provide a similar
tracing mechanism.

A policy is defined by a list of policy modules in a
configuration file.  A fixed set of policy modules is
provided by the system.  The configuration file controls the
behavior of a policy module.  For example, it can set
parameters to the path module that control what directories
can be read and written.  Each module may return allow, deny
or no comment on a particular system call.  When different
modules return conflicting responses, the later modules
override earlier ones and no comment responses are ignored.
If the last module that returns a response other than no
comment returns deny, the system call is disallowed.

The module composition mechanism is similar to, but more
general than, the policy composition mechanisms supported by
Naccio.  Where Naccio allows a property to be weakened by a
permission using allow commands to override violations,
Janus allows an unlimited number of modules to be combined
with allow and deny responses overriding each other based on
ordering.  It is unclear whether the expressiveness
advantages of this approach outweigh the added likelihood
that a policy author will be confused and accidentally
define the wrong policy.

     Generic Software Wrappers
Generic Software Wrappers (GSW) is a technique designed to
make off-the-shelf software more suitable for use in secure
systems [Fraser99].  Prototype implementations have been
developed for two Unix-based operating systems: Solaris 2.6
and FreeBSD 2.2.  A wrapper support subsystem is implemented
as a dynamic loadable kernel module, a feature provided by
most UNIX systems.  Wrappers run in kernel space so they are
protected from application code and require no context-
switch overhead.

GSW defines a policy by writing wrapper code in a C superset
extended with some primitives useful in security checking.
Wrappers are associated with system calls or system call
groups introduced by annotations in the characterized system
call interface.  The characterized system call interface
describes the system API.  It is much less general and
expressive than Naccio's platform interface, but motivated
by the same desire to hide platform differences and allow
safety policies to be expressed in a platform-independent
manner.  System calls are characterized by adding
annotations to their return values, function names, and
parameters.  The annotations can be used to categorize
functions, but not to precisely describe their behavior.
For example, the annotations on the FreeBSD open system call
indicate that it is a file operation that manipulates file
descriptions, its return value is a file descriptor, and its
first parameter is a null-terminated string representing a
pathname.  The library characterizations allow a wrapper to
be attached to all system calls that deal with file
descriptors.  Within the code for that wrapper, however, it
is not possible to determine how a file descriptor is being

A Windows NT prototype implementation of GSW is currently
under development [Spector99].  Since Windows NT does not
provide support for dynamic loadable kernel modules, the
standard architecture cannot be used.  Instead, they use
mechanisms similar to those used by Naccio/Win32.  As with
Naccio/Win32, it must enforce the necessary low-level code
safety and they are attempting to do this by performing SFI
transformations on running code [Feldman99].  If a Windows
NT implementation of GSW were developed successfully, it
would provide a useful platform to implement the low-level
code safety necessary for Naccio/Win32.

7.3.3     Transformation-based Systems

A few systems have used program transformation approaches to
code safety.  These systems are similar to Naccio in their
enforcement mechanisms, but differ in how policies are
defined.  In particular, all define policies at the level of
concrete operating system calls or machine instructions.

Security Automata SFI Implementation (SASI) [Erlingsson99]
is a generalization of SFI that can enforce a wide class of
safety policies.  SASI prototypes have been implemented for
x86 assembly language output from the GNU gcc compiler and
JavaVM code.

A policy is defined using a security automaton, similar to a
finite state automaton.  It consists of state and
transitions where the input alphabet corresponds to events
that a reference monitor would see.  The input symbols
correspond to program instructions --- for the JavaVM version
they are Java byte code instructions; for the x86 version
they are x86 assembly instructions.  This provides for
unlimited precision, but makes it difficult to express even
simple policies.

SASI converts a security automaton into code that is added
to the program.  New variables are added to represent the
automaton states and code implementing the automaton is
inserted between each program instruction.  Unnecessary code
is removed, and the necessary code is converted into machine
code and inserted into the program executable.  Unlike
Naccio, the entire program must be analyzed and transformed
instead of just replacing routine calls.  This is necessary
because policies are expressed at the level of individual
instructions.  In essence, an implementation of the security
automaton defining the policy must be inserted before every
instruction (fortunately, much of this can be optimized out
for many instructions and policies).

The Ariel project describes policies using a declarative
language and enforces policies by inserting code in Java
classes [Pandey98].  The transformations done by Ariel to
enforce a policy are similar to those done by Naccio/JavaVM.
Policies are described as access constraints that prevent
the creation of objects or invocation of routines based on a
predicate.  Because of the declarative nature of policy
descriptions, Ariel is unable to describe behavior-modifying
policies that can be described using Naccio's mechanisms
(such as the SoftSendLimit property described in Section
4.2.4).  This, however, could be changed fairly easily by
extending the policy language.  Policies are described at
the level of the Java API so they are not portable across
platforms, and writing a policy that constrains writing
would require placing constraints on all routines that may
write to a file.

JRes is a resource management interface for JavaVM programs
[Czajkowsik98].  It supports per-thread accounting for heap
memory, CPU time and network usage.  Limits can be placed on
the amount of a particular resource a thread may consume,
and callbacks are invoked when a limit is exceeded.  In
JRes, policies are described by application calls to methods
that set fixed value limits on a predefined set of
resources.  Many policies that Naccio can enforce could not
be defined using JRes because they depend on resource
manipulations not constrained by JRes or they place more
complex constraints on resource usage than a fixed limit
(e.g., a rate or a function of other resource usage).

JRes is implemented by rewriting Java application classes to
keep track of thread and resource information.  To account
for memory usage, JRes inserts code before every object or
array allocation that calculates the size of the allocation
and invokes a method that accounts for this memory usage.
Accounting for CPU usage requires native code and a new
thread that queries the operating system for CPU

The mechanisms used by JRes could be incorporated into
Naccio/JavaVM with minor modifications.  This would allow
resources corresponding to CPU and heap memory usage to be
defined, and policies to be defined and enforced that
constrain these resources.  Unfortunately, this would tie us
to a particular JavaVM since JRes uses native methods and
operating system calls to monitor CPU consumption.

7.4  Code Transformation Engines

Naccio depends on modifying program binaries to enforce a
safety policy.  Naccio/JavaVM uses an augmented version of
the Java Object Instrumentation Environment (JOIE) toolkit
to do the necessary transformations.  The Naccio/Win32
prototype uses custom code to make simple binary
transformations, but an industrial implementation would need
a more substantial transformation engine to perform the
transformations necessary to ensure low-level code safety.

The earliest known work on automatic program transformation
for monitoring was the Informer measurement tool done at UC
Berkeley in 1969 [Deutsch71].  Informer was developed to
measure a time-sharing system by allowing user-written
programs to be dynamically inserted as measurement routines.
It would patch the operating system object code to call a
measurement routine before an arbitrary selected execution
point.  More recent work has focused on providing tools that
allow for more general program transformations, make the
desired transformations easier to define, and support a
range of complex platforms.

7.4.1     Java Transformation Tools

The Java byte code format is a popular target for code
transformation engines since it is widely used, portable,
well specified and far easier to deal with than most binary
formats.  Further, Java binary compatibility rules mean
class files can be transformed in certain ways without
breaking applications.  Several tools for transforming Java
class files have been produced including JOIE, Binary
Component Adaptation, the Bytecode Instrumenting Tool, and
Compaq JTrek.  None of these tools were produced with
security in mind, but rather improving performance and
reusability of Java classes.  Although any of these could
have been used (with some modification) as the
transformation engine for Naccio/JavaVM, we choose to use
JOIE because at the time this work began it was the most
mature and stable tool available, its source code was
available, and it provided general enough interfaces to
support most of the transformations needed by Naccio/JavaVM.

JOIE [Cohen98] is a toolkit for transforming Java classes.
It is intended to be used to do load-time transformations by
using a custom class loader that calls user-defined
transformers.  Naccio/JavaVM does not use the JOIE class
loader, but uses classes in the JOIE toolkit to transform
and rewrite classes independently from them being loaded
into a JavaVM.

Binary Component Adaptation (BCA) [Keller98] is a tool for
rewriting JavaVM code at load-time, designed to improve the
reusability of Java components.  Adaptations are expressed
as changes that should be made to a class such as adding,
renaming or replacing a method.  A compiler converts the
requested changes into a set of modification rules.  When
the class loader loads a class, it is modified according to
the modification rules

The Bytecode Instrumenting Tool (BIT) [Lee97] is a tool for
instrumenting JavaVM code, primarily directed at performance
analysis.  BIT supports insertion of code at key locations
in a program (for example, method calls and basic blocks).
BIT is not as general a transformation engine as BCA or
JOIE, since transformations are limited to inserting code at
points determined only by control flow.

Compaq JTrek [Compaq99] contains a class library that can be
used to analyze and modify Java class files.  It supports
byte code transformations, intended to instrument classes
with monitoring code.  JTrek provides hooks for user-defined
methods that are called when a routine is invoked or field
is referenced and modifies Java classes to call those
methods at the appropriate times.

7.4.2     Win32 Transformation Tools

Transformation tools for Win32 binaries are less readily
available since there is substantial complexity involved in
dealing with the Win32 binary format [Pietrek94].  One of
the challenges in binary editing for Win32 platforms is code
discovery.  Unlike Java classes where the location of code
and data is defined by the class format, distinguishing code
and data in Win32 executables is complicated.  Another
problem is code relocation.  If the length of code changes
because of the program modifications, jump instructions and
memory references must be adjusted to point to the modified
location.  This is particularly problematic for indirect
jumps where the address is calculated and not known
statically.  Most binary editors rely on symbolic
information that is part of the executable such as a
debugging table identifying procedure entry points and data
regions.  Naccio/Win32 cannot depend on this information
unless it is verified.  There is no way to prevent an
attacker from altering the symbolic information in a way
that circumvents safety checking.  All of these problems
make transforming Win32 executables for security a
challenging problem.  Although it is believed to be
possible, it would involve substantial effort and resources
beyond what was available for the Naccio/Win32 prototype.
The predominant Win32 architecture, Intel x86, poses
additional problems because of the complexity of its
instruction set.  Supporting Alpha NT would be easier
because of the simpler RISC instruction set, however a tiny
fraction of Win32 users are using Alpha NT.

Several tools are available that would be a helpful starting
point for an industrial implementation.  OM [Srivastava92]
is a tool for performing link-time modifications on Alpha
binaries.  It translates the program to a register transfer
language and performs modifications on that representation
before rewriting it as a binary.  OM makes use of
supplemental relocation information provided by the compiler
in the binary.  If it were used for code safety, this
information would need to be verified or ignored.  ATOM
[Srivastava94] is a tool built on top of OM to simplify
program instrumentation.  It provides a set of APIs for
instrumenting programs but does not support arbitrary
modifications such as deleting instructions.  ATOM has been
used on the OSF/1, Digital UNIX and Windows NT operating
systems.  The Windows NT version of ATOM, Spike [Cohn97]
provides binary instrumentation for Alpha Windows NT
executables.  In addition, it intercepts system calls using
replacement DLLs to transparently substitute instrumented
DLLs for their unmodified versions.  A similar technique
could be used by Naccio/Win32 to introduce wrapper code.

A few binary editing tools for x86 Win32 executables have
been developed.  Etch [Romer97] is a tool for rewriting x86
Win32 binaries.  Etch analyses a Win32 binary to discover
the code segments, and then cycles through each basic block
instrumenting instructions.  A (now-defunct) company,
TracePoint, used OM technology to build tools that
instrument Win32 binaries to do profiling and test coverage
analysis [TracePoint97].  This work is believed to be
continuing at Microsoft under the code name Vulcan
[Srivastava98].  Neither Etch nor Vulcan is currently
available for research purposes.

In addition to the single platform binary editing tools, a
few projects have attempted to build general frameworks that
can be used to edit binaries on different platforms.
Executable Editing Library (EEL) [Larus95] is a C++ library
for editing executables.  EEL translates executables into a
platform-independent register transfer language, allows
transformations to be performed on the intermediate
representation, and translates it back to a platform-
dependent executable.  EEL is intended to be portable across
a wide range of instruction sets and binary formats, but so
far has only been used with SPARC executables running under
SunOS and Solaris and a partial implementation for RS/6000
AIX executables.  It remains to be seen if this approach
could work for a CISC architecture like x86.

                    The security system was adequate, but it
                           did not foresee an armed robbery.
                                 Italian Minister of Culture
                       Walter Veltroni, explaining the theft
                         of two van Goghs and a Cézanne from
                                    Rome's National Gallery.

Chapter 8


This chapter evaluates the Naccio architecture and prototype
implementations.  We analyze how well the goals of security,
versatility, ease of use, ease of implementation and
efficiency set forth in Section 1.3 have been met by the
Naccio design in general and our prototype implementations
in particular.

8.1  Security

The most essential property of any security-related system
is that it satisfies desired security requirements.  For
Naccio, this means that a specified policy is enforced
correctly.  There is no clear way to prove this in the
positive, but any successful attack proves the negative.  A
formal analysis of the soundness of the Naccio design would
increase our confidence, but is beyond the scope of this
thesis.  Instead, this section speculates on the security of
the design and discusses likely vulnerabilities in the
prototype implementations.

The smaller the part of the system security depends on, the
more likely it can be implemented correctly or validated.
Although Naccio's design is conceptually simple, the trusted
computing base for Naccio is far larger than is desirable.
In general, it comprises the program transformer, policy
compiler, platform interface, and all system code below the
level of the platform interface.  For the Naccio/JavaVM
prototype implementation, the trusted computing base
-o-    The policy compiler.  It must correctly parse the
  resource descriptions, resource use policy and platform
  interface.  It must weave the checking code from the
  resource use policy into the resource descriptions.  If
  optimizations are done to remove resource operations and
  platform interface wrappers, these optimizations must
  correctly determine that the removed modules do not do any
  useful checking.  The code generated for the resource
  implementations must correctly implement the checking
  described by the resource use policy.  Since a Java compiler
  is used to compile these resource implementations, that Java
  compiler is part of the trusted computing base also.  The
  policy-enforcing library must correctly reflect the contents
  of the platform interface.  This is perhaps the most
  complicated part of policy generation, and it is exceedingly
  unlikely that the prototype policy compiler does not have
  some bugs in the generation of wrappers.  Further, it
  depends on the JOIE toolkit used as the transformation
  engine.  Finally, the produced policy description file must
  accurately describe the transformations that must be done to
  enforce the policy on an application.
-o-    The program transformer must correctly perform the
transformations described in the policy description file.
Naccio/JavaVM also relies on the Java byte code verifier to
ensure low-level code safety properties.  In addition, we
rely on the wrappers for Java reflection and dynamic class
loading correctly prohibiting applications from bypassing or
tampering with the checking code.  The prototype
implementation keeps these wrappers simple (at the expense
of disallowing some harmless programs) to increase the
likelihood that they are correct.
-o-    The platform interface must correctly describe the Java
  API in terms of the resource operations.  The task is
  simplified somewhat by support for pass-through wrappers,
  but the platform interface must still correctly specify the
  behavior of several hundred API routines.
-o-    The Java API implementation must not manipulate
  resources in ways different from those described in its
  documentation.  Since the platform interface is written
  according the API documentation, if the Java API
  implementation produces different resource manipulations
  than described in its specification, an attacker will be
  able to exploit them to violate the safety policy without
This is a very large trusted computing base, and it compares
unfavorably with most other code safety systems.  The
trusted computing base for the JDK 1.1 security mechanisms
comprises the byte code verifier, the Java API correctly
calling SecurityManager check methods, and the
SecurityManager correctly implementing that checking.  It
also depends on the Java compiler to correctly compile the
API and SecurityManager, and the Java run-time to correctly
distinguish between trusted (local or signed) and remote
code and the ClassLoader only loading verified classes.
This is certainly a larger trusted computing base than is
desirable, and too large to be feasible to verify, but
smaller than the Naccio/JavaVM trusted computing base.
Systems like SASI [Erlingsson99] and proof-carrying code
[Necula98] have smaller trusted computing bases than the
JDK. Because they describe policies at the level of machine
instructions, there is less processing needed (and hence, a
smaller trusted computing base), to enforce or verify a

The story for Naccio/Win32 is similar.  Its security depends
heavily on correct implementation of the protective
transformations necessary for low-level code safety.
Implementing SFI is notoriously difficult for a platform as
complex as Intel x86 and no satisfactory implementation that
deals with arbitrary Intel x86 executables is known.
Further, the Win32 API is large and complex.  The prototype
implementation only defines a partial platform interface;
correctly defining a complete one would constitute a major

One way to deal with a large trusted computing base is to
identify and verify the most vulnerable pieces.  The
platform interface is the most likely candidate for
verification.  Section 9.1 discusses some possible ways of
increasing confidence that various parts of a Naccio
implementation are correct.  The other way is to change the
design or implementation to shrink the trusted computing
base.  One way to do this would be to move more of the
checking into the operating system.  On platforms that
support extensible kernel modules (such as Solaris and
FreeBSD), this could be done without any need to modify the
kernel.  This would eliminate any reliance on low-level code
safety, other than trusting the operating system mechanisms
that protect the kernel.  The trusted computing base would
then only be the policy compiler that generates the checking
code from the policy and the platform interface that
describes the kernel calls.  One way to simplify and reduce
the size of this code would be to remove all the
optimizations.  This would incur a significant performance
penalty, but would be acceptable in situations where greater
security assurance is more important.  If Naccio/JavaVM
enforced policies at the level of native methods instead of
the Java API, it would eliminate much of the trusted
computing base since it would only rely on hooks into the
native methods and the generated checking code itself.  It
would remove reliance on the Java API implementation, other
than the implementation of native methods.  The platform
interface would be smaller and simpler, since it describes
only security-relevant native methods.  The drawback is it
would tie Naccio/JavaVM closely to a single execution
platform.  It would also be more difficult to write extended
safety policies, since the platform interface must be
expressed at the level of machine instructions.

Naccio's large trusted computing base is one of the prices
we pay for abstract policy definition mechanisms.  The
further away the policy definition is from the execution
platform, the more work that must be done to enforce the
policy.  While the tradeoff between increased trusted
computing base size (and the resulting reduction of
confidence in the security mechanisms) and the ability to
efficiently enforce a wide class of useful policies may be
acceptable for low and medium security environments, it is
not acceptable in security-critical environments.  For
security-critical environments, Naccio may be usefully
combined with simpler enforcement mechanisms with better
assurance that enforce the most important properties in such

In addition to the sheer size of the trusted computing base,
some aspects of the prototype implementations are of
particular concern.  Naccio/JavaVM supports pass-through
wrappers to make writing the platform interface easier.
This greatly reduces the size of the platform interface
needed for the Java API.  On the other hand, it increases
the complexity of the policy compiler.  Handling pass-
through wrapper semantics is the most unwieldy part of the
policy compiler implementation and the most likely part to
contain bugs that are manifest as security vulnerabilities.
Nevertheless, we believe the benefits of supporting pass-
through wrappers in reducing the size of the platform
interface outweigh these risks.  Another possible
vulnerability of the prototype Naccio implementations
results from the optimizations done by the policy compiler
to remove unnecessary resource operations and platform
interface wrappers.  Bugs in these optimizations can lead to
wrappers that do meaningful checking being incorrectly
removed and as a result produce a policy-enforcing library
that does not detect violations of the policy.  We believe
the analysis is simple enough to implement correctly so that
the run-time performance benefits obtained by removing
unnecessary wrapper more than outweigh the added risks
associated with bugs in the optimizer code.

The Win32 platform presents some additional vulnerabilities
not faced on the JavaVM platform.  Ensuring low-level code
safety is much more difficult, and is not attempted by the
prototype implementation.  We believe it is possible to
implement SFI correctly on Win32 Intel x86 executables,
although it remains to be seen if this is true.  Multiple
threads pose another problem, and there is some doubt as to
whether or not a satisfactory solution to protecting
wrappers and resource state in the presence of multiple
threads can be found.

Even if a Naccio implementation is correct, attackers can
still exploit poor policy choices.  Since all constraints
imposed by Naccio are discretionary, it is up to users and
system administrators to determine a suitable policy for
their environment.  Actually deciding what is an appropriate
policy for different environments is beyond the scope of
this thesis, but it is important that precise enough
policies can be expressed and that it is easy enough to
define and understand policies that it is likely a policy
really means what its author intended.  We believe Naccio
offers some advantages over the alternatives because of the
way policies are described in terms of abstract resource
manipulations.  The next two sections discuss this.

8.2  Versatility

This section considers how well Naccio encompasses the range
of useful safety policies. We consider the issue in general,
and then specifically for the standard policies and extended
policies supported by the prototype implementations.

8.2.1     Theoretical Limitations

The policies Naccio can enforce encompass all safety
properties that can be expressed in terms of manipulations
visible at the platform interface level.  With a suitable
platform interface, all resource manipulations are visible
and Naccio can define and enforce all policies in Class EM
(see Section 3.3).  Naccio cannot enforce liveness
properties or policies that depend on knowledge of all
possible executions.

Liveness properties depend on knowing something will happen
in the future.  For example, a policy that requires that all
open files must eventually be closed is a liveness property.
Although Naccio cannot strictly enforce liveness properties,
most useful liveness properties can be approximated.  For
example, we could modify the file close policy to require
that all open files must be closed before the application
terminates.  Naccio could define this policy by adding a
state block that maintains a set of the currently open
files.  Code associated with the open file resource
operations would add files to the open set, and calls to the
close operation would remove them.  Checking code associated
with the file system terminator could either issue a
violation if the open files set were non-empty before
execution is about to terminate.  Approximations of liveness
properties may be slightly awkward to express, but Naccio
can approximate many of the liveness properties that are
useful for security.

Policies that depend on knowledge of all possible executions
cannot be enforced without static analysis of the program
text.  Most properties in this category deal with
information flow.  Knowing whether a particular execution
reveals information about some object requires determining
if the visible output of this execution is distinguishable
from other executions where the value of the object is
different.  Since runtime monitors on a single execution
cannot reveal if this is the case, Naccio cannot be used to
enforce fine-grain information flow.  Naccio can be used to
enforce coarse information flow policies that prohibit any
remotely visible behavior after a sensitive object is
touched.  For example, a policy could be defined that
prohibits all network use after any sensitive file has been
read.  In situations where fine grain information flow
policies are essential, it would be necessary to combine
Naccio with a static analysis tool that enforces the fine
grain information flow policy.

8.2.2     Policy Expressiveness

Although in theory a platform interface can be created that
makes all resource manipulations visible to the policy
author, in practice it is not usually practical to do so.
Both prototype implementations use platform interfaces at
the level of a system API.  This limits the policies that
can be enforced to those expressible in terms of events
visible through system API calls.

First, we consider the class of standard policies since
those policies that can be defined using the standard
resources represent the class of policies that can be easily
defined.  In addition, standard policies are portable across
Naccio implementations.  Porting an extended policy requires
altering the platform interface on each new platform.
Hence, it is important that most common policies can be
expressed as standard safety policies.  Standard policies
can be used to express access control policies on any of the
standard resources including files, network connections,
windows, and threads.  In addition to the standard static
access control policies, policies that constrain access
control dynamically based on the history of all resource
accesses made by the execution can be written by using state
blocks.  This covers most traditional access control
security policies.

With extended policies, the class of expressible policies
expands to include constraining and modifying all behavior
visible at the level of the platform interface.  For the
prototype implementations with platform interfaces at the
level of the system API, this means all resource
manipulation done through the system API can be constrained.
By using state blocks, Naccio can define any policy that
depends on the history of all system calls made by the
execution.  This is a large class of policies, but there are
still limitations on what policies can be expressed.  In
addition to the theoretical limitations discussed earlier,
the expressible policies are limited by what is visible to
the platform interface.  Some resources are manipulated
without using system calls, in particular memory and the
CPU.  Naccio implementations cannot place any constraints on
manipulating resources that are not visible at the level of
the platform interface.

Other resources are visible at the application level, but do
not correspond to any system resource.  For example, a
library may maintain a database in local storage and provide
routines for manipulating that database.  Since these
routines are not part of the system API calls, there is no
way to use Naccio to enforce a policy that constrains how
the database may be manipulated.  Eventually, the database
manipulations may lead to a file modification or network
transmission that can be constrained by Naccio.  However, it
is likely to be difficult to define a database access policy
in terms of file operations, since the mapping between file
segments and database entries is often complex and dynamic.
It is possible, however, to extend the platform interface to
include the database classes and to define new resources
that correspond to manipulating the database.

     Comparison to JDK
Naccio/JavaVM can mimic any JDK policy since we can write a
Naccio policy that makes the same calls to the security
manager check methods at the same execution points and with
the same parameters as the Java API does (the MimicJDK
policy introduced in Section 8.5.1 does this).  Although
this clearly duplicates a JDK policy, it is not entirely
satisfying since it depends on hooks that allow policies to
call Java methods.  The policy is not portable because it
relies on the Java SecurityManager code.

To define a portable version of a JDK policy, the checking
code needs to be moved directly into the safety properties
and translated into the generic property language.  One
problem that needs to be addressed is how to deal with JDK
code that distinguishes between privileged and unprivileged
code.  The JDK 1.1 security manager often depends on
examining the ClassLoader to determine if code is part of
the system and should be considered privileged.  JDK 1.2
uses stack inspection to provide a more general way to
enable privileges through a call sequence.

Duplicating stack inspection requires access to more run-
time state than is visible in a Naccio policy.  The stack is
not visible from a safety policy, so there is no way to
define a policy that treats resource manipulations
differently depending on what is on the call stack when they
occur.  Naccio can, however, mimic most of the useful
aspects of stack inspection.  Further, we argue that many
policies defined in terms of different privileges supported
by stack inspection are better expressed as more precise
policies not depending on different privileges.

In JDK 1.1 and earlier, stack inspection was limited to
distinguishing system and application code based on the
ClassLoader.  Naccio makes the same distinction at the
platform interface boundary.  Code within the Java API that
is described by the platform interface is trusted.  The
wrapper describes its behavior and the implementation code
runs with no additional safety checking.  To define a policy
that allows system code to manipulate resources in ways not
permitted by application code, all that is necessary is to
write a wrapper for the relevant API routine that does not
call the resource operations corresponding to its actual

JDK 1.2 supports a richer model where stack inspection
distinguishes arbitrary classes of code.  This is primarily
motivated by the desire to support multi-layered
applications where different classes have different trust
levels and capabilities.  Given that Naccio cannot duplicate
stack inspection behavior exactly, we need to consider what
is lost in terms of expressiveness as a result.  Stack
inspection was motivated by the desire to allow trusted code
to perform actions that untrusted code is not permitted to,
even when that system code is called by the untrusted code.
A common example is the font loading code in the AWT.  This
needs to open and read a file, but is viewed differently
from an application attempting to open and read a file
directly.  An example that takes advantage of JDK 1.2
capabilities would be an untrusted application that calls a
third-party library that calls system code.  The system code
is privileged, and the third-party library has some
privileges not afforded to the application but does not have
all the privileges available to the system code.

This allows certain policies not expressible using Naccio to
be defined, but it is questionable whether or not these
kinds of policies are desirable.  Policies expressed in
terms of varying privileges do not correspond well to
anything a user understands.  Users have no notion of stack
frames and make no distinction between system code and
application code.  It is awkward to describe to a typical
user a policy that allows system code to access the file
system but does not allow application code to do so.  This
policy might be useful if we want to allow the AWT font
loading code to read a local file but prevent application
code from directly accessing the any files.  The assumption
is that it is okay for system code to do this, since the
system code is trusted and only limited information about
files is made available to the untrusted code as a result.
This seems contrary to the user's understanding of the
policy.  It would be better to define a more precise policy
that constrains only the behavior of the program but make no
distinction between what code is directly causing that
behavior.  For example, a better policy would disallow
access to files except allow reading a limited number of
files in the system fonts directory.  This policy could be
easily defined using Naccio by weakening a no writing policy
with the standard JDK allowances that permit reading the
font files.  We believe most useful policies that depend on
varying privileges can be better defined as precise policies
defined in terms of program behavior.

There is a wide class of policies enforceable by Naccio but
not enforceable by the JDK security mechanisms.  This
includes policies that depend on resource manipulations that
do not correspond to security manager checks and are not
visible to JDK policies.  In order to enforce these types of
policies using JDK mechanisms, additional check methods
would need to be added to the SecurityManager and API
implementations would need to be altered to call those check
methods at the appropriate execution points.  For example,
current JDK mechanisms cannot support policies that
constrain file activity once a file has been opened.  This
means both that there is no way to revoke read and write
access once it has been granted by the original open call,
and that there is no way to constrain the amount or content
of data read from or written to an open file.  To extend the
JDK to support this class of policies, one would need to add
new security manager check methods that correspond to
reading and writing to files.  All the Java API classes that
read from or write to files would need to be modified to
call the new check methods at the appropriate time.  Even
supposing one did have access to change the Java API in this
way, the overhead of calling the new check methods is
suffered for every Java program that runs with a policy
enforced, even if that policy places no constraints on
reading and writing to files.  This would be unacceptable in
many environments, since the overhead associated with
security checking for a commonly called routine like writing
a byte to a file would be substantial.  Naccio avoids this
problem by inserting the platform interface wrappers only
when they do useful work.  Hence, there is no overhead
suffered unless the policy constrains a particular resource

One way to get a better handle on whether Naccio can
successfully express useful policies is to consider whether
policies that protect against particular kinds of hostile
applets can be written.  One well-known collection of
hostile applets is Mark D. LaDue's collection of hostile
applets [LaDue96, LaDue99].  Here we consider how effective
Naccio would be in protecting against each of these applets.
The effectiveness of Naccio's policy definition mechanisms
is judged on the basis of whether a policy can be written to
prohibit the attack, how easy it is to write the policy, and
how precisely it excludes the hostile behavior.
-o-    The NoisyBear applet displays a clock and makes an
  annoying sound.  Even after you leave the page, the sound
  continues.  This behavior could easily result from an
  accidental programming error, and takes advantage of
  browsers allowing applet threads to continue even after the
  browser has left the page containing the applet.  The
  simplest policy that would prevent this particular attack
  would be to always disallow playing audio files.  This would
  disallow some potentially useful applets, however.
  The more general problem revealed by this applet,
  however, is that threads are allowed to continue after
  the applet stop method has been called.  The browser
  calls the applet stop method when it leaves the page
  containing the applet, but there are no requirements that
  the applet stop method actually terminates all applet
  threads.  Using Naccio, we can impose a policy that
  requires that no applet threads are running at the end of
  the stop method.  The program transformer modifies the
  applet to call terminators (including RSystem.terminate)
  at return points of the applet stop method.  A useful
  policy would keep track of all threads created by the
  applet using a state block, and then check that all
  threads have been stopped when RSystem.terminate is
  called.  Occasionally, a useful applet may need to keep
  threads running after the containing page has been left
  by the browser.  It seems reasonable to require user
  approval before allowing this.20  The JDK approach could
  not be used to enforce such a policy, since there is no
  check method associated with stopping an applet.
  The best general solution to these kinds of attacks,
  however, is at the browser level.  A security-conscious
  browser should allow the user to see what applet threads
  are running and which URL was responsible for their
  creation, and to selectively kill annoying or suspicious
-o-    The Consume, Wasteful, HostileThreads and TripleThreat
  applets are all denial-of-service attacks that consume most
  available CPU and memory.  They work by creating a new
  thread, setting its priority to MAX_PRIORITY, and doing lot
  of useless processing.  A policy that disallows increasing a
  thread's priority would solve part of the problem since a
  normal priority thread will not prevent other threads from
  acquiring the CPU.  This policy can be easily defined using
  Naccio by issuing a violation in the standard resource
  operation associated with setting a thread's priority if the
  requested priority is too high.  A less obtrusive policy
  would not issue a violation, but instead skip the system
  call that sets the priority.  Defining this policy requires
  changing the platform interface so the original system call
  can be skipped.
  This would lessen the effects of the denial-of-service
  attacks, but would not prevent the eventual consumption
  of resources.  To do this we need a policy that restricts
  the actual resource use.  Attack applets use different
  kinds of resources in different ways.  Some create a
  large number of threads or windows.  Naccio policies can
  easily place limits on the number of threads or windows
  created, and it seems sensible to import such a policy on
  untrusted applets.  If the resource use is done through
  processing and memory allocation, however, Naccio/JavaVM
  is not able to constrain the resource consumption.  The
  limits on thread creation and setting thread priorities,
  would significantly reduce the amount of the CPU resource
  that could be consumed, but Naccio/JavaVM cannot enforce
  a policy that places limits on memory and CPU usage.
  Since using memory and the CPU does not correspond to a
  system call, these are not visible to the platform
  interface so we cannot write a policy that constrains
  them using Naccio/JavaVM.  Although it is possible to
  extend Naccio/JavaVM to support these resources (see
  Section 9.2), it is more practical to constrain memory
  and CPU usage in the run-time environment.
-o-    AppletKiller is a hostile applet that shuts down all
  other applet threads.  It recursively loops through threads
  in a thread group, and their parents.  Naccio policies can
  easily place restrictions on killing threads by writing a
  resource use policy that attaches checking code to the
  RSystemThreads resource operations.  Perhaps the most
  reasonable thing to do would be to disallow any access to
  the applet's parent thread.  A Naccio policy can do this by
  attaching checking code to the resource operation associated
  with getting a thread or thread group's parent.  The
  difficulty is determining if the requested thread is the
  original applet thread (in which case the call reveals
  information about threads outside the applet), or a thread
  created by the applet (in which case the call should be
  allowed).  To do this, we need a state block that keeps
  track of how a thread was created.
-o-    Forger sends forged email by opening a network
connection back to the originating host that uses the send
mail port (25).  A simple policy that would prevent this
would prohibit all connections to port 25, or more generally
prohibit explicit connections to any questionable port.
This policy could also be written easily using a JDK
security manager.  The problem is with the default settings
and policy interface on most browsers, not the available JDK
security mechanisms.
To summarize, all of the applets in the hostile applets
collection can be mitigated using standard safety policies.
Only the denial-of-service applets that consume memory and
the CPU but not some constrainable resource cannot be
prohibited by a reasonable policy.  The policies can be
expressed precisely enough that the hostile behavior can be
prevented without also preventing many non-hostile applets.

It is not clear how well the hostile applets collection
corresponds to the real attacks browsers are likely to face.
In fact, there have been few reports of malicious attacks
exploiting Java21.  Nearly all the media reports of Java
vulnerabilities result from academic research rather than
discovery of an actual malicious attack.  Despite Java's
security vulnerabilities, it is far easier for a malicious
hacker to cause damage in other ways and most attacks
exploit Windows executables or (more recently) macros for
Word and similar programs.  Fortunately, a Windows
implementation of Naccio could be used to prevent many of
these attacks.  Java may become a more popular target for
attackers as users become more security conscious and resist
running untrusted programs without code safety.  However,
for the near future, it is likely that buggy programs are a
more serious threat to users with Java-enabled browsers than
are malicious attacks.

8.3  Ease of Use

A main goal of Naccio is to make it easier to write, modify
and understand policies than it is with other systems.  This
is a subjective question, but can be considered by looking
at how much knowledge and code is required for different
kinds of policies.  Our experience with actual users is
limited to that of the author and Andrew Twyman's experience
developing policies the constrain network use before he
began to develop Naccio/Win32.  He was able to write new
policies after looking at a few examples and had no problems
defining the desired policies using Naccio.

Many policies can be written by combining and setting
parameters of predefined properties.  Users can construct
these properties without any knowledge of resource
descriptions or how policies are defined.  If a sufficiently
comprehensive property library is included with a Naccio
implementation, it should be possible for most users and
system administrators to construct many of the policies they
need using predefined properties.

More sophistication is required to write a new safety
property.  We hope that moderately sophisticated computer
users without substantial programming experience will be
able to understand and write standard safety policies.  To
do so requires being able to understand the concept that
program manipulations are characterized by resource
operations, and that attaching checking code to resource
operations constrains those manipulations.

The simplest policies are expressed as checking code that
attaches a violation to a resource operation.  For example,
consider what must be done to write a policy that prohibits
altering or creating files but allows reading.  To define
this policy using Naccio, a policy author must determine
that file writing corresponds to the RFileSystem resource,
examine the RFileSystem resource description to deduce that
the modifyFile group corresponds to altering or creating
files.  The policy can be defined by attaching a violation
to RFileSystem.modifyFile.  Writing the same policy as a JDK
SecurityManager involves creating a new SecurityManager
subclass and overriding the checkWrite and checkDelete
methods to throw an exception.22  In fact, the default
SecurityManager disallows everything, so the policy author
either needs to subclass a different SecurityManager, or
needs to override every other check method with an empty
body.  This involves a fair bit more programming knowledge
than writing the Naccio policy (understanding subclassing
and exceptions), but perhaps less effort for someone who
already knows Java.  Most Java-enabled browsers do not
support user-written security managers, but instead provide
a graphical interface for setting security parameters.  The
policy configuration dialog boxes for Internet Explorer 5.0
cannot be used to define a no writing policy.  The only
choice is to either enable or disable access (both reading
and writing) to all files or to require a user prompt to
approve all file access.  While the interface for selecting
policies is simple enough for naïve users to understand, it
places severe limits on the range and precision of policies
that can be defined.

The next level of complexity in writing policies is writing
policies that maintain state, such as LimitBytesWritten
shown in Figure 6.  Writing state-based policies involves
more programming, but Naccio's mechanisms make it easier to
write these policies than the alternatives.  In addition, a
library of common state blocks covers the state needed for
many policies.  It will often be possible to express a new
policy using pre-defined state.

The fact that defining a Naccio policy requires writing code
makes it inaccessible to the majority of computer users.
The subset of users who might be willing to consider writing
a safety policy is probably similar to the class of users
who write their own spreadsheet or Word macros.  To make
Naccio accessible to a wider class of users would require a
graphical, parameter-based interface to policies.  Such an
interface tool could be created, but it is beyond the scope
of this thesis.

8.4  Ease of Implementation

This section considers the amount of effort required to
produce a new Naccio implementation by examining the effort
required to produce the two prototype implementations.  We
report on how much work was required to produce
Naccio/JavaVM, the first Naccio implementation; and how much
additional work was needed to produce an implementation of
Naccio for another platform, in this case, Naccio/Win32.
Many of the lessons learned from these efforts would reduce
the amount of time needed to produce a new Naccio
implementation.  Further, because of the design of the
Naccio architecture, much of the code from the policy
compiler can be reused on implementations of Naccio for
different platforms.

Implementation of the Naccio/JavaVM prototype began in May
1998.  Before this a preliminary prototype had been produced
that transformed ANSI C source code according to fixed rules
as a proof-of-concept23, and the Naccio architecture had been
designed and described in a thesis proposal.  It took about
four weeks to build a basic Naccio/JavaVM system that could
be used to enforce simple policies on test programs.  The
main difference between the original prototype and the
implementation described in this thesis is that instead of
modifying the Java API class files to produce the policy-
enforcing wrapper classes, the original implementation
generated subclasses as Java source code and ran the Java
compiler to produce a class file.  The program transformer
replaced calls to constructors for wrapped classes with
calls to the corresponding constructor in the generated
subclass.  Generating Java source code subclasses is much
easier than rewriting byte codes as is done by the final
implementation, but had some significant drawbacks.  It made
it awkward to constrain final methods since they could not
be overridden in the subclass.  We could work around this
problem using a similar technique as is done to handle
wrapped native methods in the current implementation ---
rename the wrapped final methods and replace names in
program transformation.  Dealing with constructors posed
another problem, since Java compilers require the call to
the superclass construction be the first statement in the
constructor body.  This meant checking code could not be
inserted before the original constructor call.  More
fundamentally, the subclassing approach suffered a non-
negligible run-time overhead associated with the additional
virtual method calls that would be suffered even for methods
not constrained by the safety policy.

As a result, the implementation was changed to rewrite the
Java class files directly.  Implementing the class modifying
code took a few weeks.  Much of this time was spent learning
the intricacies of the Java byte code format and
understanding and modifying JOIE (see Section 7.4.1) to
support the necessary changes.  The Naccio/JavaVM prototype
including the policy compiler and program transformer as
described in this thesis is implemented in about 40,000
lines of Java code, some of which were generated
automatically by a parser generator.  Most of the code is
for the policy compiler (although the actual division is not
obvious since they share objects and code) and is reusable
for Naccio implementations for other platforms.  The core of
the program transformer is about 1500 lines.

The Java API platform interface was developed in conjunction
with the Naccio/JavaVM implementation and test policies.
Although pass-through wrappers were not part of the original
design, the need for them became apparent early in the
process of developing the platform interface.  Support for
pass-through wrappers greatly reduced the amount of work
needed to write the Java API platform interface.

The second Naccio implementation was Naccio/Win32, built by
Andrew Twyman starting in January 1999.  Building
Naccio/Win32 involved changing the policy compiler back end
to produce C code for resource implementations instead of
Java classes, and creating new tools that produced the
platform interface linker file and modify the executables
import table.  Except for developing a new back-end, the
rest of the policy compiler was reused without any changes.
Converting the back end to produce C code instead of Java
took a little over a week, and did not require a deep
understanding of the rest of the policy compiler.  Since the
Naccio/Win32 prototype did not implement the protective
transformations necessary for low-level code safety, the
amount of work needed to implement the program transformer
was limited to replacing DLL names in the import table.
This was accomplished in a few days;  almost all the effort
was in understanding the Windows executable format.  In
addition, we did not produce a complete platform interface
for Win32.  Because of the size and complexity of the Win32
API, construction of a complete platform interface would
likely take a skilled developer several months.  The
prototype platform interface used by Naccio/Win32 that only
covered a subset of file manipulation calls took about two
weeks to write and debug.

Producing the next Naccio implementation should involve less
work that was necessary to produce the first two.  The Java
and C back-ends to the policy compiler should provide a good
starting point for producing resource implementations on
most platforms.  For example, either back-end could be
fairly easily adapted to produce resource implementations
suitable for a Linux implementation of Naccio.  There are
two approaches to generating the policy-enforcing library
exhibited by the prototype implementations --- Naccio/JavaVM
modifies the object code directly, while Naccio/Win32
generates separate wrapper code that performs the policy
checking and then calls the original routine.  The
Naccio/JavaVM approach does not transfer easily to a new
platform since modifying object code is likely to be highly
platform-specific.  The Naccio/Win32 approach is likely to
be reusable on other platforms.  To implement similar
wrappers for a Linux implementation, it would be necessary
to write a suitable platform interface and produce the
appropriate linking information, but otherwise most of the
Naccio/Win32 implementation could be reused.

The standard resource library evolved during the course of
developing Naccio/JavaVM and Naccio/Win32.  Some changes to
the resource descriptions were a direct result of experience
building Naccio/Win32.  For example, the operations dealing
with file observations were inadequate to precisely reflect
all the different file properties that may be observed using
the Win32 API.  New operations were added to the RFileSystem
resource corresponding to operations like observing the
creation time of a file.  It is likely that the standard
resource library would change slightly as a result of
producing a Naccio implementation for another platform.  We
expect it would converge fairly quickly, though, and after
one or two more platforms there would be no need to change
the standard resource library to support a new platform.

Finally, we consider what would be necessary to produce
industrial quality implementations of Naccio.  Naccio/JavaVM
is close to what an industrial implementation would be,
except for lacking the validation necessary to provide good
security assurances.  The amount of effort required to do
this is substantial, but similar to what would be required
for any code safety system.  Producing an industrial version
of Naccio/Win32 would involve implementing the protective
transformations necessary for low-level code safety.  While
the work required is substantial because of the difficulties
in implementing software fault isolation on the x86
platform, almost all of it is the same as would be required
for any code safety system that runs x86 executables
directly.  If a satisfactory implementation of software
fault isolation were available, it could be adapted to
support Naccio with only minor changes necessary to protect
the state associated with safety checking.  The other major
task necessary to produce an industrial quality Naccio/Win32
implementation is producing a platform interface for the
Win32 API.  This would involve substantial effort because of
the size and complexity of the Win32 API.

8.5  Efficiency

The performance of a code safety system is important since a
system that incurs a significant performance penalty will
not be acceptable except in a security-critical environment.
With Naccio, the costs of enforcing a policy are divided
into three phases.  First, the policy compiler is run to
compile the policy.  This is done once per policy and
platform pair, and not experienced by the end user.  While
it is important that the time required to compile a policy
is not excessive, performance is not a great concern since
policy compilation is done infrequently.  Next, the
application transformer prepares a particular application to
enforce a policy.  This is done once for each application,
policy and platform combination.  Users experience this time
every time they install a new application to run with a
policy.  If Naccio were integrated into a web browser, it
would be experienced for each new applet or control
encountered.  Hence, it is important that the application
preparation time is low enough that it is not noticeable to
the user.  Finally, there is the performance overhead when
the transformed program is running.  This is necessary
whenever the program is running with a policy enforced.  The
overhead should be commensurate with the complexity of the
policy.  It is unacceptable to have high overhead when
enforcing a simple policy, but reasonable for the overhead
required to enforce a complex and ubiquitous policy to be
high.  The rest of this section introduces some policies for
testing and discusses the performance properties of Naccio
in each of these phases.

8.5.1     Test Policies

For the experiments, the following policies are used:
Null is an empty policy that does no checking.  This is a
baseline to measure the overhead required for no checking.
NoBashingFiles is defined in Figure 5.  It disallows any
destructive manipulation of existing files are reports file
names in error message.
NoBashingExceptTmp is the property combination from Section
3.2.3.  It weakens the NoBashingFiles property to allow
modification of existing files in the /tmp/ and /u/evs/tmp/
LimitWrite is defined in Figure 7.  It disallows modifying
existing files and places a limit on the number of bytes
that may be written.
NetLimit is a policy that uses the NetLimitSendRate property
from Figure 14 to limit the network send rate by delaying
transmissions.  For testing purposes, it sets the limit
parameters high enough that it is never exceeded.
SoftSendLimit uses the SoftSendLimit property from Figure 15
to limit the network send rate by splitting up and delaying
transmissions using an altered platform interface.  For
testing purposes, it sets the limit parameters high enough
that it is never exceeded.
DisallowAll issues a violation for every resource
DisallowAllExcept weakens DisallowAll with permissions that
allow common system properties to be observed.
MimicJDK mimics a JDK SecurityManager policy by calling the
same check methods as the Java API does.  Naccio can be used
to mimic any JDK policy using the MimicJDK policy simply by
setting the appropriate SecurityManager when the policy is
initialized.  For our experiments, we use a SecurityManager
that performs no checking.  Although it reports no
violations, it performs differently from the Null policy
since Naccio cannot optimize out unnecessary wrappers and
resource calls for the MimicJDK policy.  Naccio does not
analyze the security manager (which can be installed
dynamically), so there is no opportunity to optimize out
unnecessary checking code.
JavaApplet duplicates the policy HotJava 1.1 enforces on
untrusted applets.  Rather than using MimicJDK, the
JavaApplet policy implements the HotJava policy directly by
moving the checking code from AppletSecurity security
manager into the safety policy and making the few changes
necessary to convert Java code into safety policy actions.
This produces a more portable policy, and allows Naccio to
eliminate unnecessary work.  The JavaApplet policy disallows
reading, writing and observing files except as permitted by
access lists in the user's configuration file.  It only
allows network connections to the originating host.  Since
we run our experiments are applications from the command
line, we set the originating host using a command-line
Paranoid is a comprehensive policy that would be suitable
for untrusted programs.  It includes the NoBashing and
LimitBytesWritten properties, as well as properties that
limit the number of new files that may be created, limit how
many files may be observed, limit the total number of bytes
that may be read, restrict the directories that may be read
from, prohibit network use, and constrain the creation of
windows and manipulation of threads.
TarCustom is a policy designed specifically for the tar
archive utility.  It instantiates several properties specif
ically targeted to the tar application, as well as some
general properties, such as the NoNetwork property that
disallows all network use.  It includes a property that
allows one file with a name ending in .tar to be overwritten
if the c flag is used to create an archive, but allows no
other files to be overwritten.  TarCustom also limits the
number of bytes written at all execution points to a func
tion of the number of bytes read, and restricts files that
may be read during the execution to those listed on the
command line.  In addition to offering protection from
malicious or buggy implementations, the TarCustom policy
provides protection from user mistakes.  For example,
executing tar cf * with TarCustom enforced on tar results in
a policy violation.  With the original application it would
replace the first file in the directory with an archive of
all other files.

8.5.2     Policy Compilation
The time to compile a policy depends on the size and
complexity of the policy, the size of the platform library
that must be analyzed and rewritten, and the optimizations
done by the policy compiler.  This section considers the
costs associated with compiling each of the test policies
using Naccio/JavaVM.  To produce these results, we set
options to the policy compiler to turn on all checking
optimizations and to produce a policy-enforcing library
without renaming classes.  This is the normal case, except
in deployments where multiple policies need to be supported

The results for Naccio/Win32 are similar but less relevant.
Since Naccio/Win32 does not include a complete Win32 API
platform interface, only the policies that deal exclusively
with the file system could be compiled correctly.  The
compilation times for Naccio/Win32 are lower that for
Naccio/JavaVM, since it does not need to alter the library
classes but only produces the resource implementations and
headers and compiles the platform interface file.

Table 1 reports the number of resource operations that need
to be implemented to enforce the policy (that is, how many
resource operations were determined to do meaningful
checking); how many API routines are wrapped; the size of
the policy-enforcing library (both the altered API classes
and the resource implementations); and the time required to
compile the policy.  As expected, the Null policy requires
no resource operations since there is no checking required.
The NoBashing and NoBashingExceptTmp policies both require
eleven resource operations --- one for the RFile constructor
to track file names according to the FileNames state block,
and ten corresponding to the members of the
RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile resource group.  The
DisallowAll and DisallowAllExpect policies issue violations
for every resource operation in the standard resources.
Both policies implement all 122 resource operations provided
by the standard resource library.  For DisallowAllExcept, a
larger policy-enforcing library is produced because of the
violation codes needed to track permissions as well as the
extra checking code in permission actions.
The number of routines wrapped depends on the implemented
resource operations, but one resource operation may require
dozens of wrappers if there are many different API routines
that manipulate the same resource.  The 21 wrappers required
for the Null policy comprise the wrappers necessary to
guaranteed low-level integrity of the checking.  These are
the wrappers that protect dynamic class loading and
reflection as described in Section 6.2.1.  Although these
wrappers are not strictly necessary for the Null policy,
since it places no constraints on program
    Policy      Impleme  Wrappe   Policy-   Rules   Compila
                 nted      d     enforcing    in     tion
                resourc  routin   library   policy   time
                   e       es    size (KB)  descri  (second
                operati                     ption     s)
Null                  0      21        244       3      126
NoBashing            11      65        263       3      149
NoBashingExcep       11      65        267       4      215
LimitWrite           13      80        280       6      153
NetLimit             10      40        283       4      146
SoftSendLimit        10      40        258       4      146
DisallowAll         122     182        362      26      188
DisallowAllExc      122     182        373      27      259
MimicJDK             51     139        306       7      225
JavaApplet           43     130        310       6      241
Paranoid             59     140        383      10      234
TarCustom            26     101        316      13      192
             Table 1.  Policy compilation costs.
      Time is the average wall-clock time over three
      runs.  All the results use Sun's JDK 1.1.7 with
      no JIT compiler on a 500 MHz Pentium III with
      256MB running RedHat Linux 5.2.

behavior, they are required for any policy that imposes
behavioral constraints on executions.  Naccio does not
attempt to optimize out checking necessary for low-level
code safety, since it is required for any policy that places
any constraints on executions.  The other policies require
these wrappers, and additional wrappers depending on the
resource operations.  The DisallowAll policy requires 182
wrappers.  This is the highest number of wrappers possible
with the standard resources, since all resource operations
are meaningful.  The only way more wrappers would be needed,
is if an extended safety policy altered the platform
interface to define additional resource operations.

The size of the policy-enforcing library depends on how much
of the API needs to be modified and how many resource
operations are required.  In the worst case, Naccio would
need to copy the entire API.  For the normal case, however,
only a subset of the API classes need modifications and
Naccio need only generate those classes.  For all the test
policies, the size needed represents less than 4% of the
size of the Java API (about 9 megabytes for JDK 1.1.7).  If
the policy compiler options were set to produce globally
renamed library classes to support multiple simultaneous
policies as described in Section 5.4.1, the policy compiler
would need to rewrite all Java API classes to replace the

The policy description file contains the transformation
rules that encode what the application transformer must do
to enforce the policy.  All policies have a rule that gives
the location of the policy-enforcing library.  Additional
rules are needed for each wrapped native method and for each
initializer and terminator required.  For the Null policy,
there are three rules: one gives the location of the policy-
enforcing library, and two describe wrapped native methods
(the java.lang.Class.forName and
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke methods that must be wrapped
to protect integrity of the checking).  Other policies have
additional rules for wrapped native methods, and calls to
initializers and terminators.  An additional rule is needed
for policies that have permissions (NoBashingExceptTmp and
DisallowAllExcept) to indicate to the program transformer
that violation codes must be passed to the initializers and

The final column gives the time needed to compile each
policy.  The prototype implementation is very inefficient,
so it is expected that these times could be significantly
improved without substantial effort.  The measurements are
for Java code running completely interpreted, so a
substantial improvement is possible simply by using a native
Java compiler.  The policy compilation time increases with
the number of implemented resource operations and number of
routines that are wrapped.  The policies that contain
permissions (NoBashingExceptTmp and DisallowAllExcept)
require violation codes and involve additional processing

On average, about half the total time is spent generating
wrapper classes and most of the remainder is spent compiling
the generated resource implementation.  The time spent
generating wrappers depends on the number of wrappers
required and the performance of the class transformation
engine.  While the prototype implementation does a
reasonably good job of only wrapping routines that need
wrappers, the performance of the transformation engine could
be significantly improved.  The time spent producing the
resource implementation source files is minimal, but the
time spent running a Java compiler to produce corresponding
class files represents about half the policy compilation
time.  One way to improve this would be to be more selective
about which resources are implemented.  Naccio/JavaVM
generates and compiles a resource implementation even if a
resource has no implemented operations.  Another option
would be to use a faster compiler, or to directly generate
class files for resource implementations instead of
producing and compiling source files.  Since the
intermediate representation is available, Naccio/JavaVM
should be able to produce class files directly much more
quickly than the time required producing source files and
running a Java compiler.

Policy compilation is slow, but not a serious concern.  It
is clear that it could be several times faster in an
industrial implementation.  Further, policy compilation is a
relatively infrequent task.  There are ways to avoid the
entire compilation process when a policy is being developed.
For example, we can generate the unoptimized platform
interface library once and only need to produce new resource
implementations to compile the policy.

8.5.3     Application Transformation
The time required to transform an application is important,
since users experience it every time a new program is run
with a safety policy.  Table 2 shows results from using
Naccio/JavaVM to transform some test applications with the
LimitWrite and DisallowAllExcept test policies.  The test
applications are:
  -o-    jlex --- a lexical analyzer generator available from
-o-    tar --- an implementation of the tar file archiving
utility from www.ice.com.
-o-    ftpmirror--- an application that uses jFtpClient from
www.1hostplus.com/java/ to mirror an ftp directory by
retrieving a set of files from one site, storing them in
local files, and putting them on another site.
Most of the application transformation time is spent reading
and writing class files.  The application transformer's
performance could easily be improved in an industrial
implementation.  In particular, we can reduce the overhead
of application transformation to nearly zero by integrating
it into the byte code verifier.  The actual work needed to
transform an application is limited to some simple string
replacements in the constant pool at the beginning of each
class file and for some policies inserting a few calls to
initializers and terminators into the main method.

The constant pool changes are necessary to handle wrapped
native methods.  The LimitWrite policy wraps the native
java.io.FileOutputStream.write(int) method, so references to
this method in the application class files need to be
replaced with references to w_write.  Since ftpmirror and
jlex do not call java.io.FileOutputStream.write(int), no
changes to the constant pool are necessary.

The instructions added are only for calling initializers and
terminators.  Since the LimitWrite policy has no implemented
intializer or terminator resource operations, no
instructions are added to enforce it.  Both tar and
ftpmirror have a main method that has one exit point; hence,
the DisallowAllExcept needs to insert instructions to call
each initializer and terminator once.  The jlex application
has a return statement in the middle of its main method, so
Naccio/JavaVM must insert additional calls to the
terminators before this return.

Progra   Size         LimitWrite        DisallowAllExcept
   m      of
        s (KB)
                 Const Instru   Time  Const  Instru   Time
                  ant  ctions  (seco   ant   ctions  (seco
                 pool  insert   nds)  pool   insert   nds)
                 chang   ed           chang    ed
                  es                   es
jlex       86.7      0       0   1.62    37       26   1.77
tar        23.4      2       0   1.03    41       21   1.44
ftpmir      7.1      0       0   0.77    39       21   1.08
           Table 2.  Program transformer results.

8.5.4     Execution

Assuming the policy generation and application
transformation costs are acceptable, the most important cost
of enforcing a safety policy is the run-time overhead
experienced when the program is run.  This section looks at
the run-time performance of executions of programs
transformed by Naccio/JavaVM to enforce the test policies.
To isolate the costs of the safety checking, we first
consider some micro-benchmarks that are toy applications
designed to do little real work.  Then, we report on results
for more realistic benchmarks based on the test applications
used in Section 8.5.3.


To obtain an accurate estimate of the overhead required for
safety checking, we use two micro-benchmarks:
  -o-    setproperties runs a loop that calls
     System.setProperties (null) ten million times.  We use
     setProperties since it is the least expensive operation in
     the JDK that includes a security check.
-o-    exists creates a java.io.File object and runs a loop
that calls java.io.File.exists () one million times on that
These benchmarks are not intended to correspond to typical
programs, but rather to provide a way to isolate the
performance overhead associated with safety checking.
Hence, they do very little real work relative to the amount
of safety checking compared to typical programs.

To test the benchmarks we use policies that do not do any
actual checking, but measure the overhead that would be
associated with different ways of enforcing a safety policy.
These micro-benchmarks are used to measure the overhead
associated with introducing checking code, isolated from the
cost of actually doing checking.  We run each benchmark
imposing the following policies:
  -o-    nochecking --- This corresponds to Naccio enforcing a
     policy that does not constrain the relevant resource
     operation (either RSystem.setProperties or
     RFileSystem.observeExists).  Of the test policies, Null,
     NoBashing, NoBashingExceptTmp, LimitWrite, NetLimit, and
     SoftSendLimit are equivalent to nochecking for the micro-
     benchmarks, since they place no constraints on either
     RSystem.setAllProperties or RFileSystem.observeExists.
-o-    emptycheck --- Naccio enforcing a policy that has
resource operations for RSystem.setAllProperties and
RFileSystem.observeExists that do no work.  Normally, Naccio
would optimize out these resource operations and remove the
related wrappers; for this benchmark, we configure Naccio to
prevent these optimizations so that we can measure the
overhead associated with the resource operation call.
For both policies, the policy compiler removes code
associated with calling the JDK security manager, as
described in Section 5.4.1.
There results are compared to setting the JDK security
manager to either null or an empty manager:
  -o-    JDK-null --- Standard Java execution with the
     SecurityManager set to null.  This reflects the normal
     execution for a Java application.
-o-    JDK-empty --- Standard Java execution with a
SecurityManager that does no checking.  This reflects the
execution of a Java applet with a SecurityManager installed
but a policy that does no relevant checking.
Table 3 shows the time spent in the micro-benchmark loop for
each Naccio policy or JDK security manager setting.  The
results give an indication of the relative costs of
different ways of interposing checking code.  Both Naccio
policies require less overhead than is required for either
JDK security manager setting, since they do not need to
obtain and test the security manager.  The traditional JDK
security approach requires obtaining that security manager
(either by calling System.getSecurityManager or referencing
of a local instance variable in java.lang.System methods),
and a comparison to null and a branch.  The setproperties
micro-benchmark runs 23% slower using the null
SecurityManager because of this code.  The exists benchmark
requires more work to obtains the security manager since it
needs to call System.getSecurityManager while setproperties
can reference an instance variable.  Nevertheless, the
relative overhead is less since the java.io.File.exists
method does substantially more work than

The results for emptycheck and JDK-empty reveal that the
overhead associated with calling security checks is lower
with Naccio/JavaVM than using a JDK security manager.  This
is a result of saving the overhead associated with
retrieving and testing the security manager, and that the
security manager calls being virtual method invocations and
the Naccio resource calls being static method calls.

Since the micro-benchmarks isolate same security-relevant
code excerpts, they should not be used as a guide to overall
program performance.  They do indicate, however, that there
is some non-negligible cost associated with JDK-style
checking even when the SecurityManager is null.  Further,
Naccio's approach of inserting checking code when necessary
is more efficient than the fixed checks included in the Java
API.  Although the relative costs will vary according to the
virtual machine used, even an ideal compiler would not be
able to avoid this overhead using standard JDK security
mechanisms since the result of System.getSecurityManager is
not guaranteed to be fixed over an execution.

  Policy      setproperties        exists
             Time     Time    Time     Time
             (s)   (ratio to   (s)   (ratio to
                   nocheckin        nochecking
                       g)                )
nochecking    2.67       1.00  5.61        1.00
JDK-null      3.30       1.23  6.06        1.08
emptycheck    2.83       1.06  5.95        1.06
JDK-empty     5.77       2.16  6.44        1.15
           Table 3.  Micro-benchmark performance.
       Time is the average time over ten trials
       measured on the system clock before and after
       the microbenchmark loop using Sun's JDK 1.1.7
       with no JIT compiler on a 500 MHz Pentium III
       with 256MB RAM running RedHat Linux 5.2.

Program benchmarks
The costs of enforcing a policy on an execution depend on
both how much checking is done and how expensive it is
relative to the other work done by the program.  Here we
look at the relative costs of enforcing the test policies on
different program benchmarks using the programs introduced
in Section 8.5.3.  The benchmarks are:
  -o-    jlex --- running JLex on a 700-line sample file.
-o-    tar --- running tar to create an archive of a directory
tree containing 1736 files and 5.2 megabytes of data.
-o-    ftpmirror --- running ftpmirror to mirror ten 1-megabyte
files from an ftp server on the local network to a different
location on the same ftp server.
Table 4 shows the number of calls to resource operations and
number of violations reported for each benchmark execution.
The number of calls to resource operations gives an
indication of how much checking is done for a given
execution.  The actual work associated with each resource
operation call varies depending on the policy, but the
number of calls gives a good indication of how comprehensive
the checking is.

The Null policy requires no resource calls and issues no
violations since it does no checking.  The NoBashing and
NoBashingExceptTmp policies call resource operations to
construct RFile objects for each file used in the execution.
For the tar benchmark, there are 1737 file objects
corresponding to the 1736 files in the directory tree being
archived and the single output file.  The additional
resource call is the one call to RFileSystem.openOverwrite
for the output file (which exists before the execution
starts).  It does the checking associated with the
modifyExistingFile group and issues a violation before the
output file is overwritten.  The LimitWrite policy requires
these calls and additional calls to preWrite and postWrite
for the API call that writes to the output file.  The
DisallowAll and DisallowAllExcept policies associate
checking code with every resource operation in the standard
resource library.  DisallowAll issues a violation for every
operation except the initialize and terminate operations for
RSystem; as a result a large number of violations are issued
for the tar and ftpmirror benchmarks that do a lot of
resource manipulations.  For the DisallowAllExcept policy,
some of these violations are overridden by allow commands.

                    jlex            tar         ftpmirror
                resour violat  resour violat  resour violat
                  ce    ions     ce    ions     ce    ions
                calls          calls          calls
Null                 0      0       0      0       0       0
NoBashing            3      1    1738      1      31      10
NoBashingExcep       3      1    1738      1      31      10
LimitWrite          63      1    3826    947   13021    5211
NetLimit             1      0       1      0    1093       0
SoftSendLimit        1      0       1      0    1309       0
DisallowAll        127    125   57099  57097   30819   30817
DisallowAllExc     127    110   57099  57097   30819   30817
MimicJDK             9      0   13896      0     179       0
JavaApplet          10      2   13896      0     166       0
Paranoid            87     28   31971  30881    6223   12490
TarCustom           88      1   25792      1    6221   12520
                Table 4.  Benchmark checking.

           Figure 24.  Results for jlex benchmark.
  Value is execution time using the policy shown,
  averaged over 50 trials.  Times are divided by average
  execution time using JDK-null for that benchmark to
  show the relative overhead.
For the performance measurements, we modify the policy
compiler to remove the actual violation production.
Otherwise, the overhead is dominated by creating strings for
violation messages.  Since in normal situations execution
would be terminated after the first violation, this is a
reasonable thing to do for generating performance
measurements for policies that would issue multiple
violations.  For comparison, we use the JDK-null, JDK-empty
and JDK-applet policies.  The JDK-null and JDK-empty
policies were introduced in the previous section --- JDK-null
sets the security manager to null, and JDK-empty sets the
security manager to a SecurityManager that does no checking.
The JDK-applet policy sets the security manager to the
AppletSecurity security manager (version 1.76) that is used
by HotJava 1.1.  We modify AppletSecurity to enforce the
same policy on applications as it does on applets (by
changing the return value of one function) since all the
test benchmarks are applications.  To avoid any security
violations, we set the acl.read and acl.write properties to
allow the necessary reading and writing, and set the
originating host to allow the network connections made by
the ftpmirror benchmark.  The JavaApplet policy enforces the
same policy as JDK-applet using Naccio security mechanisms.

Figures 24-26 show the execution results for each benchmark.
The checking overhead for jlex and ftpmirror is low compared
to that for tar.  This results from the difference in the
ratio of security-relevant operations to the amount of real
work done by the different benchmarks.  For each benchmark,
the overhead varies for each test policy depending on the
amount of checking work done by the policy.

For the jlex benchmark, the security overhead is virtually
negligible.  At most, it is just over 2% for the JavaApplet
policy.  The low overhead is not surprising since jlex
executes few security-related operations compared to the
amount of processing it does.  The JavaApplet result
compares unfavorably to the JDK-Applet result for the same
policy, although the absolute differences are very small.
Both policies require the same initialization code that
reads a file that contains the access permission settings.
This explains the bulk of the overhead.  The rest is
checking associated with the file opens.  JavaApplet has to
do the additional work of maintaining abstract resource
objects associated with the files, although second order
effect like caching may be enough to explain the performance

The tar benchmark requires far more security overhead than
jlex.  The checking overhead for the tar benchmark ranges up
to 250% for the JDK using the JavaApplet security manager;
for all other policies the overhead is below 70%.  The
reason the JDK-applet performs so poorly is that it creates
a new java.io.File object and calls getCanonicalPath for
each security check call.  Since the
SecurityManager.checkRead method takes a String parameter,
it does not have access to the corresponding java.io.File
object even if it has already been created.  In the checking
code, checkRead needs to convert the String to a canonical
path for checking.  This is done by calling, new
java.io.File (file).getCanonicalPath ().  Both the file
creation and the getConnonicalPath calls are expensive.  For
each file that is added to the archive, tar calls
java.io.File.isDirectory twice, java.io.File.length,
java.io.File.lastModified, and the java.io.FileInputStream
constructor that actually opens the file.  Each of these
calls the SecurityManager.checkRead function and incurs the
costs of creating a new file object, calling
getCanonicalPath and scanning the access list to determine
if reading if permitted.  As a result, the benchmark takes
3.5 times as long using the JDK-JavaApplet as without
security checking.  Using Naccio to enforce the same policy
is much less expensive, as is evident from the results for
JavaApplet.  The overhead is 70%, about a quarter of the
overhead required for JDK-JavaApplet.  Since the checking
code uses an RFile object, the canonical path for the file
is stored in an object field using a state block the first
time it

      Figure 25.  Results for tar execution benchmark.
  Value is execution time using the policy shown,
  averaged over 50 trials.  Times are divided by average
  execution time using JDK-null for that benchmark to
  show the relative overhead.

   Figure 26.  Results for ftpmirror execution benchmark.
  Value is execution time using the policy shown,
  averaged over 50 trials.  Times are divided by average
  execution time using JDK-null for that benchmark to
  show the relative overhead.

is requested.  Instead of doing this operation five times
per file archived as is necessary for the JDK-applet, the
JavaApplet policy only does it once.  It is safe to store
this result, since once a java.io.File object is created the
pathname it refers to cannot change.

The results for ftpmirror are shown in Figure 26.  As with
jlex, the overheads are small since the security checking
work is small relative to the actual work done by ftpmirror.
The execution time is dominated by the time for actually
sending or receiving data over the network, so even a
complex policy involving substantial checking such as
SoftSendLimit can be enforced with less than 1% overhead.
For the tests, the limits for SoftSendLimit are set high
enough that there is no need to delay network sends,
otherwise the execution would slow down noticeably because
of delays introduced in sending data over the network.

Naccio offers two performance advantages over the JDK
security approach.  Since the Naccio policies are integrated
into the application at transform time resource operations
are called directly from the wrapped API routines.  By
contrast, the JDK approach must call
java.lang.System.getSecurityManager to obtain a security
manager at run time, test if it is null, and make a virtual
method call to a security manager check method.  The micro
benchmarks indicate this overhead can be significant, but it
is usually too small to be noticeable in a program that does
useful work.  The other performance advantage is that
whereas the JDK approach must always call a security manager
check method regardless of the policy in effect, Naccio only
wraps an API routine when that routine manipulates a
resource in a way constrained by the policy in effect.  This
difference is not clearly apparent from the benchmark
results because the JDK security manager check methods are
so limited.  Security checking may only be associated with a
small subset of resource manipulations, most of which are
expensive enough that the overhead of a security manager
check call is not significant.  If the JDK supported more
extensive check methods, the advantages of eliminating
unnecessary checks would be revealed in the benchmark

The main performance disadvantage associated with Naccio is
the need to maintain abstract resource objects.  For
example, each java.io.FileOutputStream object used in a Java
execution that is enforcing a policy that constrains file
manipulations maintains an extra field that stores an RFile
object.  In addition to being passed to resource methods,
this object has to be constructed and garbage collected.
Further, adding an extra field to the structure may result
in unpredictable second order effects because of
displacement in the cache.

For the most part, the execution performance results are
satisfactory.  There is some overhead associated with Naccio
enforcing a policy, but it is related to the complexity of
the policy and comparable to the JDK overhead.  Although
Naccio does not offer a significant performance advantage
over the JDK mechanisms for most policies, it can enforce a
large class of policies that cannot be enforced by the JDK


Chapter 9
Future Work

There are several possible directions for future work.  This
chapter considers work directed at improving the reliability
and performance of Naccio implementations; extending the
architecture that would allow for a larger class of policies
to be defined and enforced; deploying Naccio implementations
in real environments; and exploiting Naccio's definition and
enforcement mechanisms in areas other than code safety.

9.1  Improving Implementations

While the prototype implementations are useful for
conducting experiments and validating Naccio as a proof of
concept, neither prototype implementation is good enough to
be considered ready for industrial applications.  This
section discusses some of the work that would be necessary
to produce an industrial quality implementation.  Section
9.1.1 discusses some things that could be done to provide
better assurance that a Naccio implementation is correct.
Section 9.1.2 discusses what would be necessary to make
Naccio/Win32 into a complete and secure implementation of
the Naccio architecture.  Section 9.1.3 suggests ways to
improve the performance of the policy compiler, program
transformer and execution of the transformed program.

9.1.1     Assurance

For a code safety system to be trustworthy, there must be
some assurance that it provides the expected security.  As
discussed in Section 8.1, one of the security
vulnerabilities of Naccio is its dependence on a large
trusted computing base.  An industrial implementation should
attempt to reduce the size of the trusted computing base and
validate its most critical parts.

The critical part that is most amenable to validation is the
platform interface.  A malicious program could exploit an
error in the platform to manipulate resources without
appropriate checking.  One approach is to attempt to prove
the platform interface is equivalent to some other model of
the platform.  Verifying the platform interface against the
system library requires a model of execution behavior that
captures the resource manipulations described by the
platform interface.  The resource descriptions provide one
such model, but they are only useful for comparison if we
can describe the system in terms of those resource
descriptions.  This is in fact what the platform interface
does.  Obviously, comparing the platform interface to itself
is unlikely to produce useful results.  Instead, what is
needed is a second platform interface that describes the
platform at a lower level.

For example, if we had the Naccio/Win32 platform interface
that describes the Win32 API calls in terms of the standard
resource descriptions, and a second platform interface that
describes Windows kernel calls in terms of those same
standard resource descriptions, we could attempt to prove
for a given Win32 API implementation both platform
interfaces will produce the equivalent sequence of resource
operations.  This could be done using either the source code
or object code for the Win32 API.  While it is likely to be
more difficult to construct a proof from the object code,
using the source code means the compiler used to produce the
Win32 API must also be trusted.  For most Win32 routines,
statically determining what kernel calls are made can be
done without unreasonable difficulty.  Then the sequence of
resource calls made by those kernel calls could be derived
from the platform interface.  The final step is to determine
if those calls are equivalent to the calls made by the Win32
API platform interface for the same routine.  If the
sequence is exactly the same, they are obviously equivalent.
It may be possible to argue that sequences that differ are
also equivalent, although this will depend on assumptions
about the kinds of checking code that may be attached to
resource operations.  This would provide a useful test of
the platform interface and likely uncover some bugs in both
the Win32 API platform interface and the Windows kernel
platform interface.

A similar approach could be used the test the Java API
platform interface.  If we are testing a Java implementation
for Win32, we could use the Win32 API platform interface as
the secondary platform interface and use it to produce the
sequence of resource calls made by each native method
implementation.  This information could be used along with
the Java API implementation, to determine the resource
operation sequence associated with every API routine.
Comparing it to the resource calls made by the Java API
platform interface would reveal inconsistencies between the
two platform interfaces and the API implementation.

Another approach would be to use an independent formal model
that represents a program execution, and map both the
platform interface and the API implementation onto that
model.  This would make most sense if such a model already
existed.  A suitable model would be a formal specification
of a platform API.  An advantage of this approach is that
the producer of the model does the work of describing the
platform API.  Having it produced independently also
increases the likelihood that whatever errors it has are
different from the errors in the platform interface, so
inconsistencies are more likely to be detected.
Unfortunately, no suitable specification is believed to
exist for either the Java API or Win32 API.  It if did
exist, validation would require producing a mapping from the
Naccio resource descriptions to the independent model, and
validating their equivalence.

9.1.2     Complete Implementations

While the Naccio/JavaVM prototype is complete enough to be
used for security in a hostile environment, the Naccio/Win32
prototype implementation does not completely implement the
Naccio design.  In particular, is does not include a
complete platform interface and does not perform the
protective transformations necessary to ensure the checking
code is not bypassed or tampered with.  Producing a complete
platform interface would be a tedious and expensive process.
There may be some ways to automate the process using the
Win32 source code, however it is unlikely that it could be
done without carefully considering every Win32 API function.

Implementing the protective transformations necessary to
provide low-level code safety on Win32 is also a major task.
Although there are successful SFI implementations that
operate on x86 assembly code [Small97, Erlingsson99], there
is no known implementation that works on x86 executables.
Producing one requires dealing with several additional
complications not present when dealing with assembly code
including code discovery and handling jumps to the middle of
variable length instructions.  There is, however, reason for
optimism that a suitable SFI implementation will be
available in the near future.  There is at least one
industrial project directed towards this goal [Feldman99].
Further, an industrial implementation of Naccio/Win32 needs
to ensure that multiple threads cannot be used to circumvent
safety checking.  While we believe this can be done using
SFI as described in Section 6.2.2, some extensions beyond
standard SFI are necessary to provide the needed assurances.

9.1.3     Performance Improvements

The prototype implementations are designed with ease of
implementation as a priority.  Although the performance
results presented in Section 8.4 indicate that even the
prototype performance is acceptable in most situations, an
industrial implementation could make substantial performance
improvements.  This section discusses some straightforward
ways to improve the performance of the policy compiler,
program transformer, and executing application.

     Policy compiler
There are several aspects of the policy compiler that could
be changed to improve performance.  The prototype policy
compiler makes several complete passes over the parse tree.
These passes could be combined into a single pass to improve
performance at the expense of increased complexity.
Optimizations are done using inefficient relaxation
algorithms that reanalyze the entire policy definition each
iteration.  These could be substantially improved to be more
selective about what must be reanalyzed.  The relaxation
could keep track of dependency information so that only the
relevant parts of the policy definition need to be
reanalyzed.  Another way to dramatically improve the policy
compiler would be to compile the Java code to a native
executable instead of running it as interpreted JavaVM code.

Another way to improve the performance of the policy
compiler is to provide better options for trading off
compilation time and execution performance.  The prototype
policy compiler focuses on producing a policy-enforcing
library with good execution performance, but when a policy
is being developed and the policy compiler is run
frequently, it is more important to reduce the compilation
time.  We could do this by reusing an unoptimized version of
the wrapped API classes instead of regenerating the platform
interface wrappers each time the policy compiler is run.
These wrapped classes would assume every resource operation
does useful work.  We could compile a policy by analyzing
only the resource descriptions and resource use policy, and
generating resource implementations including empty routines
for any resource operation that has no code.  This policy
would be inefficient to enforce because of the overhead of
calling the empty resource operations, but would be quick to

     Program transformer
Although the prototype program transformer is fast enough to
be acceptable for many environments, an industrial
implementation could be significantly faster.  Nearly all
the cost of the program transformer is spent in reading,
parsing and writing the class files.  The actual
modifications are limited to simple string replacements in
the constant pool, except for the application main or applet
start and stop methods in the case of initializers and
terminators.  The prototype implementation uses the JOIE
toolkit, which reads and parses the entire class file.  For
most classes, there is in fact no need to parse the entire
class file since all the modifications are in the constant
pool.  Since the format of the constant pool is well defined
and it is always found at the beginning of the class file, a
performance critical program transformer could skip reading
and parsing the remainder of the class file entirely, and
simply copy it as blocks.

The other thing that could be done if performance of the
program transformer is extremely critical would be to
integrate it into the byte code verifier.  Since byte code
verification is already required, replacing names in the
constant pool during the verification would incur negligible

     Program execution
Performance of the resulting execution is the most important
consideration.  The prototype implementation is limited to
doing simple optimizations that eliminate unnecessary
wrappers and resource operations based on a dependency
analysis.  An industrial implementation could implement more
extensive optimizations to substantially improve run-time
performance.  Section 5.5 describes optimizations that can
be done by integrating the resource implementations and
platform interface wrappers.  These could substantially
reduce the performance costs associated with checking.
While doing these optimizations automatically would involve
some complexity, they could be done without any new
compilation techniques.  Ambitious optimizations do
increases the complexity of the policy compiler, which is
part of the trusted computing base.  There is a risk that
these optimizations would be implemented incorrectly and
lead to new vulnerabilities.

9.2  Extensions

Here we consider some extensions to the Naccio policy
definition and enforcement mechanisms.  Some of the
extensions make it easier to define policies that can be
defined with the current mechanisms.  Other extensions
support classes of policies that cannot be defined or
enforced with the current design.

Naccio does not provide any mechanisms to support policies
that depend on more than one execution.  It would be useful
to define policies that can be applied to multiple
executions of the same program or executions of different
programs.  Naccio provides no mechanisms for persistent
policies, although policy authors could write checking code
that manually stores and loads persistent data in a secure
database.  It would be more satisfactory if mechanisms that
support persistence were integrated into the Naccio design.
One approach to this that could be adopted by Naccio is used
by Deeds [Edjlali98].

Deeds uses history-based access control to constrain the
behavior of Java executions.  Policies are defined using
handlers attached to security events.  Security events are
limited to check methods defined by the SecurityManager.  An
access-control policy is defined by defining a Java class
that provides methods corresponding to event handlers and
uses instance variables to maintaining an event history.
History is persistent across multiple executions of the same
program.  Persistence is achieved by using a customized
class loader that requires that the entire program be loaded
statically (it scans for and rejects programs that use
dynamic class loading), and creates a secure one-way hash of
the program that is stored in the class loader.  This
history is saved in persistent storage and loaded using the
hash value when execution starts.  While history-based
policies prevent certain attacks that are not detectable on
a single execution, it remains to be seen if they are
generally useful.  Edjlali et al. suggest extending Deeds by
using code transformation to support user-defined security
events [Edjlali98], and introducing persistence mechanisms
in Naccio by using the approach used in Deeds should be
fairly straightforward.

     Multi-level platform interfaces
It may be useful to combine more than one platform interface
to increase the scope or precision of policies that can be
defined.  It may be useful to use a partial lower-level
platform interface to define resource operations that
correspond to manipulations that are not visible at the
higher-level.  It may also be useful to introduce a partial
higher-level platform interface to enable policies that
refer to higher-level abstractions.  In both cases, there
are issues to resolve about how checking is done in the
presence of multiple platform interfaces.  Here, we consider
what might be done to use a lower-level platform interface
to constrain resources such as memory use and the CPU, and
how a higher-level platform interface could be supported to
allow policies to depend on abstractions that are not
visible to the regular platform interface.
Certain resources are not visible at the level of the
platform interface.  For example, the Naccio/JavaVM platform
interface cannot see memory allocation and CPU usage.  To
extend Naccio to support policies defined in terms of
resources not visible to the platform interface, mechanisms
for introducing either a lower-level platform interface or
special transformations are necessary.  For Java, this could
mean supporting a main platform interface at the level of
the Java API and a secondary platform interface at the level
of individual byte code instructions.  A resource
corresponding to memory use could be defined in terms of
resource operations that are called when an allocation
instruction is used.  The policy compiler would insert these
calls into the policy-enforcing library and generate a rule
that instructs the program transformer to insert them into
the application code.

Defining a resource corresponding to CPU use it more
difficult.  One approach would be to call a
processInstruction resource operation before every
instruction.  This would allow fine-grain constraints on CPU
usage, but would make the modified program run several times
slower than the original.  Given that the goal of a CPU
resource is to support policies that limit CPU consumption,
requiring so much additional CPU consumption to enforce it
is probably unacceptable.  We can provide less fine-grain
usage monitoring by batching the checking.  It is easy to
statically determine the number of instructions that will
execute in a basic block (that is, a code fragment that
contains no branches except possibly its last instruction).
The individual processInstruction resource operation calls
could be replaced by a single resource operation call at the
beginning of each basic block that accounts for all the
instructions in the basic block.  This supports less precise
policies, since CPU consumption for an entire basic block is
accounted for before it starts.  An alternative would be to
modify the execution environment to call a resource
operation for every quantity of CPU use by a particular
thread.  Information about thread resource consumption
should be available to the virtual machine, and it could
call resource operations every time a relevant threshold is
crossed.  It would require modifying a virtual machine, but
avoids much of the performance overhead and low-level
modification necessary to do this checking directly.  JRes
[Czajkowsik98] illustrates one way of doing this (see
Section 7.3.3).

Support for multiple platform interfaces would also be
useful in supporting higher-level platform interfaces.  For
example, suppose we have a platform interface for MFC in
addition to the Win32 API platform interface.  It would be
useful if a policy could be written that would enforce the
necessary constraints on all Win32 programs regardless of
whether or not they use MFC, but could do more precise
checking for programs that use MFC to allow some behavior
that would trigger a violation if all the checking were done
at the Win32 API level.  One way to produce such a system
would be to share resources and policies, but add additional
resource operations that are called from the MFC platform
interface.  These resource operations would encode
information that is not available to the standard resource
operations, such as that a file for opening was selected by
the user using a standard dialog box.  They give the policy
author a chance to express a policy in terms of those
resource operations.  Another way would be to have separate
policies associated with each platform interface, each
described in terms of their own (possible different)
resource sets.  The policies could be combined so that the
policy associated with the higher-level platform interface
would override the policy associated with the lower-level
platform interface.  This could be done using a violation
code that has a wider scope that the one currently used to
support permissions.

     Policy interactions
Naccio doesn't support sharing objects amongst code
enforcing different policies.  In Naccio/JavaVM, different
safety policies use different classes for the Java API
objects.  For example, if a class enforcing one policy
passes a FileOutputStream object from a wrapped class to a
class enforcing a different policy, a type error results.
Although the types were identical in the original classes,
the program transformer replaced the names of wrapped
classes in the transformed applications with different
policy prefixes.  Hence, there is a type mismatch when the
wrapped object is passed.  This would be detected as an
error by the byte code verifier running on the second
transformed class when it is loaded.  The situation for
Naccio/Win32 is different, but no better.  If an application
transformed with one policy passes a pointer to a routine in
a DLL that was transformed to enforce a different policy,
each will use a different version of the system DLLs.  The
called DLL will use its policy-enforcing system DLLs, but
will not have information about the passed pointer that is
stored in the application's policy-enforcing system DLLs.
For example, consider the situation where an application
executable opens a file and passes the associated file
descriptor to a DLL that enforces a different policy.  When
the DLL calls the write routine in its policy-enforcing
system DLL, the mapping between the file descriptor and the
actual file is not available and neither policy is enforced

The current Naccio design does not readily support
modifications that would support combining code enforcing
different policies.  There are three sensible options for
what it means to pass objects between different security
domains.  One option would be for the policy enforced on the
original application to be enforced on the objects it passes
to other security domains.  To implement these semantics
with Naccio/JavaVM, it would be necessary to create copies
of routines that accept objects enforcing different policies
that have type names altered to conform to the policy of the
caller.  This transformation would need to be done when the
second class is loaded.  The other options are to enforce
the intersection of both policies or to only enforce the
second policy.  Neither of these options can be easily
implemented using the current Naccio design.  Naccio assumes
that policies are known statically when a program is
transformed.  This model cannot be readily extended to
support introducing new policies during an execution.

9.3  Deployment

This thesis does not address issues involved in deploying a
Naccio implementation in a real environment.  The prototype
implementations are run from the command line, and it is up
to the user to manually select the policy to enforce.
Several issues must be addressed before Naccio can be
usefully deployed as part of a web browser or operating

     Dealing with violations
The prototype implementation deals with violations in one of
three ways depending on a command line flag used in program
  1.   It pops up a dialog box that reports the violation and
     offers the user the choice of terminating that execution or
     continuing normally.
2.   It prints a violation message to the standard error
stream and terminates execution.
3.   It prints a violation message to the standard error
stream and continues execution.
The first option is closest to being satisfactory for a
typical interactive deployment environment, while the second
option is useful for a non-interactive program (such as a
server daemon) and the third option is useful for testing

For an industrial deployment, it would be useful to also
offer facilities to dynamically alter the policy to avoid
future violations.  For example, when the first violation of
a property that limits the number of bytes written to the
file system is reported, it would be useful to allow the
user to select to suppress future violations issues by this
property, or to change the limit that must be exceeded
before the next violation is reported.  Otherwise, each
write will lead to another violation and require the user to
decide to allow the execution to continue.  It is possible
to write a Naccio policy that only reports the first write
violation by keeping a stateblock that tracks how many
violations have been reported, however, it would be useful
if there were mechanisms that supported this more generally
and allowed users to dynamically choose to suppress
categories of violations.  Adding this support to Naccio is
simply a matter of modifying the policyViolation library
method.  It can maintain a data structure for each property
for which a violation is reported, and record user
selections on whether or not future violations of the
property should be suppressed.

Another useful option would allow the user to choose to
continue the execution, but skip the resource manipulation
that produced the violation.  This existing violation code
mechanism could be extended to encode an option to skip the
system call.  The policy compiler would generate additional
code in platform interface wrappers that checks the
violation code, and skips the system call if the user
selected this option.  For system calls that return values,
the wrapper would need to generate a suitable replacement
value to return.  Often, a null object is the best choice;
however, it may be useful to extend the platform interface
language so alternate return values can be selected.

Dynamically changing policies is more difficult.  Since it
is not possible to swap the API classes during an execution,
support for swapping policies at run-time is complicated and
likely to be error-prone.  Instead, supporting policies that
can be parameterized seems more reasonable.  All that is
needed is some way to dynamically pass parameter values to
the policies.  We could do this using a library class that
keeps a database of parameters values and provides routines
policies can use to access those values.  Then a policy
author would write a policy to explicitly retrieve parameter
values and use them in checking accordingly.

     Global resource scope
The current Naccio implementations associate global
resources with an entire execution.  In the case of
Naccio/JavaVM, this means a single global resource applies
to all applets running in the virtual machine.  As a result,
a policy like LimitWrite places a limit on the total number
of bytes written by all applets not on the bytes written by
a single applet or collection of applets.  In a web browser
deployment, it may be more appropriate to have separate
global resources apply to the applets loaded from different
web sites.

We could do this by changing the policy compiler to produce
implementations of global resources that are like regular
resource objects.  Instead of using static methods and class
variables, they would use regular methods and instance
variables.  The generated platform interface wrappers would
need to replace calls to global resource methods with calls
to a static method that obtains the appropriate resource
object for this thread and then invokes a method on this
object.  The container would need to keep a mapping between
threads and global resource objects to return the correct
resource object.  This would require some additional
execution overhead, but would not require substantial
changes to a Naccio implementation.

Splitting up global resource accounting, however, would make
a deployment susceptible to new kinds of attacks where an
attacker has control over applets that the browser assigned
to different global resource scopes.  There is no easy way
to determine which applets can be attributed to the same
producer, so assigning different global resources to
different applets is risky.

     Policy manager
Naccio does not address the issue of deciding what policy
should be used on what code.  Requiring a user to manually
select a policy for each applet encountered or program
installed would be too intrusive for most users.  Instead,
it should be possible to configure a policy manager to
automatically select the appropriate policy based on the
source of the program.  A straightforward policy manager
could be created for Naccio similar to the policy manager in
Internet Explorer 5.0.  It selects a policy based on the
source of the program.  Programs from remote sites are
classified according to their URL.

     Policy development environment
The prototypes do not include any tools to help policy
authors write, understand and test policies.  If policy
authoring is meant to be accessible to non-experts, a better
environment for developing policies is essential.  A policy
development tool that is based on selecting parameters from
standard policies, but can be extended with user-defined
policy definitions, would provide a useful introduction to
policy authoring.

Tools to support policy testing are an area for future
research.  It would be useful to have tools that can
automatically analyze policies and answer questions about
what one policy allows that a different policy does not, or
whether a policy always disallows a certain sequence of
system calls.  So far, the only way to test policies is to
develop test cases that represent things the policy is
supposed to either allow or disallow.  With suitable test
cases, this is likely to detect simple errors in the policy,
but it is not sufficient assurance to know the policy means
what its author intends.

9.4  Other Applications

Although the focus of this thesis is on code safety, there
are a number of other possible applications of Naccio.  The
described mechanisms provide a way to alter or monitor the
behavior of executions that could be useful in addressing
many other problems.  We discuss a few possibilities here,
but this is by no means a comprehensive list.

Without any modifications, Naccio can be used to enforce
policies that are useful in debugging programs.  For
example, a policy could be used to confirm the number of
bytes sent over the network is a function on the number of
bytes read from files, or that every file that is opened is
closed before execution terminates, or that all files
created in temporary directories are deleted.  The policies
used for debugging programs can be more precise than the
policies enforced on arbitrary programs since the programmer
should know a great deal about the expected behavior of the
program.  In addition, a policy violation is not necessarily
a problem but can direct the programmer to examine
assumptions about the behavior of the code more carefully.

Naccio becomes more useful for debugging when platform
interfaces are written for application-level objects.  Then,
programmers could express policies in terms of the expected
behavior of application routines.  They could test return
values against expectations that depend on a history of
previous calls and other state.  This is similar to the
common practice of inserting assertions in code, but
expressing those assertions as policies and using Naccio to
test them has significant advantages.  By separating
assertions from the code and expressing them at a more
abstract level, Naccio makes it possible for the checking
policy and code to be written separately, and allows a
checking policy to be written at a high level where it can
more easily be compared to the program requirements.  In
addition, it allows debugging information to be portable
across platforms.

Rather than issue violations, we can write a Naccio policy
that records program activity in a log file.  The only
difference, is instead of violations producing an error
message or dialog box, they would record information in a
log file.  This log can be used for program analysis.  If
the logging were done at the system level, it would be
useful for intrusion detection.  The monitoring could also
be done in real-time, and interface with a real-time
performance monitoring or intrusion detection system.
Because of the expressiveness of Naccio's policy definition
mechanisms, a policy can limit monitoring to a precise class
of events or event sequences.

     Behavior modification
Section 4.2.4 introduced a policy that modifies the behavior
of a program to delay and split network sends to conform to
a specified bandwidth constraint.  By altering platform
interfaces, it is possible to change program behavior in
ways that are not necessarily security related.  For
example, we could write a policy that saves backup versions
of all files before they are overwritten.  We could do this
by attaching checking code to the
RFileSystem.modifyExistingFile group that copies the file in
question to a backup directory.

Behavior modification leads to a number of legal and ethical
issues.  While most software licenses strictly prohibit any
modification (including in some cases the binary relocation
or caching that occurs during normal executions), there are
certain kinds of modification that should be permitted and
others that should be prevented.  Modifications that
introduce security checking should be allowed.  Modifying a
program to alter author and copyright information should be
prevented.  Preventing certain kinds of program modification
could be done using a trusted execution environment that
only allows the unaltered, cryptographically signed program
to run.  When program transformation tools become common,
there will be a need for mechanisms to limit the
transformations that can be done.

                   Defeat against Celtic was a crushing blow
                                   to Herrera's ``invincible''
                   Inter...It was the beginning of the end for
                     catenaccio.  Celtic had proved that the
                       Inter defense could be breached.  But
                      Herrera refused to accept that tactics
                         were responsible, instead he blamed
                   sweeper Picchi for Inter's crash.  Picchi
                        was soon sold to a lower league club
                   Varese, where he claimed: "When things go
                      right it is always Herrera's brilliant
                      planning.  When things go wrong, it is
                       always the players who are to blame.''
                     Andy Gray, Flat Back Four: The Tactical
                            Macmillian Publishers Ltd, 1988.

Chapter 10
Summary and Conclusion

This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to define a
large class of safety policies in a general and platform-
independent way, and to enforce those policies on executions
without an unreasonable performance penalty.

10.1 Summary

The contributions of this thesis are in three areas ---
mechanisms for defining safety policies, an architecture for
enforcing those policies, and prototype implementations of
that architecture.

     Policy definition mechanisms
Naccio defines a safety policy by associating checking code
with abstract resource manipulations.  The policy definition
mechanisms are general enough to describe a large class of
safety policies that includes many useful policies.  A
subset of definable policies is known as standard safety
policies.  These policies can be defined using a standard
resource library, and are portable across Naccio
implementations for different platforms.  Altering the
platform interface allows additional policies to be defined.
Extended policies can be used to constrain any manipulation
visible at the level of the platform interface.

Naccio's policy definition mechanisms have considerable
advantages over other alternatives.  By describing policies
in terms of abstract resource manipulations, they isolate
policy authors from platform details.  It is not necessary
to know a particular platform API to produce or understand a
standard safety policy.  Once a standard safety policy has
been developed, it can be reused on all platforms for which
Naccio implementations are available.

Policy enforcement architecture
The architecture for enforcing policies is based on
transforming programs to insert checking code.  The
enforcement architecture depends on replacing resource-
manipulating calls with wrappers that perform checking
around those calls.  Low-level code safety mechanisms
prevent the program code from tampering with or
circumventing the checking code.

The enforcement architecture has two advantages over common
alternatives.  Because it modifies platform library object
code directly, it does not depend on availability of source
code and is only loosely tied to a particular platform
implementation.  Second, since it statically analyzes the
policy and only introduces wrappers that are necessary for
checking, the overhead required to enforce a policy is
directly related to the amount of checking it does.  If a
policy does not constrain a particular resource
manipulation, there is no checking overhead associated with
that resource manipulation.  The main drawback to the
enforcement architecture is that it depends on a large
trusted computing base.  This increases the likelihood that
there are vulnerabilities that can be exploited and makes
assurance difficult.

Naccio implementations have been developed that enforce
policies on JavaVM classes and Win32 executables.
Naccio/JavaVM is a complete implementation, while
Naccio/Win32 does not provide a complete platform interface
or implement the protective transformations necessary for
low-level code safety.  While the prototype implementations
are not ready for industrial deployment, they provide a
proof-of-concept for the Naccio architecture.  The
performance results indicate that it is possible to expand
the class of policies that can be enforced without
sacrificing performance.

10.2 Conclusion
Naccio represents one point in the design space for code
safety systems.  It is well suited to typical Internet users
at small and medium size companies today and for the
foreseeable future.  It supports enforcement of a large
class of policies with low preparation costs and run-time
overhead that is minimal for simple policies and scales with
the complexity of the policy.  By defining policies in terms
of abstract resource manipulations, it makes it possible for
moderately sophisticated users to define new safety
policies.  The current design is not well suited to high-
security environments because its large trusted computing
base makes assurance difficult.

By providing better ways to define safety policies along
with efficient and convenient mechanisms for enforcing
policies, we hope the situations in which code safety
policies are used will be expanded.  Currently, code safety
is usually considered only for untrusted mobile code.  A
satisfactory code safety system would be useful in
protecting users from bugs in applications from trustworthy
sources as well.  As the precision of safety policies
increases and the costs of enforcement are reduced, policies
can be enforced in more situations with more pervasive

                       Correction fluid and correcting paper
                     may not be used.  If mistakes cannot be
                              corrected through recopying or
                      reprinting the problem page, cross out
                           the mistake and/or insert the new
                                material using a typewriter.
                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                       Specifications for Thesis Perparation


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1 The name Naccio is derived from catenaccio, a style of
soccer defense popularized by Inter Milan in the 1960s.
Catenaccio sought to protect the Inter net from attacks, by
wrapping potential threats with a marker that monitors their
activity and aggressively removing potentially dangerous
parts (that is, the ball) from attackers as soon as they
cross the domain protection boundary (also known as the
midfield line).

2 Not to be confused with an organizational security policy
that specifies what policy to enforce on different types of

3 The Therac-25 disaster was the result of numerous factors
ranging from flawed hardware design to poor regulation
procedures.  Although code safety mechanisms could be part
of the solution, designing safety-critical systems involves
far more than just code safety.

4 One such attack that has been used to crash Windows 95/98
systems [Cnet99b].

5 Parts of this chapter are based on [Evans99].

6 For now, we consider an execution to be all activity
within a process, so that all applets running within a Java
virtual machine are treated as part of the same execution by
global resources.  Section 9.3 discusses how deployments
might define the scope of a resource differently.

7 In fact, Sun's implementation of the JDK 1.1.6 API uses
567 native methods.

8 To be more precise, since all the sending in one checking
quantum could occur at the end, and all the sending in the
next occurs at the beginning, it is possible that there is
some quantum-length time slice in which nearly 2 * maxBytes
are transmitted.  More generally, for n adjacent time
slices, the total number of bytes sent is not greater than
(n + 1) * maxBytes.

9 We assume the application does not depend on how sends are
packaged.  This is not necessarily true, and some
applications will fail if network sends are split.

10 For more details on the Win32 platform interface, see
[Twyman99].  This section is largely based on that document.

11 The type of bytes_written is long.  Strictly, it should be
a Naccio library type with the semantics for the int type
defined for use in safety properties.  For simplicity, the
Naccio/JavaVM implementation ignores issues of precise
number semantics (such as integer overflow), and assumes
using a long to represent unbounded integers is sufficient.

12 This section is based on [Twyman99], which contains
additional information on how resource implementations are
generated by Naccio/Win32.

13 According to the Java language specification, ``The impact
of changes to Java types on preexisting native methods that
are not recompiled is beyond the scope of this specification
and should be provided with the description of an
implementation of Java. Implementations are encouraged, but
not required, to implement native methods in a way that
limits such impact.''

14 This was discovered through experimentation and code
analysis.  There is in fact no documentation that describes
the binary compatibility rules for Sun's JDK

15 It is up to the browser to decide the appropriate times to
call these methods.  Most browsers call start for an applet
when the page containing it is visited, and call stop when
the browser leaves the page containing the browser.

16 In the prototype implementation, the verifier is run again
on the transformed class.  Security does not depend on this,
but it is an easy way to detect bugs.

17 This section is based on [Twyman99, Chapter 5].

18 Here, by limiting the programs that can be written, we
really mean limiting the possible implementations.  Since
all the type safe languages are Turing complete, any
function that can be written in a non-type safe language can
be written in all of the type safe languages.  However, it
may be more difficult to implement a particular program
efficiently without the additional expressive power of a non-
type safe language.

19 I suspect, however, that the program-specific systems (as
opposed to process-specific systems like TRON) are
vulnerable to attacks where a rogue program makes itself
appear to have the identity of a trusted program.

20 Supporting this well would require changing the
terminators, so that different resource operations
correspond to stopping the applet and termination of the
last thread associated with the applet.  This could be done
by transforming applet code so each thread checks if it is
the last thread running before completion, but would perhaps
be better done by the containing application.

21 Symantec's database of about 40,000 viruses and Trojan
horses [Synamtec99] contains only two Java viruses
(strangebrew and beanhive).  Both depend on running in an
environment where file access is not constrained. Trojan
horses should be more common, but there are none reported in
Symantec's database.

22 The java.io.File.rename method calls checkWrite on both
its arguments; java.io.File.delete calls checkDelete.

23 This was done because the author had access to and
familiarity with a tool that deals with ANSI C code
[Evans96], from which a simple program transformer could be
constructed with little effort.