No class on 4/13, I'm sick

I am sick this morning (seriously dizzy, very weird). Class on Tuesday, 4/13, is canceled. Look for news about exam soon. You will not have to take it Thurs. in class, but if you want to take it earlier than Tuesday, 4/20, I’ll try to make that possible. So the tentative plan is exam review on Thursday with Exam on Tuesday 4/20 except those who want to get it out of the way earlier may have the chance.

Instead of class today, read the handout (4-5 pages) on the 0/1 Knapsack and dynamic programming. It’s now in the “Slides Etc.” area. Also, there’s an Excel sheet with an exercise to help you see how it works -- I’ll demo that in class, but try it if you wish. Please do the reading before class on Thursday!