CS4240: Exam 2 Info

This document last updated on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 5pm.
Update: No questions on the Bridge design pattern!

The test will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 23, in class at the regular class-meeting time.  However, if you have holiday travel plans and will be out of town earlier, accommodations will be made. Contact the instructor ASAP.

Book Readings:
   Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17
Photocopies on the web site:
Web sites:
Patterns: Facade, Adapter, Strategy, Bridge, Factory, Abstract Factory, Decorator, Interior Decorator

All slides are found here at this link:  http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~horton/cs4240/slides/slides.html

By topic in order presented:

Facade, Adaptor
Slides: cs441-03-dpexl-ch5-f10.ppt starting with material on Facade
Readings: Ch. 6 and 7

A more "mature" view of OO principles
Slides: cs4240-f10-chap8.ppt
Readings: Chap. 8, Wikipedia on information hiding

Slides: cs441-f10-chap9-10.ppt
Readings: Chap. 9; also parts of PDF of OO Design, Layered Model (from Ambler's The Object Primer)

Design: Process, Representation, Organization
Slides: cs4240-more-design-process-f10.ppt and packages-p1-f10.ppt
Readings: PDFs: Architectural Design (from C. Fox's Intro to SW Engin. Design), and OO Design, Layered Model (from Ambler's The Object Primer)
Note: not Chapter 12 in book, so don't worry if slides mention that.

Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Bridge  Update: No questions on the Bridge design pattern!
Slides: cs441-f10-chap10-11.ppt
Readings: Chap. 10 and 11

Slides: cs441-f10-decorator-etc.ppt
Readings: Chap. 17