1. JSON File: Camera, Phone, Tablet and TV reviews crawled from NewEgg (http://www.newegg.com/). 2. File Format: Only one JSON file contains all the crawled reviews from NewEgg.com. This JSON file has a structure of 3D array of reviews. In first dimension we speicify the product category (camera, phone, tablet or tv), in second dimension we specify the product id and in the final dimension we store the original review. Each review contains the following metadata Title, Rating (in the range of 1 to 5), PublishDate, LoginNickName, BoughtTimeTypeString, TechLevelTypeString, IsNewReview, PurchaseMark, Cons, Pros, Comments, TotalConsented and TotalVoting. 3. References [1] Md Mustafizur Rahman and Hongning Wang. Hidden Topic Sentiment Model. WWW'2016.