Meeting Notes and Questions, May 1, 2014


  1. What are the hierarchies in the church? The book pages are unclear as to how they should be grouped.
  2. There are ambiguities in the database, is there enough information to sort out which are the people actually in those groups?
  3. There are missing people, are they important enough and should we discuss this with Jill?
  4. Marriage questions
  5. Updates on the Database

To Do

  1. Get a list of people in the database that are in the AQ for Kathleen to vet. DONE.

Table alterations

Add the following to the Person table 1. Middle Name 2. Repeating Alternate Name field (AKA) 3. Repeating Title field 4. Preferred Name field

Quorum of the Annointed (1842 - Dec 1845)

Interesting Names


See sketch of timeline on the notes for today.