Meeting Notes and Questions, May 8, 2014

To Do

  1. Figure out which day I can take off for the summer to do research. Thursday is best, or Thursday and Friday mornings before noon. DONE: Thursday.
  2. Create a table view of women who are polyandrous (married multiple husbands). DONE.
  3. Get real data into the Sankey diagram. DONE.
  4. Reply to Jill re:Status of the date fix. Anything else I should do? DONE.
  5. Look at wife death dates in the chord diagram over time. They seem to be sticking around after their deaths. DONE.

Interesting Names

  1. Susa Young (1856-1937)
  2. _____ Diana Huntington
  3. Joseph Smith’s wives
  4. Willard Richards

Other Views

  1. Choose a person and see the marriage units they are associated with. So, the biological parents of this person, but also any adoptions into other families. Show other relations between those marriage units as well, so noting if the person was adopted to a marriage unit because of their sister’s wedding into that marriage. See sketch on the notes from today.
  2. Choose a church organization (AQ) and see all people in that group and their relations (how are they related by blood, office, sacrament, etc).
  3. Quorum over time

Organization of Relationships

This keeps changing, but we have

Church              Temple              Family
 - Authority         - Sacrimental       - Blood
 - Office

Also, a list of the relations:
