Meeting with Worthy, May 9, 2014


  1. Annual Progress Report: How much information to give? What should I discuss as topic?
  2. Timing for summer, being out for next Thursday afternoon/Friday, if possible
  3. Proposing: Possible over summer without taking credits, or need to wait until fall?
  4. Temporal Sets (Time-Dependent Sets)
  5. Time-dependent Data Structures (generalized to temporal pointers with temporal aspects on the nodes)
  6. To Note: When visualizing social networks, knowing the future structure is very good (see BrInMa10.pdf, fig 2)
  7. Some papers

To Do

  1. Look into Artificial Intelligence books. DONE.
  2. Working sankey diagrams. DONE.
  3. Finish the annual report. DONE.
  4. Write algorithms and implement temporal sets
  5. Build table structure for extended marriages (tribes?) so we don’t have to build them on the fly from the DB every time.
  6. Add a sankey visualization with choices for church organization (currently Q12, 70) DONE.
  7. Add time slider to sankey viz. THURS.
  8. Directed graph viz with a person, the marriages they are linked to (adoption, birth, marriage) WED
  9. Add levels of separation to sankey (0 is just the marriage requested, 1 would be their parents’ marriages and children’s marriages, etc) WED.
  10. Fix out points so that if children get married, they go to the same dummy node at the end. DONE.


  1. Precompute structure