To Do

  1. Write algorithms and implement temporal sets
  2. Build table structure for extended marriages (tribes?) so we don’t have to build them on the fly from the DB every time.
  3. Build the database and scripts to import Jill’s data
  4. Write DHF abstract (see last week and week before notes)
  5. Directed graph viz with a person, the marriages they are linked to (adoption, birth, marriage)
  6. Add levels of separation to sankey (0 is just the marriage requested, 1 would be their parents’ marriages and children’s marriages, etc)

Discussion Points

  1. Requirements for graduation?
  2. Honeymoon time off, Nov 17-25
  3. Moving offices (532: 4, 8 or 434: 3, 7)
  4. Daniel sharing the Mormon viz on snac list
  5. Digital Humanities Forum abstract
  6. Building the database
  7. Temporal Sets (Time-Dependent Sets)
  8. Measures on Temporal Networks: Time-dependent Data Structures (generalized to temporal pointers with temporal aspects on the nodes)
  9. To Note: When visualizing social networks, knowing the future structure is very good (see Visualization Methods for Longitudinal Social Networks and Stochastic Actor-Oriented Modeling, fig 2)
  10. Some papers


Network Metrics

  1. Degree (in- and out-)
  2. Betweenness Centrality
  3. Closeness (Farness) Centrality
  4. Average Path Length
  5. Average Cycle Length
  6. Characteristic Path Length
  7. Global Efficiency
  8. Clustering Coefficient
  9. Cliqueishness
  10. Homogeneity
  11. E-to-I Ratio
  12. Density
  13. Connectivity


Temporal Graphs

We really want to start looking at aggregate information. Not looking at snapshots of a temporal graph (or structure) at a certain timepoint, but over time, across time, etc.