CS 3330: Lecture 1: Overview

This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

The course


My name is Luther Tychonievich. Tychonievich is currently pronounced Tai Con uh vitch by my branch of the family.

Students generally address me by picking one of my names (or sometimes just T) and prefixing it with some title:

If I know you are addressing me, I'll try to respond.

We also have various teaching assistants; currently they are: Elaheh, Jim, Julie, Ritika, and Qingyun. Much to my chagrin, this list is still not really finalized. We'll discuss more once it is.


Piazza. Oh, and while we are on the subject, don't use the student answer feature to ask a question and don't make private posts unless they involve personal situations or grade issues.

I do have email. I check it at least once a day, five days a week. If you

then you will get a response by the next business day.

My office is Rice 210. If the door is open, you may come inside. I'll post official office hours soon. So will the TAs.


It's all on the website. The website is on collab. We'll scan it in class.

Still waiting for a seat? Special-need cases should fill out this form; after I process those I'll open up the remaining lab seats and SIS will empty the waiting lists via its normal processes.

Enrolled but need to switch lab sections? Use piazza.

Lab this week is on your own. Expect a quiz based on chapter 2 of the textbook before class next Tuesday.


My take on this course (it's what, why, and overview) will fill the rest of lecture.

Copyright © 2015 by Luther Tychonievich. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2014-08-31 19:38 -0400