Core i7 architecture addresses are 50 bits long It is common to have 4K pages (12 bits) → virtual page numbers are 38 bits long (256G Pages) Map Hash Table const unsigned tableSize; VPN table[tableSize]; unsigned f(VPN) // return value < tableSize BST // struct node {node* left; node* right; PPN key; VPN val;} // struct{PPN, VPN} heap[]; PPN table[VPN.MAX_VALUE]; PPN lookup(VPN v) { return table[v]; } Single-level page table PPN table[VPN.MAX_VALUE]; Two-level page table PPN table[SIZE1][SIZE2] PPN lookup(VPN v) { // split v into v1 and v2 int v2 = (v >> 8) & 0xff; int v1 = v & 0xff; int tmp = memory[v2 + ptbr]; PPN ans = memory[v1 + tmp]; return ans; } struct PTE { bool onDisk; bool isAllocated; PPN data; } PTE * ptbr; PPN lookup(VPN v) { PN1 = getPageNumber1(v); // some bit mask PTE pte1 = ptbr[PN1]; if (!pte1.isAllocated) tell OS to segfault if (pte1.onDisk) ask OS to load page and update ptbr[PN1] PTE * table2 = << 12; PN2 = getPageNumber2(v); // some bit mask PTE pte2 = table2[PN2]; if (!pte2.isAllocated) tell OS to segfault if (pte2.onDisk) ask OS to load page and update table2[PN2] PTE * table3 = << 12; ... return; } Questions: What determines the # of PT levels The computer engineers at AMD/Intel/ARM/... What are the benefits of VM 1. Each process sees all addresses as its own 2. Processes cannot modify other processes memory 3. Share some of physical memory 4. Addresses don't have to change if you change your RAM What about 2+ programs running at same time 1. This is (one of) the point(s) of VM 2. When your process is swapped in by the OS (called a context switch) one thing the OS does is reset the PTBR to your page table How could we work w/o VM 1. we ask all processes to be nice to each other 2. this is hard 3. and is done in some embedded code What does OS do to load a page it has some DS of pages in RAM and on disk eject some RAM page to DISK (and change page table) load the requested page from disk to RAM (and update PT) update own DS return control to your code