This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

The goal of this lab is to provide enough exposure to C++ that you understand how to explore more on your own. It assumes you learned all of the topics in last week’s lab.

1 Using cout

printf is complicated, with many arbitrary format codes and a high risk of a mismatch between format code and argument type. C++ realized it could fix this using function overloading, and then added operator overloading to make it work even better.

1.1 Task: implement an overload set of functions display

In a C++ file, create several functions named display, each taking a separate argument type and invoking printf with the appropriate format string. For example, one of them should be

Also make three more display functions, one each for const char *, double, and char.

Once you are done, try running the following:

1.2 Task: wrap FILE * in a class

The display function above is nicer than raw printf in that the compiler enforces types and we have no format strings to remember, but it does not allow us to use it for multiple outputs. We could add a FILE * argument to every function signature, but that’s a lot of annoying extra typing. Instead, let’s wrap FILE * in a class outf so that we can write something like

Some observations:

1.3 Task: change sout::display into an operator overload

All those .display(...)s clutter up the code. We could rename it something shorter like d, but that’s still four characters every time (.d( and )). If we made display an operator, it would be even simpler.

Change your outf’s display function to be named operator+, operator|, or some other binary operator overload. change your main to use this operator instead of explicit display calls, as e.g.

You’ll need to show your TA this code, so keep it in a file you can show them.

1.4 Conversation

Should operator overloading be used to make common code require less characters to write? Some say “yes, less writing = less bugs = better”; others say “if + sometimes means addition, and sometimes print, and sometimes append, and so on, that makes code hard to read.”

No matter your opinion, operator overloading of this kind of integral to common C++: the C++ header #include <iostream> gives you access to the ostream class that is similar to (but much more complete than) our fout class and overloads << as this output operator. It also defines a global object std::cout that is like the sout in our examples. Thus, the typical C++ “hello, world” is

Note that C++ often uses the std::endl instead of '\n'. It mostly means the same thing, but it also flushes the output stream, which can both make code seem more responsive and slow down output1.

2 C++ Stack class

C++ ships with an extensive standard library of data structures, so good C++ code will rarely implement these structures manually. However, a simple singly-linked stack will give a good testbed to trying out constructors and destructors.

I don’t have a good read on how long this will take, so the TAs are authorized to change it’s scope, but I believe the following is a decent overview: complete the following:

A correct implementation will (a) not change stack_node and (b) display the following when run

Remaining nodes: 5
Remaining nodes: 0

3 Pass-off

Show the TA’s

  1. Your code for Task: wrap FILE * in a class.
  2. Your working C++ Stack class, or progress thereunto.

  1. In 2010, C++ luminary Andrei Alexandrescu referred to “the C++ iostream endl fiasco” because it appears very few programmers understand the actual implications of flushing buffers