1 Introduction

As discussed in class, register-transfer level design can be described as

  1. clock signal has a rising edge
  2. register outputs change
  3. logic works, which can be thought of as arbitrary acyclic code that assigns each variable only once
  4. logic results in register inputs changing
  5. repeat

In this lab, and the subsequent programming assignment, you will expand on these basic pieces to build your own machine simulator and write binary code for it.

2 Getting the simulator skeleton

Download the starter code using git:

git clone https://github.com/CSO-Starter-Code/lab03-simulator.git
cd lab03-simulator

You should be able to run this entirely on your laptop, so no portal needed. We still recommend you git add NewFile.Java for any new files you create and git commit -a -m "added icode 3" any time you make progress so that you have a history of changes and can go back if needed.

The repository we provide has a basic simulator in python (sim_base.py) and java (SimBase.java). Pick one of the two to work with (whichever language you find more comfortable).

The program works from a command-line interface, expecting memory byte values (either directly or in a file) as a command-line argument:

# runs SimBase in java with 8 bytes of memory set
javac SimBase.java
java SimBase 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
# runs SimBase in python with 8 bytes of memory set
python3 sim_base.py 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
# runs SimBase using the contents of programs/halt to set memory
python3 sim_base.py programs/halt
java SimBase programs/halt

Memory contents must be specified in hexadecimal bytes, separated by whitespace.

3 Write the simulator functionality

Each file begins with a function or method named execute which is given two arguments (the current instruction in ir and the PC of this instruction in oldPC) and returns one value (the pc to execute next). The skeleton code just returns oldPC + 1.

Each file also has two global values you can access: R, an array of 4 register values, and M, an array of 256 memory values.

We also provide a get_bits helper function for getting a range of bits from a number which you may use if you wish.

Add code to execute (do not edit other parts of the file) to do the following:

Separate the instruction into parts

Treat the instruction as having four parts:

bits name meaning
7 reserved If set, an invalid instruction. Do not do work or advance the PC if this bit is 1.
[4, 7) icode Specifies what action to take
[2, 4) a The index of a register
[0, 2) b The index of another register, or details about icode
Execute the instruction

(You will probably need to be familiar with the Language nuances of your implementation language of choice before starting on this section.)

Change execute to do different things for different icodes, as follows:

  • If reserved is 1, set the next PC to the current PC instead of advancing it and do nothing else.

  • Otherwise, see the following table, where rA means the value stored in register number a and rB means the value stored in register number b. Unless a different value of the pc is specified in the table, also add one to the pc for each instruction.

icode Behavior
0 rA = rB
1 rA += rB
2 rA &= rB
3 rA = read from memory at address rB
4 write rA to memory at address rB

do different things for different values of b:

b action
0 rA = ~rA
1 rA = -rA
2 rA = !rA
3 rA = pc

do different things for different values of b:

b action
0 rA = read from memory at pc + 1
1 rA += read from memory at pc + 1
2 rA &= read from memory at pc + 1
3 rA = read from memory at the address stored at pc + 1

In all 4 cases, increase pc by 2, not 1, at the end of this instruction

7 Compare rA (as an 8-bit 2’s-complement number) to 0; if rA <= 0, set pc = rB otherwise, increment pc like normal.
Test your simulator
See Example programs below for suggestions.

3.1 Language nuances

Python’s syntax for !x is not x instead.

Java treats bytes (like R[i]) as signed integers, not unsigned. That means they are not good indices (e.g., M[R[i]] might throw an exception if R[i] is negative). However, R[i] & 0xFF treats it as unsigned instead, so M[R[i] & 0xFF] should work.

Python treats bytes as unsigned, so R[i] <= 0 acts like R[i] == 0, which is not what we want. It can be re-written to work correctly as R[i] == 0 or R[i] >= 0x80

3.2 Example programs


The code

00 00 00 80

should advance to pc 3 and then stay there.

Try finding other code that will also do that.


Consider the following code

Bytes Activity
68 23 move 0x23 into register 2
06 move from register 2 to register 1
60 20 move 0x20 into register 0
44 move from register 1 to memory at address from register 0 (i.e., move 0x23 to address 0x20)
80 halt

If your simulator works, then 68 23 06 60 20 44 80 should end with registers being [20, 23, 23, 00] and a 0x23 in memory at address 0x20.

Try adding code that will read from memory into register 3.


Consider the following code

Bytes Activity
68 10 move 0x10 into R2
32 move value from address R2 into R0
68 11 move 0x11 into R2
36 move value from address R2 into R1
14 R1 += R0
68 12 move 0x12 into R2
46 move R1 into address R2
80 halt
five 00s (padding)
23 A1 some numbers to add

If your simulator works, you should end up with 0xC4 (i.e., 0x23 + 0xA1) in address 0x12.

Try adding code that can sum more numbers from memory, not just those two.

Conditional jump

The following should not jump, so three steps should end up with the PC at address 5, not 20:

pseudocode parts bytes
R0 = 10 (6, 0, 0) 10 60 0A
R1 = 20 (6, 1, 0) 20 64 14
if R0 <= 0, jump to R1 (7, 0, 1) 71

The following should jump, so three steps should end with the PC at address 20, not 5:

pseudocode parts bytes
R0 = −10 (6, 0, 0) −10 60 F6
R1 = 20 (6, 1, 0) 20 64 14
if R0 <= 0, jump to R1 (7, 0, 1) 71
Read from immediate address

The following should load 20 into R1

pseudocode parts bytes
R2 = 10 (6, 2, 0) 10 68 0A
R3 = 20 (6, 3, 0) 20 6C 14
write R3 to address R2 (4, 3, 2) 4E
read address 10 into R1 (6, 1, 3) 10 67 0A

You could also do this without using instruction 4 by setting enough memory that there was already data in address 10:

pseudocode parts bytes
read address 10 into R1 (6, 1, 3) 10 67 0A
intialize address 10 with 20 0s, then 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14

3.3 More, less-explained examples

icode = 0
First load a value into R1 then set R2 to equal R1: 64 14 09
icode = 1
First load a value into R1 and R2 then add them together: 64 14 68 20 19
icode = 2
First load a value into R1 and R2 then and them together: 64 14 68 20 29
icode = 3
First load a value into R1 and then load that memory address into R2: 64 02 39
icode = 4
First load a value into R1 and R2 and then store R1 into memory at R2: 64 02 68 20 46
icode = 5

First load a value into R1 and then do something to it:

  • flip all bits: 64 89 54 (result: 76)
  • negate: 64 89 55 (result: 77)
  • perform !: 64 89 56 (result: 00; try also 55 by itself to result in 01)
  • replace with the PC: 64 89 57 (result: 02)
icode = 6

First load a value into R1 and then use an immediate:

  • replace with immediate: 64 14 64 20 (result: 20)
  • add immediate: 64 14 65 20 (result: 34)
  • and immediate: 64 14 66 24 (result: 04)
  • replace with memory contents at immediate: 64 14 67 02 (result: 67)
icode = 7

First load an address into R1, a value into R2, and then conditionally jump:

  • jumps: 64 14 68 ff 79
  • jumps: 64 14 68 80 79
  • jumps: 64 14 68 00 79
  • does not jump: 64 14 68 01 79
  • does not jump: 64 14 68 7f 79

4 Check-off

To check-off this lab, show a TA your simulator and the memory contents that do the tasks listed above.