Dr. Gabriel Robins
Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia

Email: GabeRobins@gmail.com
Phone: (434) 249-0809
Gabe's Vitae / Resume (NIH Biosketch)

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 6189
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6189

The fountainhead of puzzles: the International Puzzle Party

Good stores for puzzles and games:

  1. PuzzleMaster.ca

  2. puzzles.cleversoul.com

  3. www.seriouspuzzles.com

  4. www.bitsandpieces.com

  5. www.gamepuzzles.com

  6. www.mefferts.com

  7. www.custompuzzlecraft.com

  8. www.mindware.com

  9. www.thinkfun.com

  10. www.spilsbury.com

  11. www.puzzles.ca

  12. www.areyougame.com

  13. www.unclesgames.com

  14. www.mrpuzzle.com.au

  15. www.puzzle-factory.com

  16. www.spacecubes.com

  17. www.blueorangegames.com

  18. www.chessusa.com

  19. www.puzzlepalace.com

  20. www.v-cubes.com

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