Dr. Gabriel Robins
Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia

Email: GabeRobins@gmail.com
Phone: (434) 249-0809
Gabe's Vitae / Resume (NIH Biosketch)

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 6189
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6189

The Legacy of Randy Pausch and His Lecture Videos

The Legacy of Randy Pausch

(clicking on some of the photos below will yield the high-resolution version)

Randy and his wife Jai meeting Sting at UVa, Nov 2007.

Randy's book .

Hebrew version of Randy's book (click to enlarge, or in PDF).

Billboard of Randy created by Values.com

Randy appearing in the 2009 Star Trek movie

My friend and mentor Professor Randy Pausch (1960-2008) was a virtual reality pioneer, human-computer interaction researcher, co-founder of CMU's Entertainment Technology Center, and creator of the Alice software project.

I have known Randy since 1992, and over the years I have been collecting and archiving his video lectures and newspaper articles, which I am happy to share below. See also Randy Pausch's Wikipedia page, as well as Tom Dermody's beautiful song about Randy called Once Upon a Time.

ABC ran a 1-hour special on Randy (with Diane Sawyer) on April 9, 2008. Randy's book, called "The Last Lecture", was published by Disney/Hyperion in April, 2008.

Randy has appeared in a Star Trek Movie in a beautifully touching context, insightfully explained by our colleague Kirk Martini.

The Lecture Videos of Randy Pausch

The following video lectures were given by Professor Randy Pausch over the years, and were uploaded for viewing and downloading by Professor Gabriel Robins.

While these videos may be viewed as streaming media, you may want to download a complete high-resolution copy of an entire video lecture (for later viewing, or for showing to an audience). Downloading availability (as opposed to only streaming-based viewing) for the various Web sites listed below are designated by *.

  1. "Time Management" by Randy Pausch, November 2007. Randy's "Time Management" lecture is also Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

    Here are the Powerpoint and PDF versions of the slides for this "Time Management" lecture, as well as the UVa press release, and the poster announcement. This lecture was watched live by a capacity crowd of 900 people, with additional hundreds of people unfortunately turned away due to lack of room in the auditorium.

    Selected followup news stories about this lecture include:

    You can also listen to (or download) a podcast of Randy's 2007 "Time Management" lecture (as well as other lectures) on iTunes.

    Randy's "Time Management" lecture video is also available for viewing with English captions/subtitles. Text-only transcripts are available in English, German, and Chinese.

  2. "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch

    Randy's "Last Lecture" is also Web-viewable at Internet Archive*, and YouTube. The Powerpoint slides are available in normal resolution and high resolution, and the text-only transcript is available in English.

  3. Randy's May 18, 2008 Graduation Speech, can be seen on YouTube and the Internet Archive*.

  4. Randy's May 19, 2008 appearance on the Good Morning America Show, can be seen on YouTube, and the Internet Archive*.

  5. Randy's 1-hour special ABC Special with Diane Sawyer, aired on April 9, 2008, can be seen on the Internet Archive*.

  6. Randy's book "The Last Lecture" describes his life's philosophy in greater detail. Randy and co-author Jeff Zaslow discussed their book "The Last Lecture", including the motivation for writing it, in a a video interview which can also be seen at the Internet Archive*.

  7. Randy Pausch reprising his "Last Lecture" on the Oprah Show - Oct 2007
    Randy's appearance on the Oprah Show is Web-viewable on YouTube. Randy's reprise of his "Last Lecture" is also available for viewing with Russian and Spanish captions/subtitles.

  8. See Randy's public service announcement for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Randy's public service announcement for the Lustgarten Foundation, and Randy's testimony in Congress, all in support of cancer research.

  9. Older "Time Management" by Randy Pausch - Oct 1998

    Randy's older 1998 "Time Management" lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*. Here are the HTML and Powerpoint versions of the presentation slides for Randy's older 1998 "Time Management" lecture.

  10. "The Interdisciplinary Challenge of Entertainment Technology" by Randy Pausch - Oct 1999

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

  11. "Building Virtual Worlds" by Randy Pausch - 2005

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

  12. "Building Virtual Worlds" by Randy Pausch - 2004

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

  13. "Building Virtual Worlds" by Randy Pausch - 2003

    This lecture is Web-viewable at YouTube, and Internet Archive*.

  14. "Building Virtual Worlds - An Exhibition" by Randy Pausch - Apr 1998

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

  15. "50 Years of Computer Science Innovation" by Randy Pausch - Apr 2006

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*.

  16. "A dedication to Randy Pausch" by the "Building Virtual Worlds" CMU class - Fall 2005

    This lecture is Web-viewable at Internet Archive*, and YouTube.

Media Coverage of Randy's Impact

  1. news.virginia.edu/content/randy-pausch-time-all-matters
  2. www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/Randy/SundayTimesPausch_April_27_2008.pdf
  3. www.usatoday.com/printedition/life/20090416/pausch16_st.art.htm
  4. news.cs.cmu.edu/article.php?a=852
  5. news.virginia.edu/content/carnegie-mellon-host-memorial-service-randy-pausch-monday
  6. www.dailyprogress.com/news/last-lecture-author-dies/article_2db56c0d-375d-5b0f-9862-cddf946a1e05.html
  7. www.pcworld.com/article/148949/2008/07/.html?tk=rss_news
  8. thetartan.org/2008/9/15/news/olympics
  9. thetartan.org/2008/9/8/news/soccer
  10. www.cio.com/article/446582/Time_Management_and_Productivity_Boosting_Tips_for_Busy_Professionals
  11. jewishjournal.com/opinion/65317/
  12. www.post-gazette.com/pg/08224/903389-85.stm
  13. www.fredericksburg.com/health/if-you-want-to-live-life-more-fully-study-professor/article_75861253-72af-5f21-8da4-93ead9178869.html
  14. 1life2news.blogspot.com/2008/07/1l2n-july-29-2008.html
  15. well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/30/randy-pauschs-last-words/
  16. abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=4614281
  17. www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SwZQlzZRtk
  18. online.wsj.com/article/SB121701813179885643.html
  19. www.nytimes.com/2008/07/26/us/26pausch.html
  20. well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/25/last-lecture-professor-randy-pausch-dies-at-47
  21. well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/the-online-legacy-of-professor-pausch/
  22. www.latimes.com/news/education/la-me-pausch26-2008jul26-pg,0,1970800.photogallery
  23. www.latimes.com/news/education/la-me-pausch26-2008jul26,0,1267248,full.story
  24. www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/25/national/main4292473.shtml
  25. www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1826574,00.html
  26. www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2008/07/distributed_funeral
  27. blog.wired.com/geekdad/2008/07/shaking-us-awak.html
  28. www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/books/sc-ent-0704-books-randy-pausch-widow-20120705-47-story.html
  29. www.toledoblade.com/Deaths/2008/07/25/Inspirational-Professor-Randy-Pausch-47-Dies.html
  30. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/07/25/ST2008072503446.html
  31. www.networkworld.com/article/2274102/data-center/-last-lecture--computer-science-professor-randy-pausch-dies.html
  32. Randy Pausch, 47, Dies; His "Last Lecture" Inspired Many to Live With Wonder
  33. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7526743.stm
  34. online.wsj.com/article/SB120951287174854465.html?mod=ITPWSJ_20
  35. www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/books/07/25/obit.pausch/index.html
  36. www.usatoday.com/life/people/2008-07-25-pausch-obit_N.htm
  37. www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/sports/football/11cheer.html?_r=1&ref=sports&oref=slogin
  38. www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml?xml=/health/2008/07/01/hlesley101.xml
  39. edition.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/07/24/rs.time.for.yourself/
  40. www.themonitor.com/opinion/columnists/article_35a18049-dade-54f3-9027-80ffd31823fc.html
  41. economictimes.indiatimes.com/Opinion/Editorials/Tell_the_truth_if_you_want_help/articleshow/3185778.cms
  42. www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2008-04-30-book-buzz_N.htm
  43. www.timesonline.com/8fb3cf80-4922-11e6-a865-938bc4eb708c.html
  44. www.chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/carnegie-mellon-u-to-dedicate-bridge-in-honor-of-randy-pausch/8612
  45. www.dailybreeze.com/2008/07/26/last-lecture-author-dies/
  46. www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/life/main/5827971.html
  47. www.wickedlocal.com/hanover/news/x816777292/-A-beautiful-tapestry-The-class-of-2008-graduates-from-Hanover-High
  48. www.oprah.com/oprahs-lifeclass/what-oprah-learned-from-randy-pauschs-last-lecture-video
  49. hamptonroads.com/2008/05/randy-pauschs-last-words-are-not-easy-ones-live
  50. www.baltimoresun.com/ph-ho-cf-pausch-1103-20111026-story.html
  51. www.thetandd.com/articles/2008/05/09/news/doc4824936f5d7a0670849663.txt

Selected Commentary about Randy Pausch by Colleagues and Friends

  1. Tom Dermody has written a song about Randy called Once Upon a Time, whose lyrics describe Randy's impact. (Here is the audio-only version of this song.)

  2. "Usually Nice, Always Helpful - A Mentor's Approach" by Professor Kirk Martini

  3. "Making Every Lecture Your Last" by Professor Kirk Martini

© Randy's videos are distributed under a "creative commons" license, which means that anyone may download and use them for any non-commercial purpose, as long as they are not altered and proper attribution is given.