CS 654 Reading Guide, Chapter 2

Hennessy & Patterson, 3rd ed.

These are topics I expect you to understand even if I do not cover them in class.  Of course, I encourage you to read the rest of the chapter for your own enlightenment.

  • Understand how to write a short program using stack, accumulator, and general-purpose-register machines. Understand what a load-store architecture is.  Understand the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.  

  • Understand the instruction types, memory-addressing modes, control-flow instruction types, and operand sizes and types.

  • Understand what issues drive the choice of offset and immediate sizes in an instruction encoding.

  • Understand what an architecture should provide to help the compiler writer (regularity, etc.).

  • Understand what the different major memory segments are (stack, global-data, heap, and text).

  • Be able to discuss the merits of an ISA based on these principles (like the chapter evaluates MIPS).

  • Understand the pitfalls described in the chapter.

  • Last updated Oct. 2, 2001
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