# What does the following code print ? # Trace through the code by hand and then check your answer # with http://www.pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=edit def func1(x, y, lis): x = 5 lis.append(x) lis.append(y) print(lis) lis = [] return lis def func2(x, y, lis): print(lis) print(x / y) print(int(x) / int(y)) def func3(lis): print(lis) return lis def main(): lis = [1] print(lis) lis.append([1]) print(func1(2, 3, lis)) lis = func1(4, 5, [9]) print(lis) print(func2(1.0, 2, lis)) func2(3, 4, lis) print(func3(2)) print(func3([4, 5])) print(lis) main()