# THIS CODE IS SUPPOSED TO: Gets two numbers from the user, and # returns the second value subtracted from the first. # It has a bug; try to write test cases to reveal the bug # # Do not look at the code. # You only need a specification to create test cases. # def template(number1,number2): difference = number2 - number1 return difference actualResults = [] expectedResults = [] # WRITE YOUR TESTS BELOW FOLLOWING THE FORMAT actualResults.append(template(0,0)) expectedResults.append(0) #===================================# ctr = 0 found = False while ctr < len(actualResults): actual = actualResults[ctr] expected = expectedResults[ctr] print(str(expected) + " : " + str(actual)) if (actual != expected): found = True ctr = ctr + 1 if (found == True): print("Your test suite found the bug!!") else: print("Try writing more tests, you didn't find the bug yet.")