count = 0 def custom_shirt(size, msg="I'll get A+", location="front"): '''include docstring understand function, positional - order matter in function call, named - order no longer matter, optional - may call a function with fewer number arguments ''' global count # understand the concept of local and global variables count += 1 # understand expression print('Custom shirt size "' + size + '" with text "' + msg + '" printed on "' + location + '"') # understand how to format output and work with multiple quotations def get_total_order(): return "total order: " + str(count) + " shirts" # understanding of data type custom_shirt("M", "I'm awesome", "back") custom_shirt("M", "I'm awesome") custom_shirt("M") custom_shirt(size="M", msg="I'm awesome", location="back") custom_shirt(size="M", msg="I'm awesome") custom_shirt(size="M") custom_shirt(msg="I'm awesome", size="M", location="back") custom_shirt(msg="I'm awesome", size="M") custom_shirt(size="M", location="back") print(get_total_order())