import turtle colors = ['red', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange'] t1 = turtle.Turtle() # create an instance of Turtle, assign it to tom # Speed settings can be set # between 1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). # But if we set the speed to 0, # it has a special meaning # — turn off animation and go as fast as possible. t1.speed(0) # turtle.bgcolor('black') # set background color of the window wn = turtle.Screen() # create window for turtle t1 to draw wn.bgcolor("lightblue") # set background color of the window for i in range(360): t1.pencolor(colors[i % 6]) # set line color to the (i%6) item in list of colors t1.width(i / 100+1) # set line thickness t1.forward(i) # tell turtle t1 to move forward t1.left(59) # turn t1 left 59 degree # draw until the window is closed turtle.done()