import turtle # 1.Assigning variables (let's create 3 instances of turtle) tom = turtle.Turtle() may = turtle.Turtle() ann = turtle.Turtle() # 2. Coloring background black. wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("black") # 3.Drawing square for the body of the house(red). for i in range(0, 4): tom.pensize(3) tom.color("red") tom.forward(200) tom.right(90) # 4. Drawing the A frame roof on the house(brown). may = turtle.Turtle() may.color("saddle brown") may.left(45) may.forward((20000) ** .5) may.right(90) may.forward((20000) ** .5) # 5. Drawing the door on the house. ann.penup() ann.color("white") ann.right(90) ann.forward(200) ann.left(90) ann.forward(80) ann.pendown() ann.left(90) ann.forward(80) ann.right(90) ann.forward(40) ann.right(90) ann.forward(80) ann.left(90) # 6. Drawing the door knob. ann.penup() ann.left(90) ann.forward(40) ann.left(90) ann.forward(8) ann.pendown() ann.color("yellow") # 7. Click on window to exit. print("Click on screen to exit") wn.exitonclick() # wn.mainloop() # wait for user to close the window