import turtle # Create a new window wm = turtle.Screen() # Set title to: Intro to turtles wm.title("Intro to turtles") # Set the window's color to grey wm.bgcolor("grey") # Place the window at the top left corner # with width of 800 pixels # and height of 800 pixel # wm.setup(600, 600, 0, 0) # width - if an integer, a size in pixels, if a float, a fraction of the screen; default is 50 % of screen # height - if an integer, the height in pixels, if a float, a fraction of the screen; default is 75 % of screen # startx - if positive, starting position in pixels from the left edge of the screen, if negative from the right edge, if None, center window horizontally # startx - if positive, starting position in pixels from the top edge of the screen, if negative from the bottom edge, if None, center window vertically tom = turtle.Turtle() tom.shape("triangle") # tom.stamp() tom.penup() for i in range(12): tom.forward(100) tom.pendown() tom.forward(30) tom.penup() tom.forward(20) tom.stamp() tom.penup() tom.back(100) tom.left(360/12) wm.mainloop()