# Write a function that takes a secret int code as input. # The function # - uses a dct (a dictionary outside function), # - counts the number of values whose # sums equal to the secret int code. # If no sum of the values in the dictionary equals to # the secret int code, return None # Example: # if a dictionary is {'A':[0,1], 'B':[2,3], 'C':[4,5], 'D':[1,4]} # and the secret int code is 5 # the function returns 2 # if a dictionary is {'A':[0,1], 'B':[2,3], 'C':[4,5], 'D':[1,4]} # and the secret int code is 15 # the function returns None # You may not use sum(list_of_int) built-in function def count_sum(secret): dct = {'A': [0, 1], 'B': [2, 3], 'C': [4, 5], 'D': [1, 4]} print(count_sum(5)) print(count_sum(15)) # Thought questions: # What are differences between e2-recap-2.py and e2-recap-3.py? # Review "passing by reference" and "tracing code"