"; // write content to a file (write mode) file_put_contents("output.txt", $content); // open a file in a write mode $outfile = fopen("output-write.txt", "w"); fputs($outfile, $content); // content must be string fclose($outfile); // open a file in an append mode $outfile = fopen("output-append.txt", "a"); fputs($outfile, $content); // content must be string fclose($outfile); // open a fle in a read mode $infile = fopen("sample-data.txt", "r"); while (!feof($infile)) { $content = fgets($infile); // get one line at a time echo $content . "
"; } // open a file, read the content in, // separated by a new line character, return an array of lines $array_of_lines = file("sample-data.txt"); foreach ($array_of_lines as $line) echo "$line
"; // suppose we want to write array data to file // separate each array item to each line $days = ["Monday", 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday']; file_put_contents("output-array.txt", $days); $formatted_days = implode("\n", $days); // note: double quote file_put_contents("output-array.txt", $formatted_days); $associative_days = Array("Mon"=>"Monday", "Tue"=>"Tuesday", "Wed"=>"Wednesday", "Thur"=>"Thursday", "Fri"=>"Friday"); // var_dump($days); var_dump(implode("@", $associative_days)); // implode "@" and value, not key $content = ""; foreach ($associative_days as $k => $v) { $content .= "$k => $v \n"; } file_put_contents("output-array.txt", $content); ?>