PHP: Form Handling

Number 1 (integer):
Number 2 (float):
"; else echo "number1 is not int
"; if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'number2', FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) echo "number2 is float " . $_GET['number2'] . "
"; else echo "number2 is not float
"; // echo gettype((int)$_GET['number1']) . "
"; // echo gettype((float)$_GET['number2']) . "
"; // echo gettype($sum) . " $sum
"; $sum = (int)$_GET['number1'] + (float)$_GET['number2']; echo $_GET['number1'] . " + " . $_GET['number2'] . " = " . $sum . "
"; } else echo "Both number1 and number2 must be entered
"; } // filter_input($type, $variable_name [, $filter]) // - Get a value from a superglobal variable and optionally filters it // - Returns the requested value on success, // FALSE if the filter fails, // NULL if the requested value is not set // type - specify the superglobal variable to access // - common values include INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, and INPUT_COOKIE // variable_name - the name of the value to retrieve // filter - optional. The constrant for the filter to apply // FILTER_VALIDATE_INT -- validates an integeger value // FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT -- validates a floating-point (double) value // FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL -- validates an email address // FILTER_VALIDATE_URL -- validates a URL // FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN -- return TRUE for "1", "true" "on" "yes // otherwise, return FALSE // htmlspecialchars($string) // - converts certain html special characters (&, ', ", <, >) // to their corresponding html entities and then returns the resulting string // - for example, converts the emphasand character (&) to the amphasand entity (&h) // htmlentities($string) // - converts html characters that have corresponding html entities // and returns the resulting string // when to use GET method // - typically when the request is for a page that gets data from the server // - when the request can be executed multiple times without causing any problems // when to use POST method // - POST request can get data // - typically when the intention is to make modification to the data on the server or state of app // - when executing the request multiple times may cause problems // - when you don't want to include the parameters in the URL for security reasons // - when you don't want users to be able to include parameters when they bookmark a page // - when you need to transfer huge data // Empty form fields will be NULL unless the user has entered a value. // isset($var) // - returns TRUE if the variable has been set and is not a NULL value // empty($var) // - returns TRUE if the variable hasn't been set, contains a NULL value, // or contains an empty sting // is_numeric($var) // - returns TRUE if the variable is a number or a string that can be converted to a number ?>