Activity: SQL Basics & Aggregates

(no submission)

You may make a copy of a worksheet and complete this activity, or simply type your answers in any text editor.

You may work alone or with 3-4 students in this course (max size=5).

Given the following relations and schemas, write SQL queries to solve the problems.

Movies (title, year, length, genre, studioName, producerCert)
starsIn (movieTitle, movieYear, starName, salary)
MovieStar (name, address, gender, birthdate)
MovieExec (name, address, producerCert, netWorth)
Studio (name, address)   

  1. Find the address of a studio named MGM
       SELECT  address AS Studio_Address
       FROM    Studio
       WHERE   name = "MGM";   
  2. Find the number of movies that was not produced by "MGM"
       SELECT  COUNT(*) 
       FROM    Movies
       WHERE   studioName <> "MGM";   
  3. Find all the stars that appeared either in a movie made in 2023 or a movie with the word "Love" in the title
       SELECT  starName
       FROM    StarsIn
       WHERE   movieYear = 2023 OR 
               movieTitle LIKE "%Love%";
    However, the above query will also return words that have the substring Love e.g. Lover. 
    Below query will only return movies that have title containing the word Love.   
       SELECT  starName
       FROM    StarsIn
       WHERE   movieYear = 2023 OR 
               movieTitle LIKE "Love %" OR 
               movieTitle LIKE "% Love %" OR 
               movieTitle LIKE "% Love" OR movieTitle = "Love";   
  4. Find the names of all executives with net worth between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000
       SELECT  name 
       FROM    MovieExec
       WHERE   5000000 <= netWorth AND netWorth <= 10000000;    
    Another solution: 
       SELECT  name 
       FROM    MovieExec
       WHERE   netWorth BETWEEN 5000000 AND 10000000;   
  5. Find all the stars who either are female or live in Malibu (i.e., having the string "Malibu" as a part of their addresses). You may assume that a star's gender is recorded as "F" for female and "M" for male.
       SELECT  name AS Star_Name
       FROM    movieStar
       WHERE   gender = "F" OR address LIKE '%Malibu%';         // '% Malibu %' ?
  6. Find names of all males who star in a movie entitled Star Wars. You may assume that a star's gender is recorded as "F" for female and "M" for male.
       SELECT AS starName
       FROM    MovieStar M,
               StarsIn S
       WHERE = S.starName AND 
               S.movieTitle = "Star Wars" AND 
               M.gender = "M"; 
  7. Which stars appeared in movies produced by MGM in 2023?
    Assuming the same movie title may be made in multiple years 
       SELECT  S.starName AS starName 
       FROM    Movies M, 
               starsIn S 
       WHERE   M.title = S.movieTitle AND 
               M.year = S.movieYear AND 
               M.year = 2023 AND 
               M.studioName = 'MGM'    
  8. Find all the Malibu addresses shared by at least one star and at least one executive (i.e., having string "Malibu" as a part of their addresses). We do not want to see any duplicate addresses.
       SELECT DISTINCT MovieStar.address 
       FROM   MovieStar, MovieExec 
       WHERE  MovieStar.address LIKE "%Malibu%" AND 
              MovieStar.address = MovieExec.address
    Another possible solution: 
       (SELECT address
       FROM    MovieStar
       WHERE   address LIKE '%Malibu%')  
       (SELECT address
       FROM    MovieExec
       WHERE   address LIKE '%Malibu%')   

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Last updated 2024-02-13 18:47