Activity: SQL practice

(no submission)

You may make a copy of a activity-sql-practice.sql and complete this activity.

You may work alone or with at most 2 other students (max size=3) in this course.

Use an SQL script cardata.sql to create and populate three tables of the US vehicle toy database. (data from

Write SQL queries to solve the following problems.

  1. Find all vehicle brands with the registration years after 2015 that are listed for the state of Virginia. Do not repeat the names of the brands.
    SELECT   DISTINCT brand 
    FROM     Car_specs T1, Car_priceloc T2 
    WHERE = AND T2.state LIKE "Virginia"
    AND      T1.year > 2015;
    -- or
    SELECT   DISTINCT brand 
    FROM     Car_specs T1, Car_priceloc T2 
    WHERE = AND T2.state = "Virginia"
    AND      T1.year > 2015; 

  2. Find the number of vehicles by year. Display only the year with at least 100 vehicles.
    SELECT   T1.year, count(*) AS number_cars
    FROM     Car_specs T1 NATURAL JOIN Car_priceloc T2 
    GROUP BY T1.year
    HAVING   number_cars >= 100; 

  3. Find the counts of vehicle brands listed in each state. Sort the result by states.
    SELECT   T1.state, COUNT(DISTINCT T2.brand) AS number_brands
    FROM     Car_priceloc T1 NATURAL JOIN Car_specs T2
    GROUP BY T1.state  
    ORDER BY T1.state; 

  4. Find the counts of colors for all Jeep MPVs. Display the color and the count of each color.
    SELECT   color, COUNT(color) 
    FROM     Car_specs 
    WHERE    brand LIKE "jeep" AND model like "mpv" 
    GROUP BY color;
    -- or 
    SELECT   color, COUNT(color) 
    FROM     Car_specs 
    WHERE    brand = "jeep" AND model = "mpv" 
    GROUP BY color;  

  5. List VINs of the vehicles with the most expensive price in each state. If there are multiple vehicles with the most expensive price in the state, list them all. Display VINs, states, and price. Sort the information by state.
    WITH T1 AS (SELECT   state, MAX(price) AS max_price
                FROM     Car_priceloc
                GROUP BY state)
    SELECT, T2.price, T2.state 
    FROM     Car_priceloc T2, T1
    WHERE    T2.state = T1.state AND T2.price = T1.max_price
    ORDER BY T1.state; 

  6. Find all the brands and models of vehicles with prices between 20,000 and 50,000 (inclusive). Only consider the vehicles that have less than 10,000 mileage. Display vin, brand, model, price, and mileage.
    SELECT, brand, model, price, mileage 
    FROM    Car_priceloc T1, (SELECT * 
                              FROM   Car_specs s NATURAL JOIN Car_condition c 
                              WHERE  c.mileage < 10000) T2 
    WHERE like AND T1.price >= 30000 AND T1.price <= 50000;
    -- or
    WITH T2 AS
           (SELECT * 
            FROM   Car_specs s NATURAL JOIN Car_condition c 
            WHERE  c.mileage < 10000) 
    SELECT, brand, model, price, mileage 
    FROM    Car_priceloc T1, T2
    WHERE = AND T1.price >= 30000 AND T1.price <= 50000;
    -- or
    SELECT  vin, brand, model, price, mileage 
    FROM    Car_specs NATURAL JOIN Car_condition NATURAL JOIN Car_priceloc
    WHERE   mileage < 10000 AND
            price BETWEEN 30000 AND 50000;
    -- or
    SELECT  vin, brand, model, price, mileage 
    FROM    Car_specs NATURAL JOIN Car_condition NATURAL JOIN Car_priceloc
    WHERE   mileage < 10000 AND
            price >= 30000 AND price <= 50000;  

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Last updated 2024-02-22 19:41