CS6501-004 Spring 2020, Assignment 3

In this assignment, you will analyze the NetFlow network measurement data to identify potentially malicious traffic sent to a campus network.

Assignment Outline

Download hw3.zip

You should have four files:

You only need to modify hw3_notebook.ipynb for this assignment.

Jupyter Notebook

The hw3_notebook.ipynb file is a notebook document used by Jupyter Notebook (formerly called iPython Notebook), which is a browser-based IDE with a cell-based environment.

You need to install Jupyter Notebook first. You can find the installation guide here: https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html.

Once installed, open the notebook file by running

jupyter notebook hw3_notebook.ipynb

and start working there.

Note that this assignment is based on Python3 (as Python2 has been officially depcrecated)

Every cell in a notebook can contain either code or text. Begin editing a cell by double-clicking it. You can execute the code in a cell (or typeset the text) by pressing ‘shift-enter‘ with the cell selected. Global variables and functions are retained across cells. Save your work with the “Save and Checkpoint” option in the “File” menu. If your code hangs, you can interrupt it with the “Interrupt” option in the “Kernel” menu. You can also clear all variables and reset the environment with the “Restart” option in the “Kernel” menu.

The “Help” menu contains many additional resources about Jupyter notebooks (including a user interface tour, useful keyboard shortcuts, and links to tutorials).


Submit your completed ‘hw3_notebook.ipynb‘ file via Collab. Remember to put your name and computing ID in the marked location at the top of the file.

Acknowledgment: this assignment is adapted from Princeton COS461.