''' Purpose: get an input code phrase and list of indices. Determine the hidden message by using the indices to peek into the code phrase ''' # get the code phrase that contains hidden message reply = input( "Enter code phrase: " ) print() # clean up reply to get code phrase with no leading or trailing blank space code_phrase = ... # print the code phrase print( "Code phrase:", code_phrase ) print() # get the list of indices (as string) for peeking into code phrase reply = input( "Enter indices for looking into code phrase: " ) print() # convert reply into a list of numeric strings numeric_strings = ... # build one-by-one the list of indices out of the numeric strings indices = ... ... # print the list of indices print( "Indices:", indices ) print() # build secret message (string) by peeking into code phrase using the # indices one-by-one message = ... ... # print secret message print( "Secret message:", message )