This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

Some terminology:

  • lldb is a command-line debugger
  • “LLVM” is the compiler framework that includes many things, including the clang compiler that we are using, as well as lldb
  • gdb is the debugger that was used in the past, and is often used elsewhere – it is analogous to lldb in how it works

1 What is a Debugger?

A debugger is a utility program that allows you to run a program under development while controlling its execution and examining the internal values of variables. We think of a program running “inside” a debugger. The debugger allows us to control the execution of the program by pausing its execution and then resuming it. While paused, we can find out where we are in the program, what values variables have, reset the values of variables, etc. If a program crashes, the debugger can tell you exactly where the program crashed. The principles and commands described in this document are specific to the lldb debuggers under UNIX, but every debugger has similar commands.

2 Compiling for Debugging

We’ll use debuggers initially on binary files. When using them on code you wrote, you want to compile with the -g flag to enable debugging symbols, which will make the debugger much more useful.

3 How to Start Using lldb in NX

  1. Log into NX and open a terminal
  2. Enable clang-llvm with module load clang-llvm
  3. Enable the ghex hex editor with module load ghex
  4. Invoke with lldb program_to_debug

The following sections describe the important types of things you can do with lldb, organized by “category” of activity.

Due to a misconfiguration of the NX servers prior to 2018-10-15 15:18 EDT, you might need to run module unload clang-llvm prior to running module clang-llvm once for lldb to be loaded properly.

3.1 Useful commands

The following all assume you are in a debugger

3.1.1 Commands controlling running

Command Meaning
run (re)start the program
run x y z (re)start the program with command line arguments x, y, and z
step step one source-code-line forward, entering functions if stepping on call
next step one source-code-line forward, skipping to return if stepping on call
stepi step one ISA-instruction forward, entering functions if stepping on call
nexti step one ISA-instruction forward, skipping to return if stepping on call
finish run until the next return
continue resume running after run was interrupted (e.g., after a breakpoint or step).
exit leave the debugger

You might also want to use Ctrl+C to interrupt a program if it is running too long (this works on the command line for programs run without a debugger too).

3.1.2 Commands controlling break points

A break point is a program location where the debugger pauses when running so you can see what’s around it.

When run, the debugger pauses right before executing the code on which you place a breakpoint.

Command Meaning
br set -n main set a breakpoint on the first line of main
br foo.c:23 set a breakpoint on the line 23 of foo.c (must be a line with code, not a comment, blank line, etc)
br list list all breakpoints
br delete 1 delete breakpoint number 1 (as indicated in the list)

3.1.3 Looking around

Command Meaning
bt show a backtrace: a list of calls used to reach here
frame info show information about the current stack frame
up select the stack frame of the caller of the current stack frame
down undo a previous up
register read show the contents of the program registers
register read --format i show the contents of the program registers, formated as signed integers
register read rax rdx show the contents of rax and rdx (only)
me rea -s4 -fx -c8 0x1234 memory read, with a count of 8 values, each value’s size being 4 bytes, formated in hexadecimal, from address 0x1234
di -f diassemble the code for the current call frame.
di -n main diassemble the code for the function named main
di -n main -b diassemble the code for the function named main, with byte encoding of instructions included
di -s 0x1234 -c 20 diassemble 20 bytes starting at address 0x1234

4 Example: debugging cmdadd

See the cmdadd example file for a detailed walkthrough.

5 Task: debug recfib

The program recfib is supposed to print out the nth Fibonacci number, where n is provided on the command line, as e.g.

./recfib 0
The 0th Fibonacci number is 1

./recfib 4
The 4th Fibonacci number is 5

./recfib 6
The 6th Fibonacci number is 13

However, the program prints the wrong numbers.

Your task: use lldb to find the bug, then use ghex to fix it.

Note: the simplest fix (though not the only one) includes changing the conditions of a jump. There are multiple encodings of jumps, but the most common is a two-byte encoding, where the second byte is a relative offset and the first byte indicates the condition of the jump:

Instruction First byte of “short jump” operation
je 74
jne 75
jl 7C
jge 7D
jle 7E
jg 7F

We compiled recfib with the -g flag, so you’ll see some source code as well as assembly.

6 Check-off

To check-off this lab, show a TA your working code. The TA may also request that you discuss how you used the debugger to solve the problem and/or that you do a few simple debugger actions for them.