Interesting PChallenge results with 'stream_d.f'

Date: Fri Jan 27 1995 - 15:11:35 CST

Dear Dr. McCalpin,

I have followed your advice and have received the results
attached to this message. 'myclock.c' is causing problems
already at the compilation step ('main' missing, as far as
I remember), so I took your new 'stream_d.f' (which I had
to check by 'differences' against the version that I have
used so far in order to be able to tell the difference, since
you have not put any update information into the description
at the beginning of the file!).

Our PChallenge is supposed to have maximum 10 processors;
currently it is run under test conditions at user's own risk,
and I have been told the occurrence of numerous hardware
(processor) failures. I thought at present only 7 processors are
alive, but the result looks more like 10 processors in good
shape. Or is the timing calibration interval too short? Or
should I rely more on the wall clock, although I shall never have
an empty machine? Anyhow, the user load is very low as you can
see from the 'who'.

The software used you can tell from the list at the very end.

I am very curious about your comments.

Best regards,

Wolf Weyrich.

f77 -O0 -o streamd streamd.f
WARNING 85: definition of qlogb in /usr/lib64/mips4/ preempts that definition in /usr/lib64/mips4/
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
 Timing calibration ; time = 119.0095975995064 hundredths of a second
 Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
  and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 50.6836 0.6328 0.6314 0.6398
Scaling : 47.4565 0.6747 0.6743 0.6750
Summing : 55.4264 0.8663 0.8660 0.8665
SAXPYing : 57.1286 0.8406 0.8402 0.8411
 Sum of a is : 1.1533007812959368E+18
 Sum of b is : 2.3066015624282192E+17
 Sum of c is : 3.0754687500706278E+17
iris%weyrich(/home1/ch/weyrich):f77 -O1 -o streamd streamd.f
WARNING 85: definition of qlogb in /usr/lib64/mips4/ preempts that definition in /usr/lib64/mips4/
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
 Timing calibration ; time = 83.77770241349936 hundredths of a second
 Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
  and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 68.1501 0.4733 0.4696 0.4811
Scaling : 60.9507 0.5261 0.5250 0.5316
Summing : 71.0063 0.6778 0.6760 0.6872
SAXPYing : 71.0185 0.6789 0.6759 0.6941
 Sum of a is : 1.1533007812959368E+18
 Sum of b is : 2.3066015624282192E+17
 Sum of c is : 3.0754687500706278E+17
iris%weyrich(/home1/ch/weyrich):f77 -O2 -o streamd streamd.f
WARNING 85: definition of qlogb in /usr/lib64/mips4/ preempts that definition in /usr/lib64/mips4/
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
 Timing calibration ; time = 60.24759914726019 hundredths of a second
 Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
  and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 124.9308 0.2579 0.2561 0.2684
Scaling : 126.2796 0.2547 0.2534 0.2620
Summing : 133.1462 0.3626 0.3605 0.3712
SAXPYing : 133.5011 0.3653 0.3595 0.3813
 Sum of a is : 1.1533007812959368E+18
 Sum of b is : 2.3066015624282192E+17
 Sum of c is : 3.0754687500706278E+17
iris%weyrich(/home1/ch/weyrich):f77 -O3 -o streamd streamd.f
WARNING 85: definition of qlogb in /usr/lib64/mips4/ preempts that definition in /usr/lib64/mips4/
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
 Timing calibration ; time = 56.99560046195984 hundredths of a second
 Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
  and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 134.9226 0.2401 0.2372 0.2478
Scaling : 134.5675 0.2396 0.2378 0.2428
Summing : 134.6740 0.3571 0.3564 0.3595
SAXPYing : 134.9425 0.3570 0.3557 0.3580
 Sum of a is : 1.1533007812800417E+18
 Sum of b is : 2.3066015625365702E+17
 Sum of c is : 3.0754687500612557E+17
iris%weyrich(/home1/ch/weyrich):f77 -O3 -o streamd -pfa streamd.f
WARNING 85: definition of qlogb in /usr/lib64/mips4/ preempts that definition in /usr/lib64/mips4/
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLEPRECISION word
 Timing calibration ; time = 25.49980022013187 hundredths of a second
 Increase the size of the arrays if this is <30
  and your clock precision is =<1/100 second
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Assignment: 902.8321 0.0542 0.0354 0.0758
Scaling : 883.1726 0.0627 0.0362 0.1134
Summing : 820.4285 0.0709 0.0585 0.0865
SAXPYing : 919.8224 0.0647 0.0522 0.0711
 Sum of a is : 1.1533007812482189E+18
 Sum of b is : 2.3066015624909341E+17
 Sum of c is : 3.0754687500000000E+17
snispez ttyq4 Jan 25 08:33
prosenc ttyq5 Jan 27 19:42
weyrich ttyq6 Jan 27 21:29
prosenc ttyq14 Jan 27 13:03

versions -b
I = Installed, R = Removed

   Name Date Description
I 4Dwm 08/18/94 Desktop Window Manager, 5.2 (based on
                                    OSF/Motif 1.2.3)
I CaseVision 11/24/94 CASEVision Environment, Version 2.3
I FDDIXPress 01/18/95 FDDIXPress, 4.0
I ViewKit_eoe 08/18/94 ViewKit Execution Environment, 1.0.1
I WorkShop 11/24/94 WorkShop CASE products, Version 2.3
I c++_eoe 08/18/94 Standard Execution Environment (C++, 6.0)
I c_dev 11/24/94 C, 6.0
I c_eoe 08/18/94 Standard Execution Environment (C, 6.0)
I cadmin 08/18/94 Desktop Administration, 5.2
I compiler_dev 11/24/94 Base Compiler Development Environment, 6.0
I compiler_eoe 08/18/94 IRIX Standard Execution Environment,
                                    (Compiler, 6.0)
I complib 11/24/94 complib Execution Environment, 2.0
I cross64 11/24/94 64-bit Cross Development Environment, 6.0
I demos 08/18/94 Graphics Demonstration Programs, 5.2
I desktop_eoe 08/18/94 IndigoMagic Desktop, 6.0
I desktop_tools 08/18/94 Desktop Tools, 5.2
I desktophelp 08/18/94 Desktop Help Environment, Release 1.0
I dev 11/24/94 Development System, 6.0
I diag 11/29/94 Diagnostics, 6.0
I dmedia_eoe 08/18/94 IRIS Digital Media Execution Environment,
I dmedia_tools 08/18/94 IRIS Digital Media Tools, 5.2
I dps_eoe 01/18/95 Display PostScript/X, 2.0.2 based on
                                    PostScript Level 2
I eoe1 08/25/94 IRIX Execution Environment 1, 6.0
I eoe2 08/25/94 IRIX Execution Environment 2, 6.0
I fddivis 01/18/95 FDDIVisualyzer, 3.4
I ftn_dev 11/24/94 Fortran 77, 6.0
I ftn_eoe 08/18/94 Standard Execution Environment (Fortran
                                    77, 6.0)
I gl_dev 11/24/94 Graphics Library Development System, 6.0
I il_eoe 08/18/94 ImageVision Library Execution Only
                                    Environment, 2.3
I imgtools 08/18/94 ImageVision Tools, 2.1
I insight 08/18/94 IRIS InSight Viewer, 2.2.1
I insight_gloss 08/18/94 IRIS InSight Online Glossary, 2.2.1
I inventor_eoe 08/18/94 Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.0
                                    (rev 1.1.2 on PI,GT(X) and VGX(T))
I io4prom 08/18/94 IO4prom for 64bit OS systems, 6.0
I mmail 08/18/94 MediaMail, 3.1
I motif_books 11/24/94 OSF Motif developer books
I motif_dev 11/24/94 IRIX IM Development Software, IRIX/IM
                                    1.2.4 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4)
I motif_eoe 08/18/94 IRIX IM Execution Only Environment,
                                    IRIX/IM 1.2.4 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4)
I netls_eoe 08/18/94 NetLS Execution Only Env 1.2.1
I nfs 11/25/94 Network File System, 6.0
I patchSG0000065 11/25/94 Patch SG0000065
I patchSG0000090 11/25/94 Patch SG0000090
I patchSG0000091 11/25/94 Patch SG0000091
I patchSG0000149 11/29/94 Patch SG0000149
I pfa_dev 11/24/94 Power Fortran, 6.0
I print 08/18/94 Printing Tools, Release 1.2
I pwrc_dev 11/24/94 Power C, 6.0
I sgihelp 08/18/94 SGIHelp (Desktop Help) Server, 1.0.1
I showcase 08/18/94 IRIS Showcase 3.2
I sysadmdesktop 08/18/94 Desktop Administration, 5.2
I sysmon 08/18/94 Desktop System Monitor, 1.0.1
I tooltalk_eoe 08/18/94 ToolTalk 1.2.1 Execution Only Environment
I x_books 11/24/94 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. developer
I x_dev 11/24/94 X11 Development Environment, 4.0 based on
I x_eoe 08/18/94 X11 Execution Environment, 4.0 based on

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