#include #include static double timeratio; static int ftmp[2]; static int ttmp[2]; #ifdef __WATCOMC__ /* Get initial TSC value */ void rdtsc0(); #pragma aux rdtsc0 = \ " .586p " \ " rdtsc " \ " mov dword ptr ttmp[0],eax " \ " mov dword ptr ttmp[4],edx " modify [eax edx]; /* Subtract initial TSC value, then convert to double */ double rdtsc(); #pragma aux rdtsc = \ " .586p " \ " rdtsc " \ " sub eax, ttmp[0] " \ " sbb edx, ttmp[4] " \ " mov dword ptr ftmp[0],eax " \ " mov dword ptr ftmp[4],edx " \ " fild qword ptr ftmp " \ modify [eax edx] value [8087]; #else /* Get initial TSC value */ static void rdtsc0() { _asm { rdtsc mov dword ptr ttmp[0],eax mov dword ptr ttmp[4],edx } } /* Subtract initial TSC value, then convert to double */ static double rdtsc() { double ftmp; _asm { rdtsc sub eax, ttmp[0] sbb edx, ttmp[4] mov dword ptr ftmp[0],eax mov dword ptr ftmp[4],edx fild qword ptr ftmp fstp ftmp } return ftmp; } #endif static int calibrated = 0; static void calibrate() { int t; double t0; rdtsc0(); #if 1 t = clock(); while( clock() == t ) ; t0 = rdtsc(); t = clock() + 4*CLOCKS_PER_SEC; while( clock()