
  • 1 Feb 2023: adjust description of tming getpid to be clearer that the wrapper is the getpid function in the standard library and that the time can include how long the wrapper’s code takes
  • 2 Feb 2023: clarify that executables/object files should not be submitted.
  • 2 Feb 2023: allow students to split out the measurements recorded by their program into separate files to keep timings.txt from getting too big
  • 2 Feb 2023: clarify that advice re: using separate files or other strategies to avoid an optimizing compiler eliding a function call is for the issue of timing a function call, not the other items
  • 2 Feb 2023: clarify that item 5 should time until the signal sent back is received, but also allow the alternate interpretation
  • 2 Feb 2023: add option of setting flag in signal handler as an idea in hints for implementing the wait-for-signal in item 5, following what was done in the lab
  • 2 Feb 2023: remove sentence from hint for timing signal handler that contradicted item 5 being in the assignment
  • 3 Feb 2023: don’t describe gettpid as a system call wrapper, since it’s not always one
  • 3 Feb 2023: clarify that the describe what calculations step only needs to cover any calculations converting the program’s output to time estimates
  • 4 Feb 2023: emphasize that kill() does not wait for another process’s signal handler to run in hints; correct formatting of footnote
  • 7 Feb 2023: adjust phrasing about sigsuspend to emphasize that it changes what signals are blocked
  • 8 Feb 2023: specify that measurements not used to compute time estimates do not need to be supplied and that large data files can be placed in some external file
  • 8 Feb 2023: add footnote about usleep and _XOPEN_SOURCE
  • 8 Feb 2023: move footnote re: links to data files into body of your task

1 Your task

  1. Write a program gettimings in C and/or assembly to take measurements needed to estimate the time required for:

    1. calling an empty function and having it return
    2. running the getpid function from <unistd.h>1
    3. running a system("/bin/true") (which runs the command /bin/true in a shell)
    4. sending a signal to the current process and starting a signal handler
    5. sending a signal to another process, then having that process’s signal handler send a signal back, then having the signal sent back received by the original process (because we originally didn’t specify this clearly, we’ll also accept timing the time to just have the signal sent back and not necessairily received, but that seems like more work to time)

    Your program should take one command-line argument which is a number from 1 to 5 indicating which scenario above to produce timings for. (So we’d run it like ./gettimings 1, ./gettimings 2, etc.)

    For scenario 5 above, we need to run two copies of your program, similar to the signals lab:

    • The other process (the one not outputting timings), should be run as ./gettimings -1. It should print its PID and read a pid from stdin.
    • When we run ./gettimings 5 it should print its PID and read a pid from stdin.
    • We will test by entering the PID of the ./gettimings 5 process into the ./gettimings -1 process first, then entering the PID of the ./gettimings -1 process into the ./gettimings 5 process.
    • (It’s okay if we need to use control-C or similar to terminate ./gettimings -1 process.)
  2. In a file called timings.txt:

    • record the measurements output by your program or mention what separate data files these measurements are supplied in;
    • if necessary, convert the measurements from your programs to the time estimates listed above (be sure to include units)
    • describe what calculations (if any) were necessary to convert the measurements output from your program to time estimates

    If you place measurements output by your program in separate data files, make them .txt or .csv files. We just need the parts of your program’s output you used to compute the final time estimates you report; if your program outputs additional data, that does not need to be included.

    When producing the time estimates, you must:

    • make an attempt to account for measurement overhead (that is, the time required to obtain the clock measurements themselves. One strategy might be to measure the time required for nothing and subtract this time from other measurements.)
    • measure multiple instances of the above events to obtain your estimate (to limit the impact of variation in system performance on your estimates)
  3. Produce a Makefile whose default target (the one run by make) will compile and link your gettimings program.

  4. Submit all your timings.txt, any data files , and all your source files (Makefile, and all the C and assembly source files) to the submission site. (If your data files are quite large (many megabytes) and would be hard to upload, you may instead put it something like Box and give a link in timings.txt)

2 Hints

2.1 Timing APIs

Since we are timing very short events, you want some function that can obtain high precision time measurements.

2.1.1 clock_gettime

One way to do this on Linux is using clock_gettime:

struct timespec t;
returnvalue = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);

will, when successful, set returnvalue to 0 and t.tv_sec to a number of seconds and t.tv_nsec to a number of nanoseconds. When unsuccessful, it will set returnvalue to -1 and errno (or utility functions like perror) can be used to obtain information about the error.

CLOCK_MONOTONIC specifies to use a timer that starts around system boot. There are also other clock options like CLOCK_REALTIME (measures seconds since 1 Jan 1970 midnight UTC).

In order to use clock_gettime, use something like #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 before #includeing any files then #include <time.h>. (The #define requests that header files make features from the X/Open Single Unix Specification available to you.)

An example utility function for using this is:

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <time.h>


/// returns the number of nanoseconds that have elapsed since an arbitrary time
long long nsecs() {
    struct timespec t;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
    return t.tv_sec*1000000000 + t.tv_nsec;

2.1.2 the cycle counter

x86-64 has a per-core Time Stamp Counter which can be accessed with the assembly instructions rdtsc (read time stamp counter) or rdtscp (read time stamp counter and processor ID).

rdtscp sets %edx to the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit time stamp counter, %eax to the lower 32 bits of time stamp counter, and %ecx to a ID number that should be unique to the core. The timestamp counter starts counting roughly when each core starts, but it may count at slightly different rates on each core, so you should not attempt to subtract numbers from two different cores.

Without writing assembly, GCC and Clang expose these using some built-in wrapper functions declared in <immintrin.h>:

__int64 rdtsc();
__int64 rdtscp(int *pointer_to_core_id);

where __int64 is most likely the same as a long on 64-bit Linux. The cycle counter is in units of clock cycles (not seconds or similar). On systems with variable clock rates used for running instructions, often the time stamp counter will be based on clock cycles of a special constant rate clock rather than the clock used by each core to run instructions.

2.2 Obtaining and consolidating multiple measurements

There are several reasons why measurements will not be consistent:

To mitigate this, usually one would:

(For how many timings, a possible rule of thumb is to take at least enough timings to take half a second of real time.)

2.3 Avoiding measurement overhead

Whenever you time something, in addition to timing that something you will also end up timing some of your timing code. To compensate for this, I would recommend timing nothing (just running your timing code timing an empty block of code) and subtracting this from your other timings.

2.4 Compiler optimization and function calls

I recommend turning on compiler optimizations to avoid measuring slow code for setting up system calls and the like. But, when timing a function call, you may have problems with the compiler’s optimizer replacing a function call with the body of that function. Some possibilities to avoid this:

2.5 Timing the signal handler

When sending a signal to the current thread, kill() is guaranteed to return only after the signal is delivered. (This is not gaurenteed if you send to another process.) If you want to avoid specifying the process ID, you can also use the function raise() [which can only send a signal to the current process] instead of kill() [which can send to any process].

2.6 Timing receiving a signal back

2.6.1 Need to wait for signal

If you send a signal to another process kill() can and often will return before the signal is handled, so you can’t just call kill() the appropriate number of times. Also, if you send the same signal twice to a process before it is handled, then the signal may only be handled once.

2.6.2 Missing signals coming back

The last timing task requires waiting for a signal to be received by your current process. The naive approach of:

/* MIDDLE */

has the problem that the signal can be received at MIDDLE and lost. To avoid this problem, some approaches for doing this:

Blocking a signal ensures that the operating system will not deliver it (that is, will not run its signal handler), but blocked signals will still be recorded as pending (that is, needing to be handled at some point).

3 Collaboration

As with most homework assignments, this assignment is to be completed individually.

  1. When writing this assignment originally, I thought that this was just a system call wrapper. But, it seems that sometimes it’s something more complicated (caching the result to avoid making additional system calls), depending on the version of the system libraries. Probably should have used getppid instead.↩︎

  2. If you use usleep, you can’t also use #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700. Workarounds include changing the 700 to 600 or using more modern function like nanosleep.↩︎

  3. To be most reliable/portable, the flag should be declared as a volatile sig_atomic_t to tell the compiler to expect the value to be modified by signal handlers, but as long as the loop calls something like usleep, probably other types will work.↩︎