
  • 18 Jan 2023: add description of setting runtime search paths
  • 18 Jan 2023: avoid indicating that most Makefiles must define particular common variables
  • 24 Jan 2023: talk about LDLIBS/LIBS in addition to LDFLAGS; link to ninja build system

1 The make tool

make is a tool that reads a file (called a makefile, named Makefile by default) and decides what commands it need to run to update your project. To avoid redundant commands when only a small part of the project has been updated, make checks file modifications times when it determines which commands to generate. A well-constructed makefile can simplify building and running code on many platforms.

1.1 Rules

The key component of a makefile is a rule, consisting of three parts:

  1. A target, the name of a file that will be created or updated by the rule.
  2. A list of dependencies (or prerequisites): if the target is missing or is older than at least one dependency, the system commands will be run.
  3. A list of system commands (or the recipe): shell commands that should result in (re)making the target

The target must begin a line (i.e., must not be indented) and end in a colon. Anything after that colon is a dependency. Indented lines that follow (which must be indented with a single tab character, not spaces) are systems commands.

The following rule will build hello.o if either hello.c or hello.h is newer than hello.o. Otherwise, it will do nothing.

hello.o: hello.c hello.h
    clang -c hello.c

When you run make it reads Makefile and executes the first rule it finds. If you want to run a different rule, you can give its target as an argument to make.

Consider the following Makefile:

hello.o: hello.c hello.h
    clang -c hello.c

bye.o: bye.c bye.h
    clang -c bye.c

Running make will ensure hello.o is up to date. Running make bye.o will ensure bye.o is up to date.

If a dependency of an executed rule is the target of another rule, that other rule will be executed first.

Consider the following Makefile:

runme: hello.o bye.o main.c main.h
    clang main.c hello.o bye.o -o runme

hello.o: hello.c hello.h
    clang -c hello.c

bye.o: bye.c bye.h
    clang -c bye.c

Running make will ensure runme is up to date; since runme’s dependencies include hello.o and bye.o, both of those rules will also be executed.

1.2 Macros

Makefiles routinely use variables (which they call macros) to separate out the list of files from the rules that make them, as well as to allow easy swapping out of different compilers, compilation flags, etc.

Variables are defined with NAME := meaning syntax. Traditionally, variable names are in all-caps. Variables are used by placing them in parentheses, preceded by a dollar sign: $(NAME).

Some variables names that are very common to find in Makefiles include:

Name example notes
CC clang The C compiler to use
CFLAGS -O2 -g Compile-time flags for the C compiler
LDFLAGS -static Link-time flags for the compiler (typically placed before list of object files on command line)
LIBS or LDLIBS -lm Link-time flags representing libraries for the compiler (typically placed after list of object files on command line)
CXX clang++ The C++ compiler to use
CXXFLAGS -O2 -g Compile-time flags for the C++ compiler

Even if you do not need linker flags or libraries, it’s still common to define a blank LDFLAGS := or LIBS := and use $(LDFLAGS) or $(LIBS) in all linking locations so that if you later realize you need to link to an external library (like the math library, -lm), you can easily do so.

1.3 Targets that aren’t files

Two of these we will find useful:

You can have a (set of) targets that do not represent files, commonly including all and clean. These are specified by having the line .PHONY: all clean, and then using all and clean like regular targets. You should always have your first rule be named all and have it do the main task (i.e., building the program or library you are providing). You should always have a rule named clean that removes all files that are built by make.

1.4 Pattern rules

You will often want a few pattern rules using a few automatic variables. There are a lot of things you could learn about these, but a simple version will often suffice:

Many makefiles will include a command like

%.o: %.c %.h config.h
    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

In other words,

Part Meaning
%.o To make any .o file
: %.c from a C file of the same name
%.h config.h (with its .h file and the file config.h as extra dependencies)
$(CC) use our C compiler
$(CFLAGS) with our compile-time flags
$< to build that .c file
-o $@ and name the result the name of our target.

2 A bit about bash

Recall that each line of bash begins with a program and is followed by any number of arguments. bash also has various control constructs and special syntax that can be used where programs are expected, like for and x=, which we will not cover in this class. It can also redirect input and output using |, >, <, >>, 2>, and a few others.

Because new-lines are important to bash, but sometimes line breaks help reading, you can end a bash line with \ to say I’m not really done with this line. Thus

echo 1 echo 2 \
echo \
3 \
echo 4
echo 5 \
    echo 6
echo 7

is equivalent to

echo 1 echo 2 echo 3 echo 4
echo 5 echo 6
echo 7

You can also combine lines; a ; is (almost) the same as a new-line to bash.

3 Multi-file project design

It is possible to have a compiler read every file involved in a project and from them create one big binary. However, that is generally undesirable, as it means both that the build process takes time proportional to the total project size and that the resulting binary can get quite large.

3.1 Glossary

Header File

A file (.h for C; .h, .hpp, .H or .hh for C++) that provides

  • the signatures of functions, but not their definitions
  • the names and types of global variables, but not where in memory they go
  • typedefs and #defines
A collection of related implementations, generally provided as both a library file and a header file.
Library File
Either a shared library file or a static library file.
Object File
A file (.o on most systems, .obj on Windows) that contains assembled binary code in the target ISA, with metadata to allow the linker to place it in various locations in memory depending on what other files it is linked with.
Shared Library

A file (.so on Linux, .dll on Windows, .dylib on OS X) that contains one more more object files together with metadata needed to connect them into a running code system by the loader. This load-time linkage means that (a) multiple running programs can share the same copy of the shared library, saving memory; and (b) the library can be updated independently of the programs that use it, ideally allowing modular updates.

Because they are linked by the loader each time the program is run, your OS needs to (a) have a copy of the library files and (b) know where they are in order to run a program that uses shared libraries.

Standard Library

A library to which every program is linked by default. Virtually every language has a standard library, which does much to define the character of the language.

The C language’s standard library is typically called libc and is defined by the C standard (see; there are several implementations of it, but glibc is probably the most pervasive on Linux.

Static Library
A file (.a on most Unix-like systems, .lib on Windows) that contains one more more object files together with metadata needed to connect them into a running code system by the linker. This compile-time linkage means that each executable has its own copy of the library stored internally to the file, without external dependencies.
Source File

A file (.c for C, .cpp, .C, or .cc for C++) that provides

  • the implementation of functions
  • the declaration and implementation of provided helper functions
  • the memory in which to store global variables

3.2 Common patterns

A project

consists of several source files, header files, and dependencies

header file
Contains the declaration of functions and shared global variables, but not their definitions. May also contain various typedefs. To be #included by any file that wants to use those functions, etc.
source file
Contains the definitions of closely related functions and global variables. May also declare helper functions that are not exported in a header file.
A separate project that creates a library used by this project

Projects generally are designed to either create a library or a program, but not both. This lab is an exception, having both a library and a program using it in one project to keep the lab short enough to be manageable.

Creating a shared library
  1. Compile each .c file into a .o file; use the -fPIC compiler flag (position independent code) so the resulting code can be shared by multiple applications.

  2. Use the ld tool to combine the .o files. Since this is tricky to get right, your compiler (gcc or clang) will have a simpler interface that calls ld under the hood, generally like

    clang -shared \
        all.o your.o object.o files.o \

    Note that loaders often assume that shared library names begin with lib and end with .so, so you should abide by that pattern.

Creating a static library
  1. Compile each .c file into a .o file.

  2. Use the ar tool to turn a collection of .o files into an .a file, generally like

    ar rcs \
        libyouname.a \
        all.o your.o object.o files.o

    Note that linkers often assume that static library names begin with lib and end with .a, so you should abide by that pattern.

Alternatively, make provides special syntax for making a library:

  1. Use the library name as the target
  2. Use the library name followed by an object file in parentheses as the dependencies
  3. Use the command ranlib in the system command
libname.a: libname.a(your.o) libname.a(object.o) libname.a(files.o)
    ranlib libname.a
Creating a program
  1. Compile each .c file into a .o file.

  2. Link your .o files and .a files together, with references to any needed .so files.

    The tool that actually does this is ld, but you should use your compiler’s wrapper around that instead. The compiler needs to be told all your .o files explicitly, as well as the library path (directories where library files are located; specified with -L) and libraries (the part of library names between lib and .; specified with -l)

    For example, the following code

    clang \
        all.o your.o object.o files.o \
        -L../mylib -L./ \
        -lflub -lflux -lflibber \
        -o runme

    will create a program named runme by combining all.o, your.o, object.o, and files.o with or libflub.a (whichever it can find), or libflux.a (whichever it can find), and or libflibber.a (whichever it can find), looking for each library in the directories ../mylib/ and ./ as well as the system-wide library path (on Linux, usually /lib, /usr/lib/ and additional directories specified by /etc/

  3. Make sure any needed .so files can be found at runtime (if they aren’t in a standard location).

    The -L option only affects where the shared libraries are found while building the executable. So, for shared libraries, some additional steps may be needed the library will also be found when the program is done. On Linux, some ways of doing this include setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or including a runtime library search path in the executable using a link-time option like -Wl,-rpath=/path/to/mylib.

4 Some additional references

On make in particular:

On build systems:

On linking and libraries: