CS 3330: HCL part 3: SEQ lab

This page is for a prior offering of CS 3330. It is not up-to-date.

In this lab we’ll write a program that correctly executes irmovq, OPq, rrmovq, rmmovq, and unconditional jmp.

We suggest you start with your hcl2 homework solution that implements irmovq, rrmovq, and unconditional jmp and then add one instruction at a time.

1 OPq

The textbook’s Figure 4.18 (page 387) notes the following semantics for OPq:

Stage OPq rA, rB
Fetch icode:ifun ← M1[PC]
rA:rB ← M1[PC + 1]
valP ← PC + 2
Decode valA ← R[rA]
valB ← R[rB]
Execute valE ← valB OP valA
Set CC
Writeback R[rB] ← valE
PC Update PC ← valP

1.1 Execute

There are two things to do in the Execute phase.

The simple part is the operation itself, the ALU, which is essentially a mux based on ifun with lines inside it like icode == OPQ && ifun == XORQ : reg_outputA ^ reg_outputB;.

The other part is setting condition codes. We’ll use a simpler set than the textbook: instead of trying to track overflow and so on, we’ll simply check zero and negative directly.

We’ll need a register to store those three flags inside of:

register cC {
    SF:1 = 0;
    ZF:1 = 1;

(ZF defaulting to 1 is consistent with yis, but we won’t test what you choose as the initial value o fthe condition codes.)

Register banks like cC have a special input stall_C which, if 1, causes the registers to ignore inputs and keep their current value. Thus, we want to stall C unless there was an OPq:

stall_C = (icode != OPq);

Once we have done that, we record if the (signed) value of valE is <, =, or > 0 (using unsigned comparison operators):

c_ZF = (valE == 0);
c_SF = (valE >= 0x8000000000000000);

1.2 Test cases

If you run your simulator on y86/opq.yo, which is an assembled version of

irmovq   $7, %rdx
irmovq   $3, %rcx
addq %rcx, %rbx # b = 3
subq %rdx, %rcx # c = -3  11..1101
andq %rdx, %rbx # b = 2
xorq %rcx, %rdx # d = -6  11..11010
andq %rdx, %rsi

you should see (without the -q flag, shown with some lines remove for brevity)

+------------------- between cycles    0 and    1 ----------------------+
| register cC(N) { SF=0 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    1 and    2 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX:                0   RDX:                7 |
| register cC(S) { SF=0 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    2 and    3 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX:                3   RDX:                7 |
| register cC(S) { SF=0 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    3 and    4 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX:                3   RDX:                7 |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(N) { SF=0 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    4 and    5 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX: fffffffffffffffc   RDX:                7 |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(N) { SF=1 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    5 and    6 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX: fffffffffffffffc   RDX:                7 |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(N) { SF=0 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    6 and    7 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX: fffffffffffffffc   RDX: fffffffffffffffb |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(N) { SF=1 ZF=0 }                                          |
+------------------- between cycles    7 and    8 ----------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX: fffffffffffffffc   RDX: fffffffffffffffb |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(N) { SF=0 ZF=1 }                                          |
+----------------------- halted in state: ------------------------------+
| RAX:                0   RCX: fffffffffffffffc   RDX: fffffffffffffffb |
| RBX:                3   RSP:                0   RBP:                0 |
| register cC(S) { SF=0 ZF=1 }                                          |

You should also now be able to get the same results using your simulator as you get from tools/yis when running y86/prog1.yo through y86/prog4.yo (and y86/prog8.yo should still work too).

We have supplied traces of the output for all the .yo files in testdata/seq-traces.

2 cmovXX

The cmovXX family of instructions have the same icode as rrmovq but non-zero ifuns.

The simplest way to implement cmovXX is to create a wire conditionsMet:1; and set it using a mux with entries like ifun == LE : C_SF || C_ZF;; then in the writeback stage of rrmovq make the reg_dstE (or reg_dstM if that’s what you used) REG_NONE if conditionsMet is false.

Recall that muxes execute only the first true case, so adding something like !conditionsMet && icode == CMOVXX : REG_NONE; before other cases when setting the dst_ should suffice. Remember that CMOVXX == RRMOVQ, so that line would need to be before a line with an expression like icode == RRMOVQ.

2.1 Test case

If you run your simulator on y86/cmovXX.yo, which is an assembled version of

irmovq $2766, %rbx  # 0xace → b
irmovq    $1, %rax  # 1 → a
andq    %rax, %rax  # set flags based on a (>)
cmovg   %rbx, %rcx  # move if g  (which it is): b → c  (c now 0xace)
cmovne  %rbx, %rdx  # move if ne (which it is): b → d  (d now 0xace)
irmovq   $-1, %rax  # -1 → a
andq    %rax, %rax  # set flags based on a (<)
cmovl   %rbx, %rsp  # move if l  (which it is): b → sp  (sp now 0xace)
cmovle  %rbx, %rbp  # move if le (which it is): b → bp  (bp now 0xace)
xorq    %rax, %rax  # a ^= a means 0 → a, and sets flags (=)
cmove   %rbx, %rsi  # move if e  (which it is): b → si  (si now 0xace)
cmovge  %rbx, %rdi  # move if ge (which it is): b → di  (di now 0xace)
irmovq $2989, %rbx  # 0xbad → b
irmovq    $1, %rax  # 1 → a
andq    %rax, %rax  # set flags based on a (>)
cmovl   %rbx, %rcx  # move if l  (which it is not): b → c  (not moved)
cmove   %rbx, %rdx  # move if e  (which it is not): b → d  (not moved)
irmovq   $-1, %rax  # -1 → a
andq    %rax, %rax  # set flags based on a (<)
cmovge  %rbx, %rsp  # move if ge (which it is not): b → sp  (not moved)
cmovg   %rbx, %rbp  # move if g  (which it is not): b → bp  (not moved)
xorq    %rax, %rax  # a ^= a means 0 → a, and sets flags (=)
cmovl   %rbx, %rsi  # move if l  (which it is not): b → si  (not moved)
cmovne  %rbx, %rdi  # move if ne (which it is not): b → di  (not moved)
irmovq    $0, %rbx  # 0 → b

you should end with registers

| RAX:                0   RCX:              ace   RDX:              ace |
| RBX:                0   RSP:              ace   RBP:              ace |
| RSI:              ace   RDI:              ace   R8:                 0 |

There is a trace of the expected cycle-by-cycle output in testdata/seq-traces/cmovXX.txt.

3 rmmovq

The textbook’s Figure 4.19 (page 389) notes the following semantics for rmmovq:

Stage rmmovq rA, D(rB)
Fetch icode:ifun ← M1[PC]
rA:rB ← M1[PC + 1]
valC ← M8[PC+2]
valP ← PC + 10
Decode valA ← R[rA]
valB ← R[rB]
Execute valE ← valB + valC
Memory M8[valE] ← valA
PC Update PC ← valP


Memory is accessed by setting mem_addr to the memory address in question and either

You will also need to compute the memory address as reg_outputB + valC (the book suggests you do this in the ALU, meaning the same mux you used for OPq’s adding and subtracting).

3.2 Test Case

If both rmmovq is implemented correctly, the test case y86/rmmovq-trivial.yo should result in address 0xa2 containing byte 0x08. This test case is an assembled version of:

irmovq $2, %rax
irmovq $8, %rbx
rmmovq %rbx, 160(%rax)

4 Overall Testing

You can run make test-seqlab to test your processor over a variety of files. This will compare the output on the list of .yo files in testdata/seqlab-tests.txt to the reference outputs in testdata/seq-reference.

5 Submit

Submit a file named seqlab.hcl on the submission page.

Copyright © 2016–2017 by Samira Khan, Luther Tychonievich, and Charles Reiss.
Last updated 2017-10-11 19:32:21