""" Purpose: escape sequences """ # the backslash \ is above the enter button on your keyboard # \ inside of a string means a special character is coming # special characters mean nothing outside of strings # \t is a tab a = "a\tb\tc\td" # a b c d b = "\"Air quotes\" are annoying" # \" can let us have a quote in our string without ending it c = "Hello\n\nGoodbye" # \n is new line and counts as 1 character - end this line and start output on new line d = '\\' # can use \ to escape the \ to type a backslash # looking up python \ escape sequence should give you all the special characters # ALL \ special characters count as 1 character # any special characters you need in this class will be provided print( "a:", a ) print( "b:", b ) print( "c:", c ) print( "d:", d ) print() na = len( a ) nb = len( b ) nc = len( c ) print( "len( a ):", na ) print( "len( b ):", nb ) print( "len( c ):", nc ) # why use \t instead of hitting tab? it's easier and everything lines up better # the print() function can print out strings, integers, floats, just about anything we give to it x = "Ryan" + str( nc ) # str() casts anything to a string print( x )