''' Purpose: supports simple testing of the magnificent functions ''' # necessary modules to support the testing import magnificent # testing road_trip() a1, y1 = 20, 2086 a2, y2 = 19, 2099 f1 = magnificent.future_me( a1, y1 ) f2 = magnificent.future_me( a2, y2 ) print( "a", a1, "year-old will be", f1, "in", y1 ) print( "a", a2, "year-old will be", f2, "in", y2 ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing manhattan_distance() street1, avenue1, street2, avenue2 = 59, 6, 34, 7 distance = magnificent.manhattan_distance( avenue1, street1, avenue2, street2 ) print( "Corners (", avenue1, ",", street1, ") and (", avenue2, ",", street2, ") are", distance, "miles apart" ) street1, avenue1, street2, avenue2 = 47, 2, 238, 6 distance = magnificent.manhattan_distance( avenue1, street1, avenue2, street2 ) print( "Corners (", avenue1, ",", street1, ") and (", avenue2, ",", street2, ") are", distance, "miles apart" ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing relate() word1, word2 = "kiwi", "Kiwi" relationship = magnificent.relate( word1, word2 ) print( word1, relationship, word2 ) word1, word2 = "apple", "banana" relationship = magnificent.relate( word1, word2 ) print( word1, relationship, word2 ) word1, word2 = "orange", "melon" relationship = magnificent.relate( word1, word2 ) print( word1, relationship, word2 ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing youngest() age1 = 19 age2 = 22 min_age1 = magnificent.youngest( age1 ) min_age2 = magnificent.youngest( age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", min_age1, "year-old" ) print( "a", age2, "year-old can date a", min_age2, "year-old" ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing is_dateable() age1, age2 = 15, 22 status = magnificent.is_dateable( age1, age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", age2, "year-old is", status ) age1, age2 = 22, 15 status = magnificent.is_dateable( age1, age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", age2, "year-old is", status ) age1, age2 = 19, 18 status = magnificent.is_dateable( age1, age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", age2, "year-old is", status ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing mutually_dateable() age1, age2 = 25, 65 status = magnificent.mutually_dateable( age1, age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", age2, "year-old and vice-versa is", status ) age1, age2 = 20, 18 status = magnificent.mutually_dateable( age1, age2 ) print( "a", age1, "year-old can date a", age2, "year-old and vice-versa is", status ) print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # testing middle() s1, s2, s3 = "abcde", "abcdef", "abcd" m1 = magnificent.middle( s1 ) m2 = magnificent.middle( s2 ) m3 = magnificent.middle( s3 ) print( "Middle character of", s1, "is", m1 ) print( "Middle character of", s2, "is", m2 ) print( "Middle character of", s3, "is", m3 )