Class 13 – Wednesday, March 3

A dataset by any other name is still a dataset (but it is not a set)

In a loop, a loop — Nesting, but not like a bird — Repeating again

Look both ways




Test 2

To do list



table = [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F'], ['G', 'H', 'I'], ['J', 'K', 'L', 'M']]

Enter column of interest: 0

row ['A', 'B', 'C'] : column 0 cell: A

row ['D', 'E', 'F'] : column 0 cell: D

row ['G', 'H', 'I'] : column 0 cell: G

row ['J', 'K', 'L', 'M'] : column 0 cell: J

Column 0 : ['A', 'D', 'G', 'J']

table = [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F'], ['G', 'H', 'I'], ['J', 'K', 'L', 'M']]

Enter column of interest: 2

row ['A', 'B', 'C'] : column 2 cell: C

row ['D', 'E', 'F'] : column 2 cell: F

row ['G', 'H', 'I'] : column 2 cell: I

row ['J', 'K', 'L', 'M'] : column 2 cell: L

Column 2 : ['C', 'F', 'I', 'L']


Program run

header: ['Name', 'Author', 'Language', 'Date', 'Sales']

sales column: 4

name column: 0

date column: 3

books: [["Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 'Carroll', 'English', 1865, 100000000], ['And Then There Were None', 'Christie', 'English', 1939, 100000000], ['Dream of the Red Chamber', 'Xueqin', 'Chinese', 1754, 100000000], ['Don Quixote', 'de Cervantes', 'Spanish', 1605, 500000000], ['Harry Potter', 'Rowling', 'English', 1997, 447000000], ['The Hobbit', 'Tolkien', 'English', 1937, 150000000], ['The Little Prince', 'de Saint-Exupery', 'French', 1943, 150000000], ['The Lord of the Rings', 'Tolkien', 'English', 1954, 150000000], ['A Tale of Two Cities', 'Dickens', 'English', 1859, 200000000]]

row: ["Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 'Carroll', 'English', 1865, 100000000]

row: ['And Then There Were None', 'Christie', 'English', 1939, 100000000]

row: ['Dream of the Red Chamber', 'Xueqin', 'Chinese', 1754, 100000000]

row: ['Don Quixote', 'de Cervantes', 'Spanish', 1605, 500000000]

row: ['Harry Potter', 'Rowling', 'English', 1997, 447000000]

row: ['The Hobbit', 'Tolkien', 'English', 1937, 150000000]

row: ['The Little Prince', 'de Saint-Exupery', 'French', 1943, 150000000]

row: ['The Lord of the Rings', 'Tolkien', 'English', 1954, 150000000]

row: ['A Tale of Two Cities', 'Dickens', 'English', 1859, 200000000]

total sold: 1897000000

dates: [1865, 1939, 1754, 1605, 1997, 1937, 1943, 1954, 1859]

earliest: 1605

latest : 1997

average date: 1872

row with earliest book: 3

row with latest book : 4

info on earliest: ['Don Quixote', 'de Cervantes', 'Spanish', 1605, 500000000]

info on latest: ['Harry Potter', 'Rowling', 'English', 1997, 447000000]

name of earliest: Don Quixote

name of latest: Harry Potter

Web pages

Our introduction to interacting with the web in CS 1112 is intentionally simple. Industrial-strength web applications also require familiarity with other and more powerful URL modules. There is an external library requests worth checking if you have further interest.

For now the only thing we is access to the module urllib.request. The module supports working with URLs.

import urllib.request

stream = urllib.request.urlopen( link )

page =

text = page.decode( 'UTF-8' )

The above assignment sets text to be the decoded contents of the url resource named by link; that is text is a string equally the contents of the url resource indicted by ;ink.

import urllib.request # get module access

stream = urllib.request.urlopen( link ) # open connector to the link web resource

page = # read contents of the resource

text = page.decode( 'UTF-8' ) # decode contents as normal text string



Tiger and Turtle Magic Mountain


  🦆 © 2022 Jim Cohoon   Resources from previous semesters are available.