''' Purpose: provide simple testing of the hodge module ''' import hodge # testing summation() for n in [ 5, 1, 0 ] : s = hodge.summation( n ) print( "summation(", n, ") = ", s ) print() for p in [ 0.350, .005, 1.0 ] : a = hodge.sample( p ) if ( type( a ) == type( 1112 ) ) : print( 'sample(', p, ') =', a ) else : print( 'sample(', p, ') did not return an integer value' ) print() for s in [ 'oxen', 'urchin', 'mink', 'rabbit', 'lynx' ] : r = hodge.has_vowel( s ) if ( type( r ) == type( True ) ) : print( 'has_vowel(', s, ') =', r ) else : print( 'has_vowel(', s, ') did not return logical True or False' )