Assignment 21 — functional chrestomathics

Friday. October 22

jelly beans

Module (code will be available at the start of class)

Function volume( a, b )

jelly bean formula

volume( 1.3 , 0.7 ): 0.41691552507014545

volume( 2.0 , 1.0 ): 1.3089969389957472

Function count( s, j, f )

count( 0.42 , 125 , 0.7 ): 208

count( 1.31 , 500 , 0.6 ): 229

Function guess( a, b, j )

guess( 1.3 , 0.7 , 125 ): 209

guess( 2.0 , 1.0 , 500 ): 266

guess( 1.52 , 0.9 , 1550 ): 1342