;;; ;;; ps1.ss ;;; Name: ;;; ;;; This loads the mosaic code. Everytime you click "Execute" the ;;; code will be reloaded. (load "mosaic.ss") ;;; If you extract the images to a different place, you will need to change this: (define path-name "J:/cs200/ps1/images/") ;;; REMEMBER to turn in your answers to questions 1-3 also! ;;; Question 4: ;;; Some standard color definitions: (define white (make-color 255 255 255)) (define black (make-color 0 0 0)) (define red (make-color 255 0 0)) (define green (make-color 0 255 0)) (define blue (make-color 0 0 255)) (define yellow (make-color 255 255 0)) (define magenta (make-color 255 0 255)) (define cyan (make-color 0 255 255)) ;;; Add your color definitions: ;;; Question 5: (define (brighter? color1 color2) #f ;;; Replace this with code that determines if color1 is brighter than color 2. ;;; A good definition will need a few lines of code. ) ;;; Question 6: (define (closer-color? ;;; The name of your function. sample ;;; The average color of the rectangle you want to match. color1 ;;; The average color of the first tile. color2) ;;; The average color of the second tile. #f ;;; Replace this with a Scheme expression that evaluates to #t if color1 is ;;; a better match for sample, and #f otherwise. )