Post, Tutorials

Related Tutorials

Although learning by exploration is a vital capability for modern intelligent systems and extensive research effort has been devoted, there are not too many tutorial covering the exciting developments on this direction. Prior to our tutorial, we only found two related tutorials; and we would like to share them with the community as well.

  1. Real World Interactive Learning, KDD2018/ICML2017, Presenter: Alekh Agarwal and John Langford. The tutorial focuses on contextual bandit learning, especially its uses in practice.
  2. Learning to Interact, NeurIPS2013, Presenter: John Langford. This tutorial introduces techniques that (re)use randomization to engage in controlled exploration for learning algorithms.
  3. Learning through Exploration, KDD2010/ICML2010, Presenter: Alina Beygelzimer and John Langford. The tutorial introduces the general principles about making decisions when the payoff of only a chosen action is observed rather than all choices.