TA: William Li li@virginia.edu https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-z-li/ Cell phone: (571) 376-8782 TA: Yinghan Wang yw9fm@virginia.edu https://www.linkedin.com/in/yinghan-wang-995b36152 Cell phone: (434) 466-4215 TA: Caleb Smith cns5za@virginia.edu https://www.linkedin.com/in/caleb-smith-bb7968135 Cell phone:The TAs office hours and weekly problem-solving sessions are posted here, and also in the calendar below.
Prof: Gabriel Robins Office: 406 Rice Hall Cell phone: (434) 249-0809 robins@cs.virginia.edu http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/ Office hours: right after each class meeting (or by appointment or by Email)
We have several TAs and graders, as listed above. Below are the schedules of the course TAs. Please feel free to come to any of their office hours and problem-solving sessions, and the TAs will be very happy to help you and answer all your questions.
The TAs are also available at other times by appointment (please Email or call a TA to make a special appointment).