"; $y = 3.2; // float echo $y . "
"; $x = $x + $y; // float echo $x . "
"; // to get variable's type, use a gettype(var) function echo gettype($x) . "
"; $x = $x . " dollars"; // string, concatenation with a dot (.) echo "\$x is $x and is of type " , gettype($x), "
"; // use a comma separate echo "\$x is $x and is of type " . gettype($x) . "
"; // use a string concatenation $mystring = "hello"; echo "
To instruct the interpreter to not execute \$mystring as a variable but simply treat it as a string and display it on the screen, use an escape character \\, for example, \\\$mystring
"; echo "\$mystring = " . $mystring . "
"; echo "Use an escape character \\, \"$mystring\"" . "
"; echo "\$mystring[1] = ", $mystring[1], "
"; echo "
"; $x = 1234; echo var_dump($x), "
"; // var_dump() return both type and content of a variable if (is_int($x)) echo $x . " is an int" . "
"; else echo $x . " is not an int
"; if (is_float($x)) echo $x . " is a float" . "
"; else echo $x . " is not a float
"; if (is_numeric($x)) echo $x . " is a numeric" . "
"; else echo $x . " is not a numeric
"; if (is_string($x)) echo $x . " is a string" . "
"; else echo $x . " is not a string
"; echo "
"; $t = "98765"; echo "\$t = \"$t\"" . "
"; if (is_int($t)) echo $t . " is an int"; else echo $t . " is not an int"; echo "
"; echo "cast : \$t = (int)\$t
"; $t = (int)$t; if (is_int($t)) echo $t . " is an int"; else echo $t . " is not an int"; echo "
"; echo "cast : \$t = (float)\$t
"; $t = (float)$t; if (is_float($t)) echo $t . " is a float"; else echo $t . " is not a float"; echo "
"; // Other ways to display things on the screen // // The print function is used to create simple unformatted output. // (similar to the echo function) // // PHP borrows the printf function from C. // // The print doesn't require parentheses // whereas printf requires $str = "PHP is fun"; $sub = substr($str, 7, 3); // string operations print $str{2}; // display a character in string at the position 2 (index starts at 0) print "
"; printf($sub); printf("
"); printf(strtolower($str) . "
"); printf(strtoupper($str) . "
"); $day = "Tuesday"; $high = 57; printf("The high on %7s was %3d
", $day, $high); // syntax similar to C printf("%5.2f", $high); // %7s -- a character string field of 7 characters // %3d -- an integer field of 3 digits // %5.2f -- a float or double field in xx.xx format ?>