1   import java.awt.*;
2   import java.applet.*;
3   import javax.swing.*;
4   import java.awt.image.*;
5   import java.awt.geom.*;
6   import java.net.*;
7   import java.util.*;
9   /**
10   * Implementation of a Trainer, a Person with a Badge,
11   * and not able to move around the Grid.  Name still needs to be 
12   * unique for a Grid as this is used for equals.
13   * 
14   * @see Person
15   * @see People
16   * @see Grid
17   * @author Matt, Sam
18   * @version
19   */
20  public class Trainer extends People implements Runnable
21  {
22      /**
23       * The Images associated with the Four directions,
24       * Up, Left, Down, Right/
25       */
26      protected static Image img, bimg, limg, rimg; // The Four directions
27      /**
28       * The name of the badge
29       */
30      protected String badge;
31      /**
32       * Where I am on the Grid
33       */
34      int pi, pj;
35      /**
36       * The Grid I am on
37       */
38      protected Grid g;
39      /**
40       * My Thread Object
41       */
42      Thread t;
44      /**
45       * Constructs a default Trainer
46       * No money,
47       * Grass as behind MapObject
48       * Name of NPC
49       * Badge of Name
50       * No Monsters
51       * No Dialogue
52       */
53      public Trainer()
54      {
55          enterable = false;
56          type = MapObject.TRAINER;
57          activeMon = 0;
58          money = 0;
59          behind = new Grass();
60          name = "NPC";
61          badge = name;
62          mon = new Vector();
63          hmon = new Vector();
64          items = new Vector();
65          dlg = "";
66      }
67      /**
68       * Constructs a Trainer facing in direction dir
69       * No money,
70       * Grass as behind MapObject
71       * Name of NPC
72       * Badge of Name
73       * No Monsters
74       * No Dialogue
75       * 
76       * @param dir the direction to face, specified in Grid
77       * @see Grid
78       */
79      public Trainer(int dir)
80      {
81          if(!setDirection(dir))
82              this.dir = Grid.DOWN;
83          enterable = false;
84          type = MapObject.TRAINER;
85          activeMon = 0;
86          money = 0;
87          behind = new Grass();
88          name = "NPC";
89          badge = name;
90          mon = new Vector();
91          hmon = new Vector();
92          items = new Vector();
93          dlg = "";
94      }
95      /**
96       * Constructs a Trainer with MapObject underneath
97       * No money,
98       * Name of NPC
99       * Badge of Name
100      * No Monsters
101      * No Dialogue
102      * 
103      * @param behind The MapObject standing on
104      */
105     public Trainer(MapObject behind)
106     {
107         if(behind.canBeEntered())
108             this.behind = behind;
109         else
110             this.behind = new Grass();
111         enterable = false;
112         type = MapObject.TRAINER;
113         activeMon = 0;
114         money = 0;
115         name = "NPC";
116         badge = name;
117         mon = new Vector();
118         hmon = new Vector();
119         items = new Vector();
120     }
121     /**
122      * Constructs a Trainer with MapObject underneath
123      * and facing dir.
124      * No money,
125      * Name of NPC
126      * Badge of Name
127      * No Monsters
128      * No Dialogue
129      * 
130      * @param behind The MapObject standing on
131      * @param dir the Direction facing, specified in Grid
132      * @see Grid
133      */
134     public Trainer(MapObject behind, int dir)
135     {
136         if(!setDirection(dir))
137             this.dir = Grid.DOWN;
138         if(behind.canBeEntered())
139             this.behind = behind;
140         else
141             this.behind = new Grass();
142         enterable = false;
143         type = MapObject.TRAINER;
144         activeMon = 0;
145         money = 0;
146         name = "NPC";
147         badge = name;
148         mon = new Vector();
149         hmon = new Vector();
150         items = new Vector();
151     }
152     /**
153      * Constructs a Trainer with Name name.
154      * No money,
155      * Grass as behind MapObject
156      * Badge of Name
157      * No Monsters
158      * No Dialogue
159      * 
160      * @param name The name of the Trainer
161      */
162     public Trainer(String name)
163     {
164         this.dir = Grid.DOWN;
165         this.behind = new Grass();
166         enterable = false;
167         type = MapObject.TRAINER;
168         activeMon = 0;
169         money = 0;
170         this.name = name;
171         badge = name;
172         mon = new Vector();
173         hmon = new Vector();
174         items = new Vector();
175     }
176     /**
177      * Constructs a Trainer with Name name,
178      * Standing on behind, and facing dir.
179      * No money,
180      * Badge of Name
181      * No Monsters
182      * No Dialogue
183      * 
184      * @param name The Name of the Trainer
185      * @param behind The MapObject standing on
186      * @param dir The direction facing, specified in Grid
187      * @see Grid
188      */
189     public Trainer(String name, MapObject behind, int dir)
190     {
191         if(!setDirection(dir))
192             this.dir = Grid.DOWN;
193         if(behind.canBeEntered())
194             this.behind = behind;
195         else
196             this.behind = new Grass();
197         enterable = false;
198         type = MapObject.TRAINER;
199         activeMon = 0;
200         money = 0;
201         this.name = "name";
202         badge = name;
203         mon = new Vector();
204         hmon = new Vector();
205         items = new Vector();
206     }
208     /**
209      * Sets the static Image for this class.
210      * Requires a call to this before a call to paint.
211      * 
212      * @param img the Image of the Trainer
213      */
214     public void setImage(Image[] img)
215     {
216         if(img.length == 4)
217         {
218             this.img = img[0];
219             this.bimg = img[1];
220             this.limg = img[2];
221             this.rimg = img[3];
222         }
223     }
224     /**
225      * Sets the name of the Trainer.
226      * 
227      * @param name The Name of the Trainer, must be unique on a Grid.
228      */
229     public void setName(String name)
230     {
231         this.name = name;
232     }
233     /**
234      * Sets the name of the badge carried by the Trainer.
235      * 
236      * @param name The Name of the Badge carried, set to "" to stop Thread
237      */
238     public void setBadge(String bad) { if(bad != null) badge = bad; }
239     /**
240      * Gets the name of the Badge carried.
241      * 
242      * @return The name of the badge carried.
243      */
244     public String getBadge() { return badge; }
245     /**
246      * Returns a clone of this, a Trainer with the same
247      * name and direction facing.
248      * 
249      * @return A new MapObject of this.
250      */
251     public synchronized MapObject getClone() { return new Trainer(name, behind, dir); }
252     /**
253      * Determines the Player that is next to this, that
254      * are within one square any direction including diagonally.
255      * 
256      * @return The MapObject of the Player near this.
257      * @param i the i'th location in Grid.
258      * @param j the j'th location in Grid.
259      * @see Grid
260      * @see Player
261      * @see People
262      */
263     public synchronized MapObject peopleNextTo(int i, int j)
264     {
265         MapObject mptemp;
266         int k = 0;
267         for (int x = pi - 1; x <= pi + 1; x++) 
268         {
269             for (int y = pj - 1; y <= pj + 1; y++) 
270             {
271                 if (x != pi || y != pj) 
272                 {
273                     if ( g.isValidLocation(x, y) )
274                     {
275                         try
276                         {
277                             mptemp = g.mapObjectAt(x, y);
278                             if(mptemp.getType() == MapObject.PERSON || mptemp.getType() == MapObject.PLAYER)
279                             {
280                                 if( !( ((People)mptemp).getName().equals(t.getName()) ) && !( ((People)mptemp).isBattling() ) )
281                                     return mptemp;
282                             }
283                         }
284                         catch(Exception e) { } // Normal to have happen
285                     }
286                 }
287             }
288         }
289         return null;
290     }
291     /**
292      * Sets the Grid that this is on, and starts the Thread
293      * for checking if a Player enters the sight of this.
294      * 
295      * @param g the Grid this is on, set to null to stop this Thread
296      */
297     public synchronized void setGrid(Grid g)
298     {
299         this.g = g;
300         try
301         {
302             Location l = g.locationOf(this);
303             pi = l.getI();
304             pj = l.getJ();
305             t = new Thread(this);
306             t.start();
307         }
308         catch(Exception e) { }
309     }
310     /**
311      * Check if there is a Player to battle, and sleep
312      * for one second between checks.  Ends when this.grid is null or
313      * the name of this.badge is not "".
314      */
315     public void run()
316     {
317         while(g != null && !badge.equals(""))
318         {
319             if(!battling)
320             {
321                 synchronized(g)
322                 {
323                     MapObject mp = peopleNextTo(pi, pj);
324                     if(mp != null)
325                     {
326                         if(mp.getType() == MapObject.PLAYER)
327                         {
328                             if(((Player)mp).hasBadge(badge))
329                             {
330                                 return;
331                             }
332                             battling = true;
333                             g.beginBattleWithPlayer(this);
334                         }
335                     }
336                 }
337             }
338             try
339             {
340                 Thread.sleep(1000);
341             }
342             catch(Exception e) { }
343         }
344     }
345     /**
346      * Draws the image associated with Trainer, and the MapObject this is on.
347      * 
348      * @see MapObject
349      */
350     public void paint(Graphics g)
351     {
352         behind.paint(g);
354         int wi, he;
355         switch(dir)
356         {
357             case Grid.LEFT:
358                 {
359                 g.drawImage(limg, 0, 0, this);
360                 break;
361             }
362             case Grid.RIGHT:
363                 {
364                 g.drawImage(rimg, 0, 0, this);
365                 break;
366             }
367             case Grid.UP:
368                 {
369                 g.drawImage(bimg, 0, 0, this);
370                 break;
371             }
372             default:
373                 {
374                 g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this);
375                 break;
376             }
377         }
378     }
379 }