1   import java.awt.*;
2   import java.applet.*;
3   import javax.swing.*;
4   import java.awt.image.*;
5   import java.awt.geom.*;
6   import java.net.*;
7   import java.util.*;
8   /**
9    * Abstract class to represent an Item.
10   * 
11   * @see MonsterBallItem
12   * @see PotionItem
13   * @see People
14   */
15  public abstract class Item
16  {
17      /**
18       * Brand of MonsterBall
19       */
20      public static final int MONSTERBALL = 0;
21      /**
22       * Brand of Potion
23       */
24      public static final int POTION = 3;
26      /**
27       * The name of this Item
28       */
29      protected String name;
30      /**
31       * The number amount of this that the People has.
32       */
33      protected int number;
34      /**
35       * The brand of Item this is.
36       */
37      protected int brand;
39      /**
40       * Sets the name of this Item.
41       * 
42       * @param nn the New Name of this.
43       */
44      public void setName(String nn)
45      {
46          if(nn != null)
47              name = nn;
48      }
49      /**
50       * Gets the name of this Item.
51       * 
52       * @return the name of this Item
53       */
54      public String getName() { return name; }
55      /**
56       * Adds another of this.
57       */
58      public void addItem() { number++; }
59      /**
60       * Sets the number of this there is.
61       * 
62       * @param ic the new Item Count
63       */
64      public void setItemCount(int ic)
65      {
66          if(ic > 0)
67              this.number = ic;
68      }
69      /**
70       * Gets the number of this there is
71       * 
72       * @return the number of this that are available
73       */
74      public int getItemCount() { return number; }
75      /**
76       * Uses the item on the Monster Specified
77       * 
78       * @param m the Monster to use the Item on
79       */
80      public abstract boolean useItem(Monster m);
81      /**
82       * Gets the Brand of this.
83       * 
84       * @return th Brand of this as defined above.
85       */
86      public int getBrand() { return brand; }
87      /**
88       * Gets the subBrand of this defined in PotionItem and MonsterBallItem
89       * 
90       * @return the sub Brand of this.
91       * @see MonsterBallItem
92       * @see PotionItem
93       */
94      public abstract int getSubBrand();
95      /**
96       * Determines if there is equality
97       * 
98       * @param o the Object to compare to
99       * @return true iff they represent the same Item
100      */
101     public boolean equals(Object o)
102     {
103         if(o instanceof Item)
104             return equals((Item)o);
105         return false;
106     }
107     /**
108      * Determines if there is equality
109      * 
110      * @param i the Item to compare to
111      * @return true iff they represent the same Item, ie have the same Name
112      */
113     public boolean equals(Item i)
114     {
115         return i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name);
116     }
117 }