
Quiz 1 Grading Guidelines

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These are the instructions given to the graders when they graded Quiz 1.

If the program does not compile and/or not run, you need to look at the code, and manually trace it to find out why. 

Sample Output

The output should be like what's listed below.  Their output can look quite different, of course, but should have the same info.

(1) Welcome to the CS 101 Card Game!

(2) Creating variables...

(3) The deck is size 52 and is: [
 AC, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9C, 10C, JC, QC, KC,
 AD, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 10D, JD, QD, KD,
 AH, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H, 8H, 9H, 10H, JH, QH, KH,
 AS, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S, 6S, 7S, 8S, 9S, 10S, JS, QS, KS

(4) Shuffling the deck...

(5) The deck is size 52 and is: [
 7D, JD, QH, 2H, 3C, 10H, 6D, 4D, JH, 7C, 3H, 2D, AS,
 7S, JC, 8C, 6H, KD, QS, 3S, 9C, 8D, KC, 6C, 2C, 4C,
 AC, 5S, JS, 9S, 5D, 6S, 4S, AH, 10D, KS, 5H, 4H, 3D,
 AD, QD, 8H, 9H, QC, 10C, KH, 5C, 2S, 10S, 7H, 9D, 8S

(6) Dealing 5 cards:
Card 1: 7D
Card 2: JD
Card 3: QH
Card 4: 2H
Card 5: 3C

(7) The deck is size 47 and is: [
 10H, 6D, 4D, JH, 7C, 3H, 2D, AS, 7S, JC, 8C, 6H, KD,
 QS, 3S, 9C, 8D, KC, 6C, 2C, 4C, AC, 5S, JS, 9S, 5D,
 6S, 4S, AH, 10D, KS, 5H, 4H, 3D, AD, QD, 8H, 9H, QC,
 10C, KH, 5C, 2S, 10S, 7H, 9D, 8S

(8) Summing the card values...

(9) The value of your hand is: 35

(10) Sorry, that value does not beat 36, please play again!

Point Distribution

  • 15 points: Good programming practices
    They only had to include a few of these (and, due to a typo, name and e-mail ID was not one of them)
    • -5 for excessively long lines in code
    • -5 for excessive whitespace (more than 2-3 lines)
    • -5 for bad indentation
    • -5 for bad variable names
    • -5 for making one or more variables final (except WINNING_VALUE, which we gave in the skeleton code)
  • 15 points:  Print out the deck and the deck's size (steps 3, 5, 7)
    • -10 for not printing the deck
    • -10 for not printing the deck's size (take off only once)
    • -10 for improper use of getSize() (take off only once)
    • -5 for each such printing step that's omitted

  • 10 points:  Call to shuffle() (step 4)
    • -10 for not calling shuffle()
    • -5 for not printing that that they are doing so

  • 20 points:  Deal 5 cards (step 6)
    • -10 incorrect number of cards dealt
    • -10 for missing printing of the card's face value (only take this off once)
    • -5 for not printing message that cards are being dealt
    • -5 if they print the card number and the card name, but no spaces between so it's hard to read (such as 1010D).

  • 20 points:  Sum the card values (step 8)
    • -10 for not using getValue() to get card point values
    • -5 minor syntax error in using getValue()
    • -5 missing or incorrect parts to the sum

  • 10 points:  Print the value of the hand (step 9)
    • -5 missing description to explain the printed value

  • 10 points: Print win/lose (step 10)
    • -10 for not having a conditional for this part (can be if-else, ?:, etc.)
    • -5 for not properly comparing it to 36 (the winning value).  Note that they can compare to 36 directly instead of WINNING_VALUE.
    • -5 for not printing one case (either lose or win).  In other words, if they only print in the case of a win, or only in the case of a lose.
    • -2 if that mis-comparison is just the difference between < and <=
    • -2 non-descriptive print statements
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