Organize a TAG workshop and expand the path to computing majors

  • Train high school teachers to attract more and diverse students to their CS courses

  • Enhance the quality of high school computer science

  • Develop a pipeline of motivated students to your college program
  • Form a community of teachers who share successful methods

  • Explain the importance of diversity in computing

  • Provide resources for inclusive pedagogy

No experience needed



TAG workshop agenda

Available support


Previous workshops


Questions/next steps



Provide teachers with state-of-the-art materials, pedagogy, and practices to

  • Attract more and diverse students to high school and college computing programs

  • Learn to influence the perceptions of students, parents, guidance counselors, administrators, and other teachers on the importance of computing courses and the opportunities they provide

  • Share strategies, practices, and good ideas for teaching computer science

  • Explore activities for gaining the interest of all students

  • Interact with national experts on teaching and diversity practices

  • Form a network of like-minded people for ongoing curriculum discussion and development